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Blogging with Linda
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
From the world's laziest blogger - answers for Whisperings fans

Readers have asked a few questions since the release of The Demon Hunters. I can't promise to answer them here, but I will at least tell you where the answers can be found.

 From Anna:  Will we see the Dark Cousins again?

A Dark Cousin will have a major role in Demon Demon Burning Bright, book four of Whisperings.

From Anna: . . . and will you ever come right out and say what they (Dark Cousins) are?

Book four.

From Anna:  How are the Gelpha and Dark Cousins related?

Book four.

From Rob:  Why can Tiff see dead people?

Book four.

From Darren:  Any more info on Tiff's past?

A modicum in Demon on a Distant Shore, which provides a clue to why Tiff has a problem trusting other people. A major revelation in book four.

From Maria: Why nothing about Royal's past?

You'll learn a little more in book three, but only an iota. You (might) discover what motivates Royal, and see some issues from his point of view, in book four.

From Maria: Are Gelpha elves?

No way! They are children of two ancient races, and I'll say no more than that. All will be revealed in book four.

From John:

How old is Tiff?

How old do you think she is?

From John B:  Of all the places in the world, why did you choose Russia for Tiff to visit?

Apart from those which are figments of my imagination, I write about locations I know. I've been to every place mentioned so far, apart from Russia. I wanted an exotic overseas location, and I have a pen-friend of 10 years who lives in Kazan, Russia, so know quite a bit about the city.

From Teresa:  I read a lot of urban fantasy and they have plenty of sex in them. Although I enjoy your books, I would like to see more sex scenes with Royal and Tiff, something more than foreplay and inuendo.

Um, well, that's just not Tiff's style, and she is the narrator. Sharing something that intimate would embarrass her. I've always believed that sensuality can have as much impact as blatant sex.

From Graham: What can you tell us about Demon on a Distant Shore?

The plot is a little more intense than the previous two books and there is more emphasis on the case Tiff and Royal are working on. You get to meet some British shades, one of which has an ability unlike any Tiff has known. I had fun playing with Tiff's confusion upon being in a country she presumed would be a miniature USA, only to find it is nothing like!

If anyone has more questions, I'd be happy to see them added here, but please keep them pertinent to the plot(s) of the book(s.)

Happy reading!

Posted by linda_english at 4:11 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 11 February 2010 5:56 PM EST
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Friday, 12 February 2010 - 6:00 PM EST

Name: "Glinda Harrison"
Home Page:

Actually, thank you for NOT having more sex scenes in the Whisperings series. Too many of the current crop of urban fantasy novels have a lot of sex that's, IMHO, unnecessary.  If it furthers the story fine, but otherwise, I like having something left to the imagination!

Sunday, 21 February 2010 - 11:27 AM EST

Name: "LK Gardner-Griffie"
Home Page:

Hey Linda - I got tagged with a blog award, so I'm passing it along to you. It's the "Creative Writers" award and you can find the details on my blog here: Try not to swear at me too much. My thinking was....if I have to do it, you should be by my side. Have fun with it.

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