Our nation has moved another step closer to war with Iraq. Congress by a 2 to 1 margin voted in favor of resolution to give
Pres. Bush authority to "use all means that he determines
to be appropriate" to "restore international peace
and security in the region." Pres. Bush needs no more authority
to proceed with military attacks on Iraq. But this is not
the last word for those of us who do not want war.
As Lutherans, we are called to be faithful to the way of
Jesus, and to seek nonviolent alternatives to this conflict. We must have the integrity to apply our religious values of
compassion and justice, nonviolence and service, to our actions
in the world. Therefore we must speak out against fighting terror
with violence. We can point out the devastating effects of military
means and direct our country towards justice, reconciliation,
and nonviolent alternatives.
It is crucial that we raise our voices and let our
fellow citizens and leaders know immediately that a resolution
authorizing unilateral war against Iraq or anyone else in the
Middle East is unacceptable. War is neither a moral nor a practical
solution (see talking points, and Bishop's statement, over).
We must urge the pursuit of alternatives to violence including
support for renewed UN weapons inspections.
And so we ask you to join your fellow citizens in speaking
out against this war, and insisting that our government
be responsive to its citizens, and responsible in its international
relations. Our faith empowers us to join with others to take
a stand against all violence, in particular, military action
in Iraq. There is an alternative to violence or passivity:
Jesus' Third Way of caring, nonviolent discipleship.
A Call to Action
Act! There are countless ways to voice your
- Attend vigils
and protests against war. Become active in a local nonviolent
peace coalition. Read alternative sources of news.
- Create a space
for authentic conversation with your neighbors and friends. Raise the deeper questions and the alternatives to war.
- Write letters-to-the
editor, your note helps other letters critical of war to get
published. Join a signature ad in local newspapers.
- Sign the Peace
Pledge co-sponsored by LPF. Participate in non-violent civil disobedience. Encourage local groups
to organize trainings on nonviolence as well as forums on alternatives.
Be creative! The most
effective actions convey humanity, send a clear message, are
strong visually, and are inviting, for example:
- A candlelight vigil surrounding a lake or
local landmark
- Hold a "Peace Paint-in" to create
banners for peace by students or Sunday Schools to display on
cars, freeway overpasses
- Sit-ins at federal offices or symbols of
military power
- Large puppets, replicas, or clowns dramatizing
your concerns
Stay informed: Among
many good sources are www.forusa.org www.sojo.net www.moveon.org www.alternet.org www.elca.org/advocacy Ask for LPF's e-mail package of analyses and op-eds. See the
fine editorial in the October Lutheran, www.thelutheran.org as well as the strong "Statement by Religious Leaders," www.cmep.org
Filling in
the Missing Pieces
Sources of Information on the Impending War
on Iraq and Key Underlying Issues: A Brief Guide
What can we say to our elected officials,
neighbors, and in letters-to-the-editor?
Talking Points On Iraq
1. The Iraqi people have already suffered enough in more than
two decades of war; eleven years of US-backed sanctions alone
have killed more than a million innocent civilians, half of them
2. Military action could result in a large number of civilians
casualties and increase the suffering of many innocent people.
A war could cause serious damage to the environment and to the
US and world economy, damage which falls most heavily on the
most vulnerable.
3. It is not in the US interest to take unilateral military action
opposed by most of the world. Instead, we should cooperate with
international efforts like UN inspections to control weapons
of mass destruction.
4. Unilateral overthrow of an enemy government heightens fears
and concerns within other countries for international law and
American respect for the rights of other nations.
5. The preemptive use of military force by the US sets a dangerous
precedent. Think of all the reasons a nation might claim to
justify their own preemptive strikes in the future, from past
grievances or fights over resources to weapons of their neighbors
or ethnic differences.
6. US military action at this time is very likely to further
destabilize the region. Militants in Arab and Islamic countries
are likely to seize the opportunity to recruit more adherents
and further incite people against the United States and allied
7. A war with Iraq will divert attention from sound, lasting
ways to address the root causes of international conflict and
terrorism, and from other issues like our economy, schools, and
8. Rather than attacking Iraq, we urge that the US priority in
the Middle East be an Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire and peace
Voice of Religious Leaders
"As do many in the world, we look to the United States
government to set an example for the international community.
As Christian religious leaders responsible for millions of U.S.
citizens we expect our government to reflect the morals and values
we hold dear - pursuing peace, not war; working with the community
of nations, not overthrowing governments by force; respecting
international law and treaties while holding in high regard all
human life."
Signed by ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson
and top leaders of almost every religious denomination in the
United States.
ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson's
Statement on Iraq
an excerpt:
While we are fully aware of the potential threat posed by
the government of Iraq and its leader, I believe it is wrong
for the United States to seek to over-throw the regime of Saddam
Hussein with military action. Morally, I oppose it because I
know a war with Iraq will have great consequences for the people
of Iraq, who have already suffered through years of war and economic
sanctions. I do not believe such a war can be justified under
the historic principles of "just war." Further, I believe
it is detrimental to U.S. interests to take unilateral military
action against Iraq when there is already strong international
support for weapons inspections, and when it is apparent that
most other world governments oppose military action. I also believe
that U.S. military action at this time will further destabilize
the region
So, we continue to reject violent action and are renewed in our
resolve to find peaceful, nonviolent solutions. I call upon members
of our congregations to be fervent in prayer, engaged in conversation
with one another and with our leaders.
We must oppose racist
and enemy images that dehumanize, deny the love of God for all
people and do not help in resolving conflict. In the final analysis,
we must stand unequivocally for peace.
For the FULL TEXT see: Statement
on Iraq Situation
Sign the Peace