Mike Grant Decals 

General Dynamics F-16C/D Greece/Bahrain


Decals for a Greek single seat and a dual F-16 Block 30 aircraft.

Markings for two single seat or one dual Bahrain Block 40 aircraft.

FS colours and kit recommendations are included for all aircraft.

Decals are available in 1/72 and 1/48 scale.


About Mike Grant Decals 


The decals are printed using an ALPS printer from artwork Mike does himself. To generate these sheets they go through the printer up to 14 times to get the different colours right! Very labour intensive.


Do to the nature of the ALPS printing system there are two things you have to live with. First the carrier film covers the whole sheet. Decals have to be individually cut off. Secondly the decals have a tendency to easily scratch. You need to be careful about storage and cutting. To get around this I have lightly misted a sheet with Future for protection with no side effects.


I have used Mikes decals myself and find they react well to Microset/Microsol. They are thin and conform to curves well. While Mike mentions that his sheets compare to the big boys (Superscale, Aeromaster, etc.) like a limited run kit compares to Tamiya I have to disagree with him. These are great decals to use and I look forward to collecting more of his sheets.


The Decal Sheet


 Along with nation markings stencils are included for walkways and rescue/canopy ejection instructions. Even the smallest writing is legible. It is also possible to build one aircraft from each nation off this sheet. The sheets are packaged in a plastic bag along with the instructions.


There are a couple things to be careful of.


All Greek F-16's carry the extended para-brake tail housing.

The Greek Block 30 aircraft have a ID spotlight on the port side.


In summary this is a quality sheet of very interesting subjects, well worth the price. Keep checking back as I'm already building a F-16D to go along with these decals.


Keep up the good work Mike.


Troy Jones


Instructions sheet 1 Greece

Instruction sheet 2  Bahrain

Decal sheet


Decals provided by Mike Grant Decals.



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