Now Playing: Anonymous "Inside The Shadow"
Some minor Acid Archives updates have flown in from around the world, viz:
~ The Horses' album om White Whale (with Don Johnson) is self-titled, rather than being called 'Album No 1'.
~ The speculative relation between T R Crooks and the Farm Band seems to be non-existent, it was a mere coincidence of a similar studio name being invented. Also, an earlier version of the LP than the one shown in the Acid Archives 2nd Edition has been found, crediting the band as 'Tennessee River Crooks' but presumably with the same contents as T R Crooks' To A Brother. A self-released CD reissue of the album now exists.
~ Rebecca & The Sunny Brook Farmers' LP is titled Birth, not 'Rebirth'.
~ The proper release year for the Damien EIH album is likely to be 1974 rather than '73.