Recent and Upcoming Performances of
Music by violist and composer Michael Kimber
*Premiere performance
This is not and could not be a complete list;
these are only performances of which I have been informed.
Although I made no entries here for almost five years, there
were during this time many performances and recordings of
my music. This spring, as we emerge, hopefully, from a two-year-
long pandemic, there is a remarkable series of ten premieres,
both in the U.S. and in Europe, in the space of just a few months
(listed here in chronological order).
Iowa City, IA, USA:
April - Imagining* for violin, cello, and harp,
performed by Red Cedar Chamber Music
(Miera Kim, violin and Carey Bostian, cello,
with harpist Katherine Sciochi)
(numerous performances in eastern Iowa)
April 24 - Determination* for string orchestra,
performed by the Iowa City Community String Orchestra,
Carey Bostian, conductor
May - Venetian Tragedy*, music to accompany a silent film
from more than a century ago, performed by Red Cedar Chamber Music
(numerous performances in eastern Iowa)
Columbus, GA, USA:
June 2 - 2020* and Quest* for solo viola, performed by
violist Donghee Han on the Emerging Artists Recital during the
American Viola Society Festival and 47th International Viola Congress
June 3 - Selections from Twentieth-Century Idioms for Violists*,
performed by six viola students from the University of Arizona during
the American Viola Society Festival and 47th International Viola Congress
Live-streamed broadcast, USA:
June 4 - Schroeder's Limits* for toy piano, performed by
David Bohn on a Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame concert featuring
fifteen one-minute works by composers from around the world
Luther College, Decorah, IA, USA:
June 5 - Perseverance* for string orchestra performed by the
Oneota Valley Community Orchestra during the Iowa Composers
Forum 2022 Summer Festival of New Music
Brandenburg, Germany:
June 10 - Fantasie* for solo viola d'amore, performed by
Elena Kraineva during the 20th International Viola d'amore Congress
Germany and Czech Republic:
June 20 in Berlin, June 22 in Leipzig, and June 24 and 26 in Prague -
Concerto Grosso DSCH*, performed by the Preucil School String
Orchestra (Iowa City) conducted by Carey Bostian
Plattsburgh, NY, USA:
October 24 - Emerald Isle for solo viola -
performed at SUNY-Plattsburgh by Patricia McCarty
Elizabethtown, NY, USA:
October 21- Emerald Isle for solo viola -
performed in the historic Hand House by Patricia McCarty
Boulder, Colorado, USA:
September 12 - Reflection for three violas,
performed at the University of Colorado Boulder
by music faculty Erika Eckert and Geraldine Walther,
with guest artist Lynne Ramsey
Wellington, New Zealand:
September 1-5 - Various works performed at the
44th International Viola Congress, including:
Variations on a Polish Folk Song for viola and string orchestra,
performed by Marcin Murawski; "A Tribute to Michael Kimber,"
massed viola orchestra performing nine works, conducted by Murawski;
and Three Armenian Impressions for oboe, clarinet, and viola,
performed by violist Ames Asbell and Texas State University colleagues
Verbier, Switzerland:
July TBA - Viola Fight Song - performed by the
twelve violists of the 2017 Verbier Festival Orchestra
Waco, Texas, USA:
July 25 - Reveries* for solo viola - performed by
Kathryn Steely, professor of viola, at Baylor University
Medford, Massachusetts, USA:
June 17 - Violapalooza - performed in recital by students of
Elizabeth Burke, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Medford
Poznań, Poland:
April 26 - Selections from Twentieth-Century Idioms for solo viola,
performed by Marcin Murawski, and Suite in Baroque Style for two violas,
with Michalina Matias, at the Polish-Norwegian Culture Center
Poznań, Poland:
April 24 - "Harmonics," from Twentieth-Century Idioms for solo viola -
performed by Marcin Murawski at the II International Viola Symposium
Nashville, Tennessee, USA:
April 23 - Emerald Isle for solo viola - performed by
Will Mangum, at the Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt University
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
April 20 - March to the Future* for string orchestra -
the Regina Orchestra, Diane Platte, director, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA:
April 1 - Two Early Pieces* (from 1965) for piano -
performed by pianist Becca Vidales, at Coe College
Belmont, Massachusetts, USA:
March 26 - La Folia Variations - performed by the Powers Viola Quartet
(students of Jenny Shallenberger), at Powers Music School
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA:
March 17 - Emerald Isle - performed by violist Michael Kimber
at Brewed Awakenings coffee house, in celebration of St. Patrick's Day!
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA:
March 16 - Fantasía Hispana - performed by violist
Andrew Acosta at Coe College
Riga, Latvia:
March 1 - Murovisation, Emerald Isle, and other solo viola works -
performed by violist Marcin Murawski, at Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA:
February 18 - winter awakening*, Violists on the March*, and other works -
at the 2017 Viola Jamboree, the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Molly Gebrian, director
Decorah, Iowa, USA:
February 6 - Traveling for string orchestra and harp, performed in the
Dorian Orchestra Festival Grand Concert at Luther College, guest conductor Foster Beyers
Viersen, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany:
January 28 - Dancing Viola! - performed at the chamber music competition
Jugend Musiziert (Youth Making Music) by a viola quartet from the Städtische Musikschule
Mönchengladbach directed by Bridget King. (They won a second prize!)
Rzeszów, Poland:
December 27 - Arrangements of holiday music - performed by Simple Quartet,
Fil-Kameralia Concert Series of Filharmonia Podparkacka
Katowice, Poland:
November 14 - Three Armenian Impressions and Emerald Isle -
Marcin Murawski, viola, at Academy of Music in Katowice
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
November 3 - Adventure Overture - City High School Concert Orchestra,
Megan Stucky, director
Muncie, Indiana, USA:
October 18 - Music for Viola(s) by Michael Kimber,
Guest artist Marcin Murawski, viola, at Ball State University
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA:
October 16 - Music for Viola(s) by Michael Kimber,
Guest artist Marcin Murawski, viola, at Lawrence University
Normal, Illinois, USA:
October 13 - Music for Viola(s) by Michael Kimber,
Guest artist Marcin Murawski, viola, at Illinois State University
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
October 12 - Music for Viola(s) by Michael Kimber,
Guest artist Marcin Murawski, viola, at the University of Iowa
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA:
October 11 - Music for Viola(s) by Michael Kimber,
Guest artist Marcin Murawski, viola, at Coe College
Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA:
October 10 - Music for Viola(s) by Michael Kimber,
Guest artist Marcin Murawski, viola, at the University of Northern Iowa
Mount Vernon, Iowa, USA:
October 10 - Red Cedar Express - Red Cedar Chamber Music,
Miera Kim, violin and Carey Bostian, cello, at Cornell College
Decorah, Iowa, USA:
October 9 - Music for Viola(s) by Michael Kimber,
Guest artist Marcin Murawski, viola, at Luther College
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
October 2 - Red Cedar Express* - Red Cedar Chamber Music,
Miera Kim, violin and Carey Bostian, cello
Bloomington, Indiana, USA:
July 16 - Traveling Music - Indiana University String Academy 2016,
Viola Choir, directed by Jim Przygocki
London, England:
June 25 - Violapalooza! - Junior Guildhall School of Music and Drama,
Junior Department Viola Club, under the direction of Jessica O'Leary, Milton Court
Oberlin, Ohio, USA:
June 8-11 - Various works for viola ensemble performed during the American Viola Society's
2016 Viola Festival at the Oberlin College Conservatory of Music
Lexington, Kentucky, USA:
June 6 - Viola duets performed by Michael with Kathryn Plummer in a recital at Brookdale Richmond Place
for Joe M. Beach, honoring him as their inspiring high school orchestra director half a century ago.
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
May 12 - Rustic Dances - Northwest Junior High Eighth Grade Orchestra,
Stephanie Dotzel, conductor, 7:30 p.m.
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
April 26 - Fantasía Hispana - Joseph Kim, viola, with the West High School String Orchestra,
Wayne Thelander, conductor, 7:30 p.m.
Rockford, Illinois, USA:
April 24 - La Folia Variations - faculty and student viola ensemble at The Music Academy of Rockford
Denton, Texas, USA:
April 18 - Traveling Music - UNT Viola Studio Ensemble under the direction of
Susan Dubois, Professor of Viola, and Daphne Gerling, Senior Artist Teacher of Viola,
University of North Texas College of Music
College Park, Maryland USA:
March 21 - Viola Fight Song - viola ensemble on the recital of William Neri,
at the Gildenhorn Recital Hall, The University of Maryland
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA:
February 27 - Violapalooza! - Ensemble of 80+ violists at the first UWEC Viola Jamboree
directed by Dr. Molly Gebrian, Assistant Professor of Viola, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
February 23 - Rustic Dances - South East Junior High String Orchestra,
Gae Ellyn Gentzsch, conductor
Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA:
February 1 - Traveling Music for viola quartet - Cedar Falls High School Orchestra POPS Concert, Scott Hall, conductor;
possible repeat performance(s) on a cruise ship in the Bahamas, March 14-18
Inowrocław, Poland:
December 21 - Murovisation and Emerald Isle - Marcin Murawski, viola, at Inowrocław Music School
Wadowice, Poland:
December 11 - Emerald Isle - Marcin Murawski, viola, at Wadowice Music School
Kalisz, Poland:
December 3 - Murovisation, Emerald Isle, and Three Armenian Impressions - Marcin Murawski, viola, at Kalisz School of Music
Wellington, New Zealand:
November 16 - Echoes of Greece and Dark Woods - Elyse Dalabakis, viola, at Te Kōkī New Zealand School of Music
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA:
November 1 - Festival Overture and Hattiesburg Rag, performed during the 9th annual Viola Celebration at the University of Tennessee
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
November 1 - Cheerful Bells* - world premiere performance by violists Sebastian Nuxoll and Peter Burer, at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 10 a.m.
Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA:
October 31 - La Folia Variations for viola ensemble, performed during the 2015 UNI Viola Festival at the University of Northern Iowa School of Music
Boscawen, New Hampshire, USA:
October 26 - There’s Another Picture in My Mamma’s Frame, performed by Red Cedar Chamber Music at the Avaloch Farm Music Institute
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA:
October 24 - viola ensemble music performed during Viola Day!!! 2015 at the University of Utah (event sponsored by the Utah Viola Society)
Richmond, Virginia, USA:
October 24 - viola ensemble music performed during the 2015 Violapalooza at Virginia Commonwealth University (event sponsored by the Virginia Viola Society and VCU ASTA)
Corpus Christ, Texas, USA:
October 7 - Fantasía Hispana - Melissa Melendez, viola, with The South Texas Chamber Players, at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
near Moshi, Tanzania:
July 10 - Vanishing Woods - Hillary Herndon, viola, and Jeremy Reynolds, clarinet, at the TGP Sugar Plantation Community Center
Szczecin, Poland:
June 13 - Fantasía Hispana - Ewa Tracz, viola, with Orkiestra Kameralna Concertino at Akademia Sztuki
Poznań, Poland:
May 20 - Rhapsody* - Martyna Kowzan, viola, with chamber orchestra, Eugeniusz Dabrowski, conductor, at Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań, Poland
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA:
May 18 - Concertino (first movement) - Brytton Pollock, viola, with Washington High School String Orchestra (Natalie Brown, conductor)
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA:
May 12 - Fantasía Hispana - Tameryn Huffman, viola, with New Mexico Philharmonic (Byron Herrington, conductor) at Popejoy Hall
Kolding, Denmark:
April 19 - La Folia variations for four violas and Odyssey for string orchestra, Sinfonietta Fredericia (Marianne Eising, conductor) at Trapholt Museum of Modern Art
New York City, USA:
April 7 - Vanishing Woods* - Hillary Herndon, viola, and Jeremy Reynolds, clarinet, at Carnegie Hall
Morgantown, West Virginia, USA:
March 30 - Dark Woods* - The Sonorous Duo (Courtney Grant, viola, and Kristopher Grant, marimba) at West Virginia University
Carbondale, Illinois, USA:
March 28 - Three Armenian Impressions - Jacob Tews, viola, and Traveling Music (with his students) at the Southern Illinois University School of Music’s Outside the Box festival
Waco, Texas, USA:
March 28 - Emerald Isle - Gwendolyn Matias-Ryan, viola, at Baylor University
Muncie, Indiana, USA:
March 12 - Festival Overture - Ball State Viola Choir, Katrin Meidell, director, at Ball State University’s New Music Festival
Phoenix, Arizona, USA:
May 5 - Odyssey for string orchestra - Arizona School for the Arts String Foundations 2 Orchestra, Cindy Blandino, conductor
Dresden, Germany:
April 12 - Rustic Dances* - Sinfonietta Fredericia (Denmark), Marianne Eising, conductor, at the International ESTA Congress
Mönchengladbach, Germany:
April 10 - Violapalooza - Viola students of Bridget King at the Städtische Musikschule Mönchengladbach
Moryń, Poland:
April 5 - Music of Michael Kimber - Marcin Murawski, viola, with Orkiestra Kameralna Concertino, Marek Siwka, conductor
Oka, Québec, Canada:
April 5 - Music of Michael Kimber - Geneviève Overy, viola, at La Panière d’Alexie
Kidron, Ohio, USA:
March 23 - Adventure Overture for string orchestra - Mennonite Festival Orchestra, Carey Bostian, conductor
Montréal, Québec, Canada:
March 18 - Odyssey for string orchestra - music festival performance by students of Geneviève Overy
Dublin, Ireland:
February 22 - Emerald Isle and other music of Michael Kimber - Marcin Murawski, viola, at POSK (Polish Culture House) Dublin
Iowa City, Iowa, USA:
May 15 - Odyssey for string orchestra - South East Junior High School String Orchestra, Gae Ellyn Gentzsch, conductor
April 13 - Night Music* for viola solo and string orchestra - Iowa City Community String Orchestra, Carey Bostian, conductor,
with Canadian violist Geneviève Overy
Feb. 24 - Traveling for string orchestra and harp - City High School String Orchestra, Megan Stucky, conductor,
with Swiss harpist Seraina Juon
Feb. 20 - Rustic Dances for string orchestra - South East Junior High School String Orchestra, Gae Ellyn Gentzsch, conductor
Feb. 15 - Murovisation for solo viola - Michael Kimber, viola, opening performance of the Iowa Composers Forum Winter Festival
for confirmation and further information.
Here are some links to performances of
Michael Kimber’s music on YouTube!
Music of Michael Kimber