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Gundam Wing fanfics
The Moulin Rouge
Title: The Moulin Rouge

By: Karasu Kizu ((formerly Lionna Mouri))

Archived: Lionna's Corner of Fanfics
     Hoshi Kizuato

Content: yaoi ((13x6, 1+2 implications)), 6x9 material, bastardization of Noin, comic material, angst, death, fusion, lime-ish material, AU, and OOC for some

Disclaimers: I do not claim to own any of the Gundam Wing characters or the Moulin Rouge storyline. Nor are the songs used in this fic mine, and some lines are taken straight from the movie. At this site you can find the lyrics for nearly all the songs from the movie & soundtrack:

Notes: This began when I woke up on the morning of the 26th and my muses were hitting me on the head, demanding that I do a Moulin Rouge fusion of my own. Well... I did! And I finished! OMG, I cannot tell you how extremely happy I am with this. I have used the main plot of Moulin Rouge and stuck the Gundam characters in here ((AU)). There are scenes of my own added as well as some scenes missing that are from the original movie. Dialogue is almost completely ((probably about 95-98%)) original - by me - and not word-for-word from the movie. I do, however, use some of the songs or lines from the soundtrack. If things don't seem to be my wordings, just know that it's probably right from the movie or from any of the songs, all right?

BTW: I don't believe you have to have seen the movie to read this. If you don't feel like being spoiled for the movie, however, don't read. =)

June 26, 2001     June 28, 2001
Beta-read by: Nightfall! ((Thank you SO much =) you've done a great job!)) & Maggi! ((thanks a bunch!))

Christian = Treize
Satine = Zechs
The Duke ((Duchess)) = Noin
Zidler = Dorothy
Marie = Sally
The Argentinean = Heero
Toulous = Duo
Extras = Quatre, Wufei, Trowa, Une, Hilde, Otto

And to explain Heero's tendancy to keel over ((for those of you not knowing the movie)), Elise Maxwell offered the explanation of it ((thank goodness because I couldn't remember the desease)):

he has narcolepsy

anyone see deuce biggalo, male giggolo? that chic in that movie has
the same thing. its a disease that makes you fall asleep or
whatever :)

so to explain, :) for Karasu, in the movie the argentinean has
narcolepsy and in her fic, heero has the disease, so it kinda suits
him, cause he doesn't speak often anyway. i think its hilarious!
*sniggers as she thinks of Heero falling over* im also writing a
moulin rouge crossover only its 1x2 and zechs is the argentinean :)
hope you guys will like our fics cause we have been collaborating and
helping each other. Karasu's will be out before mine so read it!! :)

The Story:
(beta-ed version)