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Blogging with Linda
Sunday, 11 October 2009

I received this email from author Edward Patterson.

"The 70 authors on Operation Ebook Drop asked me to say:

More Troops please.

We have dropped approximately 4000 Free discount coupons linking our brave men and women deployed in the Armed Forces to some of the finest Indie novels in the industry to keep their reading devices filled with a variety of genres and styles. If you are a troop who has received an ebook drop, sound off here, so your comrades can step up and request our gifts.

If you want to participate and are a deployed member of the coalition Armed Forces, just drop me (edwpat at an email with your name, unit and location (and a little feedback - our authors enjoy some feedback), and I'll set you up on the program.

If you're an author and want to join the ranks of the givers, publish your book(s) on Smashwords and set up a 100% discount coupon and then drop me a line at edwpat at and I'll forward you the troop list and set you up for all new incoming troop book requests.

This program is only a month old and happened by chance here in the Kindle community. Indie authors care and we want to make a difference by thanking our troops for their efforts.

Edward C. Patterson former Sp5 E. Patterson, USAR 6th Batallion, 60 th Artillery (1966-68)"

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4,000 copies seems a lot for a month-old program. But we could do so much better. If you know a deployed service member, or the family of one, let them know about Operation Ebook Drop. FREE books are available in a number of electronic formats from Smashwords. If the service member does not have a reading device, such as Amazon’s Kindle, or Sony, they can download the book to their PC as a Word document, or a PDF. If they don’t have access to the internet, their family can download the books, put them on a USB device and send that to them. This may be one of the simplest ways in which we support our troops - it’s so easy! Just contact Ed Patterson at

Posted by linda_english at 6:03 PM EDT
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