The Ambisonic G-Format (AMBG) chunk

The ".amg" Format

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This document describes a soundfile information chunk that may be added to WAVE-EX soundfiles to indicate the file is in Ambisonic G-Format. The information in the chunk can be used to recover the B-Format components for subsequent decoding to a different speaker layout.

A G-Format file contains an Ambisonic soundfield pre-decoded to a set of speaker feeds. This allows listeners who do not own an Ambisonic decoder to enjoy Ambisonics. When producing the G-Format file, the sound engineer creates a set of speaker feeds for a particular number and arrangement of speakers. This is typically four speakers arranged in a square or five speakers arranged in a regular pentagon. However, other speaker arrangements are possible.

As unrecognized chunks are always skipped, use of this chunk is benign and players that do not recognise it will see a normal multi-channel WAVE-EX file. The dwChannelMask in the WAVE-EX file should be set to the value appropriate for the set of speaker feeds the file contains.

Use of a Speaker Position (SPOS) chunk, in addition to the AMBG chunk, is not required in G-Format files but is recommended. The SPOS chunk can give guidance to the listener on the speaker arrangement which was assumed during the production of the G-Format file (square, regular pentagon, etc). The SPOS and AMBG chunks are completely independent, and their relative order is unimportant.

The AMBG chunk contains conversion coefficients which can be used to recover the original B-Format channels. The recovered B-Format channels can be fed to a decoder in the listener's living room, and so accommodate a speaker arrangement different from the one used when the G-Format file was produced. Each B-Format channel is recovered using a weighted combination of the speaker feeds in the G-Format file. The conversion coefficients must be such that the recovered B-Format channels conform to the Furse-Malham set of weighting factors described in the ".amb" specification.

The AMBG chunk structure

typedef struct
    char          ID[4];         /* 'AMBG' */
    unsignedInt32 dataSize;      /* the size of the chunk */
    unsignedInt32 version;       /* version of the AMBG chunk */
    unsignedInt32 numBformat;    /* number of B-Format channels */
    unsignedInt32 decoderFlags;  /* UHJ, shelf filters, etc */
    BformatConv   bFormatChannels[numBformat];  /* conversion info */
} AMBGchunk;
The character array 'AMBG', for chunk identification.
The size of the data section of the chunk. It does not include the 8 bytes used by <AMBGchunk.ID> and <AMBGchunk.dataSize>.
Indicates the version of the AMBG chunk. This allows anything after <AMBGchunk.version> to be redefined for future needs. This document describes version 1.
The number of B-Format channels to be recovered. This must be 3 or greater.
Bit flags containing information useful to the decoder which will process the recovered B-Format channels.
An array containing the information necessary to recover the B-Format channels.

The decoderFlags for version 1

These flags are needed so that the B-Format decoder subsequently decoding the recovered B-Format channels can behave appropriately.

/* G-Format chunk decoderFlags */
#define AMBG_FLAG_UHJ   0x00000001
#define AMBG_FLAG_PREF  0x00000002
#define AMBG_FLAG_SHELF 0x00000004
#define AMBG_FLAG_DIST  0x00000008
#define AMBG_FLAG_DOM   0x00000010
/* Bit flags up to 0x00080000 reserved for future use */
1 if the source was two-channel UHJ, 0 otherwise. Allows the decoder to apply forward preference and the shelf filters appropriate for two-channel UHJ (if not already applied).
1 if forward preference was applied, 0 otherwise. This flag only makes sense if the source was two-channel UHJ. Allows the decoder to not apply additional forward preference.
1 if shelf filters were applied, 0 otherwise. Allows the decoder to not apply a second set of shelf filters.
1 if speaker distance compensation was applied, 0 otherwise. Allows the decoder to not apply a second set of speaker distance compensation.
1 if dominance was applied, 0 otherwise. This flag is included for completeness.

The BformatConv structure for version 1

typedef enum 
    W = 1,X,Y,Z,R,S,T,U,V,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q
        /* enumerated B-Format channel label */
} bFormatLabel;

typedef struct
    unsignedInt32 label;  /* B-Format channel label */
    double64      coeffs[FormatChunk.nChannels];
        /* the coefficients to recover one B-Format channel */
} BformatConv;
The B-Format channel label; for example, W. It is an enumerated integer constant in the range 1 to 16.
The array of conversion coefficients to perform the recovery, one weighting coefficient for every speaker feed in the file. The 64-bit floating point numbers are in IEEE 754 format. The B-format channel is recovered using a weighted combination of the speaker feeds in the file. The coefficients are in the same speaker feed order as the samples are interleaved.

File extension

A file containing the AMBG chunk will have the ".amg" file extension. This is to allow the operating system to route G-Format files to an Ambisonic decoder. Note that when creating files, software must use this file extension. However, when reading files, software should peek inside any WAVE-EX file, irrespective of its extension, to see if it contains the AMBG chunk. (This is an example of the robustness principle, "Be liberal in what you read, and conservative in what you write".)

Example 1: Nimbus 4.0

Nimbus 4.0 presents the listener with speaker feeds decoded for speakers positioned at FrontLeft, FrontRight, BackLeft, BackRight. The samples in a WAVE-EX file must be interleaved in this order. The speakers feeds are for speakers arranged in a square.

The G-Format speaker feeds ("Energy" decode) are produced using:
FrontLeft = W + X/sqrt(2) + Y/sqrt(2)
FrontRight = W + X/sqrt(2) - Y/sqrt(2)
BackLeft = W - X/sqrt(2) + Y/sqrt(2)
BackRight = W - X/sqrt(2) - Y/sqrt(2)

The SPOS chunk

Use of the Speaker Position chunk is optional, but recommended.

SPOSchunk.ID = {'S','P','O','S'};
SPOSchunk.dataSize = 4 + 4*4 + 4*4;
SPOSchunk.version = 1;
SPOSchunk.azimuths[] = {+45, -45, +135, -135};
SPOSchunk.elevations[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

The AMBG chunk

AMBGchunk.ID = {'A','M','B','G'};
AMBGchunk.dataSize = 4 + 4 + 4 + 3*(4 + 4*8);
AMBGchunk.version = 1;
AMBGchunk.numBformat = 3;
    /* source was two-channel UHJ + shelf filters applied */
AMBGchunk.bFormatChannels[0] = {(unsignedInt32)W, +0.25, +0.25, +0.25, +0.25};
AMBGchunk.bFormatChannels[1] = {(unsignedInt32)X, +0.3536, +0.3536, -0.3536, -0.3536};
AMBGchunk.bFormatChannels[2] = {(unsignedInt32)Y, +0.3536, -0.3536, +0.3536, -0.3536};
    /* 0.3536 = 0.25*sqrt(2) */

The B-Format channels would be recovered using:
W = 0.25*(FrontLeft + FrontRight + BackLeft + BackRight)
X = 0.3536*(FrontLeft + FrontRight - BackLeft - BackRight)
Y = 0.3536*(FrontLeft - FrontRight + BackLeft - BackRight)

Example 2: Regular pentagon 5.0

Regular pentagon 5.0 presents the listener with speaker feeds decoded for speakers positioned at FrontLeft, FrontRight, FrontCentre, BackLeft, BackRight. The samples in a WAVE-EX file must be interleaved in this order. The speakers feeds are for speakers arranged in a regular pentagon with 72 degrees between adjacent speakers.

The G-Format speaker feeds ("Energy" decode) are produced using:
FrontLeft = W + X*cos(72°) + Y*sin(72°)
FrontRight = W + X*cos(72°) - Y*sin(72°)
FrontCentre = W + X
BackLeft = W - X*cos(36°) + Y*sin(36°)
BackRight = W - X*cos(36°) - Y*sin(36°)

The SPOS chunk

Use of the Speaker Position chunk is optional, but recommended.

SPOSchunk.ID = {'S','P','O','S'};
SPOSchunk.dataSize = 4 + 5*4 + 5*4;
SPOSchunk.version = 1;
SPOSchunk.azimuths[] = {+72, -72, 0, +144, -144};
SPOSchunk.elevations[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

The AMBG chunk

AMBGchunk.ID = {'A','M','B','G'};
AMBGchunk.dataSize = 4 + 4 + 4 + 3*(4 + 5*8);
AMBGchunk.version = 1;
AMBGchunk.numBformat = 3;
AMBGchunk.decoderFlags = 0;
    /* source was three-channel UHJ + shelf filters not applied */
AMBGchunk.bFormatChannels[0] = {(unsignedInt32)W, +0.2, +0.2, +0.2, +0.2, +0.2};
AMBGchunk.bFormatChannels[1] = {(unsignedInt32)X, -0.2, -0.2, +0.8, -0.2, -0.2};
AMBGchunk.bFormatChannels[2] = {(unsignedInt32)Y, +0.2629, -0.2629, 0.0, +0.4253, -0.4253};
    /* 0.2629 = 1/(sin(72 deg)*4), 0.4253 = 1/(sin(36 deg)*4) */

The B-Format channels would be recovered using:
W = 0.2*(FrontLeft + FrontRight + FrontCentre + BackLeft + BackRight)
X = 0.8*FrontCentre - 0.2*(FrontLeft + FrontRight + BackLeft + BackRight)
Y = 0.2629*(FrontLeft - FrontRight) + 0.4253*(BackLeft - BackRight)

Ambisonic file formats

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