Building a Culture of Peace: activity and resource guide
Conflict Education - Insights, activities and resources for examining conflicts between individuals and on larger levels, and for strengthening skills to address conflict in any area of life.
in Spanish:
Educación de Conflicto - Perspicacias, actividades y recursos para examinar los conflictos entre los individuos y en niveles más grandes, y para fortalecer habilidades para abordar conflicto en cualquier área de la vida.
Four Stories of Peacemaking
Grow in Shalom with the 'Peace Deck!' - four sets of cards of brief quotes and leadership insights to encourage and support both experienced and emerging leaders.
Hosting a Hunger Meal: This experiential meal illuminates hunger and poverty in the world.
In Challenging Times - Plumbing the riches of Lutheran insight, experience, and tradition.
Points Starters - Resources for creating or strengthening a peace-focused session for youth
the Season! - Peace & justice living and giving – especially appropriate at Christmas; useful throughout the year.
in Spanish:
¡Recobra la Epoca!
Maneras Creativas de Celebrar la Navidad y Florecer en Fidelidad.
Treasures in Heaven, Treasures on Earth
is Christian Peacemaking? - This popular activity explores the breadth and depth of the biblical vision of Shalom, peace, justice, community, wholeness. One to six session resource with additional questions and activities to build on or expand the impact of "Jesus’ Way of Shalom"
2 page version, 8 page version.
in Spanish:
¿Qué significa pacificación cristiana? - el papel de pacificador esta enraizado en nuestra experiencia de un Dios quien es paz, quien nos da paz, y quien nos llama a ser parte de la paz y la justicia.
See also resources on Peace Quotes, Simple Living
Top Ten List (pdf, html)
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