Lutheran Peace Fellowship

Lutheran Peace Fellowship

Conflict Transformation, Nonviolence, and Justice: An Annotated Guide to Over 400 Outstanding Books, Manuals, Audiovisuals, and Web Sites.

Farm Bill Advocacy Update - What kind of agricultural system will be most resilient and stable in the face of global climate change?

Genetically Modified Foods and World Hunger - español in Spanish: Alimentos transgénicas y el hambre

Hunger and Development Links

ONE by ONE toward justice for All - Peace points activity on Millennium Development Goals and the ONE Campaign - among the most hopeful efforts in decades.
españolUno a Uno hacia la justicia para todos - para apoyar la causa de poner fin a la pobreza en nuestro mundo.

See also the following references:

Lester Brown, et al, State of the World and Vital Signs (Norton, annuals,; Daniel Faber, Struggle for Ecological Democracy (Guilford, ‘98); Carl Pope and Paul Rauber, Strategic Ignorance (Calif. ’04); Michael Klare, Blood and Oil,…Bullard, Capra, Durning, Gelbspan, Hayes, Lynas, Spretnak,; Jeffrey Sachs, The End of Poverty (S&S, ‘04) Dieter Hessel, Larry Rasmussen, eds., Earth Habitat (Fortress, ‘01),; David Beckman and Art Simon, Grace at the Table(Paulist, ’99, Frances M. Lappe, World Hunger: 12 Myths* (Grove, ’98,… Hallman, Moe-Lobeda, Ruether,

The above references are an excerpt from:
Transforming Our World - A compact “best of the best” catalog of the most useful books, manuals, and websites, selected by teachers, researchers, parents, and activists from the Peace and Justice Resource Center.

Read more about Development.

Top Ten List (pdf, html)
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