Rhino Gallery

Welcome to the Rhino Gallery!  This is where I can show off some of my collection of rhino stuff that I have collected over the past few years.  So far I have pictures of about 11 out of fifty-some-odd (or more) rhino items.  I'll add them as I time permits!

As I said, I collect just about anything that has to do with rhinos.  The amazing thing is that a large portion of the collection comes to me as gifts. The "action figure" collection (on the Toy Rhinos page)  mostly came from a friend of mine, Jeff.  When he gets his page up, I'll link you over to it.

My collection started with what I call the Alpha Rhino.  He was the only one in the stable for quite some time...but I made good use of him. You can't see it from the photo, but there I put Velcro on his feet...and the mating parts on my graduation cap when I graduated from college. Here's a pic of me wearing the rhino at graduation. <<insert photo>>. Lest you think that was the weirdest headwear, nope.  There were people with all kinds of stuff on their hats, including one guy who had an oil derrick, complete with moving parts!

These pages are a start at showing my rhino collection.  I will keep posting more as I get the pictures done...and as I get more rhinos too!

To learn more of the "Why Rhinos?" question, visit the Rhino FAQ.  Next, to find links to other Rhino conservancy organizations and sites go to Rhinophilia.  Finally, if I spot a rhino story in the news, it gets posted here!