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Blogging with Linda
Friday, 28 August 2009
A Message From the Laziest Blogger in Existence.
Mood:  cool

I’ve read that Blogging is the most successful marking tool for an author.  I believe it, and I know I’m a totally inadequate blogger. I hope I can be forgiven?


I have submitted The Demon Hunters to CreateSpace and should receive the proof copy in a few days. I decided to go with CS over Lulu for a number of reasons. After tracking my sales, or lack of sales, on the many national and international internet book sites on which Lulu placed Along Came a Demon, I see that I only made sales on I can (hopefully) get those results by publishing through CS, plus CS gets a book onto a lot faster than by using Lulu, the Look Inside feature comes up sooner, the cost of the book for purchasers is cheaper, and I can purchase copies vastly cheaper from CS than I can from Lulu, with a lower shipping cost. I will still publish on Lulu; the same book but probably in a different size and lacking the ISBN. Why? Because I value the feedback I receive from other Lulu authors.


I also put Along Came a Demon up as an e-book on Amazon Kindle. That was quite an adventure in formatting, especially as I don’t own a Kindle. Now I know what I’m doing, formatting The Demon Hunters for Kindle will be a breeze. I hope.


The LL Book Review recently reviewed The Demon Hunters. Thanks LLBR and LK Gardner-Griffie! My review for Nicole Tanner’s The Red Fog went live on LLBR this past Monday. My review for Tightening the Knot by Amanda Hamm is upcoming. I will be the featured author on the Meet the Author discussion, on Lulu’s General Discussion forum, on Tuesday September 1st.


Now, I must get back to Demon on a Distant Shore. I am about half way through and there are many additions and alterations in the works. One of my readers made a suggestion for the Jack character. I can’t imagine why I didn’t come up with the idea myself. When I look at Jack, I know that idea must have been lurking in the back of my mind. Obviously, the reader clearly saw what I had been missing. So, thank you, Ryan. Your suggestion is PERFECT! I am going to have SO much fun with this!


On the home-front, the days are winding down. The sun disappears behind the westward mountain peaks at 7 PM, and after that, temperatures drop fairly drastically. Late August is a strange time of year temperature-wise, with highs in the near 90s and lows in the 40s. I see that some of the trees are already changing color and many of my plants are starting to wilt. Soon be time to get out into the garden and tidy it up for winter. Winter is, for me, the best time to write, with nothing much happening to take me away from it.


The child abuse prevention agency for which I work is in the process of purchasing a big, new building. I will have a lovely new office!


Be sure to check out the Whisperings Facebook page for little tit-bits about The Demon Hunters. You can also follow me on Twitter if you so wish! Links to the above are to be found on my website


I will try to be a better blogger. Really I will!

Posted by linda_english at 3:39 PM EDT
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