Murawski plays Kimber

Eight CDs!
World Premiere Recordings
Acte Préalable,
or contact the composer Michael Kimber directly
to take advantage of his LIMITED TIME OFFER!
1-2 CDs at $12 each
3-5 CDs at $11 each
6-8 CDs at $10 each
Price includes shipping via Media Mail anywhere in the U.S.
No collection of viola recordings is complete
without these superb performances by violist
Marcin Murawski, Orkiestra Kameralna Concertino,
and other collaborating artists in Poland!
Violist Marcin Murawski’s CD
Michael Kimber: Music for Viola(s)
includes Caprice in D and other viola solo and ensemble music.
(Click on the CD title for more information from Acte Préalable.)
Murawski’s Michael Kimber: Music for Viola 2 includes
the very popular Fantasía Hispana and Concertino performed
with the Polish ensemble Orkiestra Kameralna Concertino.
Murawski’s third Kimber CD, Michael Kimber: Music for Viola(s) 3, includes
Jenna’s Duet, a touching arrangement of
I’m Lost Without My Beautiful Viola
(with added vocals, jazz piano, drums and bass for which Kimber can take no
credit whatsoever), other viola ensemble music, and music for viola with piano
— plus a couple of “bonus track” surprises!
Murawski’s fourth Kimber CD, Michael Kimber: Music for Viola 4,
includes three major works for viola solo with string orchestra:
Evocations* (2005)
Night Music** (2013)
Variations on a Polish Folk Song (2014,
composed for this CD and featuring singing by
the Boczniewicz sisters, also heard on violin);
as well as works for string orchestra alone, superbly
performed by Orkiestra Kameralna Concertino.
*Hear the second movement of Evocations with beautiful
photos from Moryn, Poland, where this was recorded.
**Hear the first 3 minutes of Night Music. Beautiful!!
Murawski’s fifth Kimber CD, Michael Kimber: Music for Viola 5,
includes Dark Woods for viola and marimba,
and more music for solo viola.
Murawski’s sixth Kimber CD, Michael Kimber: Music for Viola 6,
includes Rhapsody for viola and strings,
music for viola ensemble, and more.
Murawski’s seventh Kimber CD, Michael Kimber: Music for Viola 7,
includes the composer himself performing
Monolog i Krakowiak for viola solo.
Murawski’s final(?) Kimber CD, Michael Kimber: the best of Music for viola,
includes a selection of ten works
from the previous seven CDs.
Music of Michael Kimber
Updated February 4, 2018