This is my favorite team, because well I am Exodus, leader of The Acolytes and the Acolytes are the best team in all of Marvel!
Location: NONE
Senyaka (JK )
(OPD) All Any-Power cards on Target Character's Permanent Record become Energy cards for remainder of game.
Unuscione (LB )
(x1) Avoid 1 attack from a Battlesite. The Acolytes may not be attacked from a Battlesite for remander of battle.
Master of Magnetism (HN )
(OPD) Acts as a level 11 Any-Power attack. Does not count towards Spectrum KO.
Paralyze Opponent (AV )
(OPD) Target opponent may not attack for remainder of battle.
Metal Barrier (AC )
(x3) Attack made on Teammate is now made on Colossus, who may defend it.
Fastball Special (BI )
(OPD) Teammaye may make 1 Strength or Fighting attack at +4.
Consume Lifeforce (AL )
(x2) Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. If successful, remove 1 hit from Holocaust's Peremnent Record.
Otherwordly Evil (AO )
(x2) Negate the effect of any 1 Special card played by opponent.
Power Cards:
Energy: 7(x2) 6(x2) 5(x2) 4(x10) 3(x10) 2(x6) 1(x3)
Fighting: 6(x1) 5(x2) 4(x4) 3(x3) 2(x6) 1(x12)
Strength: 7(x1) 6(x2) 5(x2) 4(x3) 3(x5) 2(x15) 1(x8)
Intellect: 3(x2) 2(x2) 1(x1)
Universe Cards:
4F-7F(x1) 6F-8F(x1), Artifacts: Super Solider Serum(Use On Magneto)
Fatal Attractions
Record: (as of yet)