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Karilian Character GenerationKaril Attribute GenerationKaril Races Karil Classes Multiclassing Karil Attribute GenerationThe standard Method V (roll 4d6 six times, dropping the lowest die each time, and arranging as you wish) will be used.
Fighter's Adjustment: If the character is a Fighter, his Fighter's Adjustment replaces his Damage Adjustment. (I.e, a Fighter with 16 Strength adds +4 to damage, not +2.) This is limited to +3 using a small weapon, +6 using a medium weapon, and +12 using a large weapon. This limit doesn't count the bonus damage inflicted due to weapon mastery. Weight Allowance:The maximum your character can carry at full movement. It is possible to move at 1/2 speed when carrying up to twice this, and at 1/3 movement when carrying up to the character's maximum bench. Maximum Bench:The absolute most weight a character can lift. Open Doors:The chance a character has on 1D20 of opening a stuck/locked door. The number in parenthesis is for magically locked doors. Bend Bars/Lift Gate:The percentage chance a character has to bend a metal bar or lift a gate such as a portcullis.
Initiative Modifier:Add this number to your Initiative for the round. Defensive Adjustment:Add this number to your Armor Class. You lose this bonus when surprised or immobilized.
Hit Point Adjustmt:Add this number to the number of hit points your character gains each level. System Shock:This value is used to survive particularly severe shocks to the body, such as long falls and being polymorphed. Poison Save Modifier:This number is added to the character's saving throws versus poisons.
Bonus Starting XP:The character receives this much extra starting XP to spend on skills. Mage Success Modifier:This adjustment is applied to an alchemist’s chance of successfully preparing an alchemical formula, and subtracted from an enchanter’s chance of having a creature break free. Illusion Adjustmt:This adjustment is applied to the saving throw when the PC is attempting disbelieve an illusion. More intelligent people are more capable of noticing tiny errors in an illusion.
Bonus Starting XP:The character receives this much extra starting XP with which to buy skills. Bonus Spells:The number of additional spells a priest (and only a priest) is entitled to because of their great wisdom. These spells are awarded once the priest is high enough level to cast them, and get awarded only once. They are cumulative, so a priest with a wisdom of 15 gets 2 1st and 1 2nd level bonus spells. Mental Adjustmt:This modifier is applied to any spell that affects the PC's mind. It represents his/her Willpower.
Maximum # of Henchmen:The maximum number of NPCs that will serve as permanent retainers of the character. Loyalty Base:This number is added to the morale of the character's NPC allies in combat. Reaction Adjustmt:This number is added to the reaction roll made when first encountering an intelligent creature. Karilian Races1. Bounders: Short, rabbit-like humanoids. They are nervous and very quick. 2. Feran: Graceful and catlike, feran live among the trees of the forest. 3. Grae: Living much of their lives underground, grae are unaffected by darkness, and can smell out metal deposits with their bulbous noses. 4. Men: Men are very adaptable creatures who have spread all over Karil. 5. Slith: Serpentine humanoids with a poisonous bite, they are usually very peaceful creatures. 6. Weinan: Small flying humanoids with the ability to change their skin color. 1. Bounder (+1 Dexterity, +1 Charisma, -2 Strength) Bounders are small and nimble. They live in the foothills of Karil, tending their farms and fighting off predators. They are usually vegetarians by choice, though they are capable of eating meat. They are incredibly fast for their size, with a full 12 movement. In addition, they receive a -1 bonus to their initiative rolls, due to their lightning fast reflexes. They eat a great deal in order to maintain their high metabolism, consuming twice what a man would eat per day. 2. Feran (+1 Dexterity, -1 Strength) Feran are tall and lithe, with the suppleness and grace of a cat. Their eyes are reflective, giving them excellent night vision, and their hearing is very sensitive. Since the feran have such good night vision, they ignore penalties for fighting in darkness in conditions up to a moonless night. In total darkness, their night vision does them no good. Their hearing is twice as good as a man's. This gives them a +15% bonus to their Hear Noise skill and reduces their chance to be surprised by 1. These bonuses are lost if there is a great deal of background noise, such as in a city or near a waterfall. Feran also have very slight retractable claws. These allow them to do 1D3 punching damage in combat, and greatly aid their Climbing skill. (+15%) Feran are sensitive to bright lights and loud noises. They receive a -2 to saving throws versus sonic and light based attacks. 3. Grae (+1 Constitution, -1 Dexterity) Grae are short and stocky. Larger and hardier than bounders, they are also a great deal less nimble. Living their lives in the mines has adapted them somewhat to life underground. They have large, bulbous noses to help them smell out both enemies and metal ores, but they are ill at ease in bright light. Grae have a movement rate of 6 due to their shortness of stride. Due to the graes' acute sense of smell, they can operate in total darkness at no penalties, aside from activities which require light, such as reading a book. Their smell also allows them to detect metal ores that are exposed to the air within 120', even to the extent of counting the coins in another person's pockets by smell. However, this also makes them more susceptible to gaseous attacks, and they suffer a -2 on saving throws vs. such things. Their eyes have become sensitive to sunlight over time. They fight with a -1 to their attack rolls and morale when in direct sunlight. Worse, they suffer a -2 on saving throws versus light based attacks. 4. Men Men, being more generally adaptable than the other races, may choose ONE of the following advantages: 1. One additional weapon mastery slot. 2. 600 extra starting XP. 4. +2 to any one saving throw category. (i.e. Petrify/Polymorph) 5. Transfer up to 3 points from any attribute to any other attribute. 5. Slith (+1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -2 Dexterity) The slith are a race of serpentine humanoids. They average about 6' in height. From the waist down, they are fully snake. They also possess arms, opposable thumbs, and a large serpentine head. Slith are slower than most creatures their size, and get a movement rate of 6. In addition, they are cold-blooded and suffer greatly from cold weather and cold-based attacks, receiving -2 on their saving throws versus such things. On the other hand, they greatly enjoy basking in heat, and receive a +2 on their saving throws versus fire-based attacks. The bite of a slith can be deadly. When biting, they use the slith bite weapon proficiency (which they receive at Basic level for free.) They cannot do anything else in a round during which they bite. Their bite injects poison with a one round onset time and a strength of 2-12/1-6. Slith are tough and flexible, and receive a natural AC of 7. They can sense heat, receiving infravision up to 30'. Slith have difficulties jumping, and can only clear gaps of up to about 6’ across. They receive +10% to Climbing when their tail can be used to help, and a -10% when it can’t. 6. Weinan (+1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution, -1 Strength) The weinan are 3' tall winged jungle creatures. Their wings hamper their movements on the ground, forcing them to walk as quadrupeds. They are omnivores, enjoying the bounty of the rain forest's fruit trees and vast population of insects. They receive a movement rate of 24 when flying and 6 when walking. They receive a natural armor class bonus of -4 when flying. The weinan attack using their sharp claws. On the ground they attack with their front claws for 1d2/1d2 damage, but when flying can also rake with rear claws for 1d3/1d3 damage. They can wield small weapons in their front claws if they choose. Their claws give them a +15% to Climbing skill. Their skin is capable of changing color to match their background. This gives the first attack against them from a particular opponent a -2 to-hit, and they also receive +15% to their Hiding skill. The weinan wear only small harnesses to carry their most important possessions. A weinan will not encumber themself with objects that would hamper their ability to fly. Classes The next step in character creation is to select a class and a kit for it. Players may choose from fighter, mage, or cleric. Thieves do not exist on Karil. Intrigue and robbery is so common that almost everyone has some degree of skill at those things traditionally reserved for thieves and other rogues. Prime Requisites:There are no ability requirements to become a certain class on Karil. If you want to play a mage with an Intelligence of 4, go right ahead. On the other hand, no bonus xp is received for having high prime requisites. FighterAs a master of weapons, the fighter is able to advance their weapon mastery the furthest of any class. However, they lack any training in the mystical arts, and are utterly unable to cast spells or perform miracles. Fighters do not automatically attract followers on Karil. They must be sought out and/or hired. Fighters receive the fighter's damage bonus for high strength instead of the normal damage bonus. Lastly, fighters gain more than one melee attack per round as they rise in level. Fighter Attacks Per Round
Fighter Experience Levels:
1. Swashbuckler Description: The swashbuckler is a lightly armored duelist/swordsman who often finds themself in trouble they didn’t ask for. Special Benefits: 1.) When wearing light armor (leather, padded, or none at all) they receive a -1 AC bonus. 2.) They receive a +2 reaction adjustment from NPC members of the opposite sex. Free Skills: Seduction (basic), Tumbling (basic). Special Hindrances: Trouble seems to seek out the swashbuckler wherever they go. 2. Myrmidon Description: The myrmidon is a trained and experienced soldier. Special Benefits: 1.) One additional weapon mastery slot to start. 2.) They receive an additional 10-40 shillings as starting money from past jobs. Free Skills: Intimidation (basic), Muscle (basic). Special Hindrances: A myrmidon is easily remembered and identified by his military demeanor. 3. Devout Warrior Description: A devout warrior is a fighter who adheres closely to a particular religion, but who is not actually a priest. Special Benefits: A devout warrior is known at their place of worship as a very pious individual, deserving of any aid they might request within reason. Free Skills: Bravery (basic), Ceremony: Any One Religion (basic). Special Hindrances: The warrior is also noted as someone who is willing to do favors for the church, within reason. Mage Mages study the mystic arts, seeking to unlock secrets that will grant them power. However, on Karil, magic isn’t the same as in other campaigns. Spells aren’t usually spells at all, but magical devices or formulae that are prepared in advance. Mages may wear any armor and wield any weapon. They will not reach the level of skill a priest or fighter can reach, but there is nothing stopping them from trying. Please see the mage spells section for more information on how mages cast spells in this campaign. Mage Experience Levels:
1. Alchemist Description: Alchemists employ regents and chemicals in their creation of magical elixirs, tonics, balms, and other such things. Special Benefits: Alchemists use the achemy spellcasting system described in the mage spells portion of this book. Free Skills: Magic Lore: Alchemists (basic), Venom Handling (basic). Special Hindrances: Alchemists are easily recognizable as such from the chemical stains on their hands, and often their clothing as well. 2. Enchanter Description: Enchanters bind extraplanar creatures into items to give them special properties. They often face dangers in their craft more insidious than the explosions and misconcocted elixirs of the alchemists. Special Benefits: Enchanters use the enchantment spellcasting system described in the mage spells portion of this book. Free Skills: Magic Lore: Enchanters (basic), Merchant (basic). Special Hindrances: Enchanters are often shunned by the clergy, who object to their trafficking with extraplanar creatures. They receive a -4 reaction from any Priest of Three, and a -2 reaction from any follower of the main branch of the Church of Three. Cleric Clerics are the conduits of their gods’ will. They perform miracles through the auspices of their diety, and work to further their goals. Clerics may wield almost any weapon and wear any armor. They are not as proficient in the use of weapons as fighters, but they are better with them than mages. The only weapon priests may not wield is the pistol. The religions refuse to have anything to do with it. Cleric Experience Levels:
Clerics must choose from among the following four religions: 1. Church of Three Description: Worshippers of the Church of Three seek perfection through purity of mind, body, and spirit. To them, church word is law. Special Benefits: A Priest of Three is always affected as if by a bless spell. Their church is also a very powerful force, socially speaking. Free Skills: Alms (basic), Ceremony: Church of Three (basic). Special Hindrances: Priests of Three take longer to cast spells than most priests. All casting times are increased by 3. A casting time of one round or more is simply doubled. 2. Rationalists Description: Rationalists seek perfection through purity of mind. They reject the ascetic belief that purity of body is the correct path, and feel that purity of spirit is all part of purity of mind. They often use meditation and visualization as techniques to improve themselves. Special Benefits: Rationalists have learned to use their minds to pierce through false appearances. Starting at 3rd level, they may cast true seeing once per day in addition to any other spells they can already cast. At 5th level, they become immune to illusions. At 7th level, they become immune to charm. Free Skills: Ceremony: Rationalists (basic), Observation (basic). Special Hindrances: Rationalists live relatively sedentary lives, and as a result, only gain a d6 as their hit die. 3. Ascetics Description: Ascetics believe that perfection is found through purity of body. They reject the greed of the Church of Three, and do not care for material wealth. Some of them go even further, attempting to master their body’s every demand. Rigorous exercises and resisting pain are used by the Ascetics to improve themselves. Special Benefits: They are trained in unarmed combat as a monk, and their unarmored AC improves by 1 every even level to a maximum of AC 2. Free Skills: Ceremony: Ascetics (basic), Endurance (basic). Special Hindrances: Ascetics have a vow of poverty. They give away 90% of all their treasure. In addition, they are not allowed to augment their abilities through armor, weapons, or magical items. Ascetics must learn, above all else, to only depend on themselves. 4. Solipsists Description: Solipsists feel that the world is an illusion. To them, only their faith matters. They reject all the other paths to perfection, seeking only purity of spirit. Of all the religions, they are perhaps the most radical and dangerous. Special Benefits: Immunity to fear. At 5th level, they gain shapechange as a druid. Free Skills: Ceremony: Solipsists (basic), Debating (basic). Special Hindrances: Solipsists are incapable of disbelieving illusions. To them, one illusion is as good as the next. Solipsists are fanatics and intolerant of other faiths. This gives them a -4 reaction with any non-solipsist NPC. Multi-Classing:If you wish to play a character of more than one class, like for example, a Myrmidon/Alchemist, that’s fine. There are only a few simple guidelines: 1. You may not select more than one kit from each class. You cannot, for instance, be an Enchanter/Alchemist. 2. Your XP cost to go up to the next level is equal to the total XP cost for next level of all your classes. You cannot advance in one class until you can afford to advance in them all. 3. If your character is at all a Cleric, they cannot use a pistol. 4. Hit Dice are an average of all your classes. A Myrmidon/Alchemist gets (1d10+1d6)/2. 5. In all other things, compare the two classes, and take the most advantageous item of the two. If you have the aforementioned Myrmidon/Alchemist, you get the Myrmidon’s THAC0, the Alchemist’s starting XP, and the Myrmidon’s Weapon Mastery advancement. I want to make multi-classed characters playable, but I don’t want them to dominate the game. I believe that their extremely slow advancement (the Myrmidon/Alchemist needs 4,500 XP to reach 2nd level) balances out the advantages nicely. Plus, this system allows for such things as clergy who are closet demonologists, which is good from a role-playing standpoint.
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