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24 August 2011
The Sound Of The Reign
Now Playing: Garage Punk Unknowns vol 8
Topic: Minor change or comment

A little more data has surfaced on this very rare, two-copies-known Fredlo custom press from the Midwest. First of all, the band seems to have been mainly Eastcoast kids enrolled at a Midwestern college, much like the Immigrants. Judging from a few soundclips, they have a late frat-rock sound with a typical club feel including organ, and they do mostly standards of the era. The risqué angle mentioned in the Acid Archives book would fit well for a band playing the Greek fraternities. Finally, although it would be tempting to refer to the band as simly the Reign, it appears clear that the band name is The Sound Of The Reign and nothing else -- and Reigned Out is the album title. The label gives a Duluth, MN address (Dylan's hometown) so we're going with a Minnesota locale for now.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 15:51 MEST
Updated: 24 August 2011 16:00 MEST
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