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14 January 2012
Dana Westover kover konfusion
Topic: Minor change or comment

Juan C in Spain alerted me to the fact that Dana Westover's Memorial To Fear only gives the title as 'Memorial' on the sleeve and label, the 'To Fear' part nowhere to be found. Looking around I find that all three copies recently sold are listed by the sellers with the title as 'Memorial To Fear', which is either a curious coincidence, or a case of them relying on an inaccurate Acid Archives entry...

But maybe the AA entry isn't entirely inaccurate. The '...To Fear' phrase must have originated somewhere, and when looking at an old sleeve scan it looks like these two words have been added to the printed 'Memorial' word on the front cover. What also emerges is the fact that there are at least two, probably three sleeve variants on the Dana Westover LP. One shows images of clouds and the artist and title credit; a variant adds a small image of an old airplane at the centre of the cover; and a third variant has no airplane but adds (presumably) the words 'To Fear' in small print below the 'Memorial' title.

Input from Mr Westover may be needed to sort this out; until then it may be wise to assume that several original sleeve variants exist, which isn't uncommon for private pressings like this.

March 2012 update: a few people have confirmed that their copies have '...To Fear' added to the title of the album, so it seems that Westover decided to change the title after the sleeves had been printed.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 14:53 CET
Updated: 15 March 2012 17:35 MEST
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19 September 2013 - 18:10 MEST

Name: "Lee B"

Anyone with a copy/spare for sale feel free to send a note:

leebrey at gmail dot com

Desperately needing this one. Outstanding vibe.

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