The following letter of proposal was written by Jacob Lee Karnes to Martha Alice Elizabeth Foster, "Bettie", the young woman he hoped to  marry. He was 23 and she was 17.  She apparently liked the letter, they were married 10 Sep 1876.  We don't know much about Jacob's childhood, but this letter shows us that he was well educated.  *Note, There are a few sections that are blank on the copy I have which are indicated where appropriate.  I have also entered xxx's for the few words I can't quite read.


Sunday Morning, July 16, 1876
Montgomery Co, Tenn

Miss Bettie Foster,

Dearest object of my love : 

I hope you will excuse me for writing to you; and especially on the subject that I am about to write. I had much rather see you and tell you in words what I am so feebly trying to sketch here - but it seems that when I am in your company that my courage is not equal to my inclinations. And the seemingly indifference with which you seem to ward off every attempt in that direction stops my utterances and consequently I have concluded to write to you and try to impress in your mind what is the source of my innermost thoughts

For indeed, Dear girl, you cannot imagine how much anxiety I am undergoing on your account and the sad contemplating of a dark and stormy future. There are many things I could say if I thought it would accomplish my desire, but not knowing in what light you may consider this, I will defer the greater part of it until I see you. At which time I hope you will let me no precisely what I might depend on, and as my future happiness depends a great deal on your answer. I hope you will consider my most imperfect letter kindly and give me a favorable answer.

To speak of love, would only be to say so, for I have not the power of speech to explain one degree of what I have for you though. I will try to impress on your mind some idea of what I feel and how dear you are to me. For, Dear girl, you are more than all this world and if I had all the wealth of this world at my command and you were mine, I would not change you and if you were mine, I would not change you for it, although I am poor. But would make any sacrifice possible for more if I thought it would accomplish my object and that is to make you mine in the happy bonds of Matrimony and say Dear girl that it be so. Will you consent to give your hand accompanied by your heart and crown my most sincere desire with the sweetest avocations of a never dying love won by you from the fist time I ever saw you.

Or, shall I after all my fond hopes and most sanguine expectations hear your say no. Oh! What sorrowful thoughts. Oh, those cruel phantoms of the brain. Could I but cast them from me with the assurance that my love was returned, what a happy change it would make in my feelings

But man cannot direct the course of future events. I cannot - xxxxx will have to submit to the decrees of fate. 

Which if contrary to my desire I fear will vendor me miserable for the remainder of my life which I hope if I am rejected by you, will not last longer than I can make peace with my god & fly from this world of sin & sorrow to the regions of the Blist, where he has said come unto me all ye - to that are heavy laiden and ye shall find rest unto your souls for I am meek and heavy is my burden is Light. Yes when I see that all I hold dear on this earth is taken from me, I will pray God to forsake my sins and hail death as a welcome visitor. For I am satisfied in my condition and if you are not willing to risk yourself to my keeping, there is no other remedy though if you will consent to be mine, I promise you before high…..(copy is blank here)….I will submit….(copy is blank here)…..if it crushes one at once, it is then that I fancy myself one of the most miserable beings living and a distant wonder in some other country the remainder of my life for it I fail to get you, it is my intention to leave this country as soon as I can arrange my business. And I think that if you will consider this rightly that your cannot hesitate to accept me though if you think otherwise, I cannot help it, but would ask you in all the cencerity of one that loves better even than himself to pause and think….(copy is blank here)…..all others & that Darling one is you. You are the only one that I ever loved. I have seen people that I have formed attachments for but I never knew what true love was until I saw you. 

For fear I weary you too much, I will wind to a close as soon as possible and now will you after carefully considering my letter be so cruel-hearted as to cause xxxxx in bitter anguish that never looked on you only to love you…..(copy is blank here)…..but do not think it proper at present. But one is that my business is or will be such soon that I will require xxxxxx partners and as my truest & warmest affections have consumed can you. I thus truly and candidly ask you will you be mine. Shall I hear you say no, I will never thought of you in that respect and just merely regard you as a friend. This Dear girl would be fatal to my existence though I will wait your …..(copy is blank here) ……you one possessing property & that you would prefer in my place. ..if so I cannot blame you, but you can never find anymore loving heart or one that is more willing to spend a life of toil & labor for your exclusive happiness.

I could write as much more if I though it would accomplish my design though I think if you will consider this seriously that I have written enough & perhaps too much. So, I will leave the rest untill I see you which I hope will be Sunday if it is agreeable with you. I will be there Sunday Evening about 2 (too) aclock p.m. and I want you to read this and make up your mind. For I must no my fate whatever it is...for it seems to me that I can not rest until I do no. You can answer this by writing, if you choose or tell me in plain words when I see you.

After reading this & considering this if you think it worth attention you will please show it to your parents for as I am a plain and honest man I do not care to go too far with a step that might meet their disapprobation. I leave that entirely with you whether to communicate it to them or not. If I am not too busy and it is agreeable with your feelings, I will be at your house Saturday evening, though if you have any objections to seeing me, please inform me by note as soon as you get this. I will close by saying hat I hope you will ever remember that I am your real love.

Jacob Karnes
(Please excuse bad writing)


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