Everything has changed part 2.2 Ukyou and Ryouga's arc Remembering the past month Ukyou sat alone on the roof of her okonomiyaki restaurant looking out at Nerima thinking of the previous month, which had included the wedding of Kasumi and Dr. Tofu's after which Ryouga had vanished. As she shifted her gaze to the sky, Ukyou remembered the events following Ranma and Akane's failed wedding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'why do I feel so rotten about it,' Ukyou thought as she left the Tendo dojo where she had just been a pinnacle member in destroying the wedding between Ranma and Akane when she saw Ryouga who looked as miserable as she felt. "I didn't mean to ruin their wedding," Ukyou heard Ryouga say before continuing; "I was just trying to find Akari." "You mean you've finally given up on Akane," Ukyou asked shocking Ryouga for a moment. "Yeah after what happened at Jusenkyo there's is no doubt those two love each other even if there two stubborn to admit it," Ryouga said in an almost distracted tone of voice "Tell you what sugar why don't we go back to my place and you can tell me what happened at those springs while we both drown are sorrows in saki," Ukyou said before leading Ryouga off towards her restaurant. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'What happened after that tore my heart to pieces as I listened to Ryouga tell me how Ranma fought for Akane and what he fought ... a demigod ...damm I still can't believe he killed a demigod ...and after Ryouga got done telling me we were so drunk we made out like a couple of rabbits.... I remember the next morning.... still don't really know why I wasn't mad.... maybe it's because we're both lonely souls.... but what I found out when I insisted on taking a bath with him really got me mad.... the damm....well the damm pig was sleeping with Akane but what happened after that I never expected. After I finally caught up with the pig, I found Akane and of all people her mother who just had to be the one responsible for the springs. That was a surprise of the century if not the millennia and poor Ryouga he looked like he was already a ham sandwich. of course considering me and Akane strung him up and beat a confession out of him previous to misses Tendo dropping the bombshell of who she was that wasn't particularly surprising... what happened when I cut him down did surprise me' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ukyou would you please cut me down" Ryouga pleaded as Ukyou closed shop for the night. "ok anything to stop you're whining" Ukyou said before throwing a cup of water on Ryouga which instantly rendered him into a pig which Ukyou then threw a kettle of hot water on. Ryouga's only reply to this was to look very indignant before gathering his clothing and starting to storm off. "Ryouga the bathroom is the other direction," Ukyou provided as she grabbed Ryouga's arm. Ryouga's only reply was to look even more indignant as Ukyou drug him off to the bathroom. Once there Ukyou took Ryouga's clothing from him before taking off her own much to Ryouga's dismay as was apparent when he grabbed his nose. Rolling her eyes Ukyou annoyedly said "baka we've already had sex." Letting go of his nose Ryouga replied with a nervous, "oh yeah we have haven't we." Ukyou's only reply to this was to roll her eyes before a certain cross- dressing ninja barged in and attacked Ryouga bellowing something Kunou would usually bellow. Needless to say, Konatsu had about as much chance against Ryouga has Kunou did against Ranma in other words none. Of course, Konatsu never did get to attack considering he was flattened by a certain battle spatula. "Konatsu stop acting like Kunou," Ukyou commanded as she menacingly held her battle spatula. "...but Ukyou-sama," Konatsu pleaded. "But nothing Konatsu you know you're only a friend to me ... and do I decide to get some from is my business," Ukyou replied venomously. "Yes Ukyou-sama," Konatsu replied before leaving. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'I haven't seen Konatsu since that night... he was a good friend but nothing more.... Ryouga on the other hand ... well we quickly became an item ... I've got no idea why I mean we find almost as much as Ranma and Akane *laughs* but maybe that's why we get along so well is because we fight ... and we are pretty good friends despite the idiot things Ryouga does.' Ukyou thought before turning her attention to the street below and wondering where Ryouga could have gotten off to before deciding to take a walk ******************* Later that afternoon Ukyou encounters Hishizuka who is out shopping "Ahh hello Ukyou how are you doing" misses Tendo asked as she continued to shop for produce "Fine just wondering where Ryouga got off to after Kasumi's wedding yesterday" "You mean he didn't tell you before he left?" Hishizuka asked while looking slightly miffed, to which Ukyou replied only with a blank stare. Sighing Hishizuka shook her head before saying, "since he didn't try to pick a fight with Ranma yesterday I cured him after which he decided he had to go see Akari to see if she's still loved him. Unfortunately he didn't wait long enough for me to examine his other curse so it's going to take him at least a week and a half to get back." Ukyou's only reply to this was a classic anima sigh before walking off and thinking 'I wonder what Akari's response will be,' with a strange amount of jealousy before walking along only to encounter Ranma-chan who looked quite pale sitting on top of a fence. Seeing this state of her friend Ukyou hopped up on top of the fence and sat beside Ranma-chan. "You ok sugar?" Was Ukyou's simple question "No," Ranma-chan replied as she fiddled with her vest which she had taken off previous to Ukyou arriving. After stretching her arms upward Ranma-chan continued to look at the water below "So what are you wearing their looks like half a breast wrap," Ukyou asked after a nervous silence fell over her and Ranma-chan. "No it's a tube top but its still is purtty tight ... keeps them from showing when I lift my arms up," Ranma-chan said as she lifted her arms up to prove the point of the tube top not showing anything but a small barely noticeable amount of skin. "Cool a stylish breast wrap," Ukyou said with a smile before noticing Ranma's mood was still pretty low. "So what's bugging you?" Ukyou asked a moment later. "Akane's somehow gotten into our head that because I've accepted my girl side she's got to be able to turn into a guy," Ranma-chan finely responded in a shaky voice. After recovering from the shock of what Ranma-chan had just said Ukyou just looked at Ranma-chan for a moment, seeing she was serious Ukyou asked, "So how do you feel about this?" "Part of me likes the idea and part hates it," Ranma-chan replied somberly before looking off at the sky. A simple oh was Ukyou's reply. "You know I've had nightmares about it ever since I got the curse. They pretty much stopped after I accepted it," Ranma-chan said a moment later. "But," Ukyou asked. "Lately they've been about Akane ... last night was the breaking point and unfortunately misses T. was a taking a peak and Akane was watching as well," Ranma-chan provided. "So that's where she got the idea," Ukyou said in understanding. "So bacon butt back yet," Ranma-chan asked. "No," Ukyou muttered darkly before both heard a familiar scream. "WHERE ON EARTH AM I NOW!!!!!" The only thing the two girls in response was look at each other and laugh before Ukyou took to the rooftops in search of Ryouga. Five minutes later she found him looking a usual lost in alleyway mumbling about injustices before saying, "I wish Ukyou was here," in a sad almost longing tone of voice Smiling Ukyou replied, "Ask and yee shall receive." 2.5 microseconds later Ukyou found herself being glom by Ryouga who was crying happily while he kept saying -- or maybe that should be whaling how glad he was to see her. Struggling to breathe Ukyou managed to get out "Ryouga can't breathe," with an extreme amount of effort to which Ryouga replied by immediately ceasing his glom which allowed Ukyou to breathe, "damn now I know what Ranma-chan felt like every time shampoo grabbed him." "Sorry Ukyou," Ryouga said with a sheepish blush. "No problem ... so how to go with Akari?" Ukyou asked. The response Ryouga gave was to look more depressed then he usually did. "Hey don't worry about it." Ukyou said as she gave Ryouga a hug, which the two held for a longtime. After breaking the however Ukyou smiled with her arm around Ryouga's waist and led him off as she said, "come on Akane's mother said she would cure you of that horrible since the direction you have." Ryouga's only reply to this was a broad smile as the two walked along the streets of Nerima watching the sites -- and Ranma-chan fighting off Kunou at a leisurely pace-- as they searched for Hishizuka who they found returning from the market. "well speed of the pig and he shall appear" Hishizuka commented before raising her hand and shouting SCAN which caused Ryouga to be lifted off the ground and in trapped by 6 energy rings that scanned the full-length of his body before vanishing. "hmm nasty a type 5 directional curse it'll scramble just about everything that has to do with finding one's way ... but then you probably already know that.... come by the dojo tomorrow morning and I'll have the antidote potion ready then." Hishizuka said before walking off leaving Ryouga and Ukyou alone for a moment until they decided to head back to Ukyou's restaurant. ************* Late that night we find Ryouga lying awake while Ukyou sleeps next to him. 'Why?' Ryouga asked himself as he remembered Akari's rejection. 'You'd think that she preferred someone that didn't change into a pig every time they got splashed with water but no she wanted ... well basically she wanted a pig that happened to be able to be a person.' "You ok Ryouga," Ukyou asked as she woke up. "I guess ... it's just that ...well everything has changed and I don't know what to do anymore. "Hay don't worry about it we're free to do what we want," Ukyou said reassuringly as she snuggled closer to Ryouga underneath the covers. "I know, and I'm glad you're going to be there with me," Ryouga replied. Ukyou's only response was to giggle lightly, "You'd be lost without me pig boy and I'm not talking about in the middle of some forest or jungle either." "No arguments there" Ryouga replied before Ukyou smiled a little too widely leaving Ryouga to sweat profusely. ************ Early the next morning Ryouga who looks absolutely drained of life energy wakes up to find Ukyou dressing. Deciding it would be the best thing to get some more sleep Ryouga doesn't move a muscle even an fraction of an inch before pretending to go back to sleep. After Ukyou had finished dressing she turned around to look at Ryouga who was still sleeping "still out like a light ...ahh well by the time I get ready to go he'll be up," Ukyou said before leaving. This left Ryouga to open his eyes and breathe a sigh of relief. 'Now I can get some rest' Ryouga thought before falling completely asleep. **************** About 2 hours later Ryouga and Ukyou head off to the Tendo dojo once there however, the two find a go young brown haired man sitting by the koi pond wearing a blue Chinese shirt and a pair of black drawstring pants. Ukyou's only reply to this was to blink as she studied the boy who was feeding the koi. Strangely, the blink seemed to be enough to attract his attention as was apparent when he turned his head around to face Ryouga and Ukyou. Upon seeing his face both Ukyou and Ryouga paled as they realized the boy was Akane. "Akane?" Ryouga blurted out before his usual temper flared as he saw Ranma. However "D..." was all Ryouga managed to get out as he was flattened underneath Ukyou's battle spatula. "Ryouga no baka listen before you leap," Ukyou said impatiently. "Hai," Ryouga said while looking sheepish and rubbing his head while wondering what Ukyou's spatula was made of. "Now your mom said that she'd had a potion for Ryouga's problem with directions yesterday." "She's making breakfast," Ranma said before Ukyou nodded and drug Ryouga off to the kitchen of the Tendo dojo where they found Hishizuka expertly preparing breakfast. "Ahh there you two are," Hishizuka said as she noticed the two enter. "So do you have to," Ryouga asked hopefully. Hishizuka's only response was to reach into the pocket of her slacks and pull out a small bottle which she handed to Ryouga, "that's it drink it and you'll be rid of your bad direction sense." Ryouga's reply to this was to pop the cork on the bottle and drink the liquid in one gulp after which he turns green clutches his throat and almost throws up. "Did I mention it tastes like something rancid," Hishizuka said absently as she turned around. Ukyou's only reply to this was to trying to stifle a giggle as Ryouga turned many different colors from green to purple to plaid and even pooka- doted before finally passing out "So how long till he wakes up" Ukyou asked while still trying to stifle her giggles "About an hour," Hishizuka replied before Ukyou --laughing to her self-- carried Ryouga off ************ About an hour later Ryouga awoke feeling the sickest he had ever felt in his life "Ahh finely awake," Ukyou said before Ryouga suddenly started to look far worse than even a moment before after which he runs off to the bathroom leaving Ukyou to say, "damn he actually got to the bathroom in one go." A few minutes later Ryouga wonders back in still looking sick and blinks a few times. "Yep you actually made it to the bathroom and back without getting lost," Ukyou said simply. This simple statement was enough to make Ryouga jump dance and many other things for joy. Watching the scene Ukyou only smiled waited for Ryouga to run down. Ukyou had a long wait as was apparent when Ryouga skipped out of her restaurant acting like a schoolgirl that had had too much sugar and caffeine. Sighing Ukyou just decided to continue on with the workday while her in her customers enjoyed the show Ryouga gave all day as he occasionally hopped and skipped past the storefront still acting like a schoolgirl that had had too much sugar and caffeine. By the time Ukyou closed up shop however, the no longer eternally lost boy had run down and needed to be carried to bed. *************** Ukyou awoke early the next morning to find Ryouga staring out the window of the bedroom. "You ok sugar," Ukyou asked as she sat up in the bed while not bothering to keep the bed sheet over her chest. "No not really. For the past year I've been out to kill Ranma because of things that are my fault; Not getting to that challenge was my fault, following him to the Springs --getting knocked into one was his fault-- but that's sort of beside the point, and I've also used his honor against him which goes against bashito. I've also done a lot of other unexcusable things. I need to journey and regain my honor," Ryouga explained to which Ukyou only had one answer. "Got that straight sugar," Ukyou said in agreement, as she put her hands behind her head. "Can you ... no will you come with me," Ryouga asked while sounding very scared about the prospect of going alone. "I'd love to but without a yatai I can't close down the shop here," Ukyou replied. "Well we could always beat the money out of Genma," Ryouga suggested. Cracking her knuckles Ukyou replied, "I doubt the bear has that amount of cash but it'll be fun to pound him anyway." With that decided, the two just developed a mischievous grin before leaving to find Genma. *************** About an hour later, the two arrive at the Saotome household to find Nodoka practicing a sword kata while Genma-panda sat nearby asleep. Seeing Ryouga and Ukyou Nodoka stopped sheathed her blade and sat down before bidding Ryouga and Ukyou to do the same with a silent gesture of her hand. "I assume your here about the yatai my husband stole from you." Nodoka said flatly before Genma panda 'suddenly' woke up and started to run away only to be stopped when Nodoka pointed something at him which instantly bound the panda in what looked like metal mummy wrappings. "A little thing Hishizuka gave to me," Nodoka said as she held up a small discrete looking silver desk with a glowing jewel in the middle. "It does what you just saw." "Cool," Ryouga said with a smirk. "Now down to business how soon do you need the yatai," Nodoka asked seriously. "As soon as possible," Ukyou replied. Nodoka's response to this was to drum her fingers for a moment before looking sorry. "I'm sorry but if you could give me some time I could make him work for the money. As it is were almost broke already," Nodoka explained sadly. "What about the Tendos," Ryouga asked. "I'm quite sure they would lend me the money. Genma however has already done enough damage to them but it seems it is my only option," Nodoka said sadly before walking off into her home. Three minutes later Hishizuka appeared in a flash of light just as Nodoka exited her home. "I'm terribly sorry for asking Tendo-san," Nodoka said with a bow. "Nonsense Nodoka it's no trouble at all," Hishizuka said as she handed Nodoka a bag of gold coins before turning to Ukyou. "So I hear you need a yatai," Hishizuka said with a smile to which Ukyou replied with one of her own before the two left. "Leave some for me Ryouga," Ukyou was heard calling a moment later. Nodoka's only response to this was to point the mummifier at Genma-panda releasing him from his bonds. However, the panda was not very happy considering the smile Ryouga had on his face. ****************** About an hour and a half, later Ukyou returns to the Saotome home to find a beaten and I bruised panda who was still twitching every so often. Nearby Nodoka and Ryouga sat having tea and chatting while occasionally giving the panda an evil eye. Seeing this Ukyou smiled before walking over and joining Nodoka and Ryouga. "I see the panda is still alive," Ukyou quipped as Nodoka smiled and poured her a cup of tea. "So did Hishizuka purchase you a yatai," Nodoka asked politely. Ukyou's only response to this was the smile reach into her pocket and throw something over her shoulder that quickly expanded into the most extravagant looking yatai Nodoka and Ryouga had ever seen. "That answer your question," Ukyou said with a smug smile while Nodoka practically drooled over the yatai, which was better quipped then even the Tendo family kitchen last time she had seen it. "Wow now that's a yatai," Ryouga commented. "It certainly is," Ukyou said with a smile before cracking her knuckles and smiling at the panda. "So who wants panda okonomiyaki?" Ukyou asked as she pulled out her battle spatula. The panda's only reply was to look very nervous as Ryouga cracked his knuckles and Nodoka pulled out her katana was the reading of the sign the panda pulled out before ... well that's best left to the imagination. ***************** After testing the yatai, Ukyou and Ryouga leave Nerima on their journey deciding it would be best to return in six months time.