About Me...Hello, my name is Lisa (as I'm sure you guessed from the title on this page). My mother inspired me to create this page, as she has done many herself. I also have a beautiful daughter named Ericka who is absolutely charming! She is turning into an absolutely delightful young lady. See for yourself... My Pets...
I am pleased to announce that there is a new equine addition to the family. Her name is "My Fair Lady" and she is a 3 1/2 year old Palomino mare. I'm sure that I'll have plenty of amusing stories to tell in the months to come. Please visit Grey Cloud's page for updates on him and his new owner. I think that there is absolutely nothing as serene as an afternoon trail ride on a calm spring day. We don't get many here, so I enjoy every one that comes along. Everyone at my job knows the first nice days of spring not to expect me at work! My Hobbies...I enjoy reading Stephen King novels and historical romances. I am a true romantic at heart, but I love a bit of mystery and suspense as well. My pets would count as "hobbies" as well because I am very active with them. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! I will try to update and add interesting things as often as I can. Email Meor sign my guest book get your free guestbook You are number
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