The Other Side of the Coin Prolog: one angry mama It was another typical morning at the Tendo dojo, with Ranma and Akane fighting by the koi pond. However, the status quo was about to be shattered in a most powerful way and by the most unlikely of person's. "RANMA N..." Akane managed to get out before a lightning bolt sent her and Ranma flying into the dojo's perimeter wall. "Enough is enough!" an undead zombie bellowed angrily. "For 10 years I have watched you deny half of who you are, and for the last year you have denied how you feel about Ranma. I am sick of it. Akane Tendo as is my right as your mother and progenitor of the springs, I curse you," The zombie that claimed to be Akane's mother bellowed before firing an energy blast at Akane, who instantly transformed into a man. "As for you Ranma, you have more serious problems than your curse, so for now collapse in upon on your self so you may find what you have lost," the zombie said before firing an energy blast at Ranma whose eyes glaze over. Ranma himself is encased in a cocoon of energy. After which the undead zombie, claiming to be Misses Tendo, turns to face the rest of the Tendo and Saotome families before silently walking towards the kitchen, where shortly thereafter, a sign that read >disturb on penalty of grade A++ Soun no baka grade pounding< was placed on the kitchen door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ranma found himself in front of the springs staring across the vast mist filled valley at his female double, who was looking into one of the springs. "Who are you?" "I am everything that pop told you wasn't manly. Everything pop beat out of you, I am," the double replied sadly. "So basically you're my girl half?" "No I'm everything that pop beat out of you; your intelligence, your intellect, your humor and many other things including your girl half. In the end, I am part of you the part of you that has been lost here in the depths of your mind for 10 years... and if I'm guessing right where stuck like this till we become whole again." "But I ... oh forget it even I know I'm not just a guy anymore ... so what do we do?" "Talk. As you learn what I am, I will slowly cease to exist until I am no more." "Hey, I don't want to kill you or anything by talking." "I am only part of you ...I'm no more than a ghost; A wretched thing that isn't supposed to exist. I'm nothing more than a shadow of what is supposed to be. In fact, the only reason we’re having this conversation is because of that zombie's Magic," Ranma's female double said almost mechanically. "Ok then, I guess you start talking," Ranma said nervously as he began to notice the mechanical nature of 'ranko'. ************************* Meanwhile, back in the real world we find Ranma has been carried to his room, while Akane-kun had only moved as far as the koi pond where the just stares at his now brown hair and cries. Nearby, Nabiki, Kasumi, Soun, Nodoka and Genma sit in the tearoom absently shifting their gaze between the kitchen and the koi pond when the door to the kitchen opened revealing the still angry looking zombie who enters Soun's room. Only to exit seconds later with a few articles of feminine clothing after which the mysterious zombie heads straight for the bathroom. After another hour or so, footsteps echoed from the direction of the bathroom. When they stopped, we see the formidable figure of a woman that is 6 feet tall and clothed simply in a bright red tube top, orange slacks, and a long light forest green cape, which was lined with a bright purple fabric. The woman's other distinguishing feature's are her long sky blue hair and piercing emerald green eyes as well as the fact she is very well developed in both feminine and muscular regards. "I am Hishizuka Tendo, master magi. I was born in the Avalon calendar year 102,054. I am 5035 years old and creator of the most powerful transformation magic ever known. Approximately 4000 years ago, I had to do battle with an Ashura. I defeated her by transforming her into a statue with my magic. The statue drowned by shattering into a thousand pieces in a small spring. The magic water of those springs mixed with her powers and my magic resulting in the entire area being cursed, which has led to some most unfortunate and grotesque transformations. The human to monster transformations never really take hold because the ki of alternate state is unstable. The human to animal take over two years to become permanent. However, the human to human take hold immediately," Akane's mother, said while looking off into space. "Why?" "The reason why the alternate body becomes permanent is because the person's ki takes it over. With a human-to-human transformation, the person's ki immediately knows how to take over the alternate body. This is because the alternate body is based upon your own genes. In other words your alternate body is a direct and true reflection of what you would look like if you were born in that form," Hishizuka explained. "So you can't get rid of the whole thing?" "No. Once the ki takes hold, there is no way to get rid of it," Hishizuka said as she leaned back, "but I can get rid of the water-based trigger." "So what do you mean about alternate body?" Nabiki asked curiously. "There are three types of transformation magic. Type 1 is the oldest. Type 1 magic only gives the appearance of changing into another creature. In fact, if someone touches you while under the influence of type 1 magic, the magic is dispelled. Type two is very common it's the old witch turns the Prince into a frog Magic," Hishizuka explained before Kasumi interrupted. "But isn't that what happens?" Kasumi asked politely. "Yes and no. With a type two transformation, a person's body is literally reshaped at the genetic and biological level into whatever that being transformed into. This also results in the person's ki being warped somewhat. The affect is permanent until they are returned to their natural form. Type 3 transformation on the other hand, never actually affects the person's natural body. Instead, it uses standard type two magic plus my own special magic to create an alternate body, which becomes permanent after a special ki binder spell is used. This causes the magical alternate body to become physical. This, along with a good old-fashioned phase shifting spell, allows the person to have two bodies. The springs botched the job of creating the magical alternate body, in that every time you or anyone with a curse is splashed, the magical alternate body is completely recreated. That still won't stop the trigger from changing them back and forth, or causing the alternate body to be reshaped every time, even after it becomes permanent." "So I guess that means the springs have type 2 1/2 transformation magic." "I suppose that's as good a way as any to describe it," Hishizuka replied before walking out to the koi pond and picking Akane-kun up off the ground. "You will remain like this for as long as it is necessary. Now go to your room," Hishizuka said before dropping Akane-kun who walked off to his room. "As for you two get out of my home now!" Hishizuka said angrily before snapping her fingers, causing Genma and Nodoka to vanish. Chapter 1 awakening to find a new saga has begun. Ranma awoke late one afternoon not knowing how much time had passed, but whom he found watching over him worried him that woman was someone he had only seen in the Tendo family photo album. "Hello Ranma you probably don't recognize me but I'm that zombie that zapped you," Misses Tendo said before continuing. "I am Hishizuka Tendo master magi...." was the beginning of Hishizuka's explanation of whom she was which ended the a few moments later. "Now Ranma, I have a lot of work to do on you, starting with the fact you fell into the spring of the drowned young girl." "Why am I suddenly getting the feeling I'm in for a world of pain," Ranma said with a sweat drop before his prediction came true. He suddenly found himself in his female body, which began to reshape under the influence of Hishizuka's powerful magic. After which Ranma-chan stood up and, for the first time, felt comfortable being female. "Is this what it supposed to be like for me?" Ranma-chan asked as she mentally checked her body, which she found to be almost identical in strength to her normal male body. She discovered that her height was now the same as Akane's. "Yep," Hishizuka answered before Ranma-chan frowned. "So how long have I been out?" "A month," Hishizuka responded. "So how has Akane been handling being a guy half the time?" "She hasn't been a guy half the time Ranma, she's been a guy the whole time," Hishizuka responded, causing Ranma-chan's knees to give out. "Go on," the no longer diminutive redhead said. "Well for the first day Akane was primarily in shock. For the next two weeks, he got mad that every thing, and I mean everything, but even Akane doesn't have an unlimited supply of anger. So for the past two weeks he's just been going through the motions of everyday life." "What about Shampoo and Ukyou?" "Shampoo, Mousse, and Cologne are off somewhere training. As far as I know, Ukyou is doing the same. As far as anyone knows, you're on a training mission with your father." "So where is pop?" "I forbid him and your mother from ever setting foot within the dojo again," Hishizuka responded coldly and calmly. "Oh," Ranma-chan responded dryly. "Now, shall we go downstairs?" "Have you gotten rid of the water thing yet?" "Yes." ************************* The scene in the tearoom was quiet Nabiki looked over some ledgers, Kasumi absently hummed, Soun sat by the shoji table deep in meditation -- so deep in fact that he had fallen asleep-- and finally Akane-kun sat watching his reflection in the koi pond. However, the silence of the scene was broken with one simple statement. "So what's been happening?" Ranma said, drawing everyone's attention to him. "Well look who finally woke up," Nabiki quipped. "Well you know me Nabs, always a heavy sleeper," Ranma quipped right back with a shrug before walking out side to the koi pond. Akane-kun just runs by Ranma while crying, "well that went well," Ranma, said sarcastically, before walking off towards Akane room. "Ok mom, what in the world did you do to Ranma?" Nabiki asked, to which the Tendo matriarch responded by smiling. ************************* Meanwhile in Akane's room, we find Akane-kun quietly crying when Ranma enters and silently pulls the brown haired neo-boy into a hug. An unknown amount of time later, Akane-kun finely speaks "are you going to insult me." "No," Ranma replied, "Because right now you're definitely not acting like a tomboy; mainly because you're acting like someone that's very scared." "Ranma??" Akane-kun asked questioningly. "I had a mental disease of sorts, Akane. Because all of pops macho shit and his training methods my spirit split. You know how I always act dumb and stuff? Well it wasn't an act. Because of the split in my spirit, I really couldn't change the way I behaved. All I could be is what pop beat in to me, but I'm better now ok?" "Do you love me?" Akane-kun asked while sounding scared and alone. The only response Ranma gave was to passionately kiss his currently male fiancé. "Does that answer your question?" Ranma said coyly to which the absolutely stunned Akane-kun only responded by nodding "Now, I think I can guess why your mom hasn't changed you back yet." "Why?" "Because you deny the fact you are what you are." "Hun?" "Akane, you hate being called a tomboy but that's part of who you are. You're not all sweet and innocent and stuff like that, and all that Lady stuff that Kasumi spouts goes against who you are." "So I'm a tomboy." "Well I have been called a tomboy occasion too Akane, but no one has ever accused me have not been feminine. However, my femininity is not anything like Kasumi's and neither is yours," Hishizuka said from the doorway. "So what you're trying to tell me is that even though I'm boyish I'm still feminine and because I'm boyish my femininity is different?" "Yep," Ranma said. "So what do I do?" "Well, first this," Akane's mother said before releasing the spell that locked Akane-kun in male form "now, in 48 hours you will revert to male form if you do not find your femininity." "So, do you have any suggestions?" "Just let me talk too Nabiki and I'll have something ready in a few minutes," Ranma said before leaving only to return about five minutes later as Ranma-chan "now we wait." "For what?" Akane asked uncertainly. "Nabiki to get back from the store with the outfit I described to her," Ranma replied as the sat with his back facing Akane. 'Why don't I like this sound of that?' Akane thought warily. Akane didn't even suspect there was a massively mischievous smile plastered across Ranma's face. ************************* Meanwhile in another part of Nerima Nabiki picks out the articles of clothing Ranma had told her to pick out while a mischievous smile rested comfortably on her face. 'I think I'm going to like the new Ranma much better than the old one,' were Nabiki's thoughts as she continued to shop. ************************* Back at the Tendo dojo however, we find Akane laying on her bed when her mother enters with a mirror that Akane had seen before. Taking a large gulp Akane asked the obvious question, "mom why do you have the Nanban mirror?" "Because I was the one that created it for the Amazons," Hishizuka replied calmly as she handed Akane the mirror. "This however is not the Nanban mirror but something I just made. It will allow you to see who you are in different realities." Hishizuka explained calmly before leaving. After her mother had silently closed, the door Akane looked at the surface of the mirror while thinking what she would be like in another reality that thought triggered the mirror and Akane found herself falling through space and time. ************************* When Akane landed, she found herself outside by the koi pond. Scratching her head in confusion Akane got up and started to walk into the tea room only to see herself scream 'Ranma no baka' before hitting Ranma into the koi pond. While not particularly unusual behavior what her double did next was. The double not satisfied with merely hitting Ranma once started to scream rant grave while continuing to pound Ranma-chan Seeing this Akane fury was awakened, however she quickly found all of her attacks went right through her double. This reduced Akane to tears one of which found its way onto the mirror reactivating it ************************* Again, when Akane landed she found herself sitting by the koi pond. Hoping that this time around the alternate Akane she met would not be a violent abusive maniac Akane made her way into the house only to find her double dressed like Kasumi and acting the same. Looking at her Kasumi like double Akane quickly became sick to her stomach 'Gods did I really want to become that,' Akane thought to herself as she tightened her grip on the mirror while thinking, 'I guess mom was right about me not having the same kind of femininity as Kasumi.' With that thought, Akane looked back into the mirror, which sent her through space and time once again ************************* Again Akane landed she found herself again watching the mallet happy version of herself pound Ranma-chan however this time the mallet happy double malleted Ranma-chan over the horizon. "UN-CUTE," Ranma-chan was heard bellowing as she vanished over the horizon. 'For once Ranma I agree she is uncute' Akane thought as she gave her double an evil eye. However, a moment later a realization struck Akane as hard as her mallet impacted on Ranma skull. 'Damn that's why he calls me uncute because I never listen before attacking,' Akane thought before a single tear found its way to the mirror once again. Strangely, this time the mirror only moved her to where Ranma-chan had been pounded to by Akane's mallet happy double. "Uncute totally uncute," Ranma-chan kept chanting over and over again as she wrung out her shirt. However after putting the shirt back on Ranma-chan said in a quiet whisper, "but she's so cute when she smiles ... I just wish she would give me more than a fraction of the second to explain myself ... it's not my fault no one ever listens to me not even her." 'Gods I'm sorry Ranma' Akane thought sadly before Ranma-chan continued "Why can't she be more understanding? I don't really care about the poundings half the time I do deserve them but just once, I'd like her to give me enough time to explain myself. I also wish she wouldn't get so angry at my teasing ... it's like she doesn't know I'm just playing. Then they're the insults, jerk I can understand but I'm not baka or a pervert ... well maybe a little bit of a pervert but nothing compared to even Hiroshi or Daisuke," Ranma-chan said with a sigh leaving Akane looking rather pale. However, she doesn't even have time to form a coherent thought before Ranma-chan continues, "And I really hate the fact she complains I have a big ego and being stubborn. I mean has she taken a look in the mirror lately. She's just as stubborn and egotistical as I'm and that's saying something. Sometimes I wonder if she really even loves me or just likes torturing me." Hearing the line about torture Akane turns deathly pale and thanks the kami she isn't as bad as her maniac-double before raising the mirror and looking into it. ************************* Meanwhile back and Akane's home dimension we find Hishizuka meditating by the koi pond. 'A few more minutes should be enough,' Hishizuka thought only to be interrupted by Nabiki's return. 'Hmm it looks like I'll have to interrupt her little journey,' Hishizuka mentally added before commanding the mirror to bring Akane home. ************************* Looking around Akane found herself in her bedroom blinking Akane thought, 'What it's over already,' before hearing Ranma thanking Nabiki from downstairs. "No it's only begun," Akane said aloud as a large amount of nervousness crept into her voice. Akane's nervousness was not unfounded as was apparent when Ranma entered holding a bag of clothes while Nabiki who was grinning maniacally stood beside him. Akane's only intelligible reply to this was to gulp and gulp loudly before being dragged off. ************************* 15 minutes later Akane stood in front of the bathroom mirror looking at her self in the bathroom mirror at what she was now wearing. She was now wearing was a open blue vest, bright yellow and fairly tight tube top that was about six or seven inches from top to bottom a black mini-skirt that went halfway down to her knees and a pair of skin tight black leggings. Underneath this outfit, she was wearing a strapless bra and a pair of panties that would drive a certain aged pervert crazy. Thankfully, however the leggings prevented anyone from seeing those panties. Akane's only thought as she looked at the mirror was, "is that me?" "Yep sure is sis," Nabiki answered before adding, "I'll say one thing for the outfit and that's it definitely works on you." Akane said only reply was to angrily look at her sister and complain, "I like it sis but if I wear this outside I'll have more guys on me than I did before." Nabiki was unimpressed by this as was apparent from what she said, "sis I know that outfit practically screams sex goddess on you but you've already got more boys attracted to you then should be humanly possible. So I don't think it'll make much of a difference ... well you will cause a FEW more nosebleeds than usual but that doesn't really matter." "I guess so," Akane replied before being dragged out of the bathroom by her sister and into the tearoom The gathered family members each gave a unique response Soun wailed about how quickly his baby girl was growing up Hishizuka just smiled out of one corner of her mouth Kasumi just said 'oh my' and smiled Ranma's response was a simple smile as he admired how good Akane looked in that outfit Nervously Akane asked, "So do you like it." "It's very nice Akane," Kasumi said with her usual politeness. Soun continued to wail as he nodded. "You look terrific Akane," Ranma commented. Hishizuka curiously tilted her head before saying, "it's missing something." "What?" Akane asked as she examined her outfit only to discover her mini- skirt had pockets. This of course raised her eyebrow. A fifth of a second later everyone in the room except for Nabiki was staring at Ranma. "What is it wrong for a skirt to have pockets?" Ranma replied to which everyone in the room replied by rolling their eyes "It's still missing something though," Hishizuka, restated, "what at the moment I can't quite put my finger on." "Well I'm sure you'll come up with something mother," Kasumi said in her usual motherly tone causing her mother to look out of the corner of her eye at her eldest daughter with a 'you have got to be kidding me' look in her eyes. ************************* Later that morning we find Ranma and Akane fence walking "That's it Akane you doing fine," was Ranma encouragement to Akane who was shakily trying to walk along the fence top. "Don't patronize me Ranma," Akane mumbled. "And when have I ever patronized you Akane," Ranma replied flatly as he helped Akane balance. Grumbling Akane replied, "Not once." "Exactly and I'm not about to start patronizing you now," Ranma answered before the two continued on their way. Only to encounter Kunou as they rounded a corner. Kunou's reaction was to bellow foul Magi speech number 225.2 -- the one about indecent clothing. Ranma's response to the speech was to slip his hands from Akane shoulders to around her waist while saying, "And what's so indecent about this outfit Kunou." Kunou's response was to start shooting steam from his ears. The steam turned into fire however when Ranma whispered something into Akane's ear who was already blushing due to having Ranma's arms around her waist. A tenth of a second later Kunou attacked in a blind rage destroying the fence. Ranma however had leapt out of the way a fifth of a second earlier. Growling and practically glowing with rage Kunou turned around to see Ranma who still had his arms around Akane's waist smugly smiling at him. Smirking Ranma said, "Well I guess I better take care of the reality challenged idiot," before letting go of Akane whose blush had grown quite a bit. "Ok woody I'm ready," Ranma said as he crossed his arms. By this time, Kunou looked as hot as a nuclear reactor going through meltdown. As expected, the kendoist didn't even bother to growl before attacking Nor did he last more then a tenth of a second before Ranma got inside of his defenses and KO'd him with a double neck chop. "Scratch one kendoist for the day," Ranma said smugly before turning around to face Akane who was still blushing. "You ok Akane cuss you look a little red," Ranma asked while sounding concerned. Akane's response was to immediately compose her self and nod. "Ok. Well looks like will have to find another fence to practice on since Kunou totally wrecked this one," Ranma replied before the two walked off to do just that. A few minutes later, the two were fence walking once again. "You ok Akane cuss you're still pretty red," Ranma asked while sounding concerned as he continued to help Akane walk along the fence top. "Hum yeah," Akane, replied nervously. "No it isn't what's wrong," Ranma asked. Starting to blush even redder Akane replied, "it's the way you were holding the back their." "I'm sorry I..." Ranma managed to get out before being interrupted. "No it was nice Ranma ... just unexpected that's all," Akane explained while her blush grew. "Really ...hmm if you want I could do it again," Ranma replied as he started to develop a blush. "Ok," Akane said before Ranma moves his hands from her shoulders to her hips. "Ok?" Ranma asked to which Akane only nodded as a reply. However, a few minutes later the two teens were feeling distinctly uncomfortable. 'Gods I've got to do something to loosen the mood,' Ranma thought before developing a mischievous smile. "Are you ticklish Akane?" Ranma asked. The reaction Akane gave was all Ranma needed as confirmation. As was apparent when he started tickling Akane's bare stomach which immediately causes the dark blue haired tomboy to start laughing uncontrollably however this also causes her to lose her footing however Ranma catches her before she hits the ground. "Oops I guess it's not a good idea to use a tickle attack when on top of a fence." "Baka," Akane said with a smile before wrapping her arm around Ranma's waist to which Ranma replied by returning the favor. "Come on let's go," Akane stated. "Where?" Ranma asked. "Around Nerima I'm quite sure something will happen," Akane stated before the two walked off. ************************* Meanwhile back at the Tendo dojo we find Hishizuka watching Kasumi do what she usually did be the mother of the Tendo dojo. "Kasumi dear why don't you go out shopping for yourself," Hishizuka suggested. "Oh no I couldn't I have to much work to do," Kasumi said in her usual motherly manner. "Really like what," Hishizuka said while sounding a bit inpatient. "The laundry, dinner, dusting, sewing up Ranma's clothes, and I have to repair the roof where you punched daddy through it yesterday," Kasumi responded. "And your point is." Hishizuka responded flatly. However before Kasumi could respond Hishizuka continued, "Ranma can sew up his own clothes, and everyone should do their home laundry around here, as for the dusting *snaps her fingers causing the cleaning equipment in the closet underneath the stairs to come alive and start working by itself* it'll handle itself. As far is dinner's concerned it's my turn tonight and as for the roof I ..." "No at... at least let me do that. It's been so long since I got to fix something," Kasumi interrupted. Hishizuka's response to this was a worried stare before speaking, "come here dear." Kasumi responded by nodding and obediently sitting down next to her mother who on her hand on the base of Kasumi's head before closing her eyes. As this happened Kasumi felt, a tingling sensation spread throughout her. Once the sensation faded her mother, opened her eyes and said she was sorry. What happened after that was an excruciating pain caused by enough electricity to light up a city being pumped through Kasumi's body in the span of a minute. After electricity stopped Kasumi who was now literally smoking fell to the floor of the tearoom unconscious. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somewhere in the depths of Kasumi subconscious, we find someone in a darkened jail cell quietly passing the time by twiddling her thumbs when the solid titanium jail cell door, which was reinforced with molecular diamond filaments, exploded. "Damn what was that," the figure muttered as what was left of the door sparked occasionally. After the figure stepped out of the shadow in the depth of the jail cell, we see the figure is Kasumi however this Kasumi looks a far cry from the motherly figure of the Tendo dojo. For starters, she is wearing a worn pair of blue jeans and a sleeveless tan blouse. In addition, this Kasumi looked a bit disheveled. "Well it's been ages since I've been out of that cell. So guess I should take a look around," Kasumi said in a rather boyish manner. As Kasumi walked along the hallways of her subconscious, she noticed the walls were quite dusty. Naturally, Kasumi gave the walls a look of disapproval but pushed on nonetheless. After a few more minutes of walking, she came to split in the hallway. Absently whistling while her hands rested in her pockets Kasumi looked down each split in the hallway. "Hmm which way," Kasumi absently said to herself before shrugging and taking the left hallway. A few minutes later Kasumi found herself in front of a huge door. Seeing the door was locked, she gave it a swift sidekick the door however was not impressed as was apparent when it made a dull metallic sound. "Well that worked well," Kasumi muttered sarcastically before turning around and wondering where she could find the key. ************************* In unknown amount of time later, we find Kasumi walking through a long hallway lined with an innumerable amount of doors. An annoyed glare was the only expression on Kasumi's face considering the long walk through the hallway was a yawn. 'Gods this is getting old,' Kasumi thought with a huff before checking one of the doors only to find it locked and immune to attack. "Ok now I'm getting mad," Kasumi said aloud while indeed sounding mad. "Oh my, don't be mad," an overly sweet and innocent voice, said to which Kasumi replied by whirling around to see ... well herself dressed in a housedress smiling with an overly innocent smile to which the Kasumi in slacks responded by blanching visibly. "Who in the hell are you," the Kasumi in slacks asked her overly innocent counterpart by introducing herself with so much politeness the Kasumi in slacks wanted to throw up. "Do you want some tea," the overly innocent Kasumi asked. "No I'd like the key to the big metal door back there," the Kasumi with pants on replied as she pointed down the hallway in the direction she had come from. "Oh my I can't give you that not after the improper behavior you've shown," the overly innocent Kasumi said to which the Kasumi in slacks replied by clenching her fist while Sparks began to arc away from her body. "I'll give you proper little miss perfect princess," the Kasumi in slacks said before attacking only to be stopped by two rather large looking floating logs. "So that's the way you want to play it," the Kasumi in slacks replied before creating an energy sword after which the battle was on. ************************* 10 minutes later the Kasumi with slacks on leaves with the key. While the innocent Kasumi who was now under the giant logs occasionally twitched behind her. Another hour or so after that Kasumi had returned to the giant door. "Well here goes nothing," Kasumi mumbled before opening the door only to find an elevator. Raising her eyebrow a bit Kasumi stepped onto the elevator pressed the up button and a moment later everything when white. A moment later the innocent Kasumi arrived on the back of one of her logs stepped into the elevator, pressed the up button, and vanished in a flash of light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back in the real world we find Hishizuka staring at a Soun shaped hole in the roof while muttering something about idiot husbands when she hears Kasumi stir. "You ok," Hishizuka asked. "I don't know," Kasumi mumbled before getting up and walking off. "Spirit fracture," Hishizuka said quietly. ************************* Elsewhere in Nerima, we find Ryouga fighting Ranma. Annoyedly watching this scene was Akane who was sitting on a fence when she noticed a water bucket and smiled mischievously before hopping off the fence and grabbing the water bucket and throwing its contents at the two. What happened next day ignited Akane's fury in away not even Ranma had seen before. Akane was so furious in fact that she calmly picked up 'p-chan' and Ryouga's clothes before leaving. Ranma's only reply to this was a silent gulp while thinking that he didn't want to see what his fiancée was going to do to Ryouga but Ranma also knew that if he was not there Ryouga most likely would not live through the experience so Ranma ran after the two. However, by the time Ranma found Ryouga and Akane. Akane had just hit Ryouga with a very large mallet "damm I only thought things got super hot when they came back into the atmosphere," Ranma commented. Before realizing Akane was looking at him with a murderous glare. "Explain or you're going to high earth orbit to" Akane growled angrily. "Ok" Ranma said as he made large warding gestures. ************************* Meanwhile up in orbit Ryouga has just run into a very large and very Classified Russian Spy Satellite. The resulting impact knocks Ryouga and the satellite out of orbit and back down to earth. ************************* "Sir you're not going to believe this but someone different has just entered orbit from the Nerima district," a fairly green looking Russian satellite technician said to his commanding officer. "And," the commanding officer who had seen many people achieve orbit from the Nerima district said while sounding board. "And hit the satellite out of orbit sir," the technician replied. "Interesting ... dispatch the fifth armored brigade and tell him to bring tanks, AK-47s, and a few hundred rocket launchers they'll need them all," the commanding officer said from behind the newspaper he was reading. "Yes sir," the technician replied before doing just that. 'Damn super powered martial artist's,' the commanding officer thought to himself before picking up a log book that's title read 'space capable UFO and IFO log for the Nerima district of Tokyo' and beginning to write in it. ************************* Meanwhile in the middle of nowhere Ryouga crash lands predictably with the school bus sized satellite on top of him. A moment later the satellite is thrown away and Ryouga climbs out of the crater while saying, "damm I hate re-entry," before noticing an Army with 1000 AK-47s, 500 multi-warhead rocket launchers and 250 tanks all pointing at him. "Oh shit," was all Ryouga managed to say before the Army attacked. While the AK-47s -- the bullets merely bounced off him-- and multi-warhead rockets -- which did little more than annoy Ryouga--, posed no threat to Ryouga, each one of the tanks shells was like being hit once by one punch from Ranma. Needless to say, by the time the dust had settled Ryouga was bruised and beaten but not anywhere near as bruised and beaten as he was after even a light match with Ranma. Needless to say the Army that had just from everything they could at Ryouga was quite scared at the site of one man being able to stand a barrage of the magnitude they had just thrown at him and walk away relatively unscathed. "If this is about the satellite I ran into I'm sorry ok," Ryouga shouted while looking very indignant. One of the officers who happened to speak Japanese adjusted his collar before speaking, "sorry about that." "No problem just tell me which way it is to Tokyo," Ryouga said dismissively to which the officer that spoke Japanese replied by pointing off in the direction of Japan. Predictably, however Ryouga headed the other direction. "No sir it's the other way," the officer said. "Damn curse," Ryouga mumbled before heading off in another direction only to be handed something by the officer. "What's this?" Ryouga asked. "A GPS, You can tell it where you want to go, and it will point an arrow in the direction you have to go," the officer explained before showing Ryouga how to use the device. After which Ryouga now using the GPS walks off in the correct direction. "Sir why did you give him the GPS?" A soldier asked. "I wanted to make sure he wasn't angry at us," the officer replied to which the soldier only nodded as a reply. ************************* Meanwhile back in Nerima Akane fumes while a nervous Ranma sits nearby. "That ... that ... that ...that pig not only did he sleep with me but he also used your honor against you," a extremely irate blue haired tomboy practically shouted before continuing, "oh when I get my hands on him I'm going to ... to ... well I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm going to do it." Wisely, Ranma just nodded his head before the two left. An hour or so later Akane had calmed down on enough to think and asked Ranma a question, "why?" "He's in love with you," Ranma replied simply. The reply Akane gave to this was to facefault. After recovering however, she grabbed Ranma by the collar, "you're joking right." The only reply Ranma gave was to shake his head sadly. Akane's only reply to this was to drop Ranma before sitting down on a convenient bench. "I need some time alone okay," Akane stated. Ranma merely nodded as a reply before leaving. 'I can't believe it he's I love with me ...damn how'd I miss that. It's probably because I was too busy with Ranma,' Akane thought reflectively before continuing to think, 'he's going to pay for what he did not with his life though. With a lot of pain yes and ... something else, something that goes beyond pain and humiliation. I don't know what yet but I'm sure I'll think of something.' With that, thought concluded Akane walked off in the direction Ranma had left in. ************************* Meanwhile back at the Tendo dojo one Kasumi Tendo was experiencing the effects of a large headache. 'Gods my head feels like it's been through the blender,' Kasumi book to herself. Three or so minutes later Hishizuka entered the room and answered her daughter's question, "Spirit fracture dear." "You mean like Ranma?" Kasumi asked while looking scared. Hishizuka only replied with a nod. "Who am I then?" Kasumi asked while curling up. "That you will have to answer on your own," Hishizuka replied before leaving. This left Kasumi alone in her room to look at her room and who she had been since her spirit had fractured. 'No I can't brood I might as well get started fixing the roof,' Kasumi thought before heading downstairs for the construction supplies she kept in the cellar underneath the kitchen. ************************* Meanwhile in an isolated spot at the park we find Nabiki sitting in a tree while working on her laptop, which displayed a long file on Ranma on Ranma's general pattern of behavior over the past year. After closing the laptop, Nabiki said back against the tree trunk with one foot dangling over the branch she was sitting on. 'In one day he's shown more intelligence humor and sarcasm out of battle then he ever has, and my instincts tell me this is only the tip of the iceberg. Then there's the mischievous smirk he was displaying when he was describing Akane's outfit to me,' Nabiki thought to herself before blowing a puff of air upward. "The new Ranma Saotome is already so far from the old that I need a new file," Nabiki added aloud in nothing more than a whisper. ************************* Meanwhile in another part of Nerima Shampoo, Mousse, and Cologne arrive at the cat café. 'Hmm, there's someone here someone I know from my past,' Cologne thought before entering the cat café with Mousse and Shampoo. An hour or so later, Shampoo left the cat café at a high rate of speed on her bike. The bike contained its usual cargo of ramen. ************************* Back at the Tendo dojo, Ranma and Akane arrive home to find Kasumi repairing a Soun shaped hole in the roof. The two of course thought nothing of this as the site of Kasumi repairing pieces of the dojo were not uncommon nor was the scene of a certain Amazon coming through the wall of the dojo however. The scene of Kasumi back slipping off the roof and plastering Shampoo into the perimeter wall with a powerful sidekick was. "Shampoo do you have any idea how long it takes me to fix the damage you to every time you come through the wall," Kasumi practically shouted as she picked Shampoo up by her collar and raising her to eye level. The only reply the buxom Amazon gave was to shake her head very quickly and nervously. "I didn't think so. Now from on I want you to jump over the wall like everyone else do you understand me?" Kasumi asked as she planted her fist in the wall beside Shampoo's head causing it to be destroyed. The only reply the buxom Amazon gave to that was to nod her head even more quickly and nervously. "Good," Kasumi said before putting Shampoo down. After that, Kasumi walked away and hoped back onto the roof where she continued repairing the roof. 'She must be having a bad case of PMS because that's the only thing I can think of that would make her act like that' was Shampoo only thought about Kasumi's behavior after a long moment of thought before getting back into the act of the bubbly Amazon out to feed her husband. "Shampoo have food for husband," Shampoo cooed as she gave Ranma a one armed glom. Unusually Akane's response was to look annoyed and walk off. This raised Shampoo's suspicions however, when she saw a woman in a Cape that bore an uncanny resemblance to Akane sipping tea in the tearoom Shampoo became very suspicious. "Who you," Shampoo demanded. The mysterious woman is only reply was to raise her eyebrow slightly before speaking in the arcane dialect of Chinese used in shampoo's village, Responding in Chinese Shampoo gave a bow before asking, the mysterious robed figure replied before taking a sip of her tea, "and Hishizuka Tendo better known as Misses Tendo." Shampoo's reply to this was to let go of Ranma, put down her delivery of ramen, politely say goodbye and leave through the gates to the dojo. "Wow she looked really shook up," Ranma, commented as he brought the ramen into the tearoom where he began to serve it. Meanwhile up on the roof Kasumi wonders why in the hell she just attacked Shampoo. ************************* Later back at the cat café Shampoo who still looked rather rattled entered the kitchen to find Cologne preparing some food. "I trust everything went well?" Cologne asked without looking at her great granddaughter. Sounding rather rattled Shampoo replied, "Misses Tendo was there great grandmother." Raising an eyebrow without turning around Cologne responded, "Very funny child but we all know the Tendo matriarch has been dead for 10 years after all it is Mr. Tendo's favorite thing to cry about ... aside from Ranma and Akane's relationship of course." "She also said she was the progenitor and guardian of the cursed springs and your sensei great grandmother," shampoo responded flatly. Cologne who was sampling some duck ramen with a large wooden ladle promptly did a spit take. After recovering however, Cologne calmly asked another question, "Did you happen to catch her first name child?" Shampoo's only response was to say Hishizuka. Cologne's reply to that was to lose quite a bit of color in her face before picking up her staff and pogoing off. ************************* 'I can't believe it Hishizuka is Akane's mother damm why didn't I notice it before the resemblance is uncanny.' Cologne thought as she tried to cobble together a good apology when she noticed her old sensei standing in this straight ahead of her. "Hello Cologne," Hishizuka said simply to which Cologne only gulped to as a reply. ************************* Meanwhile back of the roof of the Tendo dojo Kasumi has finished repairing the hole in the roof. "There done," Kasumi commented to herself before laying back on the roof. 'Why did I do that, well I know why I just got an angry at her snapped and then attacked ... but why did I snap? Usually nothing can get me angry ... but maybe that's the point before my spirit was fractured and now it's not so I guess it'll take less to get me angry. That means I'll have to watch my temper ... I just hope it's not as bad as Akane's,' Kasumi thought before smirking at the idea of her pounding someone over the horizon. However, her smile faded as she looked at the hole in the wall Shampoo created. "Rotten Amazon," Kasumi mumbled under her breath before hopping off the roof and over to the hole in the wall where she begins repairing said hole. A few meters away in the tearoom, however Akane was looking at her sister with a great deal of concern even though her mother had explained Kasumi's odd behavior before leaving. Ranma however was relieved that the oldest Tendo sister actually had a temper and practiced the art his exact thoughts were along the lines of being relieved she wasn't some kind of weird pod person from mars wisely Ranma didn't voice those thoughts. A half an hour later Kasumi had fixed the wall "You ok big sister," Akane asked as Kasumi walked by. "Yeah all accept the fact I bruised my hand when I punched through the wall but I'm sure Dr. Tofu will have something to help it," Kasumi said with a small bit of mischief in her voice. "A nice kiss on the hand maybe," Ranma replied sarcastically to which Kasumi only replied with a smile as she left. "You don't think she'll do anything improper do you?" Akane asked while sounding concerned. "At this point I wouldn't put it past her," Ranma replied flatly **************** Meanwhile at a certain kindly doctor's clinic we find Dr. Tofu absently reading a book on acupuncture while absently wishing he could keep his head out of the clouds when Kasumi came to visit when he heard the object of his thoughts walked in the door instantly causing Dr. Tofu to start doing the usual. "Hello Dr. Tofu," Kasumi said politely as she sat down by Dr. Tofu. "Ahh hello Kasumi what brings you here today?" Dr. Tofu said as his glasses began to fog up. "I hurt my hand and I'd you to look at it," Kasumi said as she held up her hand to the good doctor who adjusted his collar before his glasses stopped fogging up. After the kindly doctor finished adjusting his collar, he composed himself and began examining Kasumi's hand. After a moment though Dr. Tofu looked up at Kasumi disapprovingly and somewhat curiously, "what may I ask got you mad enough to punch through a concrete wall?" "Shampoo did, I got so tired of fixing the wall every time she plows through it I sort of snapped and attacked her," Kasumi explained. The next sound that echoed through the room was that of Dr. Tofu's jaw hitting the tile floor with enough force to break it. "YOU attacked Shampoo," Dr. Tofu asked after reeling in his jaw. Kasumi sheepishly nodded. 'I guess she's a Tendo after all,' Dr. Tofu thought to himself as he began to tend to Kasumi's hand, which was only bruised slightly. Absently the doctor wondered why Kasumi had come to visit him for such a minor injury considering she had all the knowledge necessary to tend to the wound, as did anyone in the Tendo dojo. A few minutes later Dr. Tofu finished. "There done," Dr. Tofu said with a smile to which Kasumi responded with one of her own causing Dr. Tofu's glasses to start fogging over again "Would you like to have dinner with me Dr. Tofu," Kasumi asked Dr. Tofu who had now turned red in less than a heartbeat responded with a stutter of, "I'd love to" Still smiling warmly Kasumi replied, "good I'll be back at around 7 for our date then," before getting up and leaving never seeing Dr. Tofu start glowing red before falling over with an absolutely silly grin plastered to his face. ******************** A few moments later, we find Kasumi walking back to the dojo while thinking, 'I think I'm going to like the new me,' before realizing she had absolutely nothing to wear for a date. Kasumi's only response to this fact was to develop a mischievous smile before changing direction she was heading in. ******************** Back at the dojo however we find Akane practicing by the koi pond while thinking of her sister's behavior when Yuka and Sayuki were heard mumbling. "You ask her." "No you ask her." "No you." "Why don't you both ask her at the same time," Ranma was heard suggesting. The reaction Yuka and Sayuki gave made Akane giggle. That reaction the two gave was to let out a small screen before they hid behind Akane. "You know you to don't have to be scared of Ranma he's just a big teddy bear," Akane stated. "He just scared us that's all," Yuka, replied. "So what did you want to ask me," Akane asked. "Well hmm do you happen to know anyone that plays a violin?" Sayuki asked. "I had a few lessons a long time ago but why do you ask," Akane replied. "Rai broke her arm and can't play," Yuka replied. "And you want me to take her place right," Akane replied to which Yuka and Sayuki replied with a nod. Signing Akane agreed to help anyway she could. A few minutes later Ranma, Akane, Yuka and Sayuki were heading towards Furinkan high's auditorium. ********** Later at the auditorium, we find Ranma sitting in the seats watching Rei who has one arm in a sling coaching Akane on how to play the violin. Rei was not having much luck however, as was apparent considering most everyone in the auditorium had there hands over their ears. "Geez Akane cut it out before you hurt someone's eardrums," Ranma complained. Indignantly and angrily, Akane replied, "as if you could do any better Ranma." Ranma's reply was to grin in his usual manner however if one looked exceptionally close one would notice Ranma's grin was wider than usual. "Ok I take your challenge." Akane's reply was to look smug and feel very confident that Ranma was about to make a fool of himself. Ranma apparently being his usual self distractedly listed to Rei's explanation of how to operate a violin "Ok you sure you've got it Ranma," Rei asked after finishing just to make sure. The only reply Ranma gave was one of his usual smiles, which preceded him cracking his knuckles and taking the violin from Rei. After the violin was comfortably resting against Ranma's neck, he winked at Rei who jerked her head back in surprise before Ranma started playing. The skill of the pigtailed martial artist at playing the violin dropped every single jaw in the auditorium unconditionally. After Ranma finished his playing Akane managed to ask, "Why didn't you say you played." Ranma's reply was, "you never asked." The reply that was given to that was a very large face fault. *************** Meanwhile at the cat café we find Cologne and Hishizuka talking. "So you're not angry with me." Cologne asked "No you didn't know Cologne and in the end no harm was done," Hishizuka responded before getting up and leaving. This left Cologne to breathe a sigh of relief. "Great grandmother that really your sansei?" Shampoo asked. "Yes dear that was," Cologne replied as she wiped her brow. "This mean Ranma no husband anymore," shampoo asked while already knowing what the answer would be. "It does," Cologne replied before hopping off. This left shampoo alone for a moment until that is she decided to run after misses Tendo. When shampoo found the Tendo matriarch, she was absently strolling through the park lost in the beauty of what she saw around her. This may have confused most but Shampoo knew from experience that people of great age always seemed to do such things. Sitting down on a park bench Hishizuka merely patted the bench, "come sit down shampoo." Shampoo's only response was to do what the Magi had told her. "You know love is a funny thing child you never know when it will happen or what form it will take. When in love most only see the good, in whom they are loving. They're too quick to ignore faults and things that would normally make them get up and just walk away from the other person." Hishizuka explained without looking at the buxom Amazon who is starting to feel rather uncomfortable. "Then there are those that do the opposite by only looking at the faults in someone so they can deny they are in love with someone," Hishizuka added after turning to face Shampoo. shampoo asked as a statement of fact. "Yes they do, just as me and Soun love each other and even Nodoka and Genma love each other dearly," Hishizuka replied. Shampoo's only reply to this was a sad sigh as she got up and left. "Life is sometimes hard child," Hishizuka said to no one in particular before getting up and heading off in the direction of a certain okonomiyaki restaurant. Once there Ukyou greets her in the usual manner, Ukyou greeted customers. "So are you new in the area or just passing through?" Ukyou asked her mysteriously familiar customer. "Me I just got back after 10 years of being gone." The woman in the green cape replied. "And you." "Me oh I just got back from a month-long training trip," Ukyou said dismissively. "So who were you training to defeat?" The woman asked as she calmly slipped her arms out from underneath her cape "Hmm Akane Tendo" Ukyou said before paling somewhat. "You've just started looking like you've seen a ghost," the woman in the green cape said with a smile Nabiki would be afraid of causing Ukyou to pale even more. "Hmm what's your name," Ukyou asked rather unsteadily. "Hishizuka Tendo," Hishizuka replied calmly and coolly, "Otherwise known as misses Tendo." "But but I thought you were dead," Ukyou said as she began to shake in fear. "I was but as progenitor and guardian of the cursed springs and a master magi that is 5000 years old death of the body is nothing more than a temporary inconvenience," Hishizuka replied. Ukyou's only reply to this was to faint dead away. Looking over the counter at the okonomiyaki chef that was occasionally twitching Hishizuka commented, "Well she took that better than I thought she would," before waiting for Ukyou to wake up. ****************** Elsewhere in Nerima, we find Ranma and Akane walking back to the dojo. "So what else can you do," Akane asked curiously. "I used to be able to draw fairly well," Ranma said with a shrug. Curiously Akane asked, "what do you mean used to." "Well pop put me through this weird training method one time and afterwards I couldn't play the violin or draw any more," Ranma replied a little bit bitterly. "Your father has caused you more problems then you've caused your self you know that," Akane commented angrily. Ranma's only reply was a nod. "So what other surprises are you hiding," Akane asked to which Ranma only replied with a mischievous grin, which shocked Akane greatly before she smiled back however, that smile faded when she saw Shampoo. However, the angry scowl that developed on Akane's face as she saw her rival faded as well after noticing how low shampoo's mood was. "Hay you ok shampoo," Ranma asked the purple haired girl. Shampoo only shook her head. "Great grandmother says that vi... Akane mother is very old Amazon sensei. That mean no can marry Ranma cause Akane Amazon by birthright," Shampoo explained as she sadly dipped her head and continued to walk along. 'Why do I feel like a rat,' Akane thought to herself as she and Ranma continued back to the dojo only to be interrupted as shampoo ran up to the two of them. "We still friend Ranma Akane," shampoo asked hopefully "Yeah of course," Akane replied with such speed that evening Ranma was surprised Shampoo's reply to this was to run off looking rather happy leaving Ranma and Akane to return to the dojo ************************ Meanwhile back at Ucchan's Ukyou awakens to find Hishizuka still there. "Have a good nap Ukyou?" the Tendo matriarch said calmly. "You were joking right?" Ukyou, said worriedly to which Hishizuka only replied by shaking her head which left the okonomiyaki chef very nervous before she blurted out, "It's a matter of honor he marries me!!" "No I'm afraid not Akane's claim to Ranma is older. Also Genma knowingly offered Ranma's hand in marriage in bad faith which means you're engagement to him is not an honorable one," Hishizuka explained calmly. Ukyou's response to this was a slump visibly before mumbling something about only wanting to make Ranma happy. "Would he be happy with you Ukyou?" "Of course he would!" Ukyou shouted. "Do you even know what makes Ranma happy?" Hishizuka stated. "Of course I do," Ukyou said smugly. "Have you have you ever asked Ranma what he likes to do. Also what would be his future if he did marry you a cute redheaded waitress that keep your business up?" "Of course not he'll get cured one day ... won't he?" "No human to human curses are permanent." Ukyou's response to that was to look as if her dreams had been shattered. "Also Ukyou ask your self this could you stand a life of never-ending chaos?" Hishizuka added before leaving. A few minutes after Hishizuka left Ukyou was crying almost uncontrollably on the floor. ******************* Later at one of Nerima's larger clothing stores we find Nabiki shopping when she saw a site that nearly made her faint. Her older sister dressed in a dress that she would think twice about wearing but only twice. The dress was cut to reveal quite a bit of cleavage and fit tightly enough that a bra was not needed; also, as Kasumi turned around Nabiki saw there was no back to this dress. A moment later Kasumi absently adjusted the dress as she gave her reflection a curious look before smiling and nodding. "Sis," Nabiki asked while looking shaken. "Hello Nabiki ... do you think Dr. Tofu will like it?" Nabiki's only reply was to laugh, "Sis this dress is liable to kill him through nose bleed alone." "Oh come now Nabiki Dr. Tofu is not Ryouga," Kasumi said while looking frustrated with her younger sister. "Point," Nabiki replied. "Well I like it so this is what I'm going to wear on our date," Kasumi replied before heading off to the changing room. "How the hell did Dr. Tofu get up enough nerve to ask her on a date," Nabiki commented to no one in particular. ******************* Meanwhile across town Dr. Tofu nervously rifles through his wardrobe looking for something appropriate when a tall brown haired woman entered. "BRO calm down," the woman shouted to which Dr. Tofu replied by saying he couldn't as he continued to rifles through his wardrobe while nervously mumbling something about Kasumi. The woman's only response to this was to shake her head before reaching out and taping a pressure point on Dr. Tofu's neck, which instantly causes the doctor to go stiff. "Now that I have your attention Ono I'd like you to calm down enough that I can give you a few pointers for your first date." "As if you've given me any choice in a matter," Dr. Tofu commented as he gave his sister a dark look. ******************* Later back at the dojo we find Ranma sitting on the roof sketching something when he hears Nabiki announce Kasumi's date to Dr. Tofu. Ranma's only reply was to shake his head and smile before returning to his sketch. An hour later, however Ranma's dodding was interrupted by the arrival of a certain okonomiyaki chef. "Tell me do you really love her?" Ukyou asked straight up. Ranma's only reply was to nod "Why?" Ukyou asked in a desperate tone of voice. "I don't know I just do," Ranma replied. "So what am I to you," Ukyou asked somewhat angrily. "My best friend," Ranma replied somewhat sadly before continuing by saying, "And one of my only friends." "A friend that's it!!!" Ukyou replied angrily. "Yeah a friend one of the three I figure I have," Ranma answered. Ukyou caught off guard by this replied only by repeating three "Yep you Akane and misses T," Ranma replied somewhat sadly. 'Only 3,' Ukyou thought to herself. 'Even I've had more friends than that in my day but he hasn't as he. Just another thing that bastard Genma has deprived him of ... and who am I to deny him a friend. In the end after I got over him marrying Akane I'd end up going back to be his friend anyhow. However, it's still hurts to let go of him but unless I want to lose him entirely I have no choice and losing him entirely his something I could never forgive myself for,' Ukyou thought before speaking, "fine friends it is." After that, Ukyou hopped off the roof and left only to encounter Dr. Tofu who was being wheeled around on a furniture dolly by someone with brown hair that was also explaining the finer points of going out on a date with someone. Ukyou's only reply to this was to shrug as she continued on her way after all she did live in Nerima. Ranma was the next to see the mysterious brown haired woman wheeling Dr. Tofu around on the furniture dolly. Seeing this Ranma raised his eyebrow before hopping off the roof and down to the woman. "Why are you hauling Doc Tofu around on that?" Ranma asked the woman. "The pressure point I used on him to calm him down hasn't worn off yet," the woman said with a smile as she patted Dr. Tofu on the head "So who are you?" Ranma asked while Dr. Tofu gave the woman a dirty look out of the corner of his side "Minako Tofu. Dr. Tofu's older sister," the woman replied is she ground a knuckle into her brother's skull much too said brother's chagrin. "Well I'll be going now," Minako added before leaving. "You okay doc?" Ranma asked. "Yes," Dr. Tofu replied as he tried to move "So how much longer till you can move," Ranma queried. "About another five minutes," Dr. Tofu replied. "Well I'm sure Kasumi will be ready by then," Ranma answered while noticing Kasumi what Kasumi was wearing "Hmm can you adjust my tux," Dr. Tofu asked sheepishly to which Ranma replied by doing as the doctor asked after which he walked off with a mischievous grin considering Dr. Tofu was pointing away from the tearoom where Kasumi was at the moment. However before he could entered the tearoom that deafening blast wave of sound The blast wave came from Soun as he shouted, "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS AKANE." After shaking his head to clear it Ranma entered the tearoom to find Soun Nabiki and Kasumi will looking at Akane like she had grown a third head "I am," Akane, said in her usual no argument tone of voice Soun's response of course was to wail Nabiki's response was in between liking and hating what ever Akane had just suggested Kasumi just shook her head and wondered if the phrase 'oh my' was appropriate. Hishizuka on the other hand just took a sip of her tea and looked up at Ranma who had a 'please tell me what's going on' look on his face. "Akane has decided that she will keep her curse," Hishizuka stated with a degree of calm usually found in absolute center of nowhere. Absently one small part of Ranma's brain decided that that calm must have been passed on to Kasumi in full. The rest of Ranma's brain however slipped too many gears to count as was apparent when the pigtailed martial artist fainted dead away. ****************** Ranma awoke an unknown amount of time to find Akane watching over him. After setting up and clearing his head, Ranma asked, "why?" Shrugging her shoulders Akane replied, "it's just become apart of me and without it I'm not complete anymore." Ranma's only reply to this was to look at Akane for a moment before looking away and saying, "that the only reason?" "No you’re the other reason," Akane answered before continuing, "listen Ranma we've both experienced life on the other side of the coin from where we were born and speaking for myself I enjoy the freedom that that brings." "I never thought of it that way," Ranma said absently before turning back to Akane who had developed a very nervous look on her face. "Ok what's wrong?" Ranma asked while sounding very concerned "Daddy is blackmailing us again," Akane finely said after fidgeting for a moment. "he said the only way he'd agree to it is if we got married right away," Akane added after looking up and adding "and I wouldn't really mind if we did get married right away," in nothing more than a quiet whisper which surprised Ranma greatly "Really?" Ranma finely managed to ask. Akane's only reply was to nod her head. "Well then I guess we should tell them were ready," Ranma responded. A second later Nodoka, Genma, and Soun barreled into the room generally doing as they usually did which basically boiled down to setting up an instant marriage however Hishizuka electrocuted the three of them before suggesting they proceed on a much more leisurely pace. Of course, the three argued against that but in the end the Tendo matriarch 'convinced' them the date for Ranma and Akane's wedding should be set for after the two had graduated from high school. [End]