Here are some early reactions on the Psychedelia book from the learned men and women amongst us:
Clinic frontman Ade Blackburn in Magnet Magazine:
"[Psychedelia]...promises to be something special. Out through Subliminal Sounds, it looks at the many facets of psychedelia over time and not just the ’60s. Military acid tests, Philip K. Dick, Exotica, CIA research, Goa Trance, poster art, etc., all get a look in. Patrick wrote the immense Acid Archives book, which shed a light on many great but unheard private-press releases. His new book should do the same for psychedelic culture."
Thanks man. Clinic's latest album is just out, dig it!
Here is the original appearance of Blackburn's comment.
Richard Allen, music writer and founder of Freakbeat and Delerium:
"...a detailed and thorough academic study that examines psychedelia and psychedelic culture in the West. I haven't yet read anything about the rather more blood thirsty Mayan and Aztec branch of the family. What it does do is go beyond Western pop cultures brief, exciting coalescence with psychedelics and its a work that might in the future be regarded in the same way that Sir James George Fraser's The Golden Bough has become a reference point for those studying religion folklore and mythology. A stunning achievement." (a full-length review by Richard will appear in Shindig in the near future)