-[Prolog]- It has been a month since Ranma and Akane's failed wedding in that time the dojo has been repaired and renovated giving Ranma his own room. Soun figuring in another month's time that Ranma and Akane will profess their love to each other has returned to China with Nabiki and Kasumi to find some more Nannichuan leading Genma, Nodoka, Ranma, and Akane alone at the dojo [Around midnight at the Tendo dojo where Nodoka sits alone by the koi pond drinking a bottle of saki when Akane walks up behind her] Akane: are you ok Aunt Nodoka Nodoka: I just got done listening to Ranma tell me about everything that's happened to him since he fell into the Spring of the drowned girl ...[takes a sip of her Saki] ... do you know how often I drink Akane Akane: no Nodoka: the last time I drank was when Genma took Ranma on the training mission Akane: so why are you drinking tonight Nodoka: I'm not particularly sure myself ... alcohol has never affected me so even though I'm on my fifth bottle of Saki I'm still sober .. And still not sure what to make of Ranma ... from the stories he told me every time he got close to a cure things would come unraveled........ Tell me Akane do you think less of Ranma because of his curse Akane: sometimes yes sometimes no but most of the time I don't really care Nodoka: why Akane: I've never known Ranma without the curse ... and in all likelihood if he hadn't gotten it I wouldn't know him at all Nodoka: tell me Akane do you think the curse is evil Akane: what do you mean? Nodoka: from listening to Ranma every time he tried to eliminate the curse in some way the backlash would almost inevitably harm you are someone else ... but the few times Ranma has ignored the curse even for the briefest of instances the opposite has happened .... I'm a great believer in certain things in a person's life being fated to happen ... while I also believe that a person's destiny is something that is fluid and very much within their own control ... after hearing everything that has happened to Ranma since he received his curse I'm beginning to believe that it was fate that led him to fall into the cursed spring... Akane: ... Ranma always said that if he hadn't fallen into the cursed spring that his life would be very different.... and in all likelihood he wouldn't be as strong as he is now if it wasn't for the curse but he'll never admit that Nodoka: [takes another sip of her Saki] how far does the curse go Akane: I don't understand what you mean by that Nodoka: .... [Hands the bottle to Akane] ... is Ranma's female form fertile [Akane quickly takes a sip of the Saki] Akane: I have no idea Nodoka: think about his behavior on a monthly cycle is there anything out of the ordinary for a man but perfectly ordinary for a woman [Akane thinks long and hard and then her face goes white and she drinks some more saki] Akane: now that you mention it yes Nodoka: [sighs] I wish I knew what to do ... I know what not to do [taps her katana]... He's already proven himself more of a man then Genma... Akane: [hands the bottle of saki back to Nodoka]... Nodoka: .....I've come to one decision about Ranma's curse Akane: and what decision would that be Nodoka: that the curse is part of who he is even if he doesn't admit it ... what do you think I should do about Ranma Akane: what do you mean? Nodoka: I don't really know ... the only thing I can teach Ranma is how to be a girl ... now do you see my dilemma Akane: ... yeah Nodoka: so I ask you again what do you think I should do about Ranma ... does Ranma need to become more of a girl [Akane takes another sip of saki and then starts thinking things over] Akane: ... yeah Nodoka: ....[sighs] ... that's the same decision I came to a few hours ago ... Akane: now I know why you're drinking Nodoka: [takes another sip of saki] ... it's a good thing break starts tomorrow Akane: [sighs] ... he's not going to like it Nodoka: ... frankly neither do I... but after hearing everything that's happened to him making him face his feminine side seems to be the only thing left for him to do Akane: what about Genma Nodoka: [taps her katana] ... he'll mysteriously vanish for a month on a secret training mission.... We definitely don't need his macho bull shit around when were trying to teach Ranma the finer points of being a girl agreed Akane: .... Agreed -[preparation]- [Late afternoon at the cat cafa Nodoka enters katana resting on her hip] Cologne: ahh Nodoka-chan Nodoka: if you must use familiars Cologne please just call me No-kun Cologne: so why are you here? Nodoka: I wish to purchase an item from you and inquire if you can make a second Cologne: I assume this has to do with Ranma Nodoka: yes Cologne: very well Nodoka: I wish to purchase a month's worth of waterproof soap Cologne: ... may I inquire why Nodoka: the reason will become apparent in time Cologne: you are wise for someone so young ... now what is the second item? Nodoka: I want to know if you can make a bracelet that will change Ranma's clothes when he changes forms Cologne: .... An interesting challenge and a useful item... because I am so intrigued with what you are up to I will fashion the bracelet and give you the waterproof soap Nodoka: [her hand on her katana] no tricks Cologne: this has nothing to do with shampoo.... After what happened to her on Mount Phoenix I'm sure that shampoo has no real claim to him ... the fates seem only to be pushing Ranma and Akane together ... in my 380 years of life I have never seen a couple that argued more but at the same time I have never seen a couple that love each other as much as those two ... but until great granddaughter can be beaten by Akane ... or mousse for that matter she will continue to pursue Ranma no matter what I say or do Nodoka: blind love Cologne: yes and no matter how many times I see it still amazes me how blind people can really be to their own emotions ... I will have mousse deliver the waterproof soap as soon as possible but the bracelet will take longer to complete Nodoka: ....[a vision hits Nodoka] ... Cologne: [knowing the look on Nodoka's face] ... what is the vision telling you Nodoka: only to make two bracelets Cologne: ... very well I will make two.... Tell me do you have visions often Nodoka: no but when I do they've always been right Cologne: ... I see or ... rather you do.... Nodoka: speaking of seeing things when's the last time that blind hair care product had an eye exam Cologne: .... Good point ... I will see the soap is delivered to you by the end of this day Nodoka: remember no tricks [The old Amazon matriarch just nods her head and Nodoka leaves] [Back at the dojo a few hours later Genma-panda is chewing some bamboo when Nodoka's katana slices the shoot in Genma-panda's paw giving him quite a fright] Nodoka: [holding her katana] I've made a decision Genma Genma-panda: [with a sign] what Nodoka: it has to do with our son .... But not with you [holds her katana to the panda's neck] I want you to vanish for a month understood [the panda just nods and scurries off] Nodoka: such a weak man [sighs and then sheathes her katana] ... now what else do I have to do.... Ahh yes destroy the seppuku contract [At this time a certain blind Amazon makes his appearance and delivers the waterproof soap] Mousse: what are you planning on doing with that? Nodoka: you will see in time mousse you will see in time [Mousse leaves] Nodoka: now if that ladle lady sticks to her schedule right about now Ranma should be getting splashed [Meanwhile some distance from the dojo Ranma and Akane are just passing the ladle lady's house and predictably Ranma does get splashed] Akane: how does she do that to you every day? Ranma-chan: I have no idea ... let's just get back to the dojo and get me some hot water before my mom decides to make sushi out of me [Meanwhile back at the dojo next to the koi pond Nodoka places her katana firmly in the ground before sitting down on a rock and lighting a small ceremonial burner] Nodoka: now I wait [a few minutes later Ranma-chan and Akane enter the dojo] Nodoka: ...[looking at the pond] the ladle lady again Ranma-chan: yeah Nodoka: [pulling the seppuku contract out] ... I've decided that this is no longer necessary [places the contract over the burner but just far enough away from it so the flames do not ignite it] ...but there is a catch ... or more precisely a challenge Ranma-chan: what Nodoka: you need to face your feminine side with masculine fortitude Ranma-chan: hum what does that mean Nodoka: take a wild guess Ranma-chan: give me one hour [Ranma-chan leaves] Akane: you do know in the end he'll accept just because you're his mother Nodoka: [putting the contract away] ... yes I do ... but from that look in his eye ... this may be something he's needed an excuse to do Akane: has Genma already left Nodoka: of course [Meanwhile in Ranma's room Ranma-chan is looking over her other wardrobe which she has contained in a small trunk] Ranma-chan: .....[thinking] ... I've always been afraid of my curse ... no real man should be afraid to face his fears ... but I am afraid to face this [looks at a nearby mirror] why am I afraid ... mom's right I do need to face my feminine side ... ironic that to become more of a man I also have to become more of a woman ... it's time I grow up a bit... no a lot and face my fears ... [looks at a red silk blouse and a long black skirt with no side seems] ... [aloud] the time has come -[challenge excepted]- [the koi pond where Nodoka sits in front of a small ceremonial burner and Akane waits for Ranma-chan to return] [the wind briefly picks up and when Akane and Nodoka turn to the dojo they see Ranma-chan dressed in a red silk blouse and a long black skirt] Ranma-chan: challenge accepted [Nodoka just nods pulls out the seppuku contract and burns it using the ceremonial fire] [Ranma-chan walks past Nodoka and Akane and stops just before she leaves the dojo] Ranma-chan: [not looking at either Nodoka or Akane] how long Nodoka: a month [Ranma-chan nods and then leaves] Akane: .... [Akane leaves to follow Ranma-chan and Nodoka briefly sees Akane has a man] Nodoka: ... the other bracelet...? [Later a very quiet Ranma-chan sits underneath the bridge over the reservoir adjusting her blouse when Akane sits down next to her] Akane:... do you want to talk about it Ranma-chan: .........tampons or pads Akane: [caught completely off guard by the question] hun???!!! Ranma-chan: which do you use Akane: [nervous] hum pads Ranma-chan: ... tampons ... for some strange reason they stay put even when I transform ...........and IT happened about a month after I got my curse no one was home but me and Kasumi and after she managed to convince me I wasn't dying of some horrible disease. she explained the finer points of a period to me ... the cramps and hormonal instabilities still get to me even when I'm in male form ... Kasumi figures that even though I'm not in my female body all the time I'm still connected to it Akane: .... Ranma-chan: if it wasn't for Kasumi's help I probably would've gone insane a long time ago but nowadays I just deal with it like any other girl except I still really know nothing of what it means to be a girl ... Akane next to Kasumi you're the only one I really trust around here Akane: what about your mom Ranma-chan: I don't really know my mom ... and Kasumi is still too much of a mystery ... please Akane this is going to be difficult enough for me as it is Akane: ok [around 11:00 the two return to the dojo to find Nodoka is still awake but Ranma-chan just continues to walk up to her room] Nodoka: so Akane: we talked ... about a lot of things Nodoka: and Akane: ... he's scared Nodoka: ...... [later that night Ranma-chan is sitting on the roof when Ryouga attacks her] Ranma-chan: [punching Ryouga in the jaw] I'm not in the mood Ryouga Ryouga: [nursing his jaw he notices what Ranma-chan is wearing and decides that something is up something unusual even for Ranma] what are you having a period or something Ranma-chan: [glares at Ryouga] you're just lucky I'm not having my period right now Ryouga are you would be halfway to Mexico by now Ryouga: ...[deciding to be civil] so what's up then Ranma-chan: girl training for the rest of the month Ryouga: I hope your mom doesn't know about this Ranma-chan: who did you think thought it up Ryouga: has she gone schizoid man Ranma-chan: if she has so have I Ryouga: you're actually going to go along with it!! Ranma-chan: yeah Ryouga: but what about Ranma-chan: she's already destroyed it ... so why are you hear this time Ryouga: ...hum the usual I guess Ranma-chan: come to kill me because of all the pain I've caused you Ryouga: ... actually I was thinking about revealing myself to Akane ... I know its only a matter of time until she finds out and I definitely don't want to be on her bad side Ranma-chan: so are you going to do it Ryouga: if your man enough to go along with your mom's crazy scheme I can be man enough to reveal myself to Akane Ranma-chan: do you think you can make it to Akane's room by yourself Ryouga: yep ... Ranma-chan: ... come by later in the month maybe we can spar [Ryouga leaves and predictably in the wrong direction] Ranma-chan: well he should be back in a month or two -[Akane's view of Ranma's curse]- [it has been almost a month since the start of Ranma's girl training. Ranma-chan has for the most part only learned the technical aspects of being a girl such as 'proper' dress and modesty. But Nodoka has also been using this opportunity to take some of the rough edges off of Ranma such as his limited vocabulary and tendency to open his mouth before thinking and all in all Ranma-chan has been doing a splendid job with everything leaving Akane somewhat confused about her own femininity] [early morning in Akane's room Akane sits alone looking out the window at Ranma-chan practicing when a knock is heard at the door] Akane: who is it Nodoka: [from outside] it's me Akane Akane: come in [Nodoka enters and sits on Akane's bed] Nodoka: so how do you think Ranma is doing? Akane: well Ranma hasn't insulted me too badly for a week now Nodoka: have you ever talked to Ranma about the insults Akane: no Nodoka: please do you might find they mean something other than what they first appear [Akane gets up and leaves] [Meanwhile next to the koi pond Ranma-chan is just finishing when Akane walks out] Ranma-chan: hi Akane Akane: I need to talk to you about something Ranma-chan: go on Akane: why do you call me an un-cute tomboy Ranma-chan: ...[scratching her chin] ... I suppose when I first met you I really thought you were an un-cute tomboy but nowadays it means something different to me ... as far as your looks go I think your absolutely gorgeous ... but you're also a tomboy ... you always have been and you always will ... and I don't want that to change ... but by the same token I know you will ....[laughs] ... maybe if you had a curse like mine you could sort your feminine and masculine feelings Akane: [thinking] ... a curse like his ... his curse has caused him no end of trouble made him question himself and what he is ... until a couple of weeks ago ... now Ranma's acting like well Ranma but ... he's definitely become more feminine ... but at the same time that annoying masculine confidence of his has changed ... he's become a hell of a lot more confident in himself not really caring about what people think of the curse ... Ranma's become so much more mature in this past mouth in both feminine and masculine ways that if somebody challenged him right now they wouldn't a stand chance ... because Ranma is so confident in himself that not even his annoying ego can get in his way ... for kami-sama's sake he just expressed himself with out making a total jerk out of himself ... a jerk yes but not a total jerk Ranma-chan: ...Akane you ok [Akane snaps out of her mental musing] Akane: yeah just thinking about something Ranma-chan: ... Akane I have a question for you Akane: what Ranma-chan: when I'm in this form do you think of me as a girl Akane: [confused] hum I don't know Ranma-chan: please think about it Akane: why Ranma-chan: it's just important to me ... and please no matter what you think I want to hear tell me what you honestly think ok [Akane just nods] [Akane remembers Ranma's behavior the previous night and how for a brief moment she really did consider Ranma-chan a girl at least subconsciously when she absentmindedly used a female pronoun which seemed to go unnoticed by Ranma-chan at a slumber party with her friends] Akane: [thinking] my friends certainly picked up on the fact my tongue slipped they were razzing me about that for the rest of the night but Ranma didn't seem to care... or even notice ...by kami HE'S become more feminine than I am in a month ....[Akane looks over at Ranma-chan who is meditating on a rock] ... he's so calm now ... I can still see that masculine aura he projects which is stronger than ever now but there's something different ... something I've only seen from Kasumi and Nodoka ... a very feminine aura which seems to be as strong as his masculine one ....[again Akane's mine wonders back over the memories of the past month remembering how Ranma-chan has enjoyed herself even though she still received many challenges and many curious looks from her friends] ....[Akane looks back at Ranma-chan]... [aloud] yes Ranma-chan: [smiling as she continues to meditate] ... thank you Akane ... and don't worry about pronouns any more Akane: ok Ranma... Ranma-chan: [looking over at Akane] anything wrong Akane: hum no [Akane starts to leave] Ranma-chan: ... Akane I'm not that dense any more [Akane sweat drops big time] Ranma-chan: if you want to talk about it I'll be right here ok [Akane leaves thinking about the fact that Ranma had actually seen right through her just like Kasumi] Nodoka: [stepping out from the shadows] ... so daughter Ranma-chan: hum how long till they get back from China Nodoka: tomorrow around noon Ranma-chan: [idly fidgeting with a bracelet that is shaped like a dragon] .... Have they found any Nodoka: yes Ranma-chan: .... Nodoka: the decision is yours to make son [Nodoka leaves] [that night Akane has a dream about falling into the Nannichuan that turns into a nightmare of multiple fiancées and all of the other things that happen to Ranma including spending 1 month is a man and becoming more feminine as a result] -[no longer just a tomboy]- [early morning and Akane's room Akane awakens from her nightmare in a cold sweat] Akane: [thinking] ...why ... am I jealous of him now, jealous of the curse jealous of how feminine and masculine he's become ...oh kami I am ... but what can I do Nodoka: [from outside] Akane your sisters and father will be returning today Akane: .... Did they find any Nannichuan water Nodoka: [from outside] just enough for one I'm afraid ... breakfast will be ready in a few minutes ok Akane: ...[her mind in turmoil as she remembers the past month] ... I don't care if that water is for Ranma ...[thinking] when they get hear that water's mine ... Ranma's always said I've been a tomboy well let's just see how much of one I can be [Akane starts to shiver uncontrollably as she rocks back and forth on her bed thinking of a plan to steal the Nannichuan so Ranma doesn't have a chance to use it but so he can see her use it on herself] [Around noon Ranma and Akane are sitting by the koi pond] Ranma: [thinking while looking at Akane out of the corner of his eye] ... why am I getting the feeling that she's about to lose it Akane: [thinking] .... Ok Akane keep your cool for just a little longer the Nannichuan will be hear any minute [Akane starts to bite her nails absentmindedly] [at this time Nodoka exits the dining room with a kettle of tea and sits down with Ranma and Akane] Nodoka: [pouring some tea into a glass] Soun just called Akane: [nervously] where are they Nodoka: they just got off the train and should be hear an a few minutes [Nodoka hands Akane some tea] Akane: [thinking] just a few more minutes Akane just a few more minutes [approximately a half an hour later the gates to the dojo open and Soun, Kasumi, and Nabiki enter with a happy look on their faces and a large flask of water with a large cork on the top Soun: [holding up the flask] your troubles are over Ranma this is Nannichuan... [before Soun can finish his sentence the flask has been snatched from him by Akane who is now looking like a psychotic with a very evil grin on her face] Akane: [standing a good distance away from everyone while the look on her face becomes even more insane] ...no not this time ... [Akane uncorks the flask while laughing in a way that would make Kodachi cringe in fear and dumps the water on herself much to everyone's horror] Akane-Kun: [still laughing maniacally] ...see not this time [Akane-Kun collapses from his obvious and complete mental break down leaving everyone but Ranma paralyzed in their tracks] Ranma: [trying to appear calm, cool, and collected] Mom go and get some hot water, Kasumi get a wash cloth and bowl, Mr. Tendo...hum just faint [Soun faints snapping everyone else out of their trance before they run off to do their respective tasks] [Later in Akane's room Ranma quietly waits for his mother and Kasumi to bring some hot water and a bowl] Ranma: ...[looking at his now male and cursed fiancée while he thinks] ... why do I know that this is my fault Akane [Nodoka and Kasumi enter] Nodoka: [handing the hot water to Ranma] ... here son [Ranma takes the hot water] Ranma: Kasumi I need the wash cloth [Kasumi hands Ranma the wash cloth and Ranma soaks it with hot water and rings it out over Akane-Kun's face changing him back to Akane without waking her] ... oh Akane [Ranma places the wash cloth on Akane's forehead]... I'll also need a hot plate to keep the water warm mom [Nodoka leaves quietly] Ranma: ... [Kasumi leaves] [Later in the dining room Nodoka explains the events of the past month while trying to figure out for herself why Akane had a mental break down so severe she would use Nannichuan on herself] Nabiki: and there was absolutely no sign Akane was going to do this Nodoka: none at all ... or maybe I was just too busy with Ranma to notice Nabiki: how far has Ranma come in a month Nodoka: farther than I could ever imagine ... he's as much a man amongst men now as a woman .....[sighs] ... I just wished I paid more attention to Akane Nabiki: do you have any idea why she would do this Ranma: [just entering] ... I think I may know Kasumi: why Ranma: [sighs] its only a guess but she's seen me mature so much in the past month that she may have become jealous of my curse ... and not knowing how to deal with her own emotions ... she did the first thing that came to her mind ... using the Nannichuan on herself Kasumi: she always has been one to jump the gun Ranma: very true Kasumi [Ranma enters the kitchen and returns a few minutes later with a kettle of hot water] Ranma: she's completely out of it for the moment so calling Dr. tofu at the moment would be useless ...[Ranma leaves kettle in hand] Nabiki: ...[very surprised at Ranma] he has changed!! A lot Nodoka: I know ... he's still Ranma but ... I guess you can say he's done a lot of growing up in the past month Kasumi: ... do you think he's ok Nodoka: he's probably the one that's the most affected by this Kasumi ... he just as enough maturity now to deal with it without having a mental break down ...[thinking] at least for the moment he does Nabiki: ...[trying to swallow the idea of a mature Ranma] ... [back up in Akane's room Ranma sits quietly humming a melody he knows Akane likes when a knock is heard at the door] Ranma: come in Nabiki Nabiki: [just entering] how did you know it was me Ranma: ... my mom is probably still confused about this ordeal along with Kasumi, your father is still unconscious outside so who else would it be Nabiki: [very impressed] you have changed Ranma Ranma: I know ... but I didn't think it would drive Akane insane ... even temporarily [Ranma gives Akane a thoughtful look before rubbing a bracelet on his left wrist] ... and just when things were calming down Nabiki: Ranma what's that bracelet for Ranma: something my mom had made for me ... it acts like a Jusenkyo curse for my clothes Nabiki: [confused] hun [in reply Ranma just grabs a nearby glass of cold water and pores it over his head changing into Ranma-chan who is dressed in a blue blouse and skirt which completely shocks Nabiki] Ranma-chan: see Nabiki: [looking closely at Ranma-chan] are you wearing a bra Ranma-chan: yeah ...[looks back at Akane and then pores some hot water on herself changing back into Ranma] Nabiki: ... you wouldn't happen to have another one of those would you Ranma: strangely enough yes ... my mom said I might lose this one if I wasn't careful so a spare was a good thing to have Nabiki: should I go get it Ranma: no right now Akane needs to sleep.... Whatever made her do this ... whatever I did ... must be very severe Nabiki: do you really think she was jealous Ranma: it's the only thing I can think of Nabiki [Akane mumbles something about it Ranma can be feminine and masculine at the same time so can I] Ranma: [raising an eyebrow as he looks at Nabiki] .... I guess I was right [sighs] Nabiki: do you want me to go Ranma: she's your sister you have as much right to be here as I do ... probably even more Nabiki: [her face now full of emotions] Ranma will she still be able to have children if we can't get a cure Ranma: yeah Nabiki: [now a little scared] but how do you know Ranma: ... if you want to hear this you better go get something strong to drink ... not alcoholic just very strong understand [Nabiki nods her head and leaves to go get something] Ranma: ...[thinking] oh my love why did you do something so foolish [Akane murmurs something about wanting to understand someone better] Ranma: ... [a few moments later Nabiki reenters with a large kettle of the strongest black coffee Ranma has ever smelled] Ranma: ... you better take a swig of that stuff before I start because what I'm going to tell you will change your opinion of me forever [Nabiki gulps hard before downing a cup of the coffee and asking Ranma to continue] [meanwhile back in the dining room Kasumi and Nodoka sit quietly when Soun enters with a vacant look on his face] Nodoka: I suppose it began a month ago Soun..... [a few hours later Soun, Nodoka, Kasumi, and Nabiki sit and eat dinner] Nabiki: ...[thinking about what Ranma had said about him having a period just like any other girl] ... [Soun just sits, mechanically eating his food while Nodoka stairs off into space absentmindedly] Kasumi: ... do you think Ranma wants something to eat Nabiki: ... yeah sis why don't you go and give him something [a few minutes later in Akane's room Kasumi enters to find Ranma still tending to Akane] Kasumi: [trying to be cheerful] I've brought you something to eat Ranma Ranma: thanks Kasumi my stomach was growling so loudly I thought it would wake-up Akane Kasumi: ... are you ok Ranma: I won't know until I know Akane's ok Kasumi [Kasumi nods and gives Ranma his food before leaving] [back in the dining room a few minutes later] Nabiki: how are they doing Kasumi? Kasumi: Ranma's still tending to Akane like mother and Akane is still fast asleep Nabiki: I guess all we can do now is wait [everyone agrees but Soun who is eating his plate and napkin] -[a rude awakening and how to deal with the consequences of a moment of temporary insanity]- [early morning in Akane's room where Akane is still sleeping and Ranma is still watching over her when the first rays of the sun start streaming into Akane's room waking her] Akane: ...[slowly opening her eyes to see Ranma who has a concerned and tired look on his face] ... Ranma ....[suddenly her mind tells her that Ranma is in her bedroom and she automatically responds] ... RANMA NO ....[because of the adrenaline now in her system the veil of sleep lifts from her mind reminding her of what she did yesterday] ...baka?? ...[Akane gloms on to Ranma and starts crying wile she keeps saying baka over and over again] Ranma: [hugging Akane tightly] .... It'll be ok Akane it'll be ok [a few moments later Nabiki, Nodoka, and Kasumi burst into the room and see Ranma still holding the very frightened Akane in his arms. Ranma sees them and just gives them a look that says leave and so they do] [about 10 minutes later Akane finely regains some composer] Akane: [still crying a bit] ... what did I do Ranma [Ranma just quietly hugs her while rubbing her back] Akane: ... what came over me why did I do it Ranma: relax Akane ... just relax and calm down [about 2 hours later in the dining room Nodoka, Kasumi, and Nabiki are growing worried while Soun is trying to eat the tablecloth when Ranma and a still very frightened Akane enter] Nabiki: sis [Akane buries her face in Ranma side and starts crying] Ranma: calm down Akane Akane: [sobs a few more times] okay Ranma [Ranma and Akane sit down at the table and Akane starts to explain herself to everyone that is coherent and a few minutes later she finishes her story] Ranma: [detaching Akane from his waste] Akane I'm going to go get something from my room [Ranma leaves and Akane starts crying] Kasumi: Akane are you ok [Akane just shakes her head as she continues to cry until Ranma returns a few minutes later with the spare transformation bracelet] Ranma: [putting the bracelet on Akane's wrist] ....[whispers something into Akane's ear] ... now I want you to go pick out something to wear understood [Akane just nods and stops crying before heading upstairs] Nodoka: is she ok Ranma: no her emotions are still up in the air but she's already made one decision Nabiki: what Ranma: [his face turns almost white] ... she's decided not to seek out a cure [Kasumi and Nabiki go white while Soun starts doing his imitation of Niagara Falls] Nabiki: was... Ranma: no none of this was my idea Nabiki .... Now if you'll excuse me I need a cold shower a very cold shower [Ranma gets up and leaves wishing there was something colder than water in the house something along the lines of liquid nitrogen or something even colder] [About a minute later Genma walks in and of course is clueless] Genma: Soun what's going on hear [Soun steps up the flow from Niagara Falls to tsunami force crying before getting up and dragging Genma off to the training hall] Nabiki: [raising an eyebrow] well at least Dad stopped eating the tablecloth and napkins [at this time Akane-Kun comes downstairs dressed in a green gi and white pants and sits down at the table trying desperately to keep a lid on his emotions while Ranma is taking a cold shower] Nodoka: [handing Akane-kun a dry and un-chewed napkin] here Akane [Akane-Kun just nods and takes the napkin to dry his face] Akane-Kun: ...[trying desperately to find his voice] ... thank you ...[Akane-Kun grabs his throat and starts to sob a bit] [a few minutes later an extremely white Genma and Soun reenter] Genma: [looking at a man that is the same height and build as Ranma] Akane?? [Akane-Kun just nods and tries to act like he is in control of himself when Ranma-chan enters dressed in a red blouse and a black skirt much to the surprise of Kasumi, Soun, and Genma] Ranma-chan: when did you get back pop? [Genma starts going into a tizzy about Ranma's current attire when Ranma- chan projects a battle aura that looks like her male self wearing her usual male outfit and starts to speak shocking everyone in the room] Ranma-chan: listen pop I've got no time for your macho idiocy today got it [Genma nods stupefied as he feels the sheer force both male and female that is coming from Ranma's aura] Ranma-chan: [letting her battle aura fade] come on Akane let's inform the neighborhood crazies before somebody tries to engage you to multiple girls [Ranma-chan and Akane-Kun leave] Genma: ...[sweating]... what did you do to him Nodoka Nodoka: if Ranma wishes to tell you Ranma will [later Ranma-chan and Akane-kun have stopped and are leaning against a fence Ranma-chan usually walks on top of] Ranma-chan: now do you want to tell me why you had a bout of temporary insanity Akane-Kun: [sitting on the ground] yeah [after Akane-Kun relates his feelings about the occurrences of the last month he looks up to see Ranma-chan has tears in her eyes] Ranma-chan: jealous of me and my curse Akane-Kun: yeah in one month of accepting your curse you [Akane-Kun's voice trails off as he begins to cry again] Ranma-chan: [sighs] it won't be easy Akane but Akane-Kun: [his mood brightening a bit] will you Ranma-chan: all I can do is what my mom did for me show you the technical aspects of being ... well in your case a man ... you'll have to sort through everything emotionally pretty much by yourself Akane-Kun: no I won't you'll help me [Ranma-chan just smiles] Ranma-chan: first stop Ucchan's [Akane-Kun just nods his head] [later at Ucchan's Ukyou is prodding a suspicious looking table when Ranma- chan and Akane-Kun enter] Ukyou: [looking up at Ranma-Chan's attire she doesn't notice Akane-Kun] you've got to stop dressing like that ran-chan somebody is actually going to think you’re a girl Ranma-chan: [acting girlish] and what's wrong with that [Ukyou just rolls her eyes and sees Akane-Kun] Ukyou: see you've already got somebody looking at your butt [points to Akane-Kun who turns bight red and nearly passes out] [at this time Ranma-chan decides to act really girlish and teases Akane-Kun much to Ukyou surprise and Akane-kun's chagrin as he develops his first erection before running off to the bathroom screaming Ranma no baka leaving Ranma-chan laughing hysterically] Ukyou: [absolutely shocked at Ranma-Chan's scandalous behavior] Ranma that wasn't funny what if Akane found out Ranma-chan: [her hysterics down to a low giggle] ... that was Akane ...oh kami what just came over me ... after he calms down he's going to kill me [Ranma-chan goes back to laughing hysterically] [a few moments later Akane-Kun reenters] Akane-Kun: [reentering with a angry look on his face] ... baka Ranma-chan: [giggling] I'm sorry Akane but I don't know what came over me honestly [Akane-Kun relaxes and then sits down next to Ranma leaving Ukyou totally dumbfounded] Ukyou: ... Akane is that really you??? Akane-Kun: yeah it is ...[sighs] ... I went a little crazy yesterday Ukyou: a little?! Ranma-chan: just come over here and we'll explain [just as Ukyou is sitting down the jukebox gets up and walks out of the place] Ukyou: ... I was wondering where that jukebox came from ... so do you want any hot water Akane Akane-Kun: no ... it all started yesterday morning ... [after Akane-Kun tells his story] Ukyou: and you went crazy and dumped the entire flask of Nannichuan on yourself Akane-Kun: yeah Ukyou: why didn't you stop her Ranma Ranma-chan: even if I wasn't totally shocked I couldn't have covered the distance between me and her in time to stop her [Ukyou sighs] Ukyou: do you want that hot water now Akane-Kun: yeah I do [Ukyou hops over the grill to start heating up a kettle of water] Akane-Kun: and what possessed you to do that earlier Ranma Ranma-chan: ... when Ukyou said you were looking at my butt I guess my girl side got a little mischievous ... I don't even know where the idea came from Akane-Kun: just don't turn into some kind of superficial flirt Ranma Ranma-chan: ...[her feminine side getting the better of her again] ahh afraid Kunou will get me [Ranma-chan quickly puts her hands over her mouth and turns green before running off to the bathroom] Akane-Kun: hum Ukyou do you have any idea what's up Ukyou: hum, the guess I would make off the top of my head is that ran- Chan's girl side seems to get a kick out of acting cute with you when you're well in your current state Akane-Kun: another words SHE likes teasing me like a boyfriend right now Ukyou: yeah and why he does... well I don't even think Ranma knows that one right now Akane-Kun: well turnabout is fair play Ukyou: are you going to start acting macho Akane-Kun: [raising an eyebrow] I already do that ... I was thinking after we change back ....[Akane-Kun's mouth drops open as he realizes what he was about to say] by kami it's happening to me to Ukyou: [thinking] ... those two's relationship just got weirder ... a lot weirder ...[aloud] here Akane [Ukyou hands Akane a kettle of hot water] [at this time Ranma-chan comes back out of the bathroom still looking very green] Ranma-chan: [mumbling] what the heck has gotten into me [looks up at Akane- Kun and starts feeling girlish again] ....[thinking] ahh I get it ... Akane is the only person that I'm attracted to in this form and well in his current form Akane is ...[mentally sighs] a hunk ... [Mentally sighs again] ... well at least it is Akane ... I've just got to figure out away to keep from acting too girlish in public Akane-Kun: [giving the kettle to Ranma-chan] here Ranma you look like you need this more than I do Ranma-chan: [sighs] agreed [before Ukyou can react Ranma-chan has use the contents of the kettle on herself and changed back into Ranma who is now wearing his usual red shirt and black pants] Ranma: [takes a deep breath] .... Thanks Ukyou I needed that Ukyou: hum ... forgive me for asking but since when do your clothes change along with your sex ran-chan [Ranma and Akane-Kun point to their wrists] Ukyou: what are they Ranma: transformation bracelets my mom had Cologne make them so I can continue wearing girl's clothes when in girl form without worrying about some idiot dumping hot water on me ... Cologne as also made transformation necklaces for Shampoo and Mousse so there's nothing sinister about them ... just a little something to make life easier for people with a curse Ukyou: a little easier you two can get away with just about anything with those bracelets Akane-Kun: true Ranma: speaking of Cologne we need to get over to the cat café and break the news to shampoo and mousse [later at the cat café where mousse is gawking at shampoo with the newfound ability of site given to him by a new pair of contact lenses when Ranma and Akane-Kun enter] Mousse: [looking over at Ranma] hi Ranma ... so who's your new friend Shampoo: ... new friend make good husband for pervert girl [at this time Akane-Kun goes nuclear and starts glowing with a red battle aura while materializing a mallet out of nowhere] Akane-Kun: and just who are you calling a pervert you Amazon hussy [as shampoo cowers in the corner as Akane-Kun approaches her Ranma decides that the use of some hot water is necessary] Akane: akk! what did you do that for Ranma: make a guess Akane you were just about to kill shampoo Akane: I was only going to punt her back to China Ranma ...[decides the return a earlier girlish act with one of her own by acting seductive as she walks over to mousse who is by this time wishing he had his old glasses on while shampoo is still to shocked by Akane's transformation in both sex and clothing] Ranma: [desperately trying to subdue the urge to scoop Akane up in his arms and do something to earn being called pervert by Akane] hum you ok shampoo Shampoo: when pervert girl get curse Akane: yesterday around noon you Amazon hussy .... Mousse ... would you stop looking at me like that Mousse: [blinks and pulls out a very large bottle Saki] okay Ranma you got a lot of explaining to do [later after returning to the dojo Ranma and Akane eat dinner with the rest of the family who notice Akane is in brighter spirits while Soun and Genma wonder how they changed their clothes without coming back to the dojo] Kasumi: are you feeling better Akane Akane: [consuming her food faster than usual] yeah just a little hungrier than usual Nabiki: so who did you tell today? Akane: Ukyou, shampoo, and mousse Nabiki: hum sis you do realize school starts tomorrow Akane: yeah ... don't worry about it sis I can handle myself -[back to school tomorrow]- [in Akane's room where Ranma and Akane are discussing the technical aspects of being a man when Soun and Genma can be heard spying at the door or more precisely Soun can be heard whaling while Genma tries to shut him up] Akane: [developing a migraine] .... Aunt Nodoka!!! [A few seconds later Soun and Genma are running for their lives] Nodoka: [from outside] remember to get to sleep you two Ranma: .... Those two are absolutely Akane: hopeless Ranma: I was thinking more along lines of them being bakas in the purest sense of the word Akane: I'll go along with that ...hum Ranma Ranma: what Akane: I'm sorry about missing up your cure Ranma: [smiles] you didn't miss up anything Akane I wasn't planning on using the Nannichuan Akane: ... so you don't want to get rid of your curse anymore Ranma: ...[smiles] it stopped being a curse a month ago Akane now it's just part of who I am Akane: are you mad at me Ranma: ... no Akane: oh how am I my going to tell my friends Ranma: tell them what you want to ... but in the end the truth will come out Akane: [sighs] your right ...[looks over at her clock which reads 8 o'clock] Ranma would you call Sayuki and Yuka Ranma: yeah I'll go call them [later downstairs Ranma-chan is calling Yuka] Ranma-chan: hello Yuka Yuka: [on the phone] hi ran-chan so what are you calling about Ranma-chan: Akane wants you to come over now Yuka: [on the phone] why Ranma-chan: I can't tell you over the phone Yuka but she really is in need of her friends Yuka: [on the phone]... I'll call Sayuki and we'll be over as soon as possible ok Ranma-chan: I'll be waiting outside the dojo for you [Ranma-chan hangs up the phone] Genma: [just entering] who were you just talking to boy Ranma-chan: Yuka Genma: why Ranma-chan: because Akane told me to call her [Genma goes into one of his tizzies about how Akane is using her feminine wilds two manipulate Ranma] Ranma-chan: [laughs] you are such an idiot about women pop [Genma attacks Ranma-chan and is promptly sent into the koi pond] Nodoka: [looking at her husband who is currently a panda while she leans against the frame of the kitchen door] ... is it really necessary to dump him in the pond every time he spouts off daughter Ranma-chan: hum ... yes Nodoka: [looking at 1 very indignant and angry panda]... now Mr. Panda your going to have to stay outside until you dry off [said Panda does his best imitation of a face fault which makes Nodoka giggle before returning to the kitchen] [about half an hour later Ranma-chan is waiting outside the dojo dressed in one of Akane's spare school uniforms much to the surprise of Yuka and Sayuki] Yuka: ...[surprised] why are you in that Ranma Ranma-chan: something about an angry panda trashing my wardrobe Yuka [sighs] it's going to take me and my mother the better part of a week to repair everything .... He even thrashed that dress I got on Togenkyo ...... that's when I punted him to China Sayuki: man your father is such an ass Ranma-chan: not to mention a pervert he storms into my room when I'm in nothing but my underwear and starts trashing the place ... I mean couldn't he read this sign no panda's allowed ... I mean you would think of all people that he would be able to read a sign ... Yuka: why don't you lock your door Ranma-chan: he took a lesson from shampoo and came through the wall Yuka: isn't their some way you can reinforce the walls against that Ranma-chan: Nabiki was saying something about 30 cm thick reinforced titanium walls... and I'm beginning to agree with her Sayuki: so what's up with Akane Ranma-chan: go up to her room she's waiting for you two Yuka: where are you going Ranma-chan: I've got a wall and ceiling to repair before I get to sleep tonight. As well as helping my mom sew up a few articles of clothing so I have something to wear tomorrow [Ranma-chan gets up and walks back into the dojo] [A few moments later in Akane's room a knock is heard at the door] Akane: come in [Yuka and Sayuki enter to find Akane using a hot plate to make some tea] Akane: [holding a glass of cold water] I went a little crazy yesterday and did something stupid .... Yuka: it can't be that bad can it Akane: it can [meanwhile in Ranma's room Nodoka is quietly sewing on Ranma's bed while Ranma rebuilds his wall at an incredible speed when two screams are heard from Akane's room] Ranma: [sighs] sounds like he told them the truth doesn't it mom Nodoka: [fixing one of Ranma's red blouses] it certainly does [about an hour later Ranma is just finishing the roof when a knock is heard at the door] Ranma: come in you two [Yuka and Sayuki enter with a sad look on their faces] Sayuki: you weren't kidding when you said she needed her friends were you Ranma: no I wasn't Yuka: is she seriously planning on doing something similar to what you did last month Ranma: yeah you know Akane once she gets something into her head she won't stop for the kami [Yuka and Sayuki just nod their heads in agreement] Ranma: you two okay Yuka: I never thought something like this would happened her Ranma: [a motherly tone in his voice] Yuka I doubt Akane's told you half of the things that have happened to her in the past year Yuka: why Ranma: for one thing they usually involve me and her getting kidnapped Yuka: she's told us about her getting kidnapped Ranma: did she tell you about Mount Phoenix [Yuka and Sayuki just shake their heads] Sayuki: all she said was that you had to fight some kind of winged man Ranma: leave it at that okay Yuka: ok Ranma Ranma: ....[sighs] a word of warning to you two Akane is going to start acting weird how weird well that depends Sayuki: on what Ranma: Kunou, Kodachi, Ukyou, shampoo, and the rest of the crazies ... and if it rains tomorrow Yuka: are you going to take care of her Ranma: of course but I can't be there for her every second of the day ... so you two are going to have to help ok Sayuki: what do we have to do Ranma: make sure Akane remembers who Akane is Yuka: ok ... say Ranma ... would you ... well come to school as a girl tomorrow so you can keep an eye on her ... we'll even make sure no one tries to hurt you in the bathrooms or the girls locker room Sayuki: yeah Ranma would you Ranma: ... not tomorrow but I will the next day okay ... now you two look like you need a rest so you better get home ... I've got a feeling that its going to be a long day tomorrow [Yuka and Sayuki agree and then leave] Ranma: [looks over at his red blouse and black skirt] well at least mom got those sewed up -[back to school]- [early morning at the Tendo dojo Ranma is taking a bath when a knock is heard at the bathroom door] Ranma: that you Akane Akane: [from outside] yeah ... can I come in and talk to you Ranma: just a sec [Ranma gets out of the tub and pores some cold water over himself changing into Ranma-chan who sits beside the tub] Ranma-chan: come in [Akane enters naked and slips into the tub which is hot] Ranma-chan: so what did you want to talk about Akane: what do you think is going to happen when we get to school today Ranma-chan: [leaning back against the wall] something akin to what happened to me the first day I got their if you're in your cursed form Akane: what do you think people will say Ranma-chan: everything .... Some people will be sympathetic toward you while others are going to start calling you a freak and everything in between Akane: [remembering all the times people have called Ranma a freak because of his curse] ...[sobs] Ranma-chan: people will only call you a freak because they're afraid and because they don't understand the curse ok ... how many people do you know of that have at least tried to understand my curse that still call me a freak Akane: none but doesn't it Ranma-chan: of course it does and when they see me in a blouse and skirt today its going to get even worse for me but I don't really care anymore because of because I am who I am and this body is as much a part of me as the one I was born with Akane: .... Are you really going to spend the entire day as a girl tomorrow Ranma-chan: yep ...[sighs] Akane: what's wrong Ranma-chan: I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a "few" love letters tomorrow... I'll see you downstairs [smiles] my uncute tomboy [Akane splashes Ranma-chan with some hot water changing her into Ranma] Akane: get out of here my Ranma no baka [Ranma smiles and then leaves] [later back down in the dining room Nodoka, Kasumi, Nabiki, and Soun eat breakfast while Genma-panda eats some bamboo by the koi pond while Nodoka gives him dirty looks every time he makes an attempt to convince Nodoka using signs about the necessity of what he did when Ranma enters and starts to eat] Nodoka: son Ranma: yeah mom Nodoka: considering some of the trouble your curse has caused you I want you to train Akane [Ranma starts to scratch his chin] Ranma: [thinking] I know Akane will agree to me training her [aloud] what does everyone else think Nabiki: sounds like a good idea to me Kasumi: Akane has always wanted you to train her [Soun just slides a piece of paper towards Ranma which officially obligations him to train Akane using any means necessary] Ranma: [looking at the piece of paper] ... Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer ... fine I'll start this afternoon [later after breakfast Ranma and Akane are walking to school when Akane starts to complain about Ranma walking on the fence] Ranma: do you want me to teach you my uncute tomboy Akane: [caught totally off guard by Ranma's reply] hum yes Ranma: ok ... but it's not wise to start on chain length when wearing a skirt so when we get back to the dojo tonight I'll set something up Akane: [being mischievous] okay Sansei [Ranma laughs and pulls out the contract Soun had given him at breakfast and throws it to Akane who starts to glow with a red aura while muttering something about no good fathers] [later Ranma and Akane arrive at school and are predictably greeted by Kunou and the freak scattered shower giving even Kunou a clear look at Ranma and Akane's transformation] Kunou: what other foul Magi now holds the fair Akane's body and soul I ....[predictably Kunou gets hit by Akane-kun's mallet and is sent into the stratosphere] Ranma-chan: [adjusting her blouse] come on my uncute tomboy let's go get some hot water [Ranma-chan and Akane-kun walk into the school leaving the gathered masses to stare blankly until Kunou falls back down from the stratosphere creating a small crater upon impact] [later that day during gym class Ranma sits with Daisuke and Hiroshi who are grilling him about his attire in female form as well as Akane's transformation but Ranma just ignores them and watches Akane with a secretive eye until Akane once again sends a softball an Ranma's direction but this time Ranma catches it and throws it back so Hiroshi starts showing Ranma pictures of his female form knowing that usually it enough to get Ranma's attention] Hiroshi: hay Ranma look at the new pictures Nabiki's selling [Ranma thumbs through the pictures and yawns] Hiroshi: what if your mom saw you in that dress [Daisuke and Hiroshi make a fake getting stabbed in the gut sound and start laughing] Ranma: ...[yawns while he points out his mother who is in the picture] who do you think that is [Daisuke and Hiroshi stop laughing and look at the picture closely] Hiroshi: Man you really do look like your mom Daisuke: yeah ... if she dyed her hair you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two of you [again Ranma just yawns and receives a softball in the mouth from Akane] Ranma: [using a sign while raising his eyebrow] your aim is getting better you un-cute tomboy [Akane just giggles and Ranma and Akane walk off to the nurses office after Akane has changed into her usual school uniform] Nurse: [looking at the softball still lodged in Ranma's mouth] and how did this happen again Ranma: [using a sign] I was yawning when a foul ball hit by a certain un- cute tomboy got me Nurse: [looking at Akane] Ms. Tendo you need to be more careful I mean isn't he your fiancé. Akane: it was an accident honest Nurse: [sighs] you're going to have to go see Dr. tofu Ranma ... and Ms. Tendo since you're responsible as well as engaged to Ranma you are to accompany him Akane: yes ma'am [later on the way to Dr. tofu's office] Akane: are you ok Ranma: [using a sign with a smiley face on it] of course my uncute tomboy Akane: are you sure [just before Ranma is about to pull out another sign Kunou starts to attack but sees the softball lodged in Ranma's mouth] Kunou: [his sword above his head] may I query why there is a softball lodged in your mouth foul sorcerer Ranma: [using a sign] I caught Akane's foul ball with my mouth Kunou: ahh ... well an honorable Samurai does not attack an enemy in your situation no matter how foul of a sorcerer you may be [Kunou walks off] Akane: that was weird [Ranma just raises an eyebrow] Akane: you're right what else is new with Kunou [later at Dr. tofu's office Dr. tofu examines Ranma] Tofu: Akane right [Ranma just nods while Akane face faults] Tofu: this is going to take a little while to get out Ranma ...[still examining Ranma] so are the rumors about your curse true Akane Akane: yeah Tofu: I guess I'll have to keep more hot water on standby then [Dr. tofu leaves to go get something] Akane: [looking at Ranma who is leaning against the wall and relaxing] .... Can I get you anything Ranma: [using a sign] no Akane: I'm just glad gym was the last class of the day Ranma:[using a sign] so am I Akane: so how did you do in your math class today Ranma: [using a sign] the help my mom gave me has really made it easy [Ranma flips the sign to reveal a pop quiz with a perfect score on it giving Akane a large surprise] Akane: wow!! ... so how did your other classes go [Ranma produces several more pop quizzes which all have perfect scores on them] Akane: I'm going to have to ask your mom what her secret is when we get back home Ranma: [using a sign with a maniacal grin on it] martial arts studying techniques [Akane face faults] Akane: why am I even surprised [Dr. tofu reenters with a device that looks like something out of a bad horror movie] [Ranma produces a sign with a large sweat drop on it which causes Akane to giggle] [later Ranma and Akane return to the dojo] Ranma: [playing with a softball which has deep gouge marks in it that are obviously from Ranma's teeth] ... so do you still want to learn how to walk on the fence like I do Akane: of course Ranma: well go change into something appropriate for training and meet me in the training hall in an hour [Akane walks off and Ranma walks by Genma-panda who is still trying to calm Nodoka down using signs and visual aids but Nodoka is doing in imitation of Ranma and saying I can't hear you Mr. Panda while nearby Soun sips some tea and smiles at his friends attempt to calm his wife down while she practices a kata using her katana] [meanwhile in the dining room Nabiki is counting an extremely large sum of money while nearby sit a stack of pictures of Akane in her cursed form along with Ranma-chan wearing nothing but a bra and panties while she chases a certain panda along with several VCR tapes of Ranma-Chan's shameless display of her underwear while bashing a certain panda over the horizon] Akane: ...[looking at the large volume of pictures] ... you know one of these days Nabiki Ranma is going to pummel you for selling that stuff [predictably Nabiki ignores Akane and hands her some complementary pictures of herself in her cursed form before she continues counting a large stack of yen] [Akane just sighs and walks off to the bathroom to take a bath before changing into her training gi] Kasumi: [just entering with a kettle of tea] how was your day Nabiki Nabiki: better than most sis Kasumi: that's nice Nabiki: [thinking] at this rate by the end of the week we'll be as wealthy as Kunou [about an hour later in the training hall Ranma is walking along a length of median diameter pipe that has been elevated above the floor of the dojo when Akane enters dressed in her training gi] Ranma: come on Akane hop up here [Ranma holds out his hand to help Akane get on top of the pipe] Akane: [a little shaky as she tries to balance on the pipe] ok Ranma were do we start Ranma: with you calming down ok ... if you fall I will catch you so don't worry Akane: ok [Akane starts to relax but loses her balance and Ranma catches her before she falls off] Ranma: I said calm down not let yourself relax ... ok ... [Akane let's herself calm down with out relaxing her body] Ranma: how do you feel Akane: a little strange Ranma: now I want you to walk not balance along the pipe while making sure that feeling is there ok ... do it first with your eyes closed .. And don't worry I'll catch you if you fall [about an hour later and a few bumps and bruises caused by Akane's decision not to have Ranma keep catching her every time she fell Akane has learned to walk along the pipe with ease and is no longer even trying to maintain her balance] Ranma: [standing in a corner of the training hall] wonderful Akane ... now you're ready for a smaller pipe to practice on [Akane just nods her head and jumps down from the pipe she has been walking on for the past five minutes without even thinking about falling off] Nodoka: [standing in the entrance to the training hall clapping] good work you two ... now why don't you take a break and have something to drink before continuing [Ranma and Akane nod in agreement and have a drink before continuing using a smaller pipe and by the time dinner rolls around Akane is very sore and very happy] Soun: are you ok daughter [the view pans to see Akane who has numerous bumps and bruises] Akane: yeah dad just a little bruised Kasumi: so what did Ranma teach you Ranma: [acting like a sansei] balance and the basics on how to take a fall Kasumi Nabiki: so what are you going to teach her tomorrow how to stand being hit by one of her own mallets Ranma: [raising an eyebrow] no Nabiki just more lessons on how to take a fall ...[thinking] were does she get that mallet from anyway ... she doesn't pull it out of a hyperspace pocket like Mousse, Soun, Genma, Happosai, or like shampoo with her bonbori ... so where does she get her mallet .... Her battle aura is always flaring when she uses that mallet on me it's almost like ... [aloud] IT'S A KI ATTACK!! [Before anyone can react to Ranma's outburst Ranma has grabbed Akane and run off to the training hall Akane in tow leaving some food on his plate] Nodoka: ... that was weird even for him [meanwhile in the training hall Ranma is trying to make Akane pullout her mallet by insulting her but he is too happy to be effective] Akane: [laughing at Ranma] would you quit it and explain yourself [after Ranma manages to compose himself he explains why Akane's mallet is a ki attack] Akane: don't be silly I have my mallet right here [Akane starts to search her person for said object] ... that's odd I know I have it Ranma: ...[sighs] just as I suspected you use your ki mallets subconsciously ...turnaround Akane Akane: ok [Akane turns around so her back is facing Ranma] Ranma: I'm going to hit a few pressure points so don't freak [Ranma hits a few pressure points] Ranma: how do you feel Akane: angry at everything Ranma: good now pullout your mallet ....don't think about doing it just do it [Akane pulls out her mallet] Akane: [looking at said object] how ... Ranma: its some kind of weird ki attack you developed subconsciously ... now relax as best you can and let me feel your ki flow [Ranma puts his hands on Akane's shoulders and starts to feel her ki flow] ... this is going to take some time Akane so just relax [about a half an hour later Ranma finishes by pushing some pressure points on Akane's back which cause the mallet to disappear instantly] Ranma: [mentally exhausted] ... ok Akane I'm done Akane: [turning around to see Ranma] ... are you ok Ranma: yeah just mentally exhausted ... would you get me something to drink [Akane runs off leaving Ranma leaning against the wall of the training hall] Ranma: amazing simply amazing [a few minutes later Akane returns drinks in hand] Akane: here Ranma [Akane hands Ranma a drink which he quickly downs] Ranma: thanks Akane Akane: [having some of her drink] so what did you find out Ranma: a lot ...[takes a deep breath and materializes a mallet] ... see Akane: it looks so real Ranma: yeah I know Akane: can you teach me how to control it Ranma: yeah but first I need to take a break ok ... and Akane let's keep this technique to ourselves [Akane smiles and pores Ranma another drink] -["are you sure this is nothing delinquent Ranma" says Hinako]- [early morning at the dojo Ranma-chan is sitting in the dining room with everyone else when Akane enters in her usual school uniform] Ranma-chan: [sounding like a sansei] what are you doing in that Akane Akane: this is my school uniform Ranma-chan: no student of mine is going to wear a school uniform now go and change into something more appropriate [looks up at Akane and winks] understood Akane: yes Sansei [Akane leaves for her room while everyone but Nodoka gives Ranma-chan a, what are you talking about look to which Ranma-chan replies by eating her breakfast] [a few minutes later Akane reenters in a green blouse and white skirt with no side seems] Akane: is this more appropriate Sansei Ranma-chan: [looking up from her food] yes [later after breakfast Ranma-chan and Akane walk along the fence to school when they encounter Kunou who of course tries to glom on to the both of them but is only smacked by Ranma-Chan's mallet] Ranma-chan: [holding a mallet] ahh that relieves a lot of stress [let's the mallet vanish] ... is it me or is he attacking us earlier everyday [Akane just shrugs her shoulders] [later in home room Ms. Hinako is commenting on Akane's attire when Ranma- chan steps in] Ranma-chan: [sounding like a sansei herself] Hinako ... Akane is now my student and that is her uniform understood [Hinako tries to use her ki draining technique on Ranma-chan only to have Ranma-chan steel her 5 yen piece at Tenshin Amaguriken speed before crushing it in her left hand] Ranma-chan: [now sounding like an even tougher sansei then Hinako and projecting a battle aura of her male self] I repeat myself do you understand [Hinako just nods as she looks at Ranma-Chan's current state] Ranma-chan: good [Ranma-chan sits back down at her seat and proceeds to study at Tenshin Amaguriken speeds leaving everyone in the class shocked] Hinako: [looking at Akane] excuse me for the misunderstanding Ms. Tendo no one ever informed me that Ranma's attire was in fact a uniform [by lunchtime school is a blaze with the news of Ranma-Chan's brazen confrontation with Hinako concerning Akane's attire] [the cafeteria where Ranma-chan, Akane, Sayuki, and Yuka are having lunch when Hinako walks up behind Ranma-chan with a note from Nodoka concerning Ranma-Chan saying as a girl for a whole school day] Hinako: ... are you sure this is nothing delinquent Ranma Ranma-chan: there is nothing delinquent about it Hinako Hinako: Sayuki, Yuka is this true Sayuki and Yuka: yes Hinako-Sansei Hinako: if I find you so much as trying to drill a hole in the girls locker room Akane: Hinako-sansei Ranma's male friends were already foolish enough to ask her that Hinako: and what happened to them [Akane just points up to the cafeteria's two new skylights] Hinako: I see ... but I will still be keeping an eye on you Ranma [Hinako leaves] Ranma-chan: the nerve of those two did they actually expect me to believe that they wouldn't spy on me as well Yuka: they still look at you as a gullible and completely male martial artist ran-chan Ranma-chan: true ... well hopefully a trip to the stratosphere via the mallet express convinced them otherwise Sayuki: I wouldn't get my hopes up Ranma even if those two perverts are in the lower stratosphere Ranma-chan: true [later that day a slightly ticked off Ranma-chan exits the girls locker room after gym class followed by an extremely pissed off Akane who are both mumbling something about perverted girls when Hinako walks by and starts chewing Ranma-chan out only to have a female gym teacher tell her that Ranma-chan, Sayuki, Yuka, and Akane were the only ones that actually behaved themselves in the girls locker room] Hinako: well then what did happen Female Gym teacher: Ranma and Akane were returning from a softball game and both needed a shower so Ranma pulls out some special soap that prevents ... her and Akane from changing forms and starts taking a shower with Akane and her friends only to have the rest of the class start dousing them with hot and cold water ... if it wasn't for the special soap there would have been quite a scene Hinako: so Ranma has done nothing delinquent Female Gym teacher: other then projecting a very angry female battle aura along with Akane no [Hinako leaves obviously disappointed] Female gym teacher: [sighs] excuse me ... and Ranma I'm sorry for thinking that you were going to do something delinquent [the female gym teacher walks back into the locker room and is heard yelling moments later] Ranma-chan: [sighs] lets get back home [later on the way back to the Tendo dojo Ranma and Akane walk alone while unknown to them Hinako follows] Ranma-chan: ...[sighs] after what happened in the locker room I'm not sure if this going to school as a girl occasionally idea was so hot Akane: and the fact the fact they were trying to get me to ...[Akane start glowing with a slight red aura which quickly fades] ... I guess not all perverts are boys eh Ranma Ranma-chan: yeah if we hadn't had waterproof soap we would have changed ... and because we didn't have our transformation bracelets on at the time ...[Ranma-chan starts to develop a bright red aura and a mallet appears in her hand to her surprise]...[looking at said mallet] this technique is way to easy-to-use once you learn it [the mallet vanishes] Akane: so what do you want to do when we get back to the dojo Ranma-chan: take a cold shower and maybe break a few cinder blocks or straw dummies [Ranma-chan and Akane continued towards the dojo while Hinako is trying to decide if there is in fact anything delinquent going on before returning to the high school to receive a full report on Ranma-Chan's activities for that day] [later back at the high school Hinako reads over the reports of Ranma- Chan's activities which even include security tapes of Ranma-Chan's every movement and students reaction to them and after running through the tapes for the fifth time Hinako notices that Akane and her friends are using feminine pronouns when talking with or about Ranma-chan and Ranma-chan doesn't seem to care] Hinako: [remembering her brief conversation with Akane in the lunch room] Akane said "... were already foolish enough to ask HER that" ... something very delinquent is going on here ... perhaps the best place for me to begin would be Ranma's mother [meanwhile back at the dojo Ranma mallets a straw dummy into the ground while Akane practices falling nearby] [thud] Akane: [nursing her butt as she gets up] so how was that Ranma: it sounded perfect now go change forms and continue to practice falling Akane: [obviously hot] ... can't I take a break first ... I'm really hot Ranma: [smiles devilishly as he turns to Akane] why don't you just takeoff your shirt after you change forms Akane: [absolutely shocked] Ranma!! Ranma: remember what I said Akane Akane: ...[sighs] when in male form masculine modesty applies Ranma: exactly ... you don't see me running around without my shirt on without having at least a bra on in female form these days do you Akane: .... yeah ...but you do realize that Nabiki Ranma: forget about Nabiki, Akane [Akane walks over to the entrance to the training hall and splashes herself with cold water changing into Akane-Kun who with some hesitation and a what are you waiting for look from Ranma takes off his shirt just as Soun comes into view] Akane-Kun: [throwing his gi top into the training hall before noticing Soun] oh hi dad [predictably Soun faints] Ranma: ...[shaking his head] ... you'd think he would be expecting it [Akane-Kun sighs before continuing his "how to fall training" leaving Ranma to mallet a few cinder blocks into dust before the dojo gates open and Hinako now in adult form enters the dojo to see Akane-Kun fall off a log] Akane-Kun: [getting up to greet Hinako] Hinako-sansei what brings you hear Hinako: ...[looking closely at Akane-Kun] Akane is that you?? Akane-Kun: yes so why are you hear at the dojo Hinako: I'm here to see Ranma's mother Akane-Kun: I'll go get her [Akane-Kun leaves] Hinako: [noticing Ranma destroying a few cinder blocks] ... Ranma Ranma: yeah Hinako Hinako: what is Akane doing running around without a shirt on Ranma: something about being hot and being currently male I believe [at this time Akane-Kun returns with Nodoka] Nodoka: are you Ranma's home room teacher Hinako: yes I would like to discuss today with you Nodoka: please follow me -[a sister for Ranma]- [Hinako and Nodoka leave trailed closely by Ranma who does not trust Hinako and Akane-Kun returns to his training and for a few minutes everything is peaceful until Ukyou enters the dojo and sees Akane-Kun] Ukyou: AKANE!! Akane-Kun: what Ukyou: where's your shirt girl Akane-Kun: last time I checked it was in the training hall Ukyou: [trying to ignore Akane-Kun's well-defined chest] ... why are you running around without a shirt on girl Akane-Kun: I've been training for the better part of 2 hours as a girl and I got hot so I change forms and ditched the shirt so I can cool off Ukyou: ...well hum are you embarrassed [turning slightly pink herself] Akane-Kun: ....[sighs] oddly enough no Ukyou: [turning red] do you know where ran-chan is Akane-Kun: [seeing Ukyou's obvious embarrassment he walks back over to the training hall and puts on his shirt] spying on a meeting between his mother and Hinako-sansei Ukyou: [her skin tone returning too normal] ... well I was wondering if ran-chan wanted to go to a.......[Ukyou's expression becomes disheartened as she starts to sob] ... do you love Ranma Akane-Kun: ...[sitting down on the practice log] ... yeah Ukyou: do I have any chance for his love Akane-Kun: you already have his love Ukyou: [stops sobbing and looks up with a confused look on her face] ... what Akane-Kun: Ranma loves you deeply ... as a sister Ukyou: [now even more confused] a sister?? Akane-Kun: ... you're the closest thing to a sister he's ever had ... and that's the only way he can look at you without betraying those feelings Ukyou: ....[remembering everything about her and Ranma's relationship she realizes that Ranma has always been a brother to her] ... I've never had a brother Akane ...[thinking] have I ever wanted to marry him or have I only wanted a brother someone that's always there for me no matter what through thick and thin ... ran-chan as always done that for me always been a big brother ... and sometimes even a big sister ...[thinking back to her childhood memories of Ranma] ... [aloud] will he always love me as a sister Akane-Kun: until he draws is dying breath Ukyou [Ukyou again starts to think if she really has ever truly wanted Ranma has her bride or if she was really after a sibling for all these years when Ranma walks back outside] Ranma: hi Ucchan [Ukyou runs off in the direction of Ucchan's] Ranma: what was that about Akane-Kun: I don't know but I'm going to get changed and go find out Ranma: [materializing a mallet as he goes back to smashing cinder blocks] ok Akane [about an hour later at Ucchan's Akane-Kun enters dressed in jeans and a T- shirt] Ukyou: [looking up at Akane-Kun] sorry Sir we're closed for the day ....[Ukyou takes a closer look at the man and realizes its Akane- Kun] ... Akane .... Akane-Kun: fooled you didn't I Ukyou: yeah Akane-Kun: now do you want to talk about Ranma Ukyou: yeah but [pulls out a kettle of hot water] would you change back first [Akane-kun pores the contents of the kettle over his head becoming Akane who is dressed in one of her usual outfits] Ukyou: [blinks] I don't think I'll ever get used to those bracelets of yours Akane: now back to Ranma Ukyou: tell me Akane has he always thought of me as a sister Akane: as far as I can tell Ukyou: I want him to be happy and I guess I've been two stubborn to admit you're the only one he loves Akane: he still loves you like a sister Ukyou: I know ... but if I go back to my father Akane: ...[smiles] what if you really were his sister would that satisfy the promise Genma made to your father Ukyou: ...hum I suppose so ...and I've always wanted a brother ...and I can't think of the better brother than ran-chan [smiles] Akane: [thinking] 1 fiancée down one to go ... and one sister gained for Ranma [aloud] come on Ucchan lets get back to the dojo -[how to get rid of some bad shampoo]- [it has been almost a month since Ukyou became Ranma sister in that time Ranma has continued to train Akane in martial arts while Akane has become as comfortable with her curse as Ranma has with his much to the dismay of the rest of the wrecking crew and Akane has also learned of Ryouga's curse due to a fight between him and Ukyou] [mid afternoon at the Tendo dojo Ranma and Akane are sparing fiercely while Ukyou just sits and watches] Ukyou: ...[thinking] how could I ever have thought of ran-chan as anything but a brother [Ukyou smiles just as Akane lands a kick to Ranma's chest sending him flying through the wall] Akane: yes!! I finally got that baka Ukyou: [looking out the hole in the wall] how do you always manage to hit him into the pond [the view pans to see Ranma-chan getting out of the pond only to have a certain Amazon land on her head which actually gets the red headed martial artist angry enough to punt said Amazon over the horizon which causes an attack from another Amazon who is also quickly punted over the horizon followed by the Kunous and various others before Ranma-chan finally makes it back to the training hall] Ranma-chan: [looking exasperated] good job Akane Akane: you okay Ranma-chan: yeah just tired of the usual wrecking crews constant interference Akane: so how well did I do Ranma-chan: as of now you are ready to take on shampoo whenever you're ready ... now if you'll excuse me I need a shower Ukyou: you really okay Ranma-chan: no I'm tired ... what has it been now 2 weeks and anytime I step out side everyone but Ryouga has attacked me ...[looks over at Ukyou] Ukyou: [smiles like a happy pervert] well let's just say Bacon butt has been indisposed Akane: [raising an eyebrow] ... [Ukyou smiles as she leaves] Ranma-chan: you don't need feminine intuition to pick up on that message Akane: ... agreed [Ranma-chan leaves] [later in Ranma's room Ranma-chan sits alone still looking slightly peeved when a knock is heard at the door] Ranma-chan: come in [Ryouga enters] Ryouga: ... Ranma-chan: I hear you and my sister are getting along better Ryouga: [smiles devilishly] you could say that Ranma-chan: so why are you hear Ryouga: Ukyou just got done telling me what's been happening Ranma-chan: [sighs] I suppose you want to join the wrecking crew as well [Ryouga just smiles] Ryouga: no Ranma I'm not going to join the rest of those idiots [smiles again] and besides it's not very polite to bet up your girlfriends family ... but a word of advice maybe if you find those idiots girlfriends and boyfriends they'll leave you alone [Ryouga leaves with a devilish grin plastered on his face] Ranma-chan: at the rate he's going he's going to be my brother-in-law within a month or two ...ahh well [at this time Akane enters with a kettle of hot water that she pores over Ranma-Chan's head] Akane: .... So do you want to go out Ranma: [raising an eyebrow before his expression turn sad] yeah I want to go out but Akane: you don't want to be assaulted by half of the city Ranma: exactly Akane: you do realize that we could solve most of our problems if we just got married Ranma: I know but I still have fiancée trouble namely Shampoo Akane: what about Kodachi Ranma: we'll just have her committed ... I don't think anyone would argue Akane: true but how do we get rid of shampoo Ranma: if I remember right if either you or Mousse can defeat her she has to renounce her claim to me and since duck boy isn't going to beet her Akane: I have to Ranma: yep Akane: [cracking her knuckles] it'll be my pleasure Ranma: why don't you go write a challenge letter to her [Akane nods her head in agreement and then leaves] [later that day at the cat cafe Nabiki enters challenge letter in hand] Shampoo: what mercenary girl want [Nabiki hands shampoo the challenge letter] Nabiki: well just don't stand there open it [shampoo opens the challenge letter and reads it] Shampoo: [surprised] pervert girl challenge me!! Nabiki: yep so do you except Shampoo: shampoo except, pervert girl no challenge to Amazon [Nabiki smiles devilishly knowing full well that Ranma has trained Akane so well that she was ready to take on shampoo 2 weeks ago] Nabiki: whenever you say shampoo [Cologne who has been watching from the back room decides that she better by three plane tickets] [later that day at the challenge field Ranma and Akane wait] Ranma: [thankful for the temporary cease-fire caused by a challenge] so how badly do you think you'll pummel her Akane: as much is it takes for that old ghoul to drag her off to China and never return Ranma: just remember punting her into the stratosphere doesn't count [Akane sticks her tongue out Ranma and they begin to play fight until Shampoo shows up] Shampoo: pervert girl fight me now [Akane develops a Ranma like smile on her face and she walks to the center of the challenge area] Ranma: .... Cologne: so how badly will she pummel great granddaughter Ranma: I believe she said in I quote "as much is it takes for that old ghoul to drag her off to China and never return" Cologne: ahh... so is their still time to place a bet with Nabiki Ranma: no Cologne: rats I was hoping to make a quick yen before I left [at this time Nabiki starts the fight and what fight it is lasting 5 seconds] Cologne: my, my she certainly has gotten better with that mallet of hers Ranma: you have no idea [at this time Akane walks over] Cologne: as per Amazon law Akane shampoo will renounce her claim to Ranma but not unless you pick a replacement fiancée for her Akane: [surprised at the last part of law] what Cologne: ... it's a humility thing .. Don't ask me where the law came from because it's been around longer than I have Akane: find then I pick mousse to be her new fiancée [Cologne nods her head and then leaves along with mousse who is carrying the KO'd shampoo in his arms] Ranma: good job you just washed some bad shampoo out of our hair Akane: along with some equally annoying mousse Ranma: true now let's get back to the dojo before Nabiki gets done collecting bets [on that note Ranma and Akane both burn rubber so they can get back to the dojo before the truce is called off] [later that night in Ranma's room Ranma sits quietly thinking about the days events the fact he now only had one fiancée left in the fact that fiancée was Akane] Ranma: [thinking] is it time is it really time to ask her to marry me ...yes it is ... it's time to end the madness [on that note a knock is heard at the door] Ranma:[smiling] come in Akane [Akane enters] Ranma: [looking up at Akane] ... it's time Akane: [smiling] ...bout time you baka [end]