Why do we labor at the poem Age after Age---even an age like This one, when the living rock No longer lives and the cut stone perishes?---- Holderlin's question. Why be poet Now when the meanings do not mean?---- When the stone shape is shaped stone?---- Durftiger Zeit?---time without inwardness? Why lie upon our beds at night Holding a mouthful of words, exhausted Most by the absence of the adversary? Why be poet? Why be man! Far out in the uttermost Andes Mortised enormous stones are piled. What is man? Who founds a poem In the rubble of wild world---wilderness. The acropolis of eternity that crumbles Time and again is mine---my task. The heart's necessity compels me: Man I am: poet must be.
The labor of order has no rest; To impose on the confused, fortuitous Flowing away of the world, Form---- Still, cool, clean, obdurate,
Lasting forever, or at least Lasting: a precarious monument Promising immortality, for the wing Moves and in the moving balances.
Generations of the dying Fix the sea's dissolving salts In stone, still trees, their branches immovable, Meaning the movement of the sea.
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