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Take a break from life! Aloha
Hey Hey!
It's Fat Albert and The
Junkyard Gang!!!!!!!
"Gonna Have a Good Time!"
Fat Albert & Da Cosby Kids In Da House
Fat Albert first appeared as a character in Bill Cosby's stand-up
comedy routines. He was supposedly one of the kids in the Philadelphia
neighborhood where Cosby grew up. He was so popular with audiences
in the 1960s and early '70s, that in 1972 he became the star of
the Saturday morning animated TV show on CBS.
Fat Albert ran as a network show for a phenomenal
twelve years, with new episodes produced during the first five.
It even got an Emmy Award nomination in 1974. In addition, Gold
Key Comics did a comic book adaptation of it, which ran 29 issues,
from 1974-79.
This series has Fat Albert and the gang of buddies dealing with
the day-to-day problems confronted by children everywhere. Featuring
Bill Cosby, the shows emphasize values and how to work through problem
situations. Topics range from dealing with bullies and drugs to
the arrival of a new sister or brother; from prejudice to learning
to read; from the importance of studying to embarrassment over a
father's job.
In addition to speaking through the animated Fat Albert gang, Bill
Cosby directly addresses viewers, guiding them in understanding
the dilemmas and solutions dealt with by Fat Albert and his friends."Learnin'
from each other, while we do our thing..."
Live action bumpers featuring Bill Cosby were set around animated
episodes of Fat Albert and The Cosby Kids, a series about a group
of urban kids growing up in a Philadelphia neighborhood. The show
was based on Cosby’s 60's stand up comedy monologues about his childhood.
The episodes revolved around the daily life lessons learned by
Albert and his friends. Topics ranged from social issues to personal
introspection and were blended with humor and music. Among the many
great characters that inhabited Fat Albert’s world were Rudy, Mushmouth,
Donald, Bill, Weird Harold and Russell.
In 1979 the show was re-titled The New Fat Albert Show and featured
a new segment called The Brown Hornet, a send-up of superhero cartoons
starring a larger-than-life African-American crime fighter in outer
Bill Cosby lent his voice to many of the Fat Albert characters,
playing Fat Albert, Bill, Mushmouth, Mudfoot and the Brown Hornet.
Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids enjoyed one of the longest careers
in Saturday morning cartoon history, running for twelve consecutive
years; a record bested only by the many incarnations of Scooby-Doo.
The show initially ran on CBS from 1972-1984, but moved to NBC in
syndication for one year in 1989.
"Na-na-na, gonna have a good time,
Hey, hey hey!"
The Theme To Fat Albert
Hey, hey, hey, it's Fat Albert...and I'm gonna sing a song for
you...And we're gonna tell you a thing or twooo...Come join da fun
now with me and all da gang....learning from each other while we
do out thanggg...naahh..naaah..naah..have a good time..hey..hey..hey...
1.Nobody Likes a Bully -- The Cosby Kids realize that the neighborhood
bully just wants attention and friendship.
2.Talk -- Don't Fight -- A fight between gangs results in a death,
making all of them realize the price they have all paid.
3.The Hero -- Cool or Fool? -- A man the kids look up to gets them
into trouble before they finally wise up.
4.I Can Do It Myself! -- The gang tries to make friends with a
distant, independent boy, confined to a wheelchair, who refuses
their help.
5.Everybody's Different and That's OK! -- The kids finally accept
a girl from the South, even though she is very different in many
6.Old Folks Are A-Okay! -- After being treated to soda and cookies
on Halloween, Fat Albert and the gang learn that they have the wrong
impression of old people.
7.Who Is an American? -- The kids learn that being a good American
has little to do with where you were born or what accent you have.
8.Mom Deserves Some Thanks -- After struggling to get his chores
done, Fat Albert learns to appreciate all the things his mother
9.Mom and Pop Split Up -- The gang helps Flora through the divorce
of her parents.
10.Baby on the Way -- After initially resisting the idea of having
a new baby brother or sister, Dumb Donald decides that he loves
having his new baby sister around.
11.Dad's Job Is Cool -- The gangs teacher has them spend a day
on the job with their dads.
12.Signs Are for Safety -- Fat Albert convinces Cool Roy that moving
and changing signs is dangerous.
13.Bicycle Rules É Safety First -- After a serious bike
accident, the boys finally learn that a cyclist who ignores the
rules is a danger to himself and a threat to others.
14.Beware of Strangers -- Hank sleeps through class and misses
some important tips about how to avoid becoming a victim of dangerous
strangers and finds himself in a bad situation.
15.Help Police Your Neighborhood -- The gang learns all about how
to form a neighborhood watch and how the police work to keep people
16.Do Your Job Right -- The gang pressures Weird Harold to give
them some free ice cream at the ice cream parlor where he has a
summer job. But Harold learns that his job responsibilities come
17.Heart Attack -- Save a Life! -- Rudy chooses not to learn CPR
and then runs into a situation where he doesn't know how to treat
a man having a heart attack. Film approved by the American Heart
18.Responsibility É The Only Way -- Weird Harold spends
all his money after he becomes obsessed with playing video games
and can't help pay for the gangs annual picnic.
19.TV or Not TV? -- Monroe learns the hard way that he can't spend
all of his time watching TV.
20.Study Makes the Grade -- Donald is tempted to cheat on an upcoming
21.Give School a Chance -- Rudy drops out of school, but is convinced
by a local bum that success in life begins with a good education.
22.You Can Make It If You Try -- Thurman, a real klutz at sports,
shares tips with the gang on how to study; they, in turn, teach
him some athletic skills.
23.Reading Is the Way To Grow -- A gifted football athlete hides
the fact that he canÕt read, but finally admits that he must
learn how.
24.Only Fools Break the Rules -- The gang follows a boy into all
kinds of dangerous mischief at an abandoned amusement park.
25.Going Into Business -- The boys are duped by a fraudulent ad
for a free bicycle.
26.Kids and Alcohol Don't Mix -- Fat Albert helps a friend, who
is also an outstanding soccer player, deal with a severe alcohol
27.Clean Is Keen -- Russell and Fat Albert have to tell their friend
Suede Simpson that he needs to take a bath.
28.Four Eyes -- Heywood finally admits that he can't see well and
needs glasses; when he becomes a baseball hero, the gang realizes
he has changed from a clumsy Humpty-Dumpty to the coolest kid in
29.Folk Tales -- After the gangs television set breaks, they discover
that the library contains many stories they can read and tell to
each other.
30.Write a Poem -- Share Your Feelings -- Fat Albert helps Richard
overcome his fear of letting people know that he writes poetry,
then reads one of Richard's poems at a school assembly.
Albert's TV Expert
More than 25 years ago, “Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids” was one
of television’s most-watched animated children’s shows. Sure, it
owed part of its popularity to the creative genius of Bill Cosby.
But it also was one of the first shows to teach pro-social behavior
and life lessons to children, and for that, it owed its success
to Gordon L. Berry.
Berry, a professor of counseling and student affairs in the Graduate
School of Education & Information Studies and a faculty member
in the Communication Studies Program in the College of Letters and
Science, remembers when he was first approached by Lou Scheimer,
then president of Filmation Studios.
“In 1972, Scheimer came to my office with the idea for a project
he and Bill Cosby were putting together for CBS called ‘Fat Albert
and the Cosby Kids,’” Berry recalled. “He said, ‘I’m coming to you
because Bill and I want to do something good for kids with this
Berry immediately wrote a proposal that outlined ways in which
the TV series could teach positive social values to children. The
proposal was accepted, the show was launched and Berry’s interest
in children’s television was piqued. “From that show, I began to
realize the power of TV to teach these kinds of lessons to children,”
he said.
Since then, Berry’s research has centered on the effects of TV
on children’s development. He has written or coedited three books
on the subject, including the recently published “Research Paradigms
in the Study of Television and Social Behavior,” coedited with his
former doctoral student, Joy Keiko Asamen. Berry’s affiliation with
CBS has continued over the years, and today he heads the advisory
board to the CBS network and its Children’s Programs Department.
“We’re there to make sure that CBS meets the new standards of
the FCC, which mandated that all children’s programming be educational
and informational,” said Berry. “We review the scripts and look
at the language, the story line and whether or not it’s age-appropriate.”
Berry also has served as a consultant to NBC, KCET, Nickelodeon
and the Children’s Television Workshop. He has advised the creators
of such programs as “Beakman’s World,” “Sports Illustrated for Kids,”
“Captain Kangaroo,” “Fraggle Rock,” and “Name Your Adventure.” His
handbook, published by CBS, teaches television writers how to create
educational programs.