Welcome to my new and improved homepage!
Thank you for stopping by and taking a look! =)

But now to my introduction:

My name is Martin, i'm 29, live in Plano, TX in the US of A and am a permanent resident! :-)

I am married to my wonderfull wife Karen and am enjoying my life with her here in Dallas. :-)
We live in a nice two-bedroom appartment in Plano, which is north of Dallas.
It's a pretty good location, with easy access to all major Freeways and close to several movie theaters and tons of restaurants.
In short, it has all we need! :-)

I was born in Bayreuth, Germany, but lived pretty much all of my life in the Rhein-Main area near Wiesbaden. Even though I am living in the US now, I still have close contact to my family, which consists of my grandparents (they still live in Bayreuth), my parents and my sister (all in Wiesbaden) and I plan to keep it that way! =)

I like:
My wife, of course =), my extended family, my friends all around the globe (on the net and in real life), music, movies, sports (especially soccer, football and baseball) and many more things (which includes eating, like all ppl who know me surely can tell you! lol).

I have a diploma, equal to a Master's Degree, in biology that I earned in the group "Neurobiology of circadian rhythms" (NCR) of Professor Fleissner at the University of Frankfurt, Germany, with a 1 (very good) for my graduation work and an overall 1.8 (good).
Now, since 09/02/2003, I am working as a Research Assistant at the Retina Foundation of the Southwest, a non-profit organisation that is dedicated to finding cures for common genetic eye-diseases like Retinitis Pigmentosa and Macular Degeneration. I am working in the Rose-Silverthorne Retinal Degeneration Laboratory for Dr. David Birch, together with Kirsten Locke and Petra Kozma-Wiebe.

Recently there also has been some further good news. Karen and I have become aunty and uncle! :-)
Karen's brother Brian and his wife Lisa welcommed a beautiful baby girl, Alyssa, to this world on the 28th of July 2004.
She is just so adorable with her little hands and feet. And she makes the cutest facial expressions. But see for yourself.




Alyssa sleeping

The proud parents



Karen holding Alyssa

Me holding Alyssa

There are a lot more pictures on Brian and Lisa's website, here.

But now here we've got the most important person in my life! =) My wife:

She is from Oregon, USA, moved to Dallas, TX into an appartment two years before I came here and is just simply the most loveable person in the world.

Loving, tender, clever, sweet, funny, good looking, understanding and much more. if i'd say everything i'd want to about her, the homepage would be filled. So I just leave it with the most important thing about her.
I love her very much and i'm sure we will live happily ever after! ;)
[Hey, seems like my old statement was pretty much up to the point! "and if life turns out this way, i could imagine to live together with her for a VERY long time! =)"]

Click to see a pic of Karen and me

Click to see another pic of Karen and me

Click to see a pic of Karen and me all dressed up

Click to see pics of Karen and me in San Francisco

Click to see pics of our wedding

Click to see pictures of our honeymoon