Everything has changed part 2.1 Ranma and Akane's arc [Ranko's return?] Ranma awoke in a cold sweat from a nightmare he could not remember. Looking down at himself Ranma found he was in his female form. Swallowing heavily the pigtailed martial artist got up, left her room, and walked downstairs to find the mysterious misses Tendo sitting by the koi pond. Upon seeing Ranma-chan, concern almost instantaneously appeared on the ancient Magi's face "are you ok Ranma." "I don't know" Ranma-chan said shakily as she rubbed her shoulders for warmth even though the temperature was a balmy 75 degrees with very high humidity. "Sit" Hishizuka practically commanded as she pointed to a spot next to her. "I feel so scared so cold," Ranma-chan admitted while shaking. "Has this happened before?" "Yeah just after I woke up from the spirit fracture I took a hot bath is a girl and the same feeling I'm having now washed over me it vanished quick enough though so I didn't think anything about it" Ranma-chan said as her voice began to crack. Trying to console Ranma-chan, Hishizuka put her arm around the redhead, who almost immediately began crying. 'no matter how many times I see this happening to someone it never gets any easier.' "What's wrong with me?" a very frightened Ranma-chan asked after finding some measure of composure "since you accepted your curse your feminine nature has had a chance to grow and now it's at critical mass and that has caused a kind of hole in your soul created by having a feminine nature of having no way to express it" Hishizuka explained commonly as she kept a motherly arm around Ranma- chan who still was very frightened The only response Ranma-chan gave was a nervous twitch as she started to cry again "It'll be ok Ranma it'll be ok," Hishizuka said reassuringly as she comforted Ranma-chan A few moments later Ranma-chan had fallen asleep "You can come out now Akane," Hishizuka said before Akane walked out of the shadows looking rather pale which was only amplified by the full moon above "Whats wrong with Ranma really" "It's just as I said Akane," Hishizuka said as she looked down at the redhead sleeping against her lap. "But I didn't tell Ranma everything ... she's way too unstable at the moment." "She?" Akane asked nervously "At the moment yes ... as I said before there's sort of a hole in Ranma's soul ... something that happened a dream or someone saying a careless word caused that hole to show itself," Hishizuka said as Ranma-chan shifted uncomfortably Akane's only response however was to go wide-eyed as she remembered something that happened the previous day "Ok spill it," Hishizuka said dryly as she raised her eyebrow "We were at the park yesterday and" "Go on" "Well after we ate ice cream ice cream we went to the park and Ranma started playing with some of the kids. He's really good with kids and ever since the whole spirit fracture thing was resolved, he's just been like a big kid himself." Thoughtfully Hishizuka replied "and this time Ranma was a girl the whole time you are at the park right." "Yeah and one of the mothers there made the comment about how good of a mother Ranma would make" Akane said as she sat down. Rubbing her temples Hishizuka mumbled, "I swear of all well-meaning comments there are that is one that no one really ever thinks about the repercussions of. In Ranma's case they're amplified quite a few times," Hishizuka said as she looked down at the pigtailed redhead who now looked like she was having a nightmare of some sort. "Dream scan," Hishizuka mumbled quietly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ranma Saotome stared out at toward the koi pond of the Tendo dojo looking at the three beautiful children that were playing their under the close observation of a brown hair man and a woman with bright blue hair when an aged looking Soun Tendo entered "so how you doing today Ranma" Soun said as his weathered face showed a smile at the site of the children by the koi pond before the view and back to reveal Ranma was in his female form "Fine I suppose ... the morning sickness has purtty much gone away ... so how's pop doing," Ranma said as she lightly caressed her stomach "He, as with last time refuses to even come over ... your mother however will be here later" "Good at least she's accepted this" "I know Ranma and your father still won't even get close to Ranko." Soun said as he placed a reassuring hand on Ranma shoulder "and I must say she's growing up to be just like her mother" Soun added as he looked towards the woman with long blue hair "Ranma my boy I hope you and Akane live as long as my wife because you both have so much to teach the world" "I know" Ranma said as she smiled at the brown haired man before sitting down "I still remember the day Ranko was born" "I dout you could forget Ranma" Nabiki said as she entered "after all you're her mother" "I know Nabiki so how is Kino doing" "Running around trying to imitate his father's signature attack but he's still too small to pick up a bokutou" Nabiki replied as she sat down while looking out a brown haired man "sis has gone into father mode again hasn't she" "yeah he sure has" Ranma replied before a young girl of about 6 years old ran by almost flattening Soun "RANKO how many times have I told you no flattening your grandfather" "Hai mother" the blue haired girl with a pigtail said before running off towards the training hall "I wonder why she never listens to me," Akane-kun said as he entered to which the 4-year-old boy that perched upon his head replied "Because you’re her daddy mommy" The only reply Akane-kun gave to this was to look at Ranma who just shrugged her shoulders "..." was all a girl of around two said as she looked at Ranma while holding onto the blue haired woman's hand while using other hand to feel Ranma's stomach. "Yes I know its confusing dear but" "...what mommy mean I just want to know if brother or sister in their" the two-year-old girl asked innocently "Why don't you take your sister to her room," Akane-kun said as he picked up the boy that was on his head "Ok mommy" the boy replied before leading his sister away "So how are you doing dear?" the blue haired woman's asked as she kissed Soun on the cheek "Fine my dear Hishizuka" Soun replied with a smile "You know it was it was on a day like this that we found out about Ranko," Hishizuka said as she looked out toward the koi pond ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "..." was all Hishizuka said as the dream faded considering she was looking at her daughter's face. Said daughter's face looked about as white as a bleached ghost would after it had been scared to death again Waving her hand in front of Akane's face yielded no result so Hishizuka spoke "yo anyone home in their" There was no reply not even a blink or a twitching muscle Sighing deeply Hishizuka just shook her head as she looked at her daughter who was doing in imitation of a statue before returning her gaze to Ranma- chan and whispering scan Several minutes later after the energy rings had vanished Hishizuka sighed in an unusual manner ****************** The next morning Naiki finds Hishizuka sitting by the koi pond "Morning Naiki I trust you're preparing Nabiki's breakfast as usual" "Yes ma'am" Naiki said with a bow "Don't mind these two they just had a shock," Hishizuka said to which Naiki only nodded before leaving for the kitchen 'hmm a shock' Hishizuka thought with a mischievous smile before Akane was electrocuted by a small lightning bolt Akane's reaction was immediate as she jumped almost five feet in the air. "Ahh good to see you're awake" Hishizuka said with a grin as Akane replied with a dirty glare However before Akane could even comment Ranma-chan yawned loudly and sat up "Ranma are you ok," Akane asked while sounding concerned Ranma-chan's only reply was to look blank before shaking her head and walking off **************** A few moments later Akane found Ranma-chan in her room looking at a bracelet looking haunted Akane knowing what the bracelet was nervously started to speak only to be interrupted by Ranma-chan before she had uttered a word "I can barely feel my male half right now," Ranma-chan said in an odd voice "That's because your spirit is suppressing it" Hishizuka answered from the doorway leaving Ranma-chan and Akane looking blank "the details of which, you don't really need to know, Ranma ... all you do have to know is right now your spirit is demanding and forcing you to find out what it means for you to be female" Looking oddly angry Ranma-chan replied, "I guess I have put it off for long enough haven't I?" before putting on the bracelet and getting up and leaving **************** Later that morning Ranma-chan arrives at her parents' house absently wondering if the panda was home before entering only to find the panda looking like a poodle with a bad haircut Said panda was also being chased around by Nodoka who was intent on finishing the bad haircut Smiling at the entertainment her mother was providing Ranma-chan just leaned against the parameter wall and enjoyed the show. Which ended several minutes later with a panda ran out the gates leaving Nodoka fuming. "I swear sometimes he can be such an ass," Nodoka mumbled before sheathing her katana and turning around to face Ranma-chan who was struggling not to laugh her head off "He looked like a badly shaved poodle you know" Ranma-chan giggled out causing her mother to blink before both of them broke down in hysterics. After recovering, the two headed into the house where Ranma-chan explained her predicament and the bracelet Hishizuka had given her. Toying with the bracelet Ranma-chan nervously looked at her mother who had an equally worried expression on her face "I really don't know what to think of this Ranma." "Neither do I but it's something I can't hide from any more. I accepted this after the spirit fracture incident but I've never really taken the time to figure out what it means for me to be a girl." Ranma-chan said while looking oddly annoyed with her self. "Well I suppose we should go shopping first," Nodoka said after a long moment of nervous silence to which Ranma-chan only nodded to as a reply before the two left. ************** Later at the Tendo dojo Akane nervously sits by the koi pond thinking of the dream she and her mother had seen that morning when Nabiki sits down next to her looking rather exasperated "You still having trouble with Naiki" Akane asked to which Nabiki only nodded "He's frustrating me as much as Ranma does you," Nabiki said while looking suspiciously like her younger sister when mad about Ranma to which Akane could only smile as a reply "so what's up with Ranma today" Nabiki asked after a moment of silence Akane was about to reply when she saw something over Nabiki's shoulder After Nabiki turned to see what her sister had been looking at she found Ranma-chan wearing a open red vest in the same style as one of her normal red Chinese shirts, white tube top, and ultra short black miniskirt of the type and style Akane usually wore and lastly a pair of full-length skin tight black leggings Nabiki's only reply to this was to blink as the redhead walked by with her mother looking distracted "I think I can guess for myself" Nabiki muttered a moment or two later before leaving after which Akane nervously got up and walked into the tea room where she found Ranma-chan looking rather distant "You ok" "Yeah so far I suppose," Ranma-chan said with a shrug "I just don't know what to feel when I'm like this" Ranma-chan added after a long moment "...but I gota go through with it" "Why" "Sanity for starters" Ranma-chan muttered. "But there's something more. ... I've always been a nice guy. Caring for people, always forgiving people, and things like that." Ranma-chan said before looking off and continuing "... Pop always tried to say that was just being week like a girl. ...but it's always been a part me ... Like at the park yesterday. I ... don't know. That kind of thing always feels right when I'm doing it, but it never felt quite right after words. At least not, untill yesterday. "Do you remember the dream you had last night" "Yeah" Ranma-chan said with a blush "your mom told me that you two took a look at my dream before I left this morning" "How did it make you feel?" "Really confused" Ranma-chan replied in such a manner that said her words were a serious understatement of what she actually felt. "I need a bath," Ranma-chan muttered after a moment before leaving ************ While in the training hall, Nodoka looked at Hishizuka with a nervous and worried eye "Please explain again," Nodoka stated "Ok a normal person has three facets of their psyche ... core, masculine or feminine depending on their sex and then there's the overall psyche which is a blend of the other two" "Ok I get that part" "Now core sits below everything else ... things that are part of someone's core psyche have nothing to do with their gender or the society they belonged to nor the rules and expectations of gender of the society they belong to" "Ok" Nodoka said thoughtfully "Now an example of this would be Ranma and martial arts. Martial arts are something that is core to who Ranma is and without martial arts Ranma wouldn't be the same person he is now" "Agreed" Nodoka said after a moment of thought "Now the next part of the psyche is either masculine or feminine in normal people ... this part of the psyche stores gender roles, social rules and expectations" The only reply Nodoka gave was a nod "Now take the Chinese Amazons from your point of view most all of their gender roles are social rules and expectations are reversed" "True" Nodoka muttered "Now in most people a combination of the core and sex identity is who they are ... but Ranma doesn't have masculine OR feminine psyches but masculine AND feminine psyches" "Because of having a female body" "Yes and because of that Ranma has to define what it means to be female for him ..." "Why" "Well think about this Nodoka a normal woman has their entire life to define their sex identity" This simple statement slices through Nodoka's confusion about the entire subject of her son needing to find out what it means to be a woman "and the same goes for a man and their sex identity" "Exactly" "So what you're saying is because he is both he has to have both sexual identities" "Yep" "But won't they conflict" "That is why Ranma is so tense at the moment he has to find out how to be a she without violating what it means to be him" "Oh my" Nodoka muttered before looking up at Hishizuka questioningly "As long as Ranma "doesn't" violate his/her core psyche, then he/she will not have that hard of a time finding what it means for her to be female in due haste" Sadly, Nodoka spoke "then perhaps I should not help Ranma with this I ..." was all Nodoka got out before Hishizuka interrupted "No Nodoka you're Ranma's mother and it's your responsibility ... Genma handled Ranma ... it's left up to you to handle 'Ranko'" The only reply Nodoka gave was a nervous nod before getting up and leaving ***************** "..." was all Ranma-chan said as she soaked in the furo before thinking that she should soak in the furo more often like this. A moment later, the redhead let out a happy moan before thinking, 'I guess I should find other things that make me feel this feminine,' and getting out of the furo and getting dressed. A moment later Ranma-chan entered the tearoom to find her mother and Akane both looking like someone had died considering both were looking at the depths of their individual cups of tea Seeing Ranma-chan Hishizuka mouthed 'go' to which Ranma-chan only nodded before leaving as silently as a ninja leaving Akane and Nodoka to continue looking at their tea, which left Hishizuka to rub her temples and sigh deeply considering the two before her appeared to be having more trouble then Ranma-chan was. ***************** A little later on, we find Yuka and Sayuki walking along the streets of Nerima in the general direction of the Tendo dojo. "I still say it's a bad idea to drop by uninvited is no telling what could be going on," Yuka said nervously. "Well I say it's impolite that we haven't dropped by for at least a month ... I mean we only found out today that Kasumi got married and that's only because we accidentally met her while she was out shopping," Sayuki said while sounding annoyed. "You do have a point we've been friends of the Tendo's sense before misses T. died," Yuka said guiltily before both saw Ranma-chan laying upside down on a nearby fence looking rather distant. Naturally, Yuka and Sayuki's immediate response was a jaw drop considering Ranma-chan's clothing. "R-Ra-Ranma" Sayuki stuttered out while looking quite rattled Ranma-chan's only response was to glance over at the two for a moment "hia girls where you been for the past month" "Hmm" Sayuki said nervously as she continued to shake her hand "We've been too scared to come to the dojo," Yuka admitted before noticing something odd about Ranma-chan other then her clothing "is it just me or are you taller in that form now" "Yep sure am" Ranma-chan replied distractedly before looking back at Akane's two childhood friends "do you know anything that's happened over the past month." "No ... In fact we just found out that Kasumi got married to Dr. Tofu" Yuka replied while looking very embarrassed. "Wow you two are really out of the loop" Ranma-chan commented. "So would you mind filling us in?" Yuka asked. "Nope not at all" Ranma-chan said as she hopped down from the fence "but it'll take a while so we better go get a bite to eat" Ranma-chan added as she picked up and threw Sayuki -- who was doing in imitation of a statue -- on her shoulder before heading off to the nearest restaurant *************** Two or so hours later, we find Sayuki and Yuka just looking at Ranma-chan and shaking their heads "And just when I thought Nerima couldn't get any weirder" Yuka commented while Sayuki just looked at Ranma-chan skeptically "So Ranma what you're saying is the reason why you acted like a total jerk was because your spirit was fractured" Ranma-chan who was slowly savoring --in relative terms that is-- every bite of her ice cream only nodded "And now you accept that you're both a girl and a guy" Again, Ranma-chan's reply was a nod "And right now you're looking for YOUR femininity" Sayuki asked while sounding very skeptical and cynical Ranma-chan who had just finished replied with a simple yep "Well I say we help Sayuki," Yuka said cheerfully "...fine" Sayuki replied while not sounding at all happy "No don't trouble yourself Yuka" Ranma-chan said sadly as she looked at Sayuki for a moment before paying and leaving "Oh!! You" Yuka practically shouted at her friend before storming off to find Ranma-chan The only thing Sayuki did in reply was grunt indignantly before following ************* A little later, we find Ranma-chan under her favorite bridge crying silently "It's my own damn all for using it the way I did and now they don't trust me," Ranma-chan said before a few more tears fell from her eyes. "my own damn fault," Ranma-chan mumbled again before wondering how she would find what it meant to by a girl to her if other girls couldn't trust her to even been one. "Damn another fine thing I've messed up for myself" Ranma-chan added sometime later before leaning back and quietly continuing to cry A few minutes later, however Ranma-chan heard Yuka and Sayuki arguing as they walked by. "Darn it Sayuki why did you have to go and do that now will never be able to find Ranma I mean she probably knows more about hiding then the average ninja does" The only reply Ranma-chan heard Sayuki gave was an annoyed grunt "Ok spill it why are you so dead set against this," Yuka demanded "I don't care how much Ranma may look like a girl he's still a guy and it's still magic that makes him look like a girl," Sayuki said flatly "Oh come on we've both seen Ranma naked in both forms and Ranma certainly looked like a girl to me," Yuka argued from above "Come on don't be so stupid Yuka there's no way that female body is anything more than a illusion" "Well what would convince its real" Yuka retorted "If Ranma had a period just like any other girl I'd be a hell of a lot more convinced than I am now," Sayuki said while sounding confident "Well I'm sure Ranma does" Yuka said before running off "RIGHT" Sayuki said sarcastically Ranma-chan decided to reply to Sayuki's sarcasm with the statement "well I do" The next thing Ranma-chan heard Sayuki do was jump and let out a small scream. After recovering however, Sayuki quickly made her way underneath the bridge where she found Ranma-chan, who is still had a few tears in her eyes. This - more than anything - surprised Sayuki. "You ... you're actually crying" Sayuki said while sounding like she didn't believe her eyes. "Yeah" Ranma-chan said while looking fairly annoyed. Sitting down while looking somber Sayuki apologized, "I'm sorry I thought you were just feeding us one of your normal lines of bull." "No I'm not" Ranma-chan replied before looking off at the sky. "I've got to live with this for the rest of my life. So I've got to figure out what it means to me" Sayuki's only immediate reply was silence as she studied the pigtailed martial artist before nervously asking, "So are there any things that you want to do but don't feel comfortable doing when you're a guy?" "Don't know till recently all I've really done is the art," Ranma-chan replied "Oh" Sayuki replied dryly while raising an eyebrow before Yuka was heard above the bridge "SAYUKI where are you" Yuka was heard calling "DOWN HERE" Sayuki shouted 2 seconds later Yuka appeared and upon seeing Ranma-chan immediately started chewing Sayuki out only to be interrupted by Ranma-chan, "don't worry about it Yuka." "But" Yuka objected "But nothing I said don't worry about it so don't" Ranma-chan said flatly leaving Yuka rather indignant "Come on Ranma let's see if we can find something you like besides martial arts," Sayuki said as she got up and started to leave with Yuka Ranma-chan's only reply was to shrug, get up, and follow ************ Earlier at the dojo however... 'Well at least Ranma won't have to worry about these two' Hishizuka thought as she watched Ranma-chan stealthily leave while Akane and Nodoka sat before her. "So would you two mind telling me why you look like somebody has died," Hishizuka said sarcastically after having a sip of tea The only response Hishizuka received was a death glare that would have killed any lesser mortal "Oh so you think Ranma will become Ranko" The only response Hishizuka received from that was a sad nod from Nodoka Hishizuka's response to that was a light laugh as she got up and left while shaking her head and saying, "Children can be so naive sometimes." The statement left Nodoka and Akane looking rather peeved or they both knew Hishizuka was referring to both of them. After downing her tea in one gulp however Akane left looking rather distant leaving Nodoka alone to stare at her tea however her examination of the depths of her tea cup were interrupted when Nabiki entered "Why so morbid Aunty Nodoka" Nabiki asked "I'm afraid of losing him" Nodoka responded Nabiki's only response was a chuckle likely. "You don't have to worry about that Ranma is Ranma and no matter how much he changes he's still the same old pigtailed baka," was Nabiki's comment to the subject of Ranma becoming Ranko permanently as she left the room Nodoka is only response to this was to bite her lip and nod uncertainly before getting up and leaving ********** Akane however was not concerned about Ranma becoming Ranko. However, what Akane was concerned about was Ranma's dream and how it made her feel. "Hay you ok sis," Nabiki said as she entered the training hall while drinking a soda. "No," Akane replied before continuing, "How would you feel if I became a brother for awhile." Now there are very you things that can shock Nabiki Tendo with complete and utter totality but what her sister had just said went beyond that you, as was apparent when Nabiki did a very large spit take. After recovering from the spit take Nabiki screamed, "You have got to be kidding." Akane only reply was a shrug. "WHY," Nabiki shouted back. Akane only replied by sitting down and telling her sister about Ranma's dream, which left Nabiki looking rather pale. "Damn never thought that one would run through Ranma's head," Nabiki commented after recovering. A moment later however, Nabiki realized why Akane had said what she had said as she paled a little bit more "why?" "Why not?" was Akane's simple answer. Nabiki's only response to this was to get up and leave mumbling unintelligible which left Akane alone with her thoughts for the better part of 2 hours. "Akane?," Soun asked worriedly as he entered the training hall. "Hi daddy," Akane replied while sounding distracted. "You ok," Akane's father asked as he sat down next to Akane. Akane's only reply was a shrug as she continued to look distant. A full minute later Soun spoke again, "Nabiki told me about what you said." "And," Akane replied. Sighing heavily Soun replied, "I don't like the idea one bit I'll tell you that right now but if it's something you have to do I suppose you will do it in the end." "And," Akane replied as she looked at her father of the corner of her eye "Why do you feel you have to do this?" "If Ranma is both than he deserves someone that is also both," Akane replied while looking even more distant than before. Soun had no reply for this simple but yet profound statement so he started to leave only to say one thing before he left, "I'd ask Ranma how he feels about this before you do anything." Akane's only reply to this was a quiet nod ************ Meanwhile across town we find one frustrated Yuka pondering what to do next with Ranma-chan considering just about everything she had thought of Ranma- chan didn't want to do or didn't have a good time with when they did it Sayuki however was almost as board as Ranma-chan which did not escape the redhead's notice "You as board as I am of Yuka's plans" Ranma-chan whispered "As always. Although she has been worse than usual today," Sayuki whispered back before developing a mischievous grin. "What do you say to ditching her?" Smiling broadly Ranma-chan only nodded before the two left very stealthily, never hearing Yuka blow a head gasket in annoyance when she realized Sayuki and Ranma-chan had vanished. "So what girl things do you like to do" Ranma-chan asked "What do you mean by that" was Sayuki's curious reply. "What stuff do you do that well makes you feel like a girl?" Ranma-chan asked nervously. "Hmm I'll have to think about that," Sayuki said thoughtfully as the two continued to walk "So where we going," Ranma-chan asked after a moment "The music store," Sayuki replied absently to which Ranma-chan only nodded as a reply *************** A few minutes later Ranma-chan and Sayuki enter a large music store "I've got to go flute shopping so just look around for awhile," Sayuki said before vanishing into the store as she started to think of what Ranma-chan had asked her. 'Hmm what things made me feel like a girl ...kami that's a hard one to answer?' Yuka thought as she examined a flute. 'Hmm what indeed ...hot baths ... spending time with my girlfriends ...and as much as I hate to admit it spending time with Daisuke does, what little babysitting I do does, but mainly spending time with my girlfriends does,' Yuka thought as she examined a silver flute while wishing she could buy it. "Maybe next time," Sayuki said longingly as she looked at the beautiful silver flute in her hand before replacing it in its box and walking off to find Ranma-chan only to encounter one of her other friends "Hi Sayuki-chan" the girl said with a smile "Hi Rei you hear to look for a violin" Sayuki replied "yeah but Ranma's over there looking at them right now and he's wearing another female disguise" Rei replied while sounding annoyed before tilting her head "but the only thing is this one makes him really look like a girl Sighing annoyingly at her ditzy friend Sayuki replied, "Don't you know that Ranma really DOES change into a girl?" "But how." "Magic that's how," Sayuki replied. "so he ...she really does have" Rei said nervously as she motioned to her breasts to which Sayuki only replied by nodding her head while looking annoyed "wow that's pretty strong magic to actually" Rei said while looking spacey. 'Why do most of my friends have to be like this,' Sayuki thought while rubbing her temples as she developed a migraine before deciding to go find Ranma-chan. What Sayuki found was not what she expected. Considering just as she caught sight of the pigtailed martial artist Ranma-chan raised a violin to her neck and began playing. The sound of music that wafted through the air after that was enough to make Sayuki and Rei as well as another girl that was watching Ranma gasp in shock. "Gods Ranma I never knew you played," Sayuki mumbled after snapping out of her trance "I'm rusty anyhow" Ranma-chan said after putting the violin down "And it really doesn't feel right, right now anyhow," Ranma-chan, added distractedly. "Kami if that's rusty I'd love to hear polished," Rei said with stars in her eyes, which caused Ranma-chan Sayuki and the third unknown girl to rub their temples. "So why do you say it didn't feel right?" the third unknown girl asked curiously. Shrugging her shoulders while looking confused Ranma-chan replied, "I don't know ...guess it's because I'm in girl form right now." "That sounds like a stupid excuse me" the third unknown girl replied. "Maybe not Ami" Sayuki said while looking thoughtful. "Why do you say that" the third and now identified girl Ami replied. "Well when I play the flute it well just makes me feel feminine ... I don't really know why but it just does," Sayuki said after a long moment of thought. A moment later Rei snapped her fingers, "hay I've got it we'll find you in instrument the does the same Ranma." Ranma-chan's only reply to this was to look slightly nervous before being drug off into the music store by Rei, which left Sayuki and Ami to sigh in classic anime manner. "So you hear for a new reed for your English horn," Sayuki asked just to make conversation, "Yeah," Ami replied as she watched Ranma-chan being hauled around. "She's worse than Yuka you know that," Ami added as Rei whizzed by again. "Yep I'm just glad Yuka isn't here right now," Sayuki added before Yuka entered and promptly joined Rei in helping Ranma-chan. The only reply Ami and Sayuki gave was a 'You have got to be kidding look' as they watched Ranma-chan being dragged around the store before releasing another classic anime sigh. Thirty or so minutes later Ranma-chan was still being dragged around the store when Ami commented, "Ranma said he usually plays as a guy right." "Yeah," Sayuki said with a shrug. "Well don't you find it odd that Ranma was playing in a gentle and calming manner?" Ami pointed out. "Hmm you lost me Ami," Sayuki said while looking lost. "My point is Ranma feels comfortable playing in a gentle and calming manner when a guy but not when a girl I mean don't you find that odd," Ami explained while starting to look exasperated with her friend Sayuki's immediate reply was a thoughtful look as she rubbed her chin, "I get what you're saying it's not the kind way you'd expect a guy to play." "Yep most guys play with a lot of force and volume," Ami said flatly. "Well I guess that's just one more thing to add to Ranma's list of contradictory behavior," Sayuki replied while watching the show. "Yeah Ranma is full of contradictions isn't she ... or he," Ami replied distractedly. 'Hmm contradictions ... maybe it isn't another instrument that Ranma needs but a different way to play the one she already uses,' Sayuki thought to herself before looking at the chaos before her and thinking 'but how am I'm going to get poor Ranma-chan out of their to test that idea?' Noticing her friend's thoughtful look Ami asked, "So what are you thinking of." "Well I was thinking that if Ranma-KUN plays in a gentle and calm style that Ranma-CHAN might play in a loud and forceful style," Sayuki replied before adding "but considering our two friends we'll never get Ranma out of their to test the idea." "You do have a point," Ami said somewhat darkly before seeing something she thought she would never see. Yuka and Rei actually run out of energy while shopping. A moment later Ranma-chan walked over and said, "I think I've tried every instrument in the place," exasperatedly. "No you never did get to flute," Sayuki said with a very small mischievous grin. Ranma-chan's only reply was to blow off a puff of air before going to go get to flute and after her return Ranma-chan said, "Well here goes nothing," before playing the flute while not as beautiful as the violin Ranma-chan, still played the flute well enough to make Sayuki a little bit green with jealousy. After she stopped, playing Ranma-chan looked at the flute with a so-so look before saying, "I like it but I still like the violin better." "Well I've got a suggestion," Sayuki said as she handed Ranma-chan a violin. "Try playing it with a lot of force and volume." Ranma-chan replied with a quizzical head tilt before starting to play as Sayuki suggested. The result was an extremely loud and forceful violin solo that was equally beautiful. As Ranma-chan finished her performance, a quizzical look developed on her face the look however faded relatively quickly as a smile developed on Ranma-chan's face, "Weird hun that I feel more comfortable playing like this when a girl." "Hay with all the other contradictions there are about you I'd say it's normal," Sayuki replied with a grin. Ranma-chan's immediate reply was a hardy chuckle. This simple carefree response almost dropped Sayuki and Ami's jaws causing Ranma to say, "What surprised that I laughed." The two only gave a quick and sharp nod as a response. "Don't, believe it or not I do laugh," Ranma-chan said with a smile before looking at the violin and frowning. "Don't have enough money?" Ami asked. "No ...in fact my family is purtty poor," Ranma-chan admitted with a sigh as she put the violin back on the shelf. "You could always buy a used one," Ami suggested. "I doubt I have enough money even for that," Ranma-chan said before walking over to Yuka and Rei who were laying back-to-back on the floor hyperventilating. Shaking her head Ranma-chan picked up both of the shorter girls at the same time putting one over each shoulder. In the background the shopkeeper and most, everyone else in the store went saucer eyed at this casual display of strength. "Come on you two I think we've spent enough time here," Ranma-chan said as she carried the two out of the store without looking the least bit burdened by her load. "Damn Ranma's strong," Ami muttered before she and Sayuki followed. ****************** Ten or so minutes later at the park, we find Ranma-chan lounging underneath the tree while Yuka and Rei recovered nearby. "HAY why don't we go to the public baths for a good hot soak" Rei said excitedly. The response Rei received was unanimous as Ami, Sayuki and Yuka did a spit take. After recovering Sayuki was the first to reply, "what about Ranma." "Well you said hot water doesn't cause Ranma to change any more so what's the problem," Rei replied flatly. The reply Rei received was that of three sets of eyes rolling. "This IS Ranma we're talking about," Ami replied annoyedly. "But Ranma's girl right now so what does it matter," Rei asked curiously causing her friends to roll their eye again. A few moments later however Yuka spoke, "We are supposed to be helping Ranma with being a girl you know." The reply Yuka received was a muted one ... at least muted from Ami and Sayuki, Rei jumped up and shouted, "Well then it settled," before grabbing Ranma-chan and running off leaving her three other friends to sigh before following. So 10 minutes later the four girls and one neo-girl arrive at the public baths' front door -- Ranma-chan still being dragged along by Rei. ******************** 'Tiss my sister's fault that I have to soil myself by coming to this lower class bathhouse,' Kunou thought to himself as he noticed Hiroshi and Daisuke watching and drooling over any girl that was remotely cute, that happened to walk by. 'Ignorant peasants they can't even control their own base desires,' Kunou thought to himself before seeing Ranma-chan and the outfit she was wearing. 2.5 microseconds later, he was spouting poetry and wooing Ranma-chan. 0.5 microseconds after that he was in desperate need of a chiropractor and a doctor. This display of raw power and skill discouraged many of the boys that were going to try to pick the gorgeous redhead up. It did not however discourage one Mikado Sanzenin who was going to use his usual suwe methods on the girl. Meanwhile a few meters away the sounds of Yuka and Sayuki pounding Hiroshi and Daisuke were heard. ******************** Five minutes after that we find the four girls and one neo-girl soaking on the girl side of the public baths. Typically, every female student from Furinkan was there. Thankfully, however all but two had calmed down when Ranma-chan had remained female after entering the water. '...' was all Ranma-chan said as she nervously soaked in the corner of the room while trying to look relaxed. 'I wonder if Ranma's red because of embarrassment or the water,' Ami thought with a crooked smile. "Hay Sayuki have you gotten up enough nerve to kiss Daisuke," Rei asked in her usual bubbly manner. "No," Sayuki replied while grumbling. "You really should push your relationship with him more; after all he's too much of an idiot to know you like him," Ami said with a laugh. "I remember my first kiss with my boyfriend it was so good," Rei said with a cute as 1000 buttons voice that even made Ranma-chan's look subdued causing the other three girls to glare at their friend before she continued. "So what was your first kiss like Yuka?" "Hiroshi ran right into my nose with his," Yuka said while looking annoyed to which everyone even Ranma-chan replied with a slight giggle. "And what about you," Rei asked as she turned to Ami. Ami's reply was to growl and say one word "Mikado," to which everyone responded with a growl and a disgusted nod. "And what about you Ranma" Rei asked. Ranma-chan replied with all the warmth of a black hole, "Mikado." "WHAT YOUR FIRST KISS WAS MIKADO!!!?" Rei screamed causing Ranma-chan to curl up into a ball and hide underwater in embarrassment as the entire female population of her high school gasped. "RAI NO BAKA" Sayuki, Yuka, and Ami shouted as they threatened their friend with a pounding. Sheepishly Rei responded as she to decided to hide underwater, "oops sorry." Rolling her eyes Sayuki finished Ranma-chan out by her pigtail, "Hay don't worry about it just about every girl at Furinkan has been kissed by that basterd." Still looking extremely embarrassed Ranma-chan asked, "Really?" "Yeah," Ami replied before shouting, "raise your hand if you've been kissed by that basterd Mikado." Ninety percent of the students' present raised their hands. All of them had displayed looks that could kill. "See most everyone knows what you felt like," Sayuki said reassuringly. "I doubt that," Ranma-chan muttered. "Hmm let me see violated, sick to your stomach, angry beyond all belief and reason ..." Ami started to say only to be interrupted by another girl from Furinkan who had some things up her own to say. Five minutes later the female population of Ranma-chan's high school -- all of whom had migrated towards Ranma-chan to be heard better-- had finished listing what they felt about Mikado. All of this left the redhead quite surprised. "See told you," Sayuki said with a grin a mile wide. Ranma-chan replied by calming down and relaxing considerably until one of the girls from Furinkan said, "I just wish we could get back at the idiot." "Well I saw him in the lobby so you can always go pound him," Ranma-chan provided. "No we want revenge Ranma not a simple pounding," another girl from the crowd said to which the gathered girls all replied by nodding their heads and saying yes. After moment of silence Yuka bellowed, "I've got it," happily before starting to outline her plan of revenge against Mikado Sanzenin in which Ranma-chan would be pinnacle in executing. However after the plan had been outlined a voice spoke from the other half of the room. The voice was that of the Tendo matriarch Hishizuka, "it's a good plan Yuka but I don't think it goes far enough." Upon realizing who the only other woman in the room was well over half the population of Furinkan paled as they remembered their old grade school teacher of a decade ago. "So hmm what do you think goes far enough," Yuka asked nervously. Hishizuka's only response was to pick up a cup of tea that had been sitting on the edge of the public bath's huge furo and smile more demonically then Nabiki. After taking a sip of her tea Hishizuka spoke, "After Ranma humiliates Mikado I'll use my magic to take the form of an avenging Angel and I'll curse him." "How exactly," Sayuki asked while developing a mischievous grin. "I will change him into a girl. ... But unlike Ranma, Mikado will have no control over his female half as it goes around and generally does what he does to women but his female body will do it to men. While he has to watch and feel everything from a point he can do next to nothing to stop his female body's actions," Hishizuka explained causing every girl present including Ranma-chan to grin demonically. "So how will Mikado change back and forth," Sayuki asked curiously. "Oh that's the best part. When he kisses is a girl and she feels violated, he will change 5 seconds after the act. Also because of the way the female body's personality will be constructed Mikado will change back a full minute after kissing a boy," Hishizuka explained with a smile that would freeze any demon, devil, oni or other such creature instantaneously. All gathered replied with a similar smile. ************** A few minutes later back in the lobby of the public baths with find Mikado waiting patiently for his prey when all of the female students of Furinkan walk by mumbling something about going to the park. Mikado's replied to this was to wrinkle his nose and hope his prey was not amongst those that had just left. All full minute later Ranma-chan walks by and winks at Mikado before vanishing out the door Mikado of course follows. A moment or two later he finds his prey who upon seeing him giggles cutely and runs off again. This process continues until Mikado is led to the park where Ranma-chan appears to not notice Mikado approach and then kiss ... him. Smirking out of the corner of his mouth just as Mikado opens his eyes Ranma said, "I'd to know you cared Mi-chan." The next thing Mikado did was spend a full minute trying to clean out his mouth. After which he turned to Ranma who still was wearing a wide smirk "Damn you Saotome you will pay for this." Ranma's only reply was to chuckle lightly as the entire female population of Furinkan emerged from the surroundings and began to laugh which infuriated Mikado even more as Ranma's smirk widened. A full minute later the laughter had died down and Mikado was boiling with rage. "Oh. Did I tell you we have another little surprise for you?" Ranma said before stepping aside. The moment Ranma did so a bright light engulfed the area and when it had faded an Angel with huge white wings outstretched to the heavens was standing next to Ranma. "I have heard all of these woman's calls of outrage and with Kami-sama's blessing I curse you," the 'Angel' said before raising her staff. The next thing Mikado noticed was that he was now a she. To shocked, to speak Mikado turned his rage towards the Angel and Ranma only to find that the body he now occupied was trying to kiss Ranma. Mikado tried to resist tried to scream tried to do anything but in vain, as he heard his female body shouting "Ai-chan what a kiss," over and over again. Within the last iota of control slipped away 'Ai-chan' got her wish by kissing Ranma. After which 'Ai-chan' hopped off looking for another boy leaving Mikado to suffer and listen to her thoughts while feeling the aftereffects from the kiss. Meanwhile back at the park the Angel just smiled before vanishing in a small flash of light. Ranma's reply was to spit on the ground a few times before changing back into Ranma-chan and smiling. A few minutes later after everyone had thanked Ranma-chan and left Yuka, Sayuki, Ami, and Rei walked back up to Ranma-chan "Well how does it feel too have earned the trust of every girl at Furinkan Ranma," Sayuki asked with a grin. "Good," Ranma-chan replied before sighing. "Anything wrong" Rei asked. "Just wishing I had friends that were guys that just wanted to have fun and do something besides doodling over girls." Ranma-chan said annoyedly as she started to walk off. Only to add, "I mean it's just so pointless." The only response Ranma-chan received from the four girls was a chuckle as the five continued on their way. **************** Meanwhile back at the dojo Hishizuka appears by the koi pond to find her husband feeding the koi looking rather depressed. "You ok dear?" Hishizuka said as she curiously tilted her head. Soun's response was to start to cry and his usual volume and speed as he bellowed about how his baby girl wanted to be changed into a boy. Sighing Hishizuka decided just to go and find Akane, who was in the training hall absently practicing. Seeing her mother Akane stopped and sat down, "daddy told you right." "Yep," Hishizuka replied. "So?" "It's between you and Ranma as far as I'm concerned," Hishizuka replied coolly before adding, "So why don't you go find her and talk about it." Akane's only reply was to nod get up and leave. This left her mother to annoyedly blow a stray strand of hair away from her eye before mumbling something in an ancient language before deciding to do some shopping while Soun calmed down. ************** 'Damn where could Ranma be,' Akane thought annoyedly as she walked along the streets of Nerima before seeing Ranma-chan being towed along by Yuka and Rai who were spouting something about makeover while Ranma-chan was looking to Sayuki and Ami for rescue. Seeing this Akane shouted, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH RANMA!!" Hearing Akane Yuka and Rei immediately started cowering behind the redhead they had just been dragging along while Ami said, "They were about to give her makeover that's what." Akane remembering the last time Yuka and Rei had given someone a makeover just growled, "no way will I let you two do something like that." This of course causes Akane's two friends to pout and start crying the crocodile tears to which Akane replies by pulling out her mallet which silences the two. "Good now that we have that settled," Akane said as she dragged Ranma-chan off leaving Yuka and Rei to pout while Ami just smiled as she remembered what had happened to her those two had given her makeover ************* About a half an hour, later Ukyou finds Ranma-chan who looks quite pale sitting on top of a fence. Seeing this state of her friend Ukyou hopped up on top of the fence and sat beside Ranma-chan. "You ok sugar?" Was Ukyou's simple question "No," Ranma-chan replied as she fiddled with her vest which she had taken off previous to Ukyou arriving. After stretching her arms upward Ranma-chan continued to look at the water below "So what are you wearing their looks like half a breast wrap," Ukyou asked after a nervous silence fell over her and Ranma-chan. "No it's a tube top but its still is purtty tight ... keeps them from showing when I lift my arms up," Ranma-chan said as she lifted her arms up to prove the point of the tube top not showing anything but a small barely noticeable amount of skin. "Cool a stylish breast wrap," Ukyou said with a smile before noticing Ranma's mood was still pretty low. "So what's bugging you?" Ukyou asked a moment later. "Akane's somehow gotten into our head that because I've accepted my girl side she's got to be able to turn into a guy," Ranma-chan finely responded in a shaky voice. After recovering from the shock of what Ranma-chan had just said Ukyou just looked at Ranma-chan for a moment, seeing she was serious Ukyou asked, "So how do you feel about this?" "Part of me likes the idea and part hates it," Ranma-chan replied somberly before looking off at the sky. A simple oh was Ukyou's reply. "You know I've had nightmares about it ever since I got the curse. They pretty much stopped after I accepted it," Ranma-chan said a moment later. "But," Ukyou asked. "Lately they've been about Akane ... last night was the breaking point and unfortunately misses T. was a taking a peak and Akane was watching as well," Ranma-chan provided. "So that's where she got the idea," Ukyou said in understanding. "So bacon butt back yet," Ranma-chan asked. "No," Ukyou muttered darkly before both heard a familiar scream. "WHERE ON EARTH AM I NOW!!!!!" The only thing the two girls in response was look at each other and laugh before Ukyou took to the rooftops in search of Ryouga. "why Akane why do you think you have to do this" Ranma-chan asked no one in particular before getting up and heading back to the Tendo dojo -- after having to fight to random unnamed challengers and Kunou-- where she found Akane sitting across the tea table from her mother. "So?" Akane asked. "No not unless you can give yourself in honest and selfish reason to do it." Ranma-chan replied before putting her hands in her pockets and walking off. "Hun? A selfish reason?" Akane asked while looking in sounding very confused. "What Ranma means is she doesn't want you to do this just because you feel you have to our out of any kind of perceived duty." "...oh" was Akane's only reply as her head dipped in an odd kind of shame. A moment later Akane left the tearoom to find Ranma-chan who by the time she found her was she on the roof above the tearoom. "Why a selfish reason?" Akane asked. "Because it's not something you can really take back Akane ... believe me I know and you've got a choice unlike I did and you shouldn't wasted just because of one of my crazy dreams." Ranma-chan replied. The only response Akane gave for a full five minutes was a mute -- and very nervous – silence. When Akane finely did speak she said, "I never really thought anything beyond ...well you know." "I figured as much," Ranma-chan said as she looked at Akane who looked torn between several emotions. "You could always try it for a week you know." Hishizuka provided as she stepped outside and sat down by the koi pond. "You know test the waters so to speak," Akane's mother added. This simple statement left both Ranma-chan and Akane was only one reply and that was to blink loudly. "Just think about it Akane ...and take a walk if it helps." Hishizuka said to help. Akane's reply to this was to nod and hop off the roof before leaving the dojo. ***************** "Are you sure you want to go to the dojo Yuka after all Akane wasn't that happy with you earlier," Sayuki asked. "Well we still have to pay our respects to misses Tendo you know," was Yuka's reply. "She does have a point Sayuki," Ami replied to which Sayuki only nodded as a reply. "Hay look," Rei said as she pointed to Akane who had just walked around the corner. Upon seeing her friends, Akane started to look distinctly uncomfortable. "Are you mad that we were trying to give Ranma a makeover," Yuka asked nervously "No not really," Akane said with a sigh before a glaring at Yuka and Rei, "but if Ranma ever comes home looking like Ami did that one time I will be. Am I making myself clear?" The results of the glare was conclusive as was apparent when Yuka and Rei ducked behind Ami while nodding vigorously "Good," Akane said before starting to walk along while at the same time developing a distant look on her face "So what's wrong," Rei asked nervously. Akane's reply was to sigh and to her friends the truth. The reply could be heard all over Nerima as Rei shouted to the heavens And as the scene returned to Akane and her friends we find that Rei has been rendered unconscious by Yuka, Sayuki, and Ami "Well that takes care of her for the moment," Ami said proudly before returning her attention to Akane "Are you serious about this," Sayuki said as she put a concern hand on Akane shoulder. Akane's reply was a sad nod as she also said, "it's just something I feel I have to do." "Well as much as I hate the idea Akane I'll support you in doing it," Ami said "Hay if you do it Akane we can give Ranma-chan a real date with a boy. Now that would make her feel really feminine ... especially if we took her lingerie shopping beforehand," Rei said as she recovered causing everyone to facefault before pounding her once more. "So what are you going to do Akane," Yuka asked, "I think I'll do like my mom suggests and try it out for a week," Akane replied nervously. "You need some support," Ami asked to which Akane only nodded slowly to as a response. ************************ "Back so soon," was all the Hishizuka said as Akane and her friends stepped into view. "Yeah," Akane said as she stepped away from her friends. "I assume you've chosen to try it out for a week," Akane's mother asked in a manner that said she already knew what her daughters reply would be. Akane's only reply was a nod to which her mother replied with another before flicking her wrist and pointing her index finger straight up. A moment later a sphere of white light appeared a few inches above her finger once the light had faded an amulet that had a pure garnet sphere hung from a gold chain floated above the Hishizuka's finger. With a quick sweeping motion of her hand, Hishizuka levitated the amulet over to Akane before speaking, "that is your transformation amulet it does the same thing as Ranma's transformation bracelet." "Okay," Akane replied before putting on the amulet, which hung beautifully around her neck. Standing up as she threw off her cape, Hishizuka started glowing with power. A second later Hishizuka started chanting in an ancient language causing a sphere of energy to appear in front of her and with a final shout the sphere exploded like a rail cannon right into Akane knocking her a good five meters. She did not go any further because of the dojo's exterior wall, which she was plastered into, after recovering Akane found herself a him. Five seconds later Akane-kun collapsed due to the stress he had just been through. "Is Akane ok" Akane's friends all asked at the same time. "Yes Akane is fine he just needs some rest so come by tomorrow," Hishizuka said as she retrieved her cape. Akane's friends only nodded before leaving. [Akane-kun] Akane awoke feeling rather odd. Curiously, Akane began to check herself over. **************** Meanwhile downstairs in the tearoom Hishizuka turns her head towards Akane's bedroom before raising her eyebrow. "3 ... 2 ... 1 ..." was he Hishizuka's calm countdown before a piercing male scream was heard from upstairs. The results of this outburst were mixed. Hishizuka just smirked along with her middle daughter. Naiki said 'oh my'. Ranma remembered his first morning after receiving his curse and felt sympathetic. Soun of course whaled in the background. "So how long you think it'll take BRO to remember he asked for this," Nabiki said with a smirk as she faced her mother. "Not long adrenaline has a funny effect of making your memory very sharp for a moment," Hishizuka said with an equally wide smirk as Nabiki. ***************** Akane-Kun laid on his bed hands on his chest while his eyes held a glazed appearance. A moment later Akane blinked dropped his hands to his sides and took a deep breath to calm him self. After calming himself reasonably Akane-kun gathered his bathroom supplies and headed downstairs for his morning bath. However, Akane-kun could not stop himself from shaking in an almost uncontrollable manner. This did not go unnoticed as he passed the tea table. However, Akane-kun did not notice and continued onto the bathroom. Where he began to take off his clothes while being very careful not to look at himself however as Akane-Kun finished taking off his clothes. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. What he found reflected in the mirror was a young light brown haired man that was only two inches shorter than his father and mother with handsomely toned muscles. Curiously, Akane-kun stood before the mirror examining him self for what seemed like an eternity before entering the washroom. ***************** Back in the tearoom, we find Ranma sitting rather uncomfortably at the tea table while Nabiki sat nearby. "You ok Ranma," Nabiki asked. "No it's not right. Akane's just doing this because she thinks she has to make me happy," Ranma said somewhat bitterly before continuing, "and we both know she's two stubborn for anyone to talk her out of it now that she's gotten the idea into her head." "No arguments on the last part..." Nabiki said as she stretched before asking, "...but would your feelings be any different if she honestly did want it just for herself." Ranma's immediate reply was to give Nabiki a very odd look before asking, "You're actually for this?" Shrugging Nabiki replied, "I've always wanted a little brother Ranma and I'm for anything that makes Akane happy. If I can have both in one deal, I've got no problem with it..." before smiling and continuing, "...and the idea that one day you'll the both a mother and father oddly sits well with me." "Akane would be both too you know," Ranma replied with a little bit of anger in his voice "If Akane wasn't you be castrated and/or spaded," Nabiki replied coyly as one of her trademark smirks came to rest on her face. Ranma had no reply for that statement. However, the reason for the non- reply was that Akane-kun had just entered the room. "You okay," Ranma asked while sounding concerned. "Yeah ... just a little uncomfortable at the moment but it should pass," Akane-kun replied before exiting the tearoom and sitting down by the koi pond. Once there Akane-kun just started staring at his reflection. However, ten or so minutes later Akane-kun sensed someone behind him. Turning around Akane-kun found Ryouga and Ukyou. "Akane?" Ryouga blurted out before his usual temper flared as he saw Ranma stepping outside. However "D..." was all Ryouga managed to get out as he was flattened underneath Ukyou's battle spatula. "Ryouga no baka listen before you leap," Ukyou said impatiently. "Hai," Ryouga said while looking sheepish and rubbing his head while wondering what Ukyou's spatula was made of. "Now misses Tendo said that she'd had a potion for Ryouga's problem with directions yesterday," "She's making breakfast," Ranma said before Ukyou nodded and drug Ryouga off to the kitchen of the Tendo dojo leaving Ranma and Akane-Kun alone by the koi pond. "You really ok?" Ranma asked. "Yeah," Akane-kun said before getting up and leaving the dojo with Ranma close behind of course. "I wonder if anyone will recognize me," Akane-kun asked distractedly as his rested in his pockets. The only reply Ranma gave was to shrug his shoulders as the two continued on only to encounter Nerima's two local self proclaimed professional perverts Hiroshi and Daisuke who tried to get Ranma and his 'oddly familiar' new friend to come with them watch girls at the shopping district. The offers were politely declined and after the two were out of sight Ranma shook his head disgustedly. Akane-kun too busy with the road ahead didn't notice. "So what do you usually do when you're out?" Akane-kun asked Ranma. "Get challenged by, random unnamed challengers, Kunou, Ryouga etc. etc.," Ranma replied. "I mean other than that," Akane-kun replied while looking at Ranma out of the corner of his eye. "Nothing really," Ranma replied "What about hanging out with your friends," Akane-kun asked "Akane; Kunou, Ryouga and Mousse would hang me if I 'hung' out with them," Ranma replied. "I said your friends not your most hated enemies," Akane-kun replied while looking a little bit annoyed. "You don't understand Akane those three are the closest things I do have too friends," Ranma replied with a dark edge in his voice. "...but what about Hiroshi and Daisuke?" Akane-kun asked to which Ranma replied only with a raised eyebrow to which Akane blinked before saying, "OH!!!!!!!" To which Ranma only replied by nodding before the two continued on their way leaving Akane-Kun to think about Ranma's lack of male friends. However, after long consideration Akane couldn't think of a single student at Furinkan high school that would be a good friend for Ranma. "So what you want to do," Ranma finely asked after the two had been walking for quite some time. "I don't know," Akane-kun, answered before the two saw Kunou. Of course, the next thing Kunou did was attack and of course, the second thing Kunou did was sail over the horizon. "You think he'd learn after a while," Akane- kun deadpanned. *************** Later on that day we find Akane-kun and Ranma, walking along when they encounter to students dressed in uniform of a very prestigious high school that only accepted the brightest students being attacked needless to say Ranma and Akane quickly disposed of the attackers. "You two guys okay," Ranma asked Bowing deeply, the older of the two boys, "thank you Sir we are indebted to you." "Hay aren't those Mugen Gakuen High School uniforms," Akane-kun asked "Hay isn't that the high school that got blown up in Juuban a month ago" Ranma asked "Yep and we still haven't gotten our new uniforms yet," the younger schoolboy said sheepishly. "So where will you two be going," Ranma asked "The high school with the worst reputation in the entirety of Tokyo Furinkan high," the older boy said as he pushed up his glasses. "Ahh come on Tai this is also the high school with the highest concentration of superpowered martial artists on the planet. I hear the strongest of them is stronger than Sailor Moon and has some kind of weird curse that allows him to change sexes," the younger boy said. "I find the accounts of all the superpowered martial artists of the Nerima ward highly unlikely while the superstring theory does allow for such powers to exist I doubt any single human being could possess such power," Tai explained "also it is a well-known fact that the sailor Senshi use transformation magic that is quite old," "Really so what would prove it to you," Ranma said with a smirk. "Hay you wouldn't happen to be .... Ranma Saotome," the younger boy said while looking nervous. "Yep," Ranma replied. Tai adjusting his glasses looked at Ranma with a scrutinizing eye, "so you are the one have my friend Izzy is constantly talking about. I must say you do not look like much, tall by Japanese standards yes but nonetheless you do not look like much, now as to proving your abilities are real jumping on top of that building would suffice." Ranma looking to the building Tai had just pointed to merely shrugged his shoulders and jumped from a dead stop to on top of the building and back in less then five seconds. Ranma didn't even need to ask if Tai had been convinced considering the boy's jaw was wide open. "See Tai told you so," Izzy said with a very large smile as he patted his friend on the back before realizing he was totally out of it. "Does he do statue limitations often," Akane-kun said with a smirk. "Last time he did this was when the sailor Senshi rescued us from some kind of weird souls stealing monster," Izzy said flatly. "So how long does it take him to thaw out," Ranma asked. "About an hour," Izzy replied. "Ahh" Ranma replied before picking up the petrified Tai. ***************** About an hour later, the four was sitting around the table at one of Nerima's lesser-known noodle shops. Izzy looked about ready to burst with excitement. Tai looked about ready to die from surprise. Ranma was scarfing down noodles at speeds that boggled the mind. Akane-Kun was eating noodles at a much more leisurely pace. "So ... hmm what else can you do Saotome-San," Tai finely asked "A lot," Ranma replied simply "I hear you can throw off energy balls, create a tornado, punch at super sonic speeds and fly," Izzy said excitedly. "Yep I can do all those things except for the flying bit," Ranma replied before smirking and adding "Not that I wouldn't mind knowing how to fly." Unusually Tai's response to this was to pull a computer out of his backpack and begin typing at a very fast pace. "If you can already create a tornado then you might already be further along to being able to fly then you think," Tai finely said as he continued to type. "How so," Ranma asked with a raised eyebrow. "Do you understand the principles of flight," Tai asked as he continued to type. "Not really I missed that class because of Happosai and one of his usual schemes," Ranma said while looking a little annoyed. "Izzy would you do the honors while I finish the program," Tai said before continuing to program. "Ok since you can make a tornado I'm guessing you understand the basic principles of air pressure," Izzy said "Yeah mix high and low air pressure is together and you get a tornado," Ranma said while sounding a little bit board. "Correct now the way a wing works is very simple its very shape causes a pressure differential to form over the wing's surfaces; Low-pressure on the top of the wing and high pressure on the bottom. Now because pressure differentials always equalize themselves from high to low the high-pressure air under the wing tries to move upward to the lower pressure on top of the wing but since the wing itself blocks the equalization the high pressure exerts an upward force on the wing causing it and anything attached to it to be pulled upward. Also air has to constantly be pushed over the wings," Izzy explained. "Ok I get it but it doesn't really help," Ranma said dryly. "...and why not," Akane-Kun asked. "Well making messing around with air pressure is easy enough but the wing thing would be too impractical and then there's the problem of moving around most planes either have propellers her jet engines to keep air moving over the wing." Ranma explained just as Tai finished typing. "hmm both are valid points," Tai commented before looking thoughtful, "now correct me if I'm wrong but martial artists have an energy field around them called an aura right." "Yeah and everyone as an aura not just martial artists," Ranma replied. "Normally this aura --which I am assuming is a concentration of high- energy--diffuses out into the environment -- which I am assuming has a lower energy," Tai said. "Yep ... hmm I think I get what you're saying but keep going," Ranma replied as his interest started to rise. "Now would it be possible to create a shell of energy that would not only block normal energy diffusion but it self the immune to being diffused," Tai asked. Ranma's only reply to this was to scratch his head before starting to rub his chin thoughtfully as he began to think on the subject. A few minutes later Ranma shook his head and said, "there should be a way but it would help of I knew why the wing itself didn't allow the air to go through it." "Because it's solid baka," Akane-Kun replied annoyedly. "Yeah but what makes it's solid I mean atoms are mostly empty space so why doesn't everything just go right through them?" "The electromagnetic force," Izzy stated plainly before continuing, "the sheer number and density of atoms as well as how tightly bound they are to each other determines how solid something is. The root for this solidity is because the electrons say in your hand cannot overcome the repulsive force in what ever you're pushing against." "and when you do over come the repulsive force in what ever you're pushing against what happens," Akane-kun asked "The bonds holding atoms together break causing what ever you're pushing against to break apart," Izzy replied "Hmm so if I 'bond' my ki in a tight enough manner it'll act like a solid instead of a gas," Ranma said while looking thoughtful however, that thoughtful look quickly wrinkled into one of frustration. "The only problem with that is if I made my aura that cold I'd freeze myself into a Popsicle in no time. "Ranma can you compress your energy without lowering its 'temperature'," Tai asked. "Yeah," Ranma said absently "Well another way to create a solid is to compress something so much that it is forced to become solid with little or no external freezing," Tai said. "Hmm...." was all Ranma said before producing a ki sphere, which shocked Tai and Izzy unconditionally. A moment later, the sphere shrunk to a tenth of its initial size. However, that seemed to destabilize the sphere until that is Ranma did something, which seemed to cause the sphere to crystallize. "Looks like it works," Ranma commented before dissipating the sphere. "Now let's see if it'll block energy flow," Ranma added before producing another sphere, which seemed to have a translucent shell however, the sphere did not float. "Allow some energy dispersion through the sides of the sphere," Izzy suggested to which Ranma only nodded before doing just that The results of this were conclusive as the sphere floated upward at a gentle pace leaving Ranma to smile "Now I guess all we have to work out is what to use for a propeller or jet engine because that thing barely has enough lift to lift it's self up let alone anything else," Ranma said with a satisfied smile. "Just a moment let me research jet engines," Tai said as he began to type away at his computer again. Ranma of course took this advantage to order more food. By the time the food was delivered and finished Tai had finished his research "Take a look," Tai said simply before turning his laptop around so Ranma could see it. Ranma's only response was to do just that. Ten or so minutes later Ranma nodded his head and handed the laptop back towards Tai and said, "I'm purtty sure I can mimic the Hydro jet but not in here." "Agreed Ranma," Tai, said as he put away his laptop. ************************ Later at the abandoned field where challenges usually take place Akane-kun, Tai, and Izzy stand to one side of the field while Ranma stands in the center. "Ok here goes," Ranma stated before floating into the air. If one looked closely at Ranma they would see the air around him distorted in a manner reminiscent of heat rising from an asphalt parking lot. "Well got basic levitation down now for flight," Ranma stated before his aura flared white- hot and he shot off into the heavens like a cannonball. "Prodigious it worked," Tai, said with a smile as the three watched Ranma rocket around above Nerima however a second later Ranma vanished. "Where'd he go," Izzy asked. "Where'd who go" Ranma said from behind the three. "Ok Ranma, how did you do that," Akane-kun asked while looking annoyed. "I just combined the flight technique with the Tenshin Amaguriken," Ranma said with a smirk before vanishing once more. "Oh..." Akane-kun replied dryly "Well me and Tai need to go get our uniforms so we'll be going now," Izzy said before the two left Floating into view Ranma asked, "So what do we do next?" as he sat cross- legged and upside down while hanging in midair. "I don't know," Akane-kun, replied annoyedly before sitting down, "do you have any idea what normal boys do anyhow." "Sports and hang out with girlfriends or drool over girls if they don't have a girlfriend are the only things I know of." "Sounds almost as boring as a day of shopping with Yuka and Rai not that I don't like shopping it's just a whole day of it seems pointless," Akane-kun said while looking annoyed. "Agreed," Ranma, commented as he absently floated around. "On what?" Akane-kun asked curiously. "All of it," Ranma answered as he floated by again. "I mean I want little something with a little bit of meat on it and shopping all day and playing some game with a stupid ball just does doesn't cut it," Ranma added as he rotated in midair. "Oh ... so what would you do if you could?" Akane-kun asked. "Painting, drawing, and playing the violin some ... but all of those things need money to do so I can't," Ranma replied sadly Akane-kun's reply to this was a nervous stuttered question, "you play the violin?" Ranma's only reply was a shrug before landing, "come in let's go help Tai and Izzy." "Ok," Akane-kun replied. ********************** Later at Nerima's uniform store we find Tai and Izzy looking at the quote official uniform of Furinkan high which was something Izzy had identified as being Hawaiian in origin. "Don't worry you two that's not the real uniform," Akane-kun stated before guiding the two boys to wear the proper uniforms were. 10 minutes later, the four left the store with the proper uniforms for Izzy and Tai. "So what are you two going to go do now," Ranma asked curiously "Not much we have a science club meeting we have to attend to," Tai replied before continuing, "and it is a member's only meeting." That said the two walked off leaving Ranma and Akane-kun alone. "Well what now," Ranma asked. "Home I guess," Akane-kun replied. ************************ Later that day we find Ranma-chan sitting on the roof looking rather uncomfortable and sad when Hishizuka sat down next to him. "So how are you doing Ranma-chan?" Hishizuka asked with a smirk "Not good," Ranma-chan answered. "You know the feelings you're experiencing are quite natural" "I know doesn't mean I have to like them especially when they're directed at Akane," Ranma-chan replied before glaring at the master magi that happen to be Akane's mother. "If you have a problem with Akane's decision talk to Akane," Hishizuka responded. The only response the redhead gave was to storm off. "Kids," Hishizuka commented to her self before laying back on the roof. ******************** Meanwhile Akane-kun sat in his room thinking when Ranma-chan knocked on the window. "Come in," Akane-kun said absently before Ranma-chan entered and sat down. "Why?" Ranma-chan asked flatly. "It doesn't really matter what my reasons were because I've already decided to keep it, and it's not just because of you so live with it" "Then what are the other reasons?" Ranma-chan asked. "I can't really explain it Ranma it just makes me feel, complete," Akane- kun responded leaving Ranma-chan looking rather haunted. After a long moment, however she nodded and sat down on the bed beside Akane-Kun who in turn put his arms around her. "You ok," Akane-kun finely asked. "I don't really know Akane and I don't think I'll know for awhile," Ranma- chan answered before resting against Akane-kun who kissed her lightly on the neck, "you're insatiable you know that," Ranma-chan commented before adding, "not that I'm complaining mind you." ******************* Meanwhile back up on the roof Hishizuka just smiles and wonders what would happen next in the ward of Nerima. [End]