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Blogging with Linda
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Shall I put the boots away?

I wish this weather would make up its mind! Sun, wind, rain, hail, snow. Sun comes out, I put the boots and winter coat away, and I do believe I jinx myself! Back comes the cold and snow. I am thankful it does not settle and what's already there is melting fast.

Had a very productive couple of days. I made revisions to The Demon Hunters, and an adjustment to the cover. I finished editing my third Systems novel, Metamorphosis, and it is now being printed. Next step, when I receive it, will be to send it off to my editor for a look over. I like the cover on this one.

I also came up with a new character for Demon on a Distant Shore, which actually makes the title more appropriate. In Malad, Idaho, last Sunday, just bought the lottery tickets and was having breakfast at Me And Lou's, and the idea just popped into my head. So there I was doing a JK Rowling, scribbling on napkins.

Next month I have to change mind-set to the "preparing for the England trip." Making lists, checking them twice. Getting dogs their shots. Getting hair cut. Cleaning house (shriek!.) Thinking about what I have to do at work to prepare for my absence.

I will really miss Tweeting and emailing and participating in the Lulu forums. Unfortunately my satellite service is limited to the Ogden Valley so no internet while in England. But I'm not gone yet, a few weeks to go, so I had best get typing!

Posted by linda_english at 5:03 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 5:15 PM EDT
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