This page describes how to solder electronic components using a soldering iron. If you came here looking for advice on recreational drugs then I am afraid you came to the wrong place. The page evolved out of an article I posted to the Usenet newsgroup in September 2000. It has been modified for clarity and to make me look good.
Just make sure it is intended to solder electronic parts and not, say, coffee pots.
For soldering of electronic parts, a low-power iron requires less skill as there is less chance of the components being baked. Some people swear by irons that can be set to different temperatures. If you buy one then set the temperature to whatever is recommended on the packet of solder.
The "approved" technique is:
There is much argument on whether blowing on the joint to speed cooling is A Good Thing or not. Do not blow but, instead, let the joint cool naturally. This will produce smaller crystals in the solder, and so a stronger joint.
A long time ago, I bought aluminium "tweezers" that clip to the legs of components and absorb heat. If you can find these then use them, but if your technique is good then you do not need them. Electronic parts are designed to be soldered; if soldering damages them then there is something wrong.
Have fun.