Feel free to use any of these pics on your web pages, or whatever, just
please link me, ok? :-)
I used to be scanner-impaired...i feel your pain!!
NOTE*** some of these images may show up as a broken icon. this means
either you need
either a stronger glasses prescription, or internet explorer. although
i did make this page in
accordance with the Book of Netscape, some images only show up through
netscape can be cruel. i don't know why.
I will keep scanning in tori pictures and adding them to this page...i've
just been so busy revamping
everything else. meow. look both ways before crossing the street.
i WILL NOT do thumbnails for this site. they take too
long to make, too long to load. so um yah, a handy description of the
picture can be found next to the link.
choirgirl1.JPG: inside pic from
Choirgirl Hotel
choirgirl2.JPG another inside pic
from Choirgirl Hotel
cornflakegirl.JPG: Tori as the
Kelogg's "Just Right" girl (also seen at the top of this page)
crucify.JPG: front cover of the Crucify
det2.jpg: live in concert (also seen
on the main page of this site)
heyjupiter.JPG: front cover of
the Hey Jupiter single
heyjupiter2.JPG: picture inside
the Hey Jupiter single
tori.jpg: one of my fave Tori pics
tori24.JPG: Tori w/blueish background
tori25.JPG: leaning against a fence/wall
tori29.JPG: this postcard I got from
Hot Topic (don't shop there, the store sucks)
tori30.JPG: YKTR--Cool on Your Island
tori31.JPG: YKTR promo poster (almost
unrecognizable Tori)
tori32.JPG: Y Kant Tori Read-era Tori--note
the sword
torichair.JPG: sitting in a chair
toricrucify.JPG: same as crucify.JPG,
just this one wasn't from the actual CD cover
toridoll.gif: holding a doll
torisad.JPG: looking into a mirror,
torismile.gif: Tori eating breakfast,
with a very Tori-ish smile
youngtori.jpg: young Tori
toricornflake.jpg: the front
cover of the Cornflake girl single
toricornflake2.jpg: the back
cover of the Cornflake girl single
torigod.jpg: the front cover of the
God single
toritalula.jpg: the front cover
of the Talula single (bad scan)
toritalula3.jpg: the picture inside
the Talula single (also seen in BFP)
toriwinter.jpg: front cover of
the Winter single--one of my favorite pics of Tori
torispark2.jpg: front cover of
the UK Spark single part 2
torispark3.jpg: one of the postcards
that comes with the UK Spark single
torispark4.jpg: another one of
the postcards
torispark5.jpg: the other postcard
that comes with Spark
thebigpicture.jpg: a screen
shot from the Y Kant Tori Read video
tori1006.jpg: Under the Pink cover
tori900.jpg: Tori, with Maynard Keenen
(of Tool). From the Live From NY performance.
tori901.jpg: another Live From NY
tori902.jpg: Jackie's Strength single
front cover shot
tori903.jpg: Jackie's Strength back
tori904.jpg: from the interview disc
(1997, Baktabak)
tori905.jpg: striking a cute pose
tori906.jpg: RAINN promo pic (also
the cover of the RAINN benefit SaTY single)
tori907.jpg: close up (black and white)
tori908.JPG: b/w, Tori standing, hand
behind back
tori99.jpg: the same pic I used for
the imagemap navigator thingie
tori37.jpg: sitting down
tori49.jpg: wearing a black hat and
sexy eyeliner...one of my personal faves :-)
tori55.jpg: nice dress :-)
toricoat.gif: wearing a growely little
winter coat
tori355.jpg: tori's da man!!
cross.gif: crucifix behind her
face.gif: quite possibly one of the most
beautiful pics of tori
god15.jpg: still from the "God" video
gazing.gif: mmmmmmmmeow (as t would
tree.jpg: there's a cat up in the tree!!
oh wait it's tori
torishoe.jpg: 101 uses for tori--#87
shoe rack
torimoon.jpg: so this is what REALLY
happens when there's a full moon...
funkyhair.jpg: funky hairstyle
sunny.jpg: lying down. happy orange
& yellow clothing
sporty.jpg: one of the many faces of
rabbitears.jpg: on the roseanne
show, "rabbits"
toriflower.jpg: bright green eyes,
happy flower
happylittlerabbit.jpg: wearing
a kyote widdle bunny shirt
blue.jpg: blueish type background
rug.jpg: lying on a rug
god8.gif: another still from the god
crutches.jpg: our goddess, on crutches
beach.jpg: standing on a beach
blacktoe.jpg: black toenails, very
awesome b&w piccy
lookingup.jpg: quite frankly, she's
looking up
flowers.jpg: basking in a field of
perddy yellow flowers
mirror.jpg: in a mirror
torismile2.jpg: smiling :-)
caughtalitetori.jpg: still
from CaLS video
quitehappytori.jpg: on leno,
smiling a lot
corflakegirlvid.jpg: still
from cornflake girl video