Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
Live in harmony with one another Do not repay evil for evil...
If your enemies are hungry, feed them.
Romans 12
Whereas Christ calls us to be peacemakers (Matt. 5:9) and the church
to be a reconciling presence for the world (2 Cor. 5:18-19), breaking down
the dividing walls of hostility among people (Eph. 2:13-22);
Whereas violence takes many forms --- on the street, at school, in family
life, in the community, in the media, and between nations --- so that many
children grow up in a "culture of violence";
Whereas twenty Nobel Peace Laureates --- the largest number ever to sponsor
such an initiative --- presented an appeal "for the children of the
world" calling for a decade-long effort "to teach the practical
meaning and benefits of nonviolence in our daily lives in order to build
a new culture of nonviolence,"
Whereas the United Nations General Assembly has adopted the Nobel Peace
Appeal designating the years 2001-2010 the "International Decade for
a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence" and the year 2000 as the "Year
for a Culture of Peace," and has designated September 19 the International
Day of Peace,
Be it resolved that _______________________________________________________
(name of church) & (date)
1. supports implementation of the Nobel Peace Laureates appeal for a
"Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence" and "Day
of Peace" with special emphasis on children and youth;
2. resolves to make a priority to teach, practice, and model nonviolence
--- for our own members and in service to our community --- making use of
resources from the NW Coalition for the Nobel Decade for Peace, the Fellowship
of Reconciliation, and other sources;
3. strongly urges schools, city councils and legislatures to adopt the
Nobel Peace Laureates Appeal as policy, and to plan public education efforts
and resources to implement it;
4. requests that our schools, community, and civic organizations, churches
and religious groups work with us to provide the leadership and resources
needed to carry out this vital effort.
contact person
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Hundreds of churches, schools, municipalities, community and civic groups
have endorsed this resolution and are joining together in support of the
Decade for Peace and Nonviolence. Please send a copy of your resolution
and or requests for resources to:
* LPF, 1710 11th Ave.,
Seattle, WA 98122, 206/349-2501 (1-3 pm),
* Fellowship of Reconciliation, Box 271 Nyack, NY 10960-0271
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