Hello! Have we met before? ^_^ Ah yes. You
again. Just haven't had enough Marron/Trunks piccies,huh? Well welcome
to my SECOND Illustrations Gallery. Nothing much here except more Trunks
and Marron pics... more special *grins*. Anyway, I hope you peoples (especially
the ones who requested it) will enjoy and...well, just enjoy ^_^.
Pic originally DREW, COLORED and EDITTED by HaRUko^.
Oh, several pics here were also colored by my friend, Chichi. Thank
you so much Chichi-chan! ^_^
Click Pic for full Image
Okey now,
stop here. ^_^.
Time to leave them alone...
Doesn't it makes you
wanna read the whole chapter all over again? ((^_^))