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2 December 2011
Aaron Fleming
Topic: Addition

Project Class 197  (R.P.C  Z-442551)
  [blank back]
The field of custom label folk has a very poor hit ratio in terms of records that people truly like and listen to when tripping or if out on a date, but persistence pays off among those who keep digging around. Aaron Fleming's project is a crude DIY affair, so crude that it could be called 'folk-punk' at times, not least the opening track with its crazed, Heitkotter-like drumming. Fleming sings in a nasal street poet style somewhat like Mark Winokur, and writes the most rudimentary songs imaginable. Despite the drumming throughout and Fleming's off-key protest songs this is still '70s loner folk, but I can't think of many comparable releases that sound like this, or pack as much personality. Not for everyone, but a recognizable find. Only a couple of known copies at this point. [PL]
thanks to Alexandre in France for suggesting this obscurity

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 17:34 CET
Updated: 14 January 2012 14:28 CET
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Bohemian Vendetta
Now Playing: Solar Fields "Monogram"
Topic: Minor change or comment
The universally admired Bohemian Vendetta LP came in both stereo and mono versions, and most of the comments you see are based on the more common stereo mix, which is also what has been reissued. However, after getting a mono copy recently I would wager that the mono mix is superior to the stereo, with a presence and punch that serves the music extremely well. If this is a favorite LP of yours, make sure you get to hear the mono mix.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 17:17 CET
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15 October 2011
Corpus (TX) facts & fun
Now Playing: Milan-Palermo, currently 3-0
Topic: Entry data revision

The hip and most energetic blog "It's Psychedelic Baby" keeps churning out interviews with bands you never thought be tracked down. Recently two members from Corpus of Creation A Child told the band's story, including the rather mindblowing detail that "Joy" -- probably the best track on the LP -- was about the teenage Farrah Fawcett who went to a Corpus high school back then!

Also, a press size of 1000 copies was reported by both members.

CORPUS (Corpus Christi, TX)
Creation A Child
1972 (Acorn 1001)  [red label; banded tracks; 1000p]

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 22:34 MEST
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9 October 2011
Allen Ginsberg addendum

see => The Organic Experience

As detailed in the post below, a previously undocumented recording of Allen Ginsberg reading poetry before a c1969 live audience can be found on an obscure college project LP, The Organic Experience. The standard Ginsberg bibliography (The Works Of Allen Ginsberg by Bill Morgan) includes many dozens of vinyl LPs, but not this one. In view of its content and vintage nature, the album should be of substantial interest to Ginsberg collectors.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 19:58 MEST
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The Organic Experience
Now Playing: great Sonaura track on
Topic: Addition

An interesting college project thing with a major surprise hidden inside that I ran across a few months back: 

The Organic Experience 1970 (Omni)

This previously undocumented college project LP from University of Maine, Portland (a college branch no longer extant) is not only earlier than most college yearbook albums, but of substantial interest on a couple of counts. There's some rock and folkrock music which seems to be live-recorded, but no artists are credited; tracks include "Born To Be Wild" and "Green Rocky Road" among others, in good, ballsy versions. Even more remarkable is a track credited only as "Ginsburg's Thing", which turns out to be nothing less than a previously unknown recording of Allen Ginsberg reciting poetry, presumably at a campus gathering. The date references and the contents of the recording confirm that this is a circa 1969 recording of Ginsberg live before an audience. Not included in the standard Ginsberg bibliography by Morgan, this is a substantial find. The reading is lengthy, at least 10 minutes, and includes the poem "Northwest Passage", which Ginsberg elsewhere has assigned a composition date of April 1969, which is in line with the overall chronology. Presumably the students had no authorization to release this record, which is why Ginsberg's presence is so buried. The remainder of the record is a typical period collage that captures the 'now' of being a hippie student in 1970, with radio broadcast speeches mixed with 'found' music and effects, etc. The front cover looks to be blank at first, until you discover the small mushroom drawn in the lower left corner. The back cover has an elaborate abstract drawing and some minor credits. That no one has discovered the nature of this album in 40 years is puzzling, and Ginsberg collectors will undoubtedly be interested. [PL]

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 19:51 MEST
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9 September 2011
Filet Of Soul / Freedom correction
Now Playing: the kids @ Fifa 11
Topic: Entry data revision

Contrary to popular record collector belief over the past decades, the rarely discussed Filet Of Soul album was cut by a band named Freedom, with "Filet Of Soul" being the title. The two are usually reversed, as they are in the Acid Archives book. So the entry should look like this.

Filet Of Soul 1970 (Moniquid 4857)

In addition, there is now a reissue of this album from Gear Fab. The band were formerly known as Attila & The Huns and had some 45s.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 16:48 MEST
Updated: 9 September 2011 16:50 MEST
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FOR ALL OF YOU addition
Now Playing: Lazy Farmer LP
Topic: Addition
For All Of You 1974 (R.P.C. Z 78491)
  [paste-on photo cover; 100p]
Essentially the work of one John Roll with support from various friends, this is one of the more interesting albums in the loner/downer '70s zone to surface of late -- primarily because it isn't really loner/downer at all! A slighty quirky and warm feel dominates as typical s-sw songs bring in mellow jazz moves mixed with a melodic sensibility. Communication 1, Philip Lewin's debut, or even Virgin Insanity spring to mind during the better tracks; best not to set the expectations too high, but this one's certainly worth checking out for the average private press aficionado. On RPC (aren't they all?), but with an unusual grey label design I haven't seen before. [PL]


thanks to Alexandre in France for suggesting this obscurity

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 16:21 MEST
Updated: 9 September 2011 16:36 MEST
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24 August 2011
T C Atlantic reissue
Now Playing: T C Atlantic
Topic: Minor change or comment

The self-titled Eva 'reissue' is in fact not really a reissue of the band's old live LP, as it adds several studio tracks (3 on each side) to the running order, making for a generous running time of 50+ minutes.

Almost all of the band's early non-LP 45 tracks have been added, but the tracks that were both on studio 45 and on the live LP appear only in their live versions. Most curious is that the band's unparalleled masterpiece, the mid-'66 proto-psych head swirler "Faces" is not included, while most other 45 tracks are. In all, the Eva collection presents a comprehensive picture of the band's early days as an above-average frat/blue-eyed soul band, in the typical unprocessed sound of the label. Completists still need to get some of the 45s to have all T C Atlantic recordings. Incidentally, the live recording may be authentic, at least it sounds like it. The Eva repro adds a small photo to the crude title sleeve design. The band's later 45s are not held in high regard, but I find both "Love Is Just" and the 2nd version of "Faces" to be worth hearing.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 16:22 MEST
Updated: 24 August 2011 16:41 MEST
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The Sound Of The Reign
Now Playing: Garage Punk Unknowns vol 8
Topic: Minor change or comment

A little more data has surfaced on this very rare, two-copies-known Fredlo custom press from the Midwest. First of all, the band seems to have been mainly Eastcoast kids enrolled at a Midwestern college, much like the Immigrants. Judging from a few soundclips, they have a late frat-rock sound with a typical club feel including organ, and they do mostly standards of the era. The risqué angle mentioned in the Acid Archives book would fit well for a band playing the Greek fraternities. Finally, although it would be tempting to refer to the band as simly the Reign, it appears clear that the band name is The Sound Of The Reign and nothing else -- and Reigned Out is the album title. The label gives a Duluth, MN address (Dylan's hometown) so we're going with a Minnesota locale for now.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 15:51 MEST
Updated: 24 August 2011 16:00 MEST
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10 August 2011
Simpson & Heck
Now Playing: Ukraine-Sweden friendly, dull goalless draw
Topic: Addition


Simpson & Heck 1972  (no label)   [blank cover]

Rare christian folkrock title, highly rated by some. More info is appreciated.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 21:48 MEST
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23 July 2011
Headstone (OH)
Now Playing: Madrigal
Topic: Minor change or comment
The classic Still Looking album by Headstone was pressed up in 2000 copies, according to a recent interview with a relation to the band. The three Flynn brothers who made up 3/4 of the band are all now deceased. In line with the blue collar underground vibe of Headstone, and many OH '70s classics, it seems they kept working factory shifts at GM throughout the band's career. There exists some unreleased recordings from 1976, following the album and the 1975 singles.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 14:12 MEST
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20 July 2011
Last Call Of Shiloh cover
Now Playing: Alexander Shulgin 1987 lecture
Topic: Minor change or comment

The story behind the reproduced covers for Last Call Of Shiloh is this:

"These were actually second printed covers made from the original plates. We purchased the last of the original vinyl (some with covers without duct tape) and the original plates from the band in the late 1980s and as you state there were more LPs than covers. We printed the covers from the plates and sold them off through the '90s".

In other words, the repro covers were not "xeroxed" as is sometimes claimed. The original first press cover is slightly over sized and very flimsy.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 21:34 MEST
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11 July 2011
Myke Jackson (Felt on Nasco)
Topic: Addition

We've had this one sitting up in the Attic, but the general buzz and obvious musical quality makes it a contender for the main Acid Archives.

Alone 1975 (Yi Yi 257275)
Jackson, formerly with the great Felt, plays all instruments on this album, which is good melodic 1970s rock with late '60s flashes. A worthy successor to the Felt LP, check it out if you can find it. Jackson later followed with the less exciting major label album Neon Rose, credited to ‘Mychael’ (RCA/Free Flight, 1978).



Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 14:56 MEST
Updated: 11 July 2011 15:01 MEST
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Free Enterprize
Now Playing: Fahrenheit Project vol 7
Topic: Minor change or comment

The FREE ENTERPRIZE album came with various hand-designed sleeves, the Acid Archives entry fails to point this out.



Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 14:50 MEST
Updated: 11 July 2011 15:03 MEST
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2 July 2011
Sunshine on Album World, lots of new info
Topic: Entry data revision

SUNSHINE (Las Vegas, NV / Los Angeles, CA)
Makes My Day 1977 (Obregon/Album World AW 14017)
[the last 2 tracks on side 2 are missing from most but not all copies] 


The Sunshine Makes My Day album on Obregon/Album World is probably the best LP on this infamous tax scam label, along with Ilian. Recently I was able to dig up some info on the sources for the music, which was released in 1977 under the fictious Sunshine band name.In actuality, half of the tracks come from two 45s released c1974 by a Las Vegas band called Skurow, who were under contract with London Records. The track titles and songwriting credits given on the Album World LP are correct, but the band name Skurow isnowhere mentioned. The four tracks range from good to excellent, and remind me of Felt and Homer in places. The 45 versions are identical to what's on the tax scam LP.

The other half of the Sunshine LP has songs credited to P Kachaturian -- this is  probably Philip Kachaturian, who wrote 7 songs for the original Gone In 60 Seconds movie soundtrack. You can hear his soundtrack songs on the net -- good stuff, not quite in the Sunshine LP style. There was never an official release of these soundtrack tunes, but curiously there exists an Album World tax-scam LP credited to Viva (see Acid Archives book) which seems to feature these very Kachaturian movie tunes. What's on side 2 of the Sunshine LP may simply be further outtakes or demos from this LA-based songwriter. In any event, there is a definite link between the Sunshine and Viva albums, beyond the label.

But that's not all. Some of the Skurow tracks on side 1 of Sunshine are part-credited to "G Kato". This is Gary Kato, who was in hit band the Merry-Go-Round with Emitt Rhodes, and later formed a band with ex-members of the Knack -- the '60s Knack from LA, not the "Sharona" dudes. Kato also performs on Rhodes' acclaimed American Dream album. After this, Gary Kato turned up in Pinkiny Canady, who had a very obscure LP release on UNI. And later still, Gary Kato became a member of the Skurow band in Las Vegas, named after band leader Ronnie Skurow. What's intriguing here is that there is also a link between Phil Kachaturian and Gary Kato, since one track on Sunshine is co-written by "G Kato-P Kachaturian". So while the tracks on the Sunshine album seemed to have been pulled from two (or more) completely different sources, there may still be some sort of connection between these sources.

I've been in contact with Ronnie Skurow, but apart from expressing surprise at the Sunshine album's existence, and recognizing the four songs on side 1 as his old 45 recordings, he had no additional info concerning Kato or Kachaturian. Someone else may want to take this further, not least since the music in question is quite good!

As a final twist, there are two different pressings of the Sunshine album, one of which contains only 3 songs on side 2, even if 5 songs are listed in the credits. It was believed that all copies were like that (not unusual with tax scams) but recently a Sunshine copy popped up that included the two missing songs on side 2 -- a loungey version of "When A Man Loves A Woman" and an odd latin rock number titled "Space Flying", both of which sound completely unlike the rest of the album. Thanks to James B for excavating and forwarding these two long lost numbers.

The dead wax markings for the copy I have without the last 2 songs reads as follows: ' 'IRDA/AW 14017-2 (MINUS LAST 2 CUTS-O.K.)'As mentioned above, a good story can probably be pieced together from the Skurow-Kato-Kachaturian connection. Hopefully someone will be able to find out more.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 15:00 MEST
Updated: 2 July 2011 15:07 MEST
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13 May 2011
Negative Space background
Topic: Minor change or comment

An interview with main Space guy Rob Russen confirms all the basic data around the LP pressing as given in the Acid Archives book. It came out in May 1970, and the band played and even toured to promote it. The Castle label was a real label, formed by Russen's father, and had several releases in addition to the Negative Space LP.

See interview and plenty of vintage photos here:

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 15:11 MEST
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Upside Dawne
Now Playing: Rain Parade live '85
Topic: Minor change or comment

The rare Upside Dawne album from Kansas that was formerly only 'believed to exist' has now been verified with an actual vinyl copy, which surfaced in the Chicago area and was later sold to Europe for a substantial sum. The LP came without a sleeve in a very limited pressing. See Acid Archives book for details.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 15:04 MEST
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2 May 2011
Adam Taylor (Tiger Lily)
Topic: Minor change or comment
The ADAM TAYLOR album on Tiger Lily is in fact tracks by COUNTRY FUNK, who had Mr Taylor as a member and released a non-expensive LP on Polydor 1970. Some tax scam specialists have expressed embarrassment at not recognizing Country Funk, and for praising the Adam Taylor rarity while not giving Country Funk much attention. Fortunately for me, my conscience is as clean as Travis Bickle's cabbie sheet, since I had neither heard or even heard of Country Funk before this recent scoop surfaced.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 18:50 MEST
Updated: 2 May 2011 18:52 MEST
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Mother Tuckers Yellow Duck addenda
Now Playing: Creation Of Sunlight
Topic: Minor change or comment

There are in fact two different versions, and three different issues of the MOTHER TUCKERS YELLOW DUCK pre-LP 45 titled "I". The wildest and best version of "I" can be found on the first Duck label issue, and also as a very obscure release on the TCP label. Then there exists a 2nd version of "I" on Duck, which is more polished; it seems the band re-recorded the track, and the two Duck versions can be separated via the completely different matrix numbers (more info needed here).

Finally, the Acid Archives book does not mention the cartoon insert that the first, rare version of the band's debut LP on Duck came with, but the insert is clearly a part of the release and should be regarded as such... the M.T.Y.D discography is complex and someone ought to sort it out once and for all.

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 18:44 MEST
Updated: 2 May 2011 18:54 MEST
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24 April 2011
World "Opus I"
Now Playing: Mississippi "Velvet Sandpaper"
Topic: Addition

WORLD (Gallup, NM)
Opus I  197  (Foremost Records JWP 1039)
After some hush-hush speculation behind the scenes, this obscure artifact finally surfaced for real via an eBay auction and some soundclips. Supposedly a lost 'Grail', World turned out to be average Latin rock from what sounds like a local club band. Sounding somewhat like the Scorpio Brothers LP from NYC, it appears from the clips to be an OK but unexciting record, and I was unable to pick up any X-factor or underground/psych angle what would have warranted the ecstatic hype. [PL]

Posted by Patrick at Lysergia at 17:12 MEST
Updated: 24 April 2011 17:16 MEST
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