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Blogging with Linda
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Mood:  celebratory

We're warned about online relationships which can lead to disappointment, or as a worse-case-scenario, to dangerous situations. But if we're fortunate we find someone who fills a space in our lives which otherwise would remain empty. I've never met LK Gardner-Griffie face-to-face, we spoke only once on the phone, yet I couldn't wish for a better friend.

LK and I joke around, a lot. One of the things we joke about is that we've become a mutual admiration society of two. We promote each other and our books whenever we can - although as LK has more outlets than I, she does most of the promotion. We do that because each sincerely enjoys the other's work and wants to share that enjoyment with anyone who'll listen. We believe in each other.

We also joke about our screams bouncing and echoing around my mountain valley. We scream exasperation, joy, support, achievement and a whole lot more. We chide, we cajole, we encourage, because each wants the other to be the best she can be. One of these days we'll meet in the flesh and I have no doubt we'll be screaming with ebullience.

I "met" LK when she decided to review Along Came a Demon for the LL Book Review. She gave me a lovely review. When a fellow author takes the time to read and review my books, the least I can do is read their own, although I don't guarantee I'll review it. So I took a look at Misfit McCabe, the first book of LK Gardner-Griffie's young adult series. I don't as a rule read young adult fiction so didn't know what to expect. That was one of the easiest reviews I have ever written, because I loved the book from start to finish.

Our correspondence began, and shortly LK's humor came through, and let me tell you she has a wicked sense of humor. We're alike in that we're impatient, not only with people and situations but with ourselves. We're something of perfectionists. We love dogs. She's tech-savvy, I'm computer illiterate. In addition to being my friend, she's my ally, mentor and writing partner. LK is the best writing partner because she's absolutely honest with me and her criticism is 100% constructive.

As I said above, both LK and I like to share what we enjoy, so this is what I'm doing here, sharing - with you - my enjoyment of this lovely lady. Please take a moment to meet LK Gardner-Griffie. I recommed her, as an intelligent, entertaining author and the friend any person would be fortunate to have. 


Posted by linda_english at 11:35 PM EST
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Saturday, 26 December 2009 - 11:49 PM EST

Name: "Denise"
Home Page:

I met LK through Twitter's #amwritingparty.  Although I've only know her a very short time, I can tell she's a funny, smart, and very generous person.  You've got an amazing friend!

Saturday, 26 December 2009 - 11:54 PM EST

Name: "LK Gardner-Griffie"
Home Page:

The smile on my face and in my heart are as big as they can possibly be. Thanks so much my friend. Our friendship means so much to me, it truly is impossible to capture in words - you have done a beautiful job.

 Thank you.

Sunday, 27 December 2009 - 2:27 PM EST

Name: "Jessica Capelle"
Home Page:

LK is an amazing person and friend.  She's incredibly supportive of other writers, and I am so blessed to have met her.


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