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Blogging with Linda
Friday, 30 April 2010
Whisperings Update

One benefit of being an Indie author is that you don't have to tear your hair out trying to meet a publisher's deadline, but you still have a responsibility to your readers. My readers have been nagging me and I don't blame them. When I post a snippet of Whisperings book three, Demon on a Distant Shore, on my Whisperings Facebook page I get comments, emails and DMs, most of them asking, "When will it be done?" So this little update is for you.


Something has been niggling at me lately, something not quite right with the plot. I was uncomfortable with several scenes, but when I reread them they seemed fine. Still, it's a good idea to listen to that small inner voice, so I held off announcing I had finished the book. Last night, it came to me, and yes, my muse was right. I had lost my direction, not forgetting but putting aside what I know is to come in book four. Also, in some areas it had veering into the style of cozy chick-lit, which was never my intention. So here is a hint, a teaser, a spoiler: although readers will hear of incidents in Tiff's past which contribute to her outlook on life and relationships, there is more to come, a history of which she is yet unaware. The time for her to become one with her feelings for Royal has not arrived


In Demon on a Distant Shore, Tiff and Royal investigate a case in England. Why England? I wanted to get Tiff far away from Clarion and her comfort zone, and also have a little fun with her. She is so out of her element in Great Britain when she discovers that just because the British speak "English," it is not a smaller version of the USA. She is an outsider, and very aware that she and Royal lack their usual safety net in the persons of the US law enforcement. Demon on a Distant Shore is a mystery in which the bad guys are human beings. Of course there are ghosts and demons, and the ghosts are annoying personalities who don't care if Tiff helps them, or not. In turn, she does not get a lot of help from them. And two of these ghosts have abilitiesTiff has not before encountered.


And what is it with Jack and Dale Jericho?


Hang in there, faithful Whisperings followers, the end is in sight. Thank you for your patience. You make it all worthwhile.

Posted by linda_english at 12:35 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 30 April 2010 1:39 PM EDT
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