My Brick Walls


We all have these mysterious ancestors who appear out of nowhere and defy all attempts to find any relatives of theirs.  These are mine.  If anyone recognizes any of them, I would be very grateful for any clues.


Thomas W. Karnes and Martha A.W. Hall

He was born 11 Apr 1811.  She was born abt 1821.  They married on 20 Jan 1840 in Dickson County, Tennessee.  They have descendents, but no siblings, parents or any other relatives that I can locate.  In the 1850 Dickson County, TN census a Jacob Wiseman and a 6-month old girl named Elly Carnes are listed as living with them (in addition to his other family members).  This Jacob Wiseman was born in Illinois and the little Elly was born in TN.  It does not appear that she is a child of Thomas and Martha.  What I do find tantalizing about this record is that there were many marriages between Karnes and Wiseman's, and both families seemed to trek back and forth between Saline Co, IL and TN.  I've yet to find anyone who knows why.  I suspect that this Jacob is a relative of Thomas, but don't know just how.  


Sterling McDearman

He was born in 1797 in Spotsylvania, Virginia.  He married Lucinda Hurt abt 1820 in Virginia.  They moved from Virginia to Henry County, TN in 1836.  Reportedly, Sterling owned land and farmed in Henry County.  Both Sterling and his wife died in 1863 and were buried in their family cemetery between Como and Paris, TN.  I have found no records of my Sterling's existence in TN or any relatives in Virginia.  There are 2 other Sterling McDearmans in VA and TN records, but they do not appear to be related to mine.  There are lots of McDearmans in VA and TN.  According to my Grandmother, his family originated in Scotland.  Who knows?


Pryor Richard Garrett

He was born in 1806, perhaps in Kentucky or Tennessee.  He married Levicy (Luvica) Ann Stratton.  She was the daughter of Absolom Stratton and Winnie Ennis.  In 1840, 1850 and 1860, he appears in the Independence County, Arkansas censuses.  Again, we know about his descendents - nothing about siblings or ancestors. In the 1850 census, there is a John Garret, age 31, born in KY, living next door to Pryor.  It is suspected he might be a relative.  


Alex Wines

He was born about 1842, perhaps in Ohio.  He married Margaret Ester Simmons abt 1859.  He died in 1864 - killed by Yankee bushwhackers.  His father may have been James Wines.  James may have been born in Virginia.  Just don't know a whole lot about our Alex.  


Bachelor Bartlett Graves

He was born 1790 in Amelia County, VA.  Married 2 June 1816 to Rhoda Clay.  He died 31 March 1827.  Many people have been trying to trace his ancestry for years.  


George H. Hanson

He was born abt 1805 in Georgia.  He married Susannah (Susan) A. Radford on 30 July 1829 in Perry Co, Alabama.  According to family history, the progenitor of the Hanson family lived in Cork, Ireland. This Hanson had 12 sons and 3 daughters. He named one of his son's George. As a young man, George went to Holland and married there. He brought his wife to America and they settled on a big plantation near Atlanta, Georgia. I have never been able to prove any of that.  It was passed down from George's son Benjamin to my grandfather, grandmother, parents, and me.  


Sarah Jane Travis McDearman

According to her death certificate, she was born 10 Jun 1836 in Henry County,  Tennessee.  Parents listed were T. J. Travis and Catherine James, both born in North Carolina.  She married John Smith McDearman on 2 April 1854.  They subsequently moved to Judsonia, Arkansas and lived there the remainder of their lives.  Family lore says she was related to William Barrett Travis of Alamo fame, but I have yet to prove it.  


"Pet" Butler and Dr. Butler

The family bible of Sarah Jane Travis McDearman contains a picture of these 2 individuals.  Under the picture of "Pet", it says she is a sister of Sarah Jane, and one can assume that Dr. Butler is the husband of "Pet".  I know that after the McDearmans moved to Arkansas, they made many trips back to Tennessee to visit relatives, and some of the relatives followed them to Arkansas.  So, this elusive couple may have stayed in Tennessee, moved to Arkansas, or gone anywhere.  (Pictures can be seen from the home page link to the McDearman family bible).


Luther and Orlando James

Sarah Jane's bible also contains pictures of these 2 men.  Since her mother was named James, these men could have been siblings, or nephews.  They look to be in the 20-30 year age group in the pictures.  There are 2 pictures of Luther and 1 of Orlando.  (Pictures can be seen from the home page link to the McDearman family bible).



I'll add more later, these are the ones that just always stick in my mind.  



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