10.3.1988.- 14.12.1998.

It is so hard for me to make this page, he was special, adorable, my first rottweiler. After 9 months struggle with heart illness he is gone, but in my heart he'll live till my last day....

14 months old, with my daughter Diana on the dog show (1989.) left Nestor,right As,his best friend .They was almost every day together,walking,swimming,runing ,so much enjoyng in life
Left Don, middle As,right Nestor, with me in Opatija -dog show (1989.) Left is Nestor,with As.They really enjoy to play in deep snow,both was very temperament dogs.We walking every day 5-6 hours with they and never was enough.....

Every summer he spend with us in our house on Adriatic see, he was crazy about swimming .

Yosch -4 months old and Nestor (1995.)
Nestor, Kora vom Seedamm and Yosch

Yosch & Nestor

Sleep still, hope we will met againe.........