
[It has been at least a month since Ranma and Akane's failed wedding in that time Nodoka has come to live with everyone else at the dojo. Nodoka also has released Ranma from Genma's promise although she hasn't told either Ranma or Genma of her decision to do so. Nodoka has also stopped worrying if Ranma will become unmanly and has accepted the curse as part of who her son really is but Ranma still wishes to rid himself of it at least on a conscious level.]

[Early morning, at the Tendo dojo Ranma readies himself for a journey when Akane enters.]

Akane: are you going back to the cursed springs?

Ranma: Yeah.

Akane: ...Do you want any company.

Ranma: ...Yeah.

Akane: ...I'll go get ready.

[After Ranma and Akane depart, Nodoka steps out from the shadows.]

Nodoka: Careful my son...

[After an uncharacteristically calm and uneventful month Akane and Ranma, arrive at the cursed springs.]

Ranma: [Looking down at the spring of the drowned girl] ... This is where in all began for me where the madness started...

Akane: Lets go.

Ranma: [Smiling] Thanks for coming with me Akane.

[Later that night]

Ranma: [Looking over at Akane]...

Akane: What?

Ranma: ... [Smiles] Nothing you un-cute tomboy.

[Akane starts to go ballistic but much too Akane surprise Ranma kisses her.]

Akane: [Turning red] What was that for?

Ranma: For being yourself.

Akane: You really do love me don't you?

Ranma: Yeah I guess I do [Smiles] even though you're an un-cute tomboy.

[Akane realizes for the first time what Ranma really means when he says that. So she smiled before smacking him over the head with a mallet.]

Akane: [Jokingly] You big jerk.

[After that, the two have a good verbal sparing match before going to sleep.]

[The next morning the two continue their trek to find the spring of the drowned man.]

Ranma: [Seeming somehow different] Ready Akane.

Akane: Ranma what's wrong.

Ranma: Nothing Akane I'm just feeling calmer than I have been in a long time.

Akane: Why?

Ranma: [Gives Akane a quick kiss on the cheek] Make a guess you un-cute tomboy.

Akane: [Blushing] Lets get going.

[As the day progresses Ranma and Akane talk about their Misadventures most of which were caused by Ranma's curse and his attempts to rid himself of it.]

Ranma: [Smiling] Things are never boring around me are they?

Akane: [Laughing] That's an understatement.

Ranma: I know.

[At this time, the two come across a small spring. Next to the spring, there is a small sign that reads the spring of the drowned man.]

-[The end of the curse?]-

[Mid afternoon at the Tendo dojo; where Nodoka lounges on top of a certain panda near the koi pond.]

Nodoka: I always said I like you because you were such a bear of a man but I never thought you would take it seriously.

[Genma-panda groans a bit.]

Nodoka: Relax all ready you big lug.

[Meanwhile in the tearoom Soun meditates while Nabiki looks over some books on accounting while Kasumi is looking through a swimsuit catalog that she is hiding using a cookbook.]

Nabiki: [Putting down her book] How long has, it been sis?

Kasumi: 3 months give or take a week.

[At this time, the doors to the dojo are heard opening.]

Nabiki: ...

[Meanwhile at the pond]

Nodoka: [Turning over to see Ranma and Akane entering the dojo] Well look who finally got back.

Akane: [Looking at Genma-panda and Nodoka] Comfortable Nodoka.

Nodoka: Very ... I always said Genma was a bit of a bear.

Ranma: ...and what about you pop.

Genma-panda: [Using a sign] What do you think?

[At this time Kasumi, Nabiki, and Soun exit the house.]

Nabiki: So did you find the spring of the drowned man.

Ranma: Yeah.

Soun: Did you cure your curse.

Akane: Not exactly.

Nabiki: What you mean by not exactly sis.

[Akane just smiles and boots Ranma into the pond.]

Ranma-chan: [Spits water out of her mouth] ... Akane!!!

Akane: Sorry couldn't resist.

Ranma-chan: [Grabbing a nearby bucket of cold water] Well then neither can I.

Akane: ... [Taking a step back] ... You wouldn't.

[Ranma-chan just smiles devilishly before throwing the contents of the bucket at Akane.]

Akane-kun: [Spits some water out of his mouth] She would.

[Everyone faints but Nodoka.]

Nodoka: [shaking her head] How did I see this one coming ...ahh well ... son why don't you go get some hot water ... Akane the smelling salts are in the bathroom.

[Ranma and Akane leave to do their respective tasks.]

Nodoka: I wonder what mischief those two will get into now.

[Later, in the tearoom we find everyone has gathered apart from Ranma and Akane.]

Soun: [Trying to keep his temper under control] How could he!!!!

Genma: [Trying to do the same] Agreed.

Nabiki: [Seeming unconcerned] ... Something's smells fishy.

Kasumi: That's probably just the sushi Nabiki.

Nodoka: [Sharpening her katana] I don't think she means the sushi Kasumi.

[Ranma and Akane enter]

Nodoka: [Putting her katana away] Did you have a good bath son.

Ranma: Yeah.

Nodoka: Good [Pulls an extremely large bowl of popcorn out of nowhere] Now start spilling the beans son.

Ranma: Ok.

[Flash back to the spring of the drowned man.]

Ranma: We've found it Akane.

Akane: Well what are you waiting for jump in?

[Ranma starts to cry and then runs off.]

Akane: ... Ranma crying!!??

[Akane sits down on a nearby rock.]

[A few hours later Ranma returns to find Akane who is apparently asleep.]

Ranma: [A tear rolling down his cheek] I'm sorry Akane I just can't do it.

Akane: [Rolling over] Why?

Ranma: I don't know I thought it would be easy but so much time has passed I just wouldn't be me without the curse ... I'm as much Ranma as I am ... Ranma-chan.

Akane: ...I wish I could understand you Ranma what things have been like for you ... [Akane looks over at the spring of the drowned man]...

Ranma: [Grabbing Akane by the shoulders] NO Akane don't you even give that a thought [Tears start to flow a new from Ranma's eyes.]

Akane: ...but.

Ranma: Please Akane I wouldn't wish one of these damm curses on my worst enemy.

Akane: [Raising an eyebrow] The only trouble with that statement is most of your enemies have a curse already.

Ranma: Don't change the subject Akane.

Akane: ... Ranma I have something to tell you ... [Looking over at the spring] ... I've always been jealous of your curse.

Ranma: [Completely shocked and mortified] Please tell me your joking.

Akane: [Looking very guilty] No Ranma I'm not. I thought if you didn't want to lift your own curse or if I found the spring before you that I would jump in myself.

Ranma: In heavens name why. Why would you want one of these damm curses all they do is attract trouble.

Akane: When I started to realize that I really did love you I also started to understand you but I knew unless I could be like you I never would truly understand you.

Ranma: ...and that was your answer [Points to the spring of the drowned man.]

Akane: Yes.

[Ranma simply grabs Akane and starts to drag her away. However Akane struggles free and loses her balance almost falling in to the cursed spring.]

Ranma: [Breathing a sigh of relief] Thank the Gods.

[Akane shrugs her shoulders and starts to walk over to Ranma but she slips on a patch of mud and falls backwards into the cursed spring.]

Akane: [In mid air] Ahh well.


[Back to the present]

Nodoka: [Holding the empty popcorn bowl] ...and that's how Akane got cursed.

[Ranma just nods his head]

Nabiki: [Eyeing Akane suspiciously] Why didn't you just go back to the spring of the drowned girl and dunk Akane.

Ranma: ... [Crossing his arms] Because the un-cute tomboy wouldn't let me.

[Akane just sticks her tongue out at Ranma and playfully whacks him on the head.]

Soun: [Looking like a cross between an active volcano and a demon] Akane!!! Is what Ranma said true?

[Akane just nods before burning rubber.]

Soun: Come back here.

[Soun chases after Akane followed closely by Nabiki.]

Kasumi: Look at the time I need to start making dinner.

[Kasumi leaves and as usual, she is completely unphased by the recent turn of events.]

Genma: ...Ranma!!!!

[Suddenly a mallet comes out of nowhere knocking Genma out.]

Nodoka: Now son would you mind explaining why you didn't cure your curse to me.

Ranma: No, it was my decision and I don't need to explain it to anyone.

Nodoka: [Smiling while a single tear runs down her face] Finely ... [Nodoka hands Ranma her sheathed katana] This is now yours.

Ranma: [surprised]....

Nodoka: You stood up for a decision you may by yourself and that's the one thing I've been waiting for you to do.

Ranma: You mean.

[Nodoka just nods.]

Ranma: [Hands Nodoka back her katana] ... I don't need a weapon like this.

Nodoka: [Putting her katana away] Okay son ... [Looks down at Genma and smiles] Lets not tell your father about this.

Ranma: [Laughs] I almost forgot you were such a practical joker.

Nodoka: Now son why don't you go rescue Akane before she decides to boot Soun and Nabiki over the horizon.

[Suddenly to screams can be heard.]

Nodoka: Never mind.

-[Ryouga's little secret revealed]-

[Early morning at the dojo where Ranma is practicing alone by the pond.]

[Meanwhile in the dining room Nabiki, Kasumi, Soun, Genma, and Nodoka eat breakfast when Akane enters wearing a green Chinese shirt and black pants.]

Ranma: [From outside] Bout time you woke up Akane.

Akane: [Grumbles] Shut up Ranma ... [Takes a deep breath] Smells delicious Kasumi.

[Akane sits down and starts eating breakfast as fast as Ranma.]

Akane: [Finishing her noodles] What?

Nabiki: Nothing sis.

[Akane gets up and walks outside.]

Ranma: Enjoy breakfast.

Akane: Yep.

Ranma: Good if you're ready so am I.

[Akane smiles devilishly at Ranma and they both start to spar much to everyone's surprise.]

Genma: [With his chop sticks hanging out of his mouth] ... Ranma how many times have I told you not to fight a girl.

[In response, Ranma splashes Akane.]

Ranma: Happy now pop?

[Soun and Genma just faint while everyone else laughs.]

[After about another hour Ranma and Akane-kun stop sparing.]

Ranma: [Just entering the dining room with Akane-kun] Good match but you still need to work on your defense.

Akane-kun: I know I know.

Nodoka: [Holds two towels up] You know the old saying.

[Ranma and Akane-kun nod their heads and go off to take a bath.]

[A few minutes later Ryouga enters.]

Nodoka: [Sipping some tea] Hello Ryouga here to challenge my son again.

Ryouga: ... No I'm here to apologize to Akane and.

Nodoka: Reveal the fact your P-chan.

Ryouga: Yes.

Nodoka: Why don't you sit down Ryouga.

Ryouga: I heard Ranma and Akane went back to the cursed springs.

Nodoka: They just got back yesterday.

Ryouga: So did Ranma find a cure.

Nodoka: Not exactly.

Ryouga: ...Hun?

[Later Ranma and Akane return.]

Akane: [With a towel draped over her neck] Hi Ryouga.

Ryouga: ... [Starts to have a nervous break down] ... Tell her everything Ranma.

[Ryouga makes a hasty exit.]

Ranma: Man he's finally flipped ... I'll be right back.

[Ranma runs after Ryouga and a few minutes later Ranma returns with Ryouga in tow.]

Ranma: Ok Ryouga start spilling it.

Ryouga: ...

[After Ryouga manages to tell Akane about everything.]

Akane: [Shaking her head] Well this explains a lot.

Ranma: ...

Ryouga: Can you ever forgive me.

Akane: If I can forgive Ranma, I can forgive you Ryouga.

Ryouga: Thank you Akane ... So Ranma how did your journey go.

Akane: Not as planed.

Ryouga: What do you mean?

Ranma: Hmm.

Akane: We found the spring of the drowned man but I kind of fell in.

Ryouga: You've got to be joking.

Akane: Afraid not.

[Ryouga faints.]

Ranma: He took that better than I thought he would.

Akane: True.

Nodoka: [Just entering with some smelling salts] I figured as much.

[After waking Ryouga up.]

Akane: You ok Ryouga.

Ryouga: ... [Giving Ranma the evil eye] Ranma!!

Ranma: Don't blame me it was an accident honest.

Ryouga: [Steam coming out of his ears] I'll give you an accident Ranma.

[Ranma and Ryouga start to battle.]

Nodoka: [Tapping the hilt of her katana] Take it out side you 2.

[Ranma and Ryouga both give Nodoka an all teeth smile and then make hasty exit.]

Nodoka: ...Why don't you keep an eye on the two of them Akane.

[Akane just smiles and walks outside to find Ryouga and Ranma having in out.]

Akane: [Looking up] Hum its almost 12 ... [Yells and Ryouga and Ranma] When you to get done lets go get something to eat.

[The two stop fighting but they happen to be over the pond.]


Akane-kun: [Looking at Ranma-chan and Ryouga-p-chan] ... [Spits some water out of his mouth] Gee thanks you two.

[Ranma-chan and Ryouga-P-chan just give Akane-kun an all teeth grin.]

Akane-kun: Come on you two.

[Later at U-Chan's Akane-kun enters with Ryouga-P-chan on his head and Ryouga's clothes under his arm.]

Akane-kun: I'll be right back Ucchan.

[Akane leaves for the bathroom but before Ukyou can say anything Ranma-chan enters.]

Ukyou: Hum Ran-chan who was that?

[Akane-kun reenters with a small kettle of water and Ryouga-p-chan still on his head.]

Akane-kun: [Putting the kettle down on the grill] Hi Ukyou.

Ukyou: ... [Giving Akane-kun the once over] Akane??? Is that you?

Akane-kun: Yeah, me and Ranma's little trip to Jusenkyo didn't go exactly as planned.

Ukyou: [Sweat dropping while giving Ranma-chan the evil eye] Yeah I can see that.

Ranma-chan: Don't look in me it was an accident.

Ukyou: Trouble follows you two everywhere doesn't it?

[Ranma-chan and Akane-kun shrug their shoulders just as the kettle starts steaming.]

Akane-kun: Well looks like the water's hot enough eh p-chan.

[Ryouga-p-chan just sequels a bit before grabbing the kettle and running off.]

Ukyou: [Sweat dropping] So the pig finally got up enough nerve to tell you.

Akane-kun: Yep.

[Ryouga exits the bathroom and hands the kettle to Akane before leaving without a word afterwards Akane-kun pours the hot water on Ranma-Chan's head before doing the same to himself.]

Akane: [Fixing her hair] See it really is me.

Ukyou: [Sweat dropping] How long?

Akane: For 2 months.

Ukyou: I'm sorry Akane.

Akane: Don't be ... [Laughs] Now I'm as hungry as a certain horse so start making my usual please.

Ukyou: [Smiles] I guess the curses give people an unusually big appetite.

Akane: Yep.

[After Ranma and Akane eat they return to the dojo but on the way they both give splashed by a passing car that runs through a puddle.]

Akane-kun: [Sitting some water out of his mouth] The curses just love to attract water don't they.

Ranma-chan: [Doing the same] Thought you would never guess.

[Suddenly Kunou comes out of nowhere and starts to go into one of his usual tizzies over Ranma-chan but he quickly stops because of Akane-Kun.

Kunou: [Looking like an active volcano] Another's seeks the hand of my pigtailed goddess [Kunou draws his sword and starts to attack Akane-kun but he just dodges Kunou's sword.]

Akane-kun: Hang on Kunou I'm not who you think I am.

[Ranma-chan just sits on a nearby fence while Kunou and Akane-kun fight.]

Ranma-chan: [Thinking] Looks like the madness has started anew ... ahh well.

[A few minutes later Kunou has been booted over the horizon.]

Akane-kun: [Dusting him self off] I never knew how weird that was till now.

Ranma-chan: [Ranma-chan just shrugs her shoulders] Wait till Kodachi starts chasing you around.

Akane-kun: When do you think she'll start chasing me around?

Ranma-chan: I'd say in about 5 seconds.

[Akane-kun turns around to see Kodachi looking at him with hearts in her eyes.]

Akane-kun: Now Kodachi don't do anything I'll regret.

[Kodachi starts chasing Akane-kun.]

Ranma-chan: I'd better follow Akane because I doubt that tomboy knows how to get rid of Kodachi.

[Later in another part of town, Ranma-chan grabs Akane-kun to get him out of site.]

Ranma-chan: [Holding a kettle of hot water] Liquid rescue anyone.

Akane-kun: Quick before she comes back.

[Ranma-chan quickly pours the contents of the kettle.]

Ranma-chan: Now we act casual and hope Kunou isn't lurking around.

Akane: Kay.

[Ranma-chan and Akane walk out and promptly encounter Kodachi.]

Kodachi: [Balancing on Ranma-Chan's head she doesn't see what Akane is wearing] Akane have you seen an absolute hunk wearing a green shirt like Ranma's.

Akane: You mean like mine.

[Kodachi looks down at Akane and freaks a bit.]

Kodachi: Yes, exactly like yours.

Akane: He went that away [points down the dead end Alley.]

[Kodachi laughs for patented laugh and runs off down the Alley.]

Akane: [Snickering] That was fun.

Ranma-chan: At least she's as dense has Kunou.

Akane: [Sighs] Is everyday like this for you.

Ranma-chan: No today's been slow.

Akane: No, wonder why you eat like a horse.

Ranma-chan: I'll be right back.

[Ranma-chan ducks into the Alley and comes back out as Ranma.]

Ranma: Lets get back to the dojo.

[Later back at the dojo.]

Kasumi: [Peaking her head out from the kitchen] Hello Akane how was your day.

Akane: Peachy just peachy.

Kasumi: That's nice.

Nabiki: Kunou-chan was by he said he wants a challenge with your male half Akane and he left a bouquet of roses for your female half.

[Nabiki hands Akane a bouquet of red roses.]

Akane: ...and what about Kodachi.

[Nabiki hands Akane a bouquet of black roses and a challenge letter.]

Nabiki: I took the liberty of disabling the paralyzing gas trap on both.

Akane: [Sighs] Thanks sis.

Nabiki: No problem.

Akane: ... Do I even want to know ware dad is tonight?

Nabiki: Nope.

Akane: [Sweat dropping] Figured.

Kasumi: [Coming out from the kitchen] Ranma-kun.

Ranma: Yeah Kasumi.

Kasumi: Your mother wants to see you and Akane in your room.

[Later in Ranma's room where Nodoka is balancing on her head when Ranma and Akane enter.]

Nodoka: Hello you two.

Ranma: Kasumi said you wanted to talk to us.

Nodoka: Yes about two things and two vary pissed off fathers. About the fathers I doubt you really can do anything except to keep clear till there temper cools off and Akane your room may not be the best place to go tonight.

Akane: ...and the two things.

Nodoka: This is only a suggestion but...

[Cut to a sky cam view of the dojo.]

Ranma and Akane: WHAT!!!!!!

[Back to Ranma's room]

Nodoka: Calm down already its only a suggestion.

[Nodoka gets up and leaves.]

Akane: That was the last thing I expected her to say.

Ranma: Agreed.

[Meanwhile back in the dining room Nodoka enters.]

Nabiki: So Nodoka you actually suggested it.

Nodoka: [Removing some very large earplugs] What did you say Nabiki?

Nabiki: [Smiling] Nothing Nodoka absolutely nothing.

-[A gift from Ranma]-

[Noon at the dojo where Akane sits alone on the roof.]

Akane: [Her hands over her face] Me and my big fat mouth.

Ranma: [Standing over Akane] Can't say I didn't warn you.

Akane: [Giving Ranma the evil eye] Don't push your luck Ranma.

Ranma: [Smiling] Now that's the uncute tomboy I know and love [Ranma gives Akane a quick kiss on the cheek.]

Akane: [Blushing] ... [Smiles] Thanks Ranma.

Ranma: No problem now why don't we go get some lunch.

[Later at U-Chan's.]

Akane: [Looking over her challenge letters]...

Ukyou: ...and you got both of them yesterday.

Akane: Yep.

Ukyou: Do you plan on accepting them.

Akane: ... I've never turned out a challenge letter in my life and I don't plan on starting now.

Ukyou: ... You do you know your starting to act like Ranma.

[Akane nods her head]

Ukyou: Speaking of Ranma he's been acting weird as well.

Akane: I guess in the 3 months we spent alone we rubbed off on each other.

Ukyou: ... You mean you two went alone.

Akane: Yeah [Smiles] I even learned how to cook, and swim.

Ukyou: Anything else?

Akane: [Holding her palm upwards] ... Just a sec [A ki bolt forms in Akane's hand] ... see [Straining to keep control]... I still have a hard time controlling it though [Akane lets the energy dissipate.]

Ukyou: Amazing ... So where's Ranma it's not like him to be late for lunch.

Akane: I don't know I lost him about halfway here.

Ukyou: Really?

[Ranma comes in looking like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary.]

Ukyou: Ok ran-chan what are you up to.

[Ranma lays back.]

Ranma: It's a surprise [Grins even wider] So I'm not spilling the beans.

Ukyou: So when are you going to spring this surprise.

Ranma: Tonight at the dojo.

Akane: Well if you're going to surprise me I think I should surprise every one else by cooking dinner.

Ranma: [Smiles and laughs] Okay you uncute tomboy [Gives Akane a small kiss on the cheek.]

Akane: [Blushes and bonks Ranma on the head with a mallet] You jerk.

Ukyou: [Her jaw on the floor.]

Ranma: Anything wrong Ucchan.

Ukyou: [Raising an eyebrow while reeling in her jaw] You kissed Akane.

Akane: [Giggles] A little habit we picked up after I got cursed ... If he calls me an uncute tomboy he has to give me a kiss.

Ukyou: ...but you still smacked him.

Akane: That's just our little tradition.

Ukyou: [Face faulting] Some tradition.

Akane: [Looks at the clock and her challenge letter from Kunou] Excuse me I have to 'change' before I go fight Kunou.

[Akane walks off to the bathroom and a few minutes later Akane-Kun steps out.]

Ranma: How bout a quick lunch before we go.

[After Ranma and Akane-Kun have a quick lunch, they leave for the designated challenge area.]

Kunou: What are you doing here Ranma?

Ranma: Oh, nothing I'm just here to watch Akane fight you that's all.

Kunou: [Directing his voice at Akane-Kun while clinching his fist] So boy you dare to enslave the fair Akane's body and soul ... You're no different than Ranma who enslaved the fair pigtailed goddess' body and soul.

[Ranma and Akane-kun both develop an extremely large sweat drop on the back of their heads.]

Akane-Kun: ...and I thought that line was corny the first time I heard it.

Ranma: Kunou can always top himself at corny lines.

Akane-Kun: [Brushing his hair out of the way] You don't have to tell me.

Kunou: Enough you enslaver of souls fight me.

Akane-Kun: [Shrugs his shoulders and walks over to Kunou] Okay Kunou here I am.

[After about 5 seconds, Kunou is down and out.]

Ranma: [Clapping] Wonderful Akane wonderful.

Akane-Kun: Come on Ranma let's get back to the dojo.

Ranma: [Holding a kettle of hot water] Agreed.

[Ranma and Akane-Kun leave.]

Kunou: [Beaten and bruised] I'm sorry fair Akane I could not stop the one that enslaved you this time but I swear I will.

[Later back at the dojo in Ranma's room.]

Ranma: I'll tell Kasumi I want to cook tonight okay.

Akane: [Trying to balance on her head] Okay ... I wonder if my dad has cooled off yet.

Soun: [From downstairs] Akane did what!!!!

[Seconds later Soun bursts into the room]

Soun: [Looking around for Akane] Where is my daughter Ranma.

Ranma: Hanging around somewhere I guess.

[Soun storms out and Ranma opens his window to reveal Akane hanging upside down.]

Akane: [Smiling] I can see why you do this now Ranma.

Ranma: So are you starting to understand me better.

Akane: Yep ... I only wish we could convince those two jerks to stop hounding us.

Ranma: [Raising an eyebrow] Which two jerks?

Akane: For the moment Kodachi and Kunou.

Ranma: I've been trying to do that forever Akane.

Akane: Yeah I guess you're right.

Ranma: Why don't you go get dinner started.

Akane: Ok.

[Akane does a back flip and lands outside near the pond.]

[Ranma walks over to his closet and takes out a package.]

Ranma: [Smiles] I hope she likes it...

[Later after dinner.]

Nabiki: ... I have to admit Ranma you're a good cook.

Ranma: ...What are you talking about Akane cooked tonight.

[Everyone develops a look of total shock on their faces.]

Akane: What??

Ranma: [Takes out the package] Akane this is for you.

Akane: A gift for me??!!

Ranma: Well just don't stand there open it.

[Akane opens the package to reveal a green Chinese shirt with an embroidered two headed dragon on it. the first head rests around the neck well the other head of the dragon forms the end of a half heart on the back of the gi each one of the heads also has a definite sex.]

Akane: It's beautiful ... [Looking at the two heads] ...and appropriate.

[Ranma holds up a red Chinese shirt, which was the mirror of Akane's green gi both in how the dragon curves around the Chinese shirt and the dragon head's.]

Ranma: [Smiles] Here's mine.

[Akane smiles even more and then drags Ranma off.]

Nabiki: ... Even I'll admit that was a good gift.

Nodoka: agreed.

[A few minutes later Ranma and Akane enter wearing their new Chinese shirts.]

Nodoka: You two look great.

[Suddenly someone splashes Ranma and Akane with cold water.]

Nabiki: [Holding a kettle of hot water] The perfect couple ... [Sarcastically] The cursed couple.

[Ranma-chan and Akane-kun look at each other and then laugh.]

Nabiki: [Pouring the hot water over the two] Have you two completely flipped.

Akane: [Smiling] No I just like the sound of that ... The cursed couple [Laughs along with Ranma.]

[Ranma and Akane leave.]

Nabiki: That settles it she has completely flipped.

Nodoka: [Laughs] Don't you get it Nabiki they want their curses now.

Nabiki: [Sweat dropping] Yeah, that's why I say they've completely flipped.

[Meanwhile Soun and Genma spy on Ranma and Akane who are laughing as they walk around the dojo.]

Genma: ... They seem happy now don't they?

Soun: They do don't they.

Genma: I hate to say this old friend but maybe we should let them...

Soun: Say no more, old friend.

Genma: All we can do now is except what has happened.

Soun: I guess you're right but.

Genma: That doesn't mean we have to like it.

Soun: Agreed.

-[Back to school]-

[Cut to a side street early in the morning where Ranma and Akane are walking to school wearing their new Chinese shirts.]

Akane: [Worrying about something]...

Ranma: If I can do it, Akane you can do it to.

Akane: Ok.

[As Ranma and Akane arrive at school they are greeted by a myriad of looks and complements about their new attire.]

[The scene changes from early morning to the afternoon.]

Akane: So how was your day?

Ranma: Same old stuff and you?

Akane: Ditto.

Ranma: Do you want to grab a bite to eat.

Akane: Yep.

[Before Ranma and Akane can leave, Kunou bars their exit.]

Kunou: [Looking like a mummy] ... I'm sorry Akane Tendo I could not defeat...

[Akane punts Kunou over the horizon.]

Ranma: [Keeping his eyes on Kunou] Have you ever considered playing soccer Akane.

Akane: No why?

Ranma: No reason.

[Later and Ucchan's Ranma and Akane enter.]

Ukyou: [Looking at Ranma and Akane] Oh wow was this, the surprise Ran-chan.

Ranma: Yep [Spins around so Ukyou can see the back.]

Ukyou: Wow, the two of them make a heart.

Akane: look at the dragonheads closely.

Ukyou: [Ukyou looks over the outfits again] Oh, I get it ... clever Ranma.

Akane: I thought so.

Ukyou: How did you come up with this idea?

Ranma: When me and Akane were walking here yesterday, I saw this dragon in the window of a tailor shop. So, I went in and asked the tailor if he could design something using a dragon with two heads for me but on my way out I had the idea of doing something for me and Akane and the tailor helped me with the rest of the idea.

Ukyou: ...but how did the tailor get it done so quickly.

Ranma: He had already made these outfits for someone else but they never came and got them even know they paid for them. So the tailor let me have them for nothing.

Akane: Your kidding!!

Ranma: Nope.

Ukyou: [Laughs] This must be the first time you've had good luck since you got your curse Ranma.

Ranma: Agreed.

Ukyou: Well those outfits have a lot more meaning to you then they will anyone else.

Ranma: The dragon represents the warrior in both of us, the two heads set on one body represent our curses, the way the dragons curve around both of the outfits to form a heart, and the color of the outfits are complementary to each other.

Ukyou: [Thinking to herself] These two really are meant for each other. I guess I'll have to find someone else two love besides Ranma. [Aloud] So will you two lovebirds have your usual order?

[After Ranma and Akane ate, they both left.]

Ukyou: Those two really have changed I suppose it's time I give up on Ranma.

[At this time is certain black piglet walks in.]

Ukyou: Hi, p-chan your spare clothes are upstairs were they usually are.

[A few minutes later Ryouga comes downstairs.]

Ukyou: So P-chan what's happening with you?

Ryouga: ...

Ukyou: Fretting over Akane?

[Ryouga just nods.]

Ukyou: ...and I'm fretting over Ranma. Speaking of the two of them, did you see what they were wearing on your way in?

Ryouga: Yeah.

Ukyou: Would you believe that was Ranma's idea.

[Ryouga develops a look of complete shock.]

Ryouga: I guess he's not as big of a jerk as I thought.

Ukyou: I never knew he had such good taste.

Ryouga: ...

Ukyou: Yeah I'm giving up on Ranma as well ... [Blows air through her lips] ... [Using her most innocent voice] P-chan...

[Meanwhile across town two Amazons each prepare to do battle.]

[Later at the challenge field, Akane prepares to fight Kodachi.]

Kodachi: Let us begin Akane Tendo.

[The two combatants square off and begin to fight.]

Ranma: [Sighs]...

[Suddenly Ryouga and Ukyou jump onto the fence and sit on either side of Ranma.]

Ukyou: Popcorn [Pulls out a bag of popcorn to Ranma.]

Ranma: Thanks Ukyou.

Ryouga: [Watching Akane] ... You've been training her haven't you.

Ranma: Something like that.

Ukyou: Oh Ranma, Shampoo, and Mousse were both by [Hands Ranma two challenge letters.]

Ranma: Looking at the letters ... Well at least these two are after me and not Akane.

Ukyou: Actually Ranma I think the one from shampoo is for Akane.

Ranma: [Sweat drops] She's been having all of fun lately.

Ryouga: [Shrugs his shoulders] NEW curse syndrome.

Ranma: Probably.

[Ranma, Ryouga, and Ukyou duck to avoid being hit by one of Kodachi's weapons.]

[Ranma pulls a physics book out of his school bag and starts reading it much to Ukyou and Ryouga surprise.]

Ranma: [Looking up from the book] What?

Ukyou: Nothing ran-chan.

Ranma: ... Hum ... ok ... ahh ... aha [Ranma puts the book down.]

Ukyou: Learn anything.

Ranma: yep.

Ryouga: what?

Ranma: Nothing much just how your breaking point move really works [Holds up the book to reveal the chapter on structures and how to calculate their weaknesses.]

Ukyou: I see Akane has rubbed off on you as well.

Ranma: Something like that [Ranma puts the book away.]

[At this time, mousse and shampoo pop out of nowhere.]

Mousse: Ranma I challenge you now.

Ranma: Fine Mousse, but wait until Akane is done with Kodachi.

Shampoo: Shampoo fight Akane next.

Mousse: [Sitting down] So did you cure your curse Ranma.

Ukyou and Ryouga: Not exactly.

Mousse: What do you mean not exactly?

Ukyou: Check out what Akane is wearing.

[Mousse and Shampoo give Akane the once over.]

Mousse: You don't mean.

Ranma: Yep that klutz fell in.

Mousse: You've got to be kidding.

Ranma: Nope.

Mousse: Dare I ask which one she fell into.

Ranma: Make a guess.

Shampoo: Spring of drowned man?

Ranma: Yep.

[Suddenly the sounds of the nearby battle cease.]

Akane: [Walking back over to the fence] Did everyone come and watch?

[Suddenly Kodachi can be heard charging.]

Akane: [Her battle aura flaring] That's it Kodachi [Akane let's lose a ki bolt that sends Kodachi over the horizon] ... I wish she would just give up.

[Akane turns around to see the very shocked faces of Ryouga, shampoo, and mousse.]

Ranma: Nice shot.

Ukyou: Don't think she'll bug you for a few days.

Ryouga: When did you learn how do that Akane?

Akane: About a month ago.

Mousse: Now Ranma you fight me.

Ranma: Ok.

[Ranma and Mousse go off to fight.]

Akane: Anyone got any water.

[Shampoo prows some water over Akane's head.]

Akane-Kun: Not what I meant shampoo.

Shampoo: [Surprised] Ranma tell truth klutz did fall in spring of drowned man.

Ukyou: [Holding out a kettle of hot water] Here A-Kun [Pores the contents of the kettle over Akane.]

Akane: Thanks Ucchan.

Ukyou: No problem.

Ryouga: So did Ranma learn anything from you.

Akane: You could say that.

[Suddenly everyone's attention is drawn towards Ranma whose battle aura has flared as fiercely as Akane's.]

Ryouga: Ouch, that's going to hurt in the morning.

Ukyou: That's not natural.

Shampoo: That hurt from here.

[Ranma comes back over to the fence.]

Ranma: I call that the Akane pretzel special technique.

Akane: You sure can flatter a girl when you want to Ranma.

Mousse: [Walking over using his hand] Would somebody help me get to Dr. Tofu's office.

Shampoo: ... Shampoo fight Akane tomorrow.

[Shampoo leaves for Dr. Tofu's office with Mousse in tow.]

Ukyou: [Laughs] Good show you two.

[Ukyou and Ryouga leave laughing.]

Ranma: Back to the dojo.

Akane: Yep.

-[How to get rid of Kunou and Kodachi]-

[Early morning at the dojo where Akane sits alone in her room chewing on a pen when a knock is heard at the window.]

Akane: The window's open Ranma.

[The window opens to reveal Ranma.]

Ranma: So what're you doing?

Akane: Trying to come up with an idea on how to get rid of Kunou and Kodachi.

Ranma: Any luck?

[Akane takes the pen out of her mouth to reveal it has been chewed almost entirely through.]

Akane: Yes and no.

Ranma: Go on.

Akane: I figure if we can make our curses painfully obvious to them that they'll probably get it but....

Ranma: We are dealing with Kunou and Kodachi.

Akane: Exactly.

Ranma: So do we need any help.

Akane: Ukyou and Ryouga.

[Later that day at the abandoned field where challenges usually happened we find Ryouga and Ukyou have Kunou and Kodachi all tied up.]

Kunou: [Struggling to escape his bonds] Did that enslaver of souls Ranma put you up to this.

Ryouga: I sure hope Akane's plan works or I'm going to take them to Jusenkyo personally.

Ukyou: Seriously?

Ryouga: Seriously!

Ukyou: I'll hold you to that word. Let me see what curse with Kunou look good with. I know the curse of the fat and ugly pig.

Ryouga: [Looking at Kunou] Yes a man that acts so piggish should look like one.

Ukyou: ...and Kodachi ... Let me see what animal uses every dirty trick in the book ... Besides humans of course.

Ryouga: ... A raccoon.

Ukyou: [Looking at Kodachi through a hand frame so she can only see the area around the eyes] Yeah I can see Kodachi as a raccoon.

Ryouga: Then it is settled 1 curse of the fat and ugly pig for Kunou and 1 curse of the raccoon for Kodachi.

Ukyou: If they don't get it.

Ryouga: [Whispering to Ukyou] These two have thicker heads than I do.

Ukyou: [Laughs] True very true.

[At this time, Ranma and Akane-kun arrive with a very large squirt gun.]

Ranma: [Tosses the squirt gun to Ukyou] Now since our friends have gotten you're complete attention maybe we can clear up this whole misunderstanding about me been an enslaver of souls ... Ukyou you can do the honors.

[Ukyou fires the water gun.]

Ranma-chan: Now do you two thickheaded idiots get it.

Kunou: [His jaw wide open] How is such a thing possible.

Akane-Kun: [Giving a kettle of hot water to Ukyou] It's called a Jusenkyo curse and both me in Ranma have one ... Ukyou.

Ukyou: [Pouring the contents of the kettle into the squirt gun's spare water reservoir] Just a second A-kun ... their done.

[Ukyou's squirts Akane-Kun with the squirt gun using the hot water from the kettle.]

Akane: Now do you to get it.

Kodachi: You mean every time I fought Ranma over there it really has been Ranma.

Ranma-chan: Yeah.

Kunou: [Looking green] ...and.

Ranma-chan: Jackpot Kunou.

Ukyou: Ranma should I let them go now?

Ranma-chan: First, give me a shot from the squirt gun.

[Ukyou does as instructed and then throws the squirt gun back to Ranma.]

Ranma: Now we don't want any more trouble from you two understand and I'm sure we can trust you to keep or secret if you get my drift.

[Ranma and Akane leave.]

Ukyou: [Takes out to of her throwing spatulas] Hold still you two [Ukyou throws both spatulas cutting Kunou and Kodachi's bonds instantly] Now get out here and thing about what you've done [Ukyou grabs her battle spatula] and make it quick.

[Kunou and Kodachi quickly scurry away.]

Ranma: [Sitting on the fence with Akane] A lovely performance you two.

[Ukyou and Ryouga take a bow.]

Akane: [Smiling] Let's hope this takes care of them.

Ukyou, Ryouga, and Ranma: Agreed.

[Suddenly Shampoo comes out of nowhere and lands on top of Ranma's head.]

Shampoo: Time for fight Akane.

Akane: ...Ok.

[Shampoo and Akane start fighting.]

Ryouga: [Sitting next to Ukyou] Think she as a chance.

Ukyou: ... Which one?

Ryouga: Akane of course.

Ranma: ...

Ukyou: What do you think Ranma?

Ranma: [Smiles] She isn't even trying right now.

Ryouga: Really!!

Ranma: Yeah me and Akane's sparing matches are fiercer then this ... A lot fiercer ... Akane show Shampoo what you're really made of!!

Akane: [Smiles will she avoids a kick] Okay ...[Akane's battle aura flares red] ... Hiryu Shoten Ha!!!!!!!.

[Akane uses the rising dragon technique.]

Akane: [Sitting in a smoking crater with one arm pointed straight up] ...[COUGHS] I'm still having a little trouble with it.

Ranma: Keep practicing you un-cute tomboy you'll get it sooner or later.

[The view pans to see the very shocked looking faces of Ryouga and Ukyou.]

Ryouga: You taught her the rising dragon!!!???

Ranma: Yep.

Ukyou: ...but how I thought that technique relied on the person's ability to keep cool under fire?

Ranma: Akane's version relies on her ability to get angry in a second.

Ryouga and Ukyou: Ahh.

Akane: Come on Ranma let's get back to the dojo.

[Halfway back to the dojo the two encounter Nodoka.]

Nodoka: Akane, Ranma there's somebody I would like you to meet.

[2 female ninjas step out from behind Nodoka.]

Nodoka: This is an old friend of mine the Black orchid.

[Both Akane and Ranma take about 5 steps back.]

Nodoka: ...A-chan its time.

[The ninja nods her head and takes off her mask.]

Akane: [Holding her hand over her mouth] ...M...Mo...Mother???

[The view pans to see the face of the female ninja who looks just like Akane.]

Ranma: ... [Scrutinize in the other ninja] ... That's you isn't it Kasumi.

[The other ninja takes off her mask to reveal she is indeed Kasumi.]

Ranma: [Smiles] I always thought you were a little too innocent Kasumi.

Kasumi: [Laughs] How true Ranma how true ... Now if you'll excuse me I do have to go make dinner [Kasumi smiles devilishly and then jumps over a nearby fence with no effort at all.]

Nodoka: Come on A-chan let's go find some place a little bit more private.

[Later at an abandoned building.]

Akane: What .... What happened mom.

[Akane's mother enters now dressed like Kasumi.]

Nodoka: Tell her Akane [Directing her voice at Akane's mother.]

A-chan: ... To make a long story short ... I lost my memory.

Akane: ...but I saw you in the coffin.

A-chan: No, you saw my twin sister and partner.

Akane: [Crying] ...but why now why did you remember now.

Nodoka: I found her yesterday wandering around the shopping district.

A-Chan: ...and when I saw her, I remembered everything in an instant.

Akane: So where have you been.

A-chan: Living my other dream running a restaurant.

Ranma: Which one?

A-chan: Akane's world cuisine.

[Ranma and Akane's jaws drop.]

A-chan: ...and no, I'm not kidding.

Nodoka: [Smiles] Let's go a-chan there's one very weak man that needs you right now.

A-chan: Ok ... and you two will have to show me your curses later.

[Nodoka and Akane's mother leave followed closely by Ranma and Akane.]

[As the 4 step into the dojo, Soun and Genma can be seen meditating by the pond.]

A-chan: [Smiling] If I didn't know better I would say I'd never left ....[Yells] Wake-up you two jerks.

[Soun and Genma jump about 5 feet.]

Soun: [Looking like he has seen a ghost] ... A-chan ... my dear A-chan is it really you.

A-chan: [Pulling out small object from her pocket, which she quickly expands into a large steel a mallet] Make a guess you two.

[At this time, Nabiki comes running out of the dining room.]

Nabiki: [Tears in her eyes] Mother is it really you.

A-chan: [Spinning the mallet by the handle] Yes my little business woman ... I'll be in after I have a long talk with your father and his friend [Smiles and looks over at Genma and Soun] ... I suggest you two run.

[Genma and Soun run like never before but Akane's mother has no trouble keeping up with them.]

Ranma: [Whispering in Akane's ear] She's just like you.

Akane: [Sweat dropping] I know.

Nodoka: [Laughing] Same old A-chan she hasn't changed a bit.

-[Now what?]-

[Evening at the Tendo dojo.]

A-chan: ...and to make a long story short I lost my memory in a car accident and I suppose my records got switched with my sisters somewhere along the line.

Genma: I never knew you had a twin sister.

A-chan: Family secret my sister never told anyone about me and I never told anyone about her.

Nabiki: So mom what have you been doing all this time?

A-chan: Running a restaurant.

Nabiki: Which one?

A-chan: Akane's world cuisine.

Nabiki: Wow, that's one of the most profitable restaurants in the area.

A-chan: Do you think your mother would be capable of anything less my Little business woman?

Nabiki: [Blushes] Your right mother.

Kasumi: [Poking her head out from the kitchen] Dinner's ready.

A-chan: Good my little orchid ... Ranma, Akane I want to talk to you after dinner.

[Later on the roof of the dojo Ranma, Akane, and a-chan sit on the roof.]

A-chan: Nodoka told me of your curses yesterday but I still want a visual demonstration of them.

Akane: Ok mom [Picks up Ranma and throws him in the pond.]

A-chan: [Looking down at Ranma-chan who is staggering out of the pond] ...Hmm looks sort of like Nodoka at that age.

[At this time, Ranma-chan comes flying up to the roof with a bucket of cold water in tow, which she quickly dunks Akane with.]

Akane-Kun: [Spits some water out of his mouth] Gee thanks Ranma.

A-chan: [Laughs] Even without your curses you two would be perfect for each other ... So how do you change back?

Akane-Kun: Warm water.

A-chan: So how long have you had your curses?

Ranma-chan: I've had mine for over a year.

Akane-Kun: ...and I've had mine for about 2 months.

A-chan: [Giggles] You'll have to tell me about some of your Misadventures sometime Ranma I'm sure you've got a million.

Akane-Kun: More like 5 million.

A-chan: [Smiles] Well I have to get back to your father ... Last time I saw him he was crying so hard he was in danger of causing a flash flood.

[Akane's mother jumps off the roof using a back flip and a few minutes later Kasumi jumps up onto the roof with a kettle of water.]

Kasumi: [Talking without her always-innocent tone] Here I figured you two would need this.

[After Ranma and Akane change back.]

Kasumi: So sis do you want to hear about the other me.

Akane: Yeah.

Kasumi: Not much to tell really mom and her sister trained me since a very young age to be their predecessor and when I thought mom died I took up the duties of the Black orchid.

Ranma: So that's where you would vanish off to sometimes.

Kasumi: Yeah would receive a mission I had to complete.

Akane: Have you ever had to kill someone?

Kasumi: [A look of deep mental anguish coming to Kasumi's face] I am the Black orchid sis I've had to kill a lot of people but I've always tried to avoid it.

[Akane grabs Kasumi in a bear hug and starts to cry.]

Kasumi: ... [Patting Akane on the back] ... I'm still me ok [Kasumi allows Ranma to see a single tear run down her face and Ranma just nods in understanding.]

Ranma: [Putting his arm on Akane's shoulder] Come on Akane.

[Akane quickly grabs Ranma and starts crying even harder.]

Ranma: Hold on [Ranma grabs onto Akane and jumps off the roof.]

[A few minutes later Ranma returns.]

Ranma: ... I'm sorry Kasumi I know what it's like.

Kasumi: ...but

Ranma: ...It was in China before I got my curse. I got separated from my dad for a few days and some idiot decided to challenge me near a gorge. One of my kicks was a little too strong and it sent him over the edge. I tried to save him by reaching out my hand to him when he was hanging on a tree root but he lost his grip before me and his father could make it. After we found his body and buried him his father just said, 'I know you didn't mean for this to happen so go on with your life.' [A single tear runs down Ranma's cheek.]

Kasumi: ... Does your father know?

Ranma: No and I'll never tell him.

Kasumi: Just like, I've never told my father.

[Ranma just nods.]

[For about an hour afterwards, the two of them just cry quietly before going back in the dojo.]

[The next morning in the tearoom, everyone is eating breakfast when A-chan walks in wearing a specially altered men's business suit.]

A-chan: [Smiles] So what do you think?

Ranma: [Whistles] A hot and sharp tomboy look.

A-chan: [Laughs] Why thank you Ranma. Well if you'll excuse me I do have a restaurant to run.

[A-chan leaves.]

Ranma: You need to talk with her tailor Nabiki.

Nabiki: Agreed.

Akane: [Waiting her hand in front of Soun's face] You ok dad [Snaps her fingers.]

Soun: Sorry Akane it's just been so long since I saw her wearing that. [A trickle of blood comes out of Soun's nose] ... Excuse me. [Soun leaves.]

Nodoka: [Smiling broadly, as she thinks to herself] She's still got it ... [Looks over at Genma who has a trickle of blood running down his nose].... Genma darling, what ARE you thinking.

[Genma develops a look of panic on his face and then runs off.]

[Ranma starts to laugh furiously followed closely by Akane and Nabiki.]

Nodoka: If you'll excuse me, I need to go chase someone.

[Nodoka leaves.]

Akane: [Still laughing] Genma is in deep trouble.

Nabiki: [With her camera out] Excuse me sis.

[Nabiki runs out.]

Ranma: Hay Kasumi.

Kasumi: [Her straight face melting] ... Only DEEP sis [Kasumi starts laughing just as hard as Ranma and Akane.]

[About a minute later.]

Kasumi: I'm glad Nabiki left when she did because I doubt I could've kept a straight face any longer [Kasumi takes a deep breath and regains her usual composer] ... If you'll excuse me [Winks at Ranma and Akane before leaving.]

Ranma: You do realize that this means Nabiki is the only one around here that has even a shred of innocents.

Akane: [Trying to stop laughing] I know.

[Later that day at Ucchan's a-chan walks in.]

Ukyou: Hi A-chan how goes business today?

A-chan: The usual and you.

Ukyou: The same.

A-chan: Guess what.

Ukyou: What.

A-chan: I remembered who I am.

Ukyou: That's great A-chan so who are you.

A-chan: [Smiles] Who do I remind you of?

Ukyou: ... My friend's fiancé Akane Tendo.

A-chan: [Smiles] I'm her mother.

Ukyou: Your kidding!!!!!

A-chan: Nope ... The car accident that made me lose my memory also killed my twin sister but Soun didn't know I had a twin sister.

Ukyou: That's terrible ... So how did you remember who you were?

A-chan: I met Nodoka in the market the other day and everything just came flooding back.

Ukyou: Wow!!

A-chan: [Smiles devilishly] So do you know of Ranma's unique problem.

Ukyou: You mean the curse.

A-chan: Yep Nodoka told me about both of them ... She never could keep any secrets from me.

Ukyou: So do you want to hear about Ranma's misadventures.

A-chan: Am I as much of a tomboy as my daughter.

Ukyou: [Smiles] Well not quite as much of a tomboy.

A-chan: [Laughs] True.

[Ukyou starts to share her tales of Ranma's misadventures.]

A-chan: [Smiling] Ranma sounds like a nice guy that has a hard time showing his emotions.

Ukyou: [Smiles] Yep that's what I always thought.

A-chan: I guess what Nodoka said was right ... He's enough of the man but not enough of a girl.

Ukyou: ...and the same goes for Akane.

A-chan: Yep.

Ukyou: ... Did Nodoka really say that.

A-chan: Not in so few words.

Ukyou: [Smiles] You're as much a woman as you are a tomboy aren't you.

A-chan: I've had to be ... My previous line of work was dangerous to say the least [Rubbing a ring on her right hand her ring, which is a small black orchid.]

Ukyou: Your kidding.

A-chan: Nope ... and a word of advice, never get Kasumi angry.

Ukyou: Why are you telling me this?

A-chan: You're my friend and my daughter's friend and she trusts you enough to keep her secret along with Ranma's so I have no trouble sharing mine with you.

Ukyou: Ok ... Out of curiosity does Soun know?

A-chan: If I ever told him, he would have a heart attack and a stroke at the same time so make a guess.

Ukyou: What about Nabiki?

A-chan: I wanted least one kid that is at least half way innocent ... but I'm not really sure she fits the bill.

Ukyou: Compared to Ranma and Akane's exploits she is.

A-chan: Well I guess I still a lot of catching up to do ...

[Later back at the dojo where A-chan practices alone in the training hall when Soun comes in.]

Soun: Akane dear.

A-chan: What my dear.

Soun: ... [Soun sits down]

A-chan: Don't worry my love I'll take the rough edges off Akane in no time flat.

Soun: Thank you my love thank you for coming back.

A-chan: You remember the promise I made.

Soun: Your promise was as long as you lived and breathed you would return to me no matter what [Soun opens his clinched fist to reveal a small gold ring.

A-chan: [Putting the ring on her finger] ...and I did my love.

Soun: I still don't know who you really are.

A-chan: I'm your wife Akane Tendo.

Soun: Thank you A-chan thank you for returning.

[Soun grabs A-chan in a huge bear hug, which she gladly returns.]

[Meanwhile back in the dining room Ranma and Akane are just finishing their dinner.]

Ranma: Up for a little one-on-one Akane?

Akane: Anytime you are.

Nodoka: [Reading the paper] Not right now you to ... If I know your mother Akane she's already having fun with your father in the training hall.

Akane: [A mortified look on her face] You don't mean.

[Nodoka just nods her head.]

Ranma: [Shocked] WOW.

[A few minutes later Soun walks in looking like he was run over by a seam roller followed by a-chan who looks perfectly prim and proper.]

Akane: Are you okay dad?

Soun: [Soun smiles meekly] Yes my dear daughter I'm perfectly all right [Soun staggers off looking like hell but with a proverbial cat that ate the canary look plastered on his face.]

Akane: [Biting her lip] ....

A-chan: Don't worry Akane he'll be fine by morning [A-chan leaves.]

Nodoka: [Looking out from behind the paper] Being the husband of the Black orchid does have its advantages.

Akane: ADVANTAGES!!!!! He's a total zombie now.

Nodoka: Wait till morning Akane.

Akane: [Turning around to face Ranma] What are you thinking Ranma.

Ranma: [Raising an eyebrow] Take a wild guess Akane.

Akane: [Biting her lip again] ...Hmm.

[Akane and Ranma hastily exit in the direction of the training hall.]

Nodoka: Hmm ... No not yet.

[The next day Soun is acting like a new man doing everything at breakneck speed ... which basically boils down to the fact he is repairing the training hall, which has extensive damage to it.]

A-chan: See Akane I told you he would be fine.

Nabiki: I haven't seen him move like that in ages.

Akane: I've never seen him move like that.

A-chan: [Smiling while thinking] I'm home.

Akane: Mom...

A-chan: You can come to me anytime ...[Smiles] ...and you can even bring Ranma if you want to.

Akane: Thank you mom.

-[An interesting day at the beach for Akane]-

[Mid afternoon at the Tendo dojo where a suspiciously familiar seen is playing itself out.]

Akane-Kun: [Running down the hall with a towel wrapped around him] No way!!!! I'm not wearing boys' clothes.

Kasumi: ...but all of you're clothes are in the wash right now Akane.

[The chase continues.]

Ranma-chan: [Watching the chase in the hallway from the living room with Nodoka and A-chan]...[Looking at a-chan] Why does this sound familiar.

A-chan: [laughing] Something familiar happen to you.

Ranma-chan: Yep.

[A-chan gets a devilish look.]

Ranma-chan: You wouldn't.

Nodoka: She would.

[Akane-kun, Kasumi, and Nabiki are heard running down the hall again and as Akane-Kun passes by a-chan grabs his towel.]

Akane-kun: [Turning around to see A-chan holding the towel who quickly shoves it in Ranma-Chan's hands while smiling innocently] ...MOM!!!

A-chan: [Still smiling] Great pecks Akane.

[Akane-Kun just grabs his towel and runs off grumbling.]

Ranma-chan: [Cracking up] I can't believe you just said that.

Nabiki: [Waiting her camera around] Should I get double or triple prints.

Nodoka: Triple most definitely.

[Later in Akane's room, Akane-Kun lays on his bed hiding underneath the covers when Ranma-chan comes in.]

Ranma-chan: [Holding one of her old Chinese shirts] Akane I have something for you to wear.

[Akane-Kun pops his head out from underneath the covers.]

Akane-Kun: ...[Sweat dropping with a half smile] That whole seen seemed oddly familiar didn't it.

Ranma-chan: [Smiling] Yep it sure did. So do you want to talk about it.

Akane-Kun: ... What's to talk about I made a fool out of myself ....[Laughs] ... I guess I have to much feminine modesty now [Face-faults] I didn't just say that did I.

[Ranma-chan just nods her head while shrugging her shoulders.]

Ranma-chan: [Smiles and then whispers something into Akane's ear] ...and if you ever tell my father.

Akane-Kun: I promise I won't Ranma.

[Suddenly a knock is heard at the door.]

Akane-Kun: Who is it?

A-chan: [Opening the door and poking her head in] It's me Akane.

Nodoka: [Doing the same] ...and me.

A-chan: Me, Nodoka, and Kasumi were going to go shopping for some new swimsuits and we were wondering if you two wanted to join us?

Ranma-chan and Akane-Kun: [vein popping] The nerve!!!!!!

[Ranma-chan and Akane-Kun both look at their mothers with Akane's patented "I'm going to kill you Ranma" look before they start chasing their respective mothers.]

[Later at the swimsuit to shop where Ranma and Akane have just finished picking out their swimsuits.]

Nodoka: Okay your turn Kasumi.

[Kasumi smiles devilishly and then walks off to the changing room.]

Ranma-chan: ... [Whispering to Akane-kun] ... Why am I suddenly getting a strange sense of foreboding?

Akane-Kun: [Whispering back to Ranma-chan] She has a thing for very revealing bikinis.

[Kasumi comes back out in a very revealing bikini.]

A-chan: I like it!!

Nodoka: Okay A-chan your turn.

[A-chan leaves with equally devilish smile on her face.]

Ranma-chan: Do I even have to guess.

Kasumi and Nodoka: No.

[A-chan comes back in equally revealing bikini that is completely Black.]

A-chan: what do you think?

Ranma-chan: I think Soun is going to need a very large box of tissues.

[Everyone laughs and Kasumi and A-chan change back to their normal clothes.]

A-chan: [Smiling devilishly] Now it's your turn Nodoka.

Nodoka: [Turning red] Ok.

Ranma-chan: [Pulls out some smelling salts] Here Akane you might need these.

[Nodoka returns a while later wearing a beautiful 2 piece bikini that is moderately revealing.]

Nodoka: [Smiling] Do you think Genma will like it.

[Ranma-chan faints.]

A-chan: I guess we now know where Ranma got such a terrific figure from.

[Everyone laughs.]

[Later at the beach, Ranma-chan has just finished swimming a few laps.]

Ranma-chan: ... [Sitting down next to Genma-panda] Hey Pop where's Akane.

[Suddenly Akane-kun goes running by being chase by at least 20 girls.]

Ranma-chan: ... [Sweat dropping] Do you think I should go do something Pop.

Genma-panda: [Using a sign] Make a guess son.

[Later after Ranma-chan has rescued Akane-Kun.]

Ranma-chan: [Holding out a red Chinese shirt] Take this and put it on quick.

[Akane-kun does as an instructed.]

Ranma-chan: [Holds out a kettle of water] Here's some hot water.

Akane: Thanks ... but now what?

Ranma-chan: I know a place that we can hide for a while.

Akane: Good.

[Later Ranma-chan and Akane arrive at an isolated Bluff only to find Kasumi already there sitting on the beach blanket having some tea.]

Kasumi: [Looking away from the ocean] Hello you two.

Akane: Hi sis.

Kasumi: [Smiling with her usual smile that for some reason seems more sincere than usual] Why don't you two come over here.

[Ranma-chan and Akane walk over to Kasumi and sit down beside her.]

Ranma-chan: So Kasumi were you doing a here.

Kasumi: Just relaxing alone and you two [Ranma-chan whispers something into Kasumi's ear] ..Oh my!!

[At this time, Kasumi notices that Akane is becoming increasingly agitated.]

Akane: [Clenching her fists while avoiding all eye contact with Kasumi] ...

Kasumi: Ranma would you leave.

[Ranma nods his head and starts to leave.]

Akane: No Ranma don't leave don't leave me with this ... this...

Ranma-chan: Don't say it Akane you would regret it for the rest of your life.

Kasumi: ...[Takes a sip of her tea] Monster, fiend, cold-blooded killer, assassin, or maybe you would just like to call me a murderer ....

[Akane starts to cry and pound the ground.]

Akane: ... You're not Kasumi ... Kasumi's sweet and innocent ... not a murderer ... Not a ninja ... not the Black orchid!!!!.

[Akane grabs Ranma-chan and starts crying even harder.]

Kasumi: ... [Fiddles with a small ring on her right hand] ... Sorry sis [A single tear runs down her cheek] ... but I am.

Akane: How can I ever trust you again how?

Kasumi: Ranma do you still trust me ... trust me with all the time's you've come to me for advice, all the time and all the times I've acted like a surrogate Mother to you [Smiles in her usual manner] all the times you've come to me asking about that kind of advice.

Ranma-chan: Of course Kasumi, you are who you are.

Akane: ...but how?

Ranma-chan: ... The three faces of Kasumi, the face of a mother, the face of a ninja, and her real face.

Kasumi: The face I show father and Nabiki and the rest of the world is no more real then the face I put on when I put on that mask. You've never seen the real me because you've only seen a third of who I really am. You've only known the face of a mother but that face that part of who I am is still very real. However, the same goes for the other two faces.

Akane: ... mother's the same way isn't she?

Kasumi: Yes but she has always shown everyone both the face of the mother and her real face unlike me.

Akane: ...but why?

Kasumi: Not why but who.

Akane: You mean father.

Kasumi: Yes ... after we thought mother had died he refused to remember her as anything but the perfect mother and Nabiki became cold and withdrawn. While you Akane didn't really realize what was happening.

Akane: Because I was only 6.

Ranma-chan: ...and what was the reason why you start acting only as the perfect mother.

Kasumi: I can give a thousand excuses for that but the truth is I really like being a mother; even if I do overdue the totally oblivious bit. [Smiles]

Akane: ... No matter what you are still Kasumi.

Kasumi: Yeah. There's just a lot more to me then you knew little sister of course now there's a lot more to you. [Splashes Akane with cold water] Now why don't you two lovebirds go have fun ... and that's an order from my ninja side got it.

[Later that day after returning to the dojo, Akane is sitting on the roof when Ranma comes up behind her.]

Akane: ... Sometimes you can't avoid coming across like a jerk can you.

Ranma: ...Yep.

Akane: ...Regrets?

Ranma: Not one and you?

Akane: A few large headaches but no regrets.

Ranma: ....

Akane: Not quite yet Ranma.

Ranma: ... Ok.

[A-chan and Nodoka walk up behind Ranma and Akane.]

Nodoka: Son.

Ranma: [Smiling] If you want to hear about the 3 months me and Akane spent alone you better get a very large bowl of popcorn ready.

[Both A-chan and Nodoka materialize an extremely large bowl of popcorn out of nowhere.]

Ranma: Where should we begin Akane?

Akane: The night after we left, I guess.

-[The journey to the cursed springs]-

[Late night deep within a forest where Ranma is preparing some food while Akane looks around nervously.]

Ranma: [Smiles] First-time on a journey like this?

Akane: No [Looking at Ranma who still has a gentle smile on his face] You seem different tonight.

Ranma: [Searching for the words he needs to express himself with] I guess you're meeting me for the first time tonight. When I'm in a city, I can never express myself and my curse has only made that worse. pop's the same way when we were traveling he's not a half bad guy but get him into a city and he starts acting like Happosai while I clam up just turn into a total baka. I guess neither of us have much social grace ... if any.

Akane: ...[Frowns]

Ranma: [Looking at Akane's expression] Being out in the middle of nowhere has always helped me express myself Akane.

Akane: Really, I guess I have a hard time expressing myself as well. I come across like a baka sometimes don't I.

Ranma: Yeah ... [Sighs] ...but no more than I do.

Akane: [Getting angry] You... you... insensitive.

Ranma: Baka, pervert etc. etc.

Akane: [Surprised] ...Yeah.

Ranma: Go on Akane.

Akane: [Sweat dropping] We're really a lot alike aren't we.

Ranma: Yeah I suppose we are both of us are hyper sensitive about one everyone says about us. We both tend to open our mouths before we think if we think at all.

Akane: [Giggles] Yeah I suppose your right and both of us put pride before the fall ... Way before the fall.

Ranma: [Sighs] It's so easy out here no distractions, no annoying battles every 5 seconds.

Akane: No Kunou, no Kodachi.

Ranma: No Mousse, no Shampoo.

Akane: Or anyone else for that matter.

Ranma: Just us out here alone where life is simple even for me.

[A few days later Ranma and Akane arrive at the beach where they will begin their swim to China.]

Akane: So how do we get across??

Ranma: Make a guess.

Akane: Swim.

Ranma: Bingo.

Akane: Well I suppose you're going to teach me how to swim now.

Ranma: Yep.

[After a long day, Ranma finely manages to teach Akane how to swim.]

Ranma-chan: [Cooking something over a small camp fire while also waiting for a kettle of water to heat up] Sometimes your hopeless you know that.

Akane: [Looking very water logged] ... This time Ranma I agree with you.

Ranma-chan: [Laughs] Maybe I'll teach you how to cook next.

Akane: [About to blow ahead gasket] Ranma!!!!.

Ranma-chan: Akane let me ask you one question before you smack me on the head with a mallet.

Akane: [Holding said mallet] What?

Ranma-chan: HAVE you ever tried your own cooking.

Akane: Hmm.

Ranma-chan: Next time you make something try it your self.

Akane: Is my food really that bad.

Ranma-chan: Yeah ... but the funny thing is I still appreciate the effort you put into it even though your food is poisonous.

Akane: [Confusion written all over her face] ...but I thought you hated my cooking.

Ranma-chan: The food yes but not the effort you put into it.

Akane: [Sighs] ... I wish you were like this all the time Ranma.

Ranma-chan: Like what?

Akane: Able to express yourself so easily, so calmly, and show your emotions so freely.

[Suddenly the whistling of the kettle interrupts the moment, which only makes Ranma and Akane laugh before Ranma-chan uses the kettle on herself.]

Ranma: ...and I wish that a whistling kettle was the only interruption that we ever have to deal with.

Akane: Agreed.

Ranma: [Handing Akane a very large amount of food] Eat up Akane your going to your strength tomorrow.

[About a week later in the middle of a deep forest in China Ranma and Akane decided to take that day off and relax.]

Ranma: [Looking at last night's campfire] ... Do you want to relax today?

Akane: Yeah.

Ranma: [Yawns] Well I'm going to gather a few supplies from the forest so I'll be back in about an hour.

Akane: Ok.

[Ranma takes out a small satchel and walks into the forest.]

Akane: ...He's so different out here so much calmer ... and dare I say even cute.

[Akane takes of all things a math book out of her bag and starts reading it.]

[Meanwhile deep in the forest Ranma is gathering some fruits and vegetables.]

Ranma: ... Has she changed since she's been out here? No, she's just like me she has a hard time expressing herself when surrounded by other people and life at the dojo definitely doesn't afford one much private time ... if any. Out here in the middle of nowhere, we've finely been able to meet each other and been able to drop are guard and let each other in. I'm sure glad pop isn't here he would've only screwed things up ...[Smiles] ...but she is still an un-cute tomboy.

[Later back at the campsite Akane is still reading her math book when Ranma returns with a full satchel of fruits and vegetables along with a dead rabbit.]

Ranma: [Looking over Akane shoulder] ... Do you really think this is the time to be solving quadratic equations Akane.

Akane: [Surprised Ranma even knew what she was working on] ...and you should be talking.

Ranma: [Takes Akane's pen] Here try it this way [Ranma solves the equation much to Akane surprise] ... I'm not as much of a slouch as you think I am Akane. [Hands Akane back her pen.]

Akane: Then why don't you do well in school.

Ranma: Let me see pop won't give me enough time to study. I've constantly got Kunou on my back along with a teacher that begins the school day by trying to suck my battle aura dry. If that wasn't enough, there's the crazy principal that has spent too much time in Hawaii trying to sheer me like a sheep along with hundreds of other little annoyances like being challenged every 5 seconds by someone. All in all its not an environment that is exactly conducive to learning anything but martial arts.

Akane: [Cracking up] True very true ...[Akane develops a look of confusion on her face.]

Ranma: [Smiles] You're not the only one that decided to bring their schoolbooks along Akane.

Akane: ... So you've been studying late at night?

Ranma: Yep.

[The rest of the morning goes bye with little conversation as Ranma prepares the food he has gathered for travel.]

Ranma: [Wiping his brow] Their finished.

Akane: [Now looking at a cookbook] That's nice.

Ranma: [Looking at the cookbook from over Akane shoulder] Is this the cookbook you usually use?

Akane: Yeah why do you ask?

Ranma: [Giggles] This is a professional cookbook usually use by chefs.

Akane: [Biting her lip] You mean I've been trying to cook professional dishes.

Ranma: Yep ... and out of curiosity is this Kasumi's cookbook.

Akane: Yep... and she said this was her most basic cookbook.

Ranma: All I have to say is your mom must have been one hell of a cook.

Akane: She always wanted to start her own restaurant ... [Sniffles]

Ranma: I'm sorry Akane.

Akane: Don't be [Changing the subject]... So what do you think of the rest of my family.

Ranma: Soun is well a carbon copy of Genma.

Akane: [Laughing and sweat dropping at the same time] True ... and what about Nabiki.

Ranma: I don't know half the time she's trying to exploit my curse and the other half I'm not sure what she's up to.

Akane: ...and what about Kasumi.

Ranma: ...Do you want my honest opinion of Kasumi?

Akane: [Shocked at Ranma's tone of voice] Yeah.

Ranma: ... Kasumi scares me... and before you ask why I'll tell you. She's hiding something. I don't know what but I know she is. She may act naive and gentle but something tells me she's as powerful and strong as any of us. However, what scares me the most is the fact she can completely hide her emotions. There is only one type of martial art that teaches that much control over one's emotions ... ninjitsu. I honestly don't know if I am suggesting she is a ninja but let's just say some of her behavior points to it.

Akane: [Absolutely shocked] What behavior.

Ranma: No one seems to notice but she vanishes occasionally and when she comes back she has some minor cuts and bruises. I've asked her how she's gotten them but she only answers I had a little bit of trouble with something and then she walks off ... it just creeps me out.

Akane: ...and you think because of all of this that she's a ninja!!!???.

Ranma: I don't know but if she turns out to be a ninja, I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit.

Akane: [Biting her lip] ... I just can't see Kasumi as a ninja.

Ranma: Truthfully, I can't see her as a ninja but my instincts tell me that she is.

Akane: [Biting her lip] That's the last thing I expected anyone to say about Kasumi but.....

Ranma: I know when I first came up with the idea I dismissed it immediately but it just kept cropping back into my mind.

Akane: I'm not sure if this idea is frightening or hilarious..

Ranma: If it's true it would probably be both ...[Changing the subject] So what do you think of my family.

Akane: Well I think you can guess what I think of Genma.

Ranma: Yeah I suppose I can so what do you think of my mom.

Akane: Well it was like she was a different person before she knew about your curse. It was like she was putting on a show by being feminine and trying to make you and me do the same. like she was trying to fill in for my mother or something. Also sometimes, I swear she would see right through our little show but because the curse is such an unlikely thing, she didn't really entertain the thought of you being a girl even though you look like her when in female form.

Ranma: yeah I was wondering what was up with her. What little I remember of her before me and Genma left was that she was a practical joker and a tomboy.

Akane: What about the seppuku thing?

Ranma: If she didn't think, I was man enough she would have held pop to his word. I only wish I knew what she considers manly.

Akane: One time when she came by and you guys really were out on a training mission at the time ... I asked her.

Ranma: Do tell.

Akane: She only told me one thing.

Ranma: What?

Akane: She said even with your curse that she considered you a man but also said she was still waiting for you to do one more thing ... but she didn't tell me what that thing was.

Ranma: As cryptic has ever. So do you know what she thinks of my curse.

Akane: I'm not sure but I think she likes it and as for Genma's curse, I know she likes it.

Ranma: [Smiles] So what do you think of my mom nowadays.

Akane: I like her now more than ever ... By the way Ranma does she know any martial arts.

Ranma: Lets just put it this way she's always carried that katana around.

Akane: Ahh.

Ranma: [Looking down and Akane's cookbook] So do you want to learn how to cook.

Akane: Of course.

Ranma: [Smiles] Tell you what I'll teach you everything about cooking I know of.

-[The journey back from Jusenkyo]-

[Back to the present.]

Nodoka: [With an empty bowl of popcorn in front of her] ...and the few days later you arrived at Jusenkyo.

Ranma: more like a week really.

A-chan: [With an empty bowl of popcorn in front of her] So it took you 1 month to get there.

Akane: Yep.

Nodoka: Then why did it take two months for you to get back.

Ranma: ... I guess you could say we took the scenic route back.

A-chan: So Akane could get used to her curse.

Ranma: Yeah.

Nodoka: Well keep talking.

Akane: Not tell me and Ranma have a break to catch are breath's.

Nodoka: Well why you two catch your breaths me and A-chan are going to go get some more popcorn.

[Nodoka and A-chan leave.]

Ranma: You know what Akane I'm not sure what I should think of my mother any more.

Akane: Same here ...[Sighs] I guess no one is really normal around here.

Ranma: Curses, demons, ninjas, martial arts masters that are 300 years old, and ghosts just to name a few. This place is about as far from normal at it is possible to be.

Akane: Agreed.

Ranma: [Laughs] ...and we wouldn't have it any other way would we.

Akane: Because ever since you came into my life all of that has been normal.

[A few minutes later A-chan and Nodoka return.]

Akane: I guess the best place to continue is right after I got cursed.

[Flash back to the spring of the drowned man where Akane has just fallen in.]

Ranma: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

[A few seconds later Akane-Kun comes out of the spring to find Ranma has fainted.]

Akane-Kun: [Looking at him self] No turning back now Akane.

[Later that night Ranma finely wakes up to find Akane cooking something.]

Ranma: [Holding his head] What happened.

Akane: When you fainted this afternoon, you hit your head on a rock.

Ranma: Where are we.

Akane: About 100 miles from Jusenkyo.

Ranma: Why didn't you wake me up earlier.

Akane: I tried, Baka.

Ranma: Oh [Ranma tries to scratch the back of his head but finds a huge lump there] OUCH!! ... This lump is worse than the 1 I got from your steel mallet the other day.

Akane: ... I was just thinking that ....

Ranma: ... You kept the curse didn't you.

Akane: Yeah ... and no I'm not going back.

Ranma: ...Why?!

Akane: I already told you Ranma ... now what.

Ranma: ... Lets just get as far away from Jusenkyo as we can.

Akane: Agreed.

[The next day, after Ranma and Akane had set up a camp an isolated spot.]

Akane: [Her stomach growing audibility] ...[Thinking] Why have I been so hungry today.

Ranma: ... [Giving Akane a large serving of food] Here.

Akane: Is it really that obvious.

Ranma: ... Yeah increased appetite is one of the effects of the curse.

Akane: [Eating a bit faster than usual] ... Anything else I should know of.

Ranma: .... No not that I can think of at the moment.

Akane: Anything wrong?

Ranma: Make a guess.

Akane: .... Ranma do you have any regrets about not curing your curse.

Ranma: ... Only that it may you want one of you're own ... and you.

Akane: ... Only that I hurt you.

Ranma: You didn't hurt me it's just that ............... Yeah I guess you did hurt me in a way.

Akane: I'm sorry.

Ranma: ...and so am I ... I've brought nothing but trouble to you and your family.

Akane: You also brought something that I've learned to love.

Ranma: ... From now on no regrets.

Akane: Agreed.

[A light rain begins.]

Ranma-chan: ... No regrets ever again.

[Akane-Kun just nods his head.]

[About a week later in a secluded mountain range.]

Ranma: [Looking around] .....

Akane: Anything wrong.

Ranma: ... Yeah one thing these curses do is attract trouble and because of that, I've decided to teach you everything I know.

Akane: [Totally shocked] ... but.

Ranma: ...but nothing. We've been taking the long route home so we avoid all contact with the Amazon's and everyone else. However, once we get back home the curse will start attracting trouble to you and as it stands now you're not a good enough martial artist to fend off everything that will come your way. I honestly don't know how much I can attract to myself and I also know that you're as proud as I am so most of the time you'll want to fight your own battles.

Akane: ...Ok Ranma where do we start.

Ranma: By setting up a permanent campsite.

[Approximately a month later Akane has finished training under Ranma.]

Akane: [Sitting in a crater coughing] So how did I do.

Ranma: Fine the only thing you have left to do is gain skill in what I have taught you and that's something you have to do by yourself.

Akane: ... Time to go home.

Ranma: [Smiles] Yes time to go home.

[Back to the present.]

A-chan: ...and after that, you came home.

Ranma: Yep.

Nodoka: Amazing.

A-chan: Agreed.

[Nodoka and A-chan leave.]

Ranma: We both changed didn't we.

Akane: Yeah [Snuggling up against Ranma.]

Ranma: [Giving Akane a hug in return] Maybe all we really needed was some time alone.

-[A long talk with Nodoka]-

[Midday in the dojo's training hall Kasumi and A-chan spar fiercely while Ranma and Akane watch.]

Akane: Wow look at them go.

Ranma: Amazing.

Akane: Ranma have you seen your father lately?

Ranma: No, now that you mention it I haven't seen either my dad or yours since going to the beach yesterday.

Akane: Were do you think they got off to.

[At this time, Nodoka enters.]

Nodoka: A-chan Nabiki is missing.

A-chan: [Avoiding a high kick from Kasumi] Isn't she back from the store yet.

Kasumi: ...[Avoiding a low kick by doing a back flip] Soun and Genma have been missing to.

Nodoka: Soun and Genma went on a training mission together.

Kasumi: Akane why don't you go look for her.

Akane: Okay.

[Akane leaves.]

Ranma: Mother a word with you in private.

[Ranma leaves and A-chan and Kasumi stops sparing.]

Kasumi: That was a little weird.

Nodoka: ... I think I know what he wants to talk about.

[Meanwhile by the pond Ranma waits for Nodoka.]

Nodoka: So what do you want to talk about son.

Ranma: Your behavior since after the failed wedding.

Nodoka: Hmm, after the failed wedding I finely started to see the real you and the you that Genma had created and I decided I liked the real you better ... curse and all. Know one thing son the only 1 I would have held to that promise was your father never you. Believe it or not someone under that coward you call a father is my best friend. I don't know what happened to him to make him change so much ... maybe responsibility but I doubt it. Well enough about Genma ... back to you.

Ranma: ... [Not sure what to say in reply] ... The real me??

Nodoka: Remember I came into the picture of your life here at the dojo fairly late in the game so before the failed wedding I never got chance to see beyond shell that you projected. The shell you used to hide yourself from the world but the instant Akane was in real danger there you were the real you ready to break open anyone's head that hurt her.

[Ranma mulls over what his mother has just said in his mind.]

Ranma: [Thinking] The real me ... The shell that I projected ... That I??? [Aloud] What you mean "The shell that I projected".

Nodoka: Haven't you noticed how much you changed since you got back from your little training mission with Akane. You're expressing yourself like it was nothing. You and Akane are getting along so well that your suitors and fiancés have all but given up. Not to mention your academic performance is so far through the roof that Akane must have smacked you through it [Ranma laughs lightly] ...and you almost never put your foot in your mouth any more.

Ranma: ... and what about my curse.

Nodoka: Hmm, after I found out about your curse, I was truly worried about Genma's promise but as I thought about it I found that as long as you had your curse that I couldn't apply my usual definitions of manhood to you. so I rested on the few things that I really considered paramount in a true man.

Ranma: ...and what are those things.

Nodoka: 1st a man must stand up for what he believes in. 2nd a man must protect those he cares for even if it means sacrificing his own life. 3rd a man must be strong enough both mentally and physically to do the first two, and the last a man must be able to stand up for a decision he feels is right.

Ranma: ... [Not sure what to say in reply] ...

Nodoka: I know that my definition is a bit broad.

Ranma: ... I could apply your definition to Akane , Kasumi, A-chan ... and even to you.

[Ranma looks up finally understanding why Nodoka has at been acting oddly ever since the failed wedding.]

Ranma: So that's why you've been acting weird.

Nodoka: Well I figured if Genma wasn't going to act like a man that I might as well.

Ranma: [Laughs] True ... mom what was your family like.

Nodoka:...[Putting her hands on her chin] ... My mother died when I was only three so I grew up in a house full of rowdy insensitive jerks that just happened to be my brothers. Unfortunately, they all managed to get themselves killed by taking so-called manly jobs so in the end I was the only one left when my father became ill.

Ranma: ...

Nodoka: A week before my father fell ill he had broken the news that he had arranged my marriage to Genma. Me and Genma had always been good friends and after my father died I gladly excepted the marriage, as a way to move on and start a family of my own ... unfortunately Genma isn't much of a family man.

Ranma: [Sweat dropping and face faulting] That's an understatement. Hmm, mom what do you think about all the trouble my curse has caused.

Nodoka: At first, I thought the curse was your greatest trouble but after I moved to the dojo. Kasumi started telling me everything that had happened to you since you got your curse I changed my mind and decided it was the least of your troubles even though it is usually the cause of bigger ones ... not to mention you and Akane always seem to have fun with it in the end.

Ranma: ...[Sighing deeply] She's never known me without the curse. I guess that's the reason I finally decided not to get rid of it [Laughs at a memory] The first time she met me I was in female form.

Nodoka: I know Kasumi told me about that and a day later you had Kunou trying to kill you male form and wanting to marry you in female.

Ranma: Hmm, how did you find out that a-chan was a ninja.

Nodoka: [Pointing to the hilt of her katana] Do you see the white orchid son.

Ranma: Yeah.

Nodoka: A long time ago, there was a white orchid as well as a black orchid but the lineage of the white orchid had always been male. There was a curse placed on my family by a demon that would condemn all male airs for a thousand years to a tragic and meaningless death. So, when I found out I was pregnant with you I did a little digging into my family history and found out that the curse stopped with my brothers ... and to say the least I was relieved.

Ranma: [Mumbling] ... Sorry.

Nodoka: Don't be it wasn't your fault in the beginning and now you've chosen to live with it so don't be sorry it's not like your curse will cause all of your children to die.

Ranma: ...[A grim and embarrassed expression comes across his face] ....

Nodoka: ... What.

Ranma: ... I got locked in female form 1 time when Cologne used a special pressure point technique on me ... It lasted nearly 2 weeks ... but it happened to be the right 2 weeks [Ranma's voice trails off.]

Nodoka: ...[Understanding] Oh my!!

Ranma: That's exactly what Kasumi said when I told her.

Nodoka: Has it happened sense.

Ranma: Yeah it usually happens around the time of the Crescent moon that comes early in a month ....

Nodoka: Have you talked about this with anyone but Kasumi.

Ranma: Yeah Akane was worried that the curse would mess up her cycle. So, I told her. The look on her face was so priceless I wished Nabiki was there with her camera.

Nodoka: That must have been some look.

Ranma: It was ... especially since we were both in are cursed forms at the time. ......................Um mom ...[Turning red.]

Nodoka: [Smiles] Okay [Boots Ranma into the pond while laughing.]

Ranma-chan: ... [Mumbling while holding a mallet, she has materialized out of nowhere] MOM!!.

Nodoka: [Surprised at the sudden appearance of the mallet] Come on son it was only a little joke.

Ranma-chan: [Something starts wigging inside Ranma-Chan's shirt] ... [Reaching inside her shirt to take out a fish] I hate when this happens [Holding the fish.]

Nodoka: [Looking around for the mallet Ranma-chan had seconds ago] Hum where did that mallet go to.

Ranma-chan: [Laughs] ... Believe it or not pulling mallets out of nowhere is Akane's Chi attack.

Nodoka: You mean her mallets are made of chi energy!!! .......... [Laughs] No wonder why she sends people over the horizon with those things but how did you find out about it after all it's not the most obvious chi attack .

Ranma-chan: [Laughs] True ... I was trying to teach her how to focus her chi into a balland I got so frustrated that I called her a tomboy. Of course, she instantly pulls a mallet out of nowhere but for some reason it clicked that she hadn't brought a mallet with her. So I grabbed her arm and took the mallet only to have it disappear in my hand much to me and Akane surprise. After we both realized what had happened we had a hardy laugh before we tried to refine the technique.

Nodoka: Amazing.

Ranma-chan:[Smiles devilishly] Yeah that's my un-cute tomboy .

Nodoka: ... Speaking of Akane.

Ranma-chan: Don't worry about her I've taught her all of my techniques and helped her with the ones she didn't know she had.

Nodoka: Like the mallet.

Ranma-chan: Yeah like the mallet .... [Turning red again] Hmm.

Nodoka: Ok.

[Ranma-chan and Nodoka walk into the house.]

[Meanwhile across town Akane-Kun walks into U-Chan's.]

Ukyou: Hi A-kun.

Akane-Kun: Hi U-chan [Looking around the restaurant.]

Ukyou: Looking for someone.

Akane-Kun: Yeah Nabiki's missing.

Ukyou: [Jokingly] Do you think somebody kidnapped her.

Akane-Kun: ... I doubt it after all that's the type of thing that happens to me.

Ukyou: You do have a point A-Kun ...[Laughing] May be she's found a boyfriend.

Akane-Kun: ...Nabiki a boyfriend. Well stranger things have happened ... although off hand I can't think of many.

Ukyou: [About to crack up] Isn't it funny that 'normal' things like someone getting a boyfriend are the things we consider strange.

Akane-Kun: [Sitting down] Well it's true its more common for Ranma to gain a new fiancé than someone to get a boyfriend around here [Sweat drops] ...or me for that matter.

Ukyou: True [Suddenly Ukyou's face turns white] Akane turnaround.

[Akane-kun turns around to see Kunou and Nabiki walking down the street arm in arm acting ... normal.

Akane-Kun: Kunou and Nabiki!!.

Ukyou: I'm not sure whether I'm surprised or not.

Akane-Kun: ... Same here ... Say Ukyou do you happen to have a spare instant camera.

Ukyou: Akane you wouldn't stoop to her level would you.

Akane-Kun: I'll get triple prints.

Ukyou: [Handing Akane-Kun a camera] Well what are you waiting for.

[Akane-Kun quickly leaves.]

Ukyou: [Sighing] Akane's right its more common for someone to get kidnapped around here or for a demon to pop out of the woodwork -literally- then for someone to get a boyfriend. Let me see who's left Mousse hum no sooner later he'll get Shampoo, Kunou has just been claimed by Nabiki, and if Dr. Tofu could ever get his head out of the clouds he would surely get Kasumi in a second. [Shakes her head while thinking] I still can't believe she's a ninja and not just any ninja. No she has to be the Black orchid [Ukyou tries to picture Kasumi dressed in a ninja gi. slicing through people with a katana like in a bad action flick] ... [shivers and continues to think] ... I won't believe she's a ninja until I see it with my own eyes ... I guess that leaves me with ... Ryouga. He's a nice enough guy with a cute curse ... so what the heck.

[Later back at the dojo Ranma sits alone on the roof when Akane walks up behind him.]

Akane: What are you thinking about.

Ranma: The curses....

Akane: What about the curses.

Ranma: I had a long talk with my mom today and after I mulled over what she had told me I started thinking about all the times I tried to cure myself permanently. Then I realized there was one thing I never tried to do or even looked to see if it was possible.

Akane: [Her curiosity peaked] What.

Ranma: I never tried to find a way to control curse.

Akane: Control??

Ranma: Yeah I've heard about curses that are way more vicious than ours but even with those curses people have found a way to control them to a certain extent and sense our curse is not exactly, vicious I was thinking he might be pretty easy to control it. I mean after all it's not that hard to control now.

Akane: [Thinking about what Ranma has said] ... Dr. Tofu perhaps.

Ranma: It's worth a try.

-[A short chat with Dr. Tofu]-

[Midday at Dr. Tofu's clinic where Dr. Tofu sits alone reading a magazine when Ranma and Akane enter.]

Ranma: Dr. Tofu.

Tofu: ...[Looking up from the magazine] Hi Ranma ...[Looking over Ranma closely] You don't seem to be injured today ... so why did you come visit.

Ranma: Doc how much do you know about curses.

Tofu: [Putting the magazine down] ... Why do you ask ... Have you picked one up or something.

Ranma: [Laughs] Yeah I picked one up a long time ago. Do you happen have a bucket of cold water around.

Tofu: ...[Suspicious] Yeah why?

Ranma: Akane why don't you go grab the bucket.

[Akane leaves.]

Tofu: Exactly how long have you had a curse.

Ranma: Since me and my dad returned from China.

Tofu: ...but that was over a year and half ago.

Ranma: I know.

Tofu: ... Considering some of the weird and unusual things that happen around you, your curse must be pretty malicious.

Ranma: [Laughs] ... No my curse just attracts trouble.

Tofu: Is that the only thing it does.

Ranma: Sometimes I think it is doc but no that's not the only thing it does.

Tofu: Then what does it to.

[Akane reenters with 2 buckets of water.]

Ranma: ... Perhaps a visual demonstration.

Tofu: Ok.

Ranma: Ok Akane.

[Akane throws the contents of the bucket at Ranma.]

Ranma-chan: [Spits some water are her mouth] ... Demonstration complete.

Tofu: [Visibly shocked] ... Some curse!! ... Hey wait a second I thought you changing into a girl was because of Cologne.

Ranma-chan: [Smiles] Nope she only stopped me from changing back by using the full body cat tongue on me but she didn't change me into a girl in the first place.

Tofu: .... Ahh!!! [Smiling] So that's why you're always coming in here for hot water.

Ranma-chan: Yep can't exactly go to school like this can I.

Akane: So doctor do you know anything about curses like this.

Tofu: ... This wouldn't happen to be a Jusenkyo transformation curse would it.

Ranma-chan: That's exactly what is.

Tofu: ... Well the only cure 'I' know of is the spring of the drowned man.

Ranma-chan: [Laughs hardly] Do you know about me and Akane's trip to China.

Tofu: Yeah.

Ranma-chan: The reason why we went to China was to find this spring of the drowned man doc.

Tofu: Did you find it.

Ranma-chan: [Smiles] Can Akane pull a mallet out of nowhere.

Tofu: ....Hmm yeah??.

Ranma-chan: Yeah me and Akane found the spring.

Tofu: Well didn't it work.

Akane: Oh, it worked all right doc.

Tofu: [Sweat dropping] You don't mean.

[Akane dunks herself with the remaining bucket of water.]

Tofu: [Surprised once more] ...but.

Ranma-chan: ... Dr. Tofu let me make one thing clear right now were not looking for a cure.

Tofu: ... Then what are you looking for.

Akane-Kun: A way to control it.

Tofu: ... Do your parents know about this.

Ranma-chan: You know that panda that works for you.

Tofu: Yeah.

Ranma-chan: That really is my father.

Tofu: You mean he has a Jusenkyo curse as well!!.

Ranma-chan: Yep.

Tofu: Just how many people around here have Jusenkyo curses.

Ranma-chan: Hmm, let me see ... me, my dad, Ryouga, Shampoo, Mousse, and Akane has the newest 1.

Tofu: I don't know if I should be surprised or not.

Ranma-chan: So can you help us.

Tofu: Jusenkyo curses and magic are pretty hairy things Ranma but then you always seem to deal in the hairy.

[Ranma-chan and Akane-kun just laugh in agreement.]

Tofu: Do you know about the legend of Jusenkyo magic.

Ranma-chan: No.

Tofu: It's said once long ago that a man called RelOrt Jusenkyo created the perfect transformation magic but evil man tricked him into cursing the water supply near what we call the cursed Springs of Jusenkyo.

Ranma-chan: Go on.

Tofu: ... The evil man drowned RelOrt in what we call the spring of the drowned man but not before RelOrt gave his spell book to his son.

Ranma-chan: So all we have to do is find that spell book and we should be able to find a way to control our curses.

Tofu: Yes but the legend also said that RelOrt came back from the dead to re-claim his spell book.

Akane-Kun: Charming a master Wizard that can transform into anything he pleases in instant.

Tofu: [Smiles devilishly] ... Tell you what if you will tell Kasumi that I want a date with her [His glasses fog over in instant] ...I'll introduce you to RelOrt and don't ask how I know him.

Akane-kun: [Smiles] Okay doctor ...You just try to keep your head out of the clouds when Kasumi gets here.

Tofu: ...[Sighs] Believe me I do but it's hard [His glasses fog over again.]

Ranma-chan: [Waiting his hand in front of Dr. Tofu's face] Nope no one's home in their right now Akane.

Akane-Kun: [Doing the same] Yep totally out of it ...[Snaps her fingers.]

Tofu: Hun??!! Oh, sorry I kind of zoned out again didn't I.

Ranma-chan: You totally zoned out doc.

Akane-Kun: Don't you know some kind of pressure point that will stop you from doing that.

Tofu: ...Hmm ... Why didn't I think of that one.

Ranma-chan: Probably because you were on cloud 9,000,000.

Tofu: [Smiling meekly] Hmm, true Ranma, now where did I put my book on shiatsu pressure points.

[Dr. Tofu walks off.]

Ranma-chan: [Sweat dropping] .... Let's go Akane.

[Later back at the dojo.]

Akane: ... Did you hear about Nabiki?

Ranma-chan: So what scheme has she come up with this time.

[Akane laughs and then hands Ranma the pictures she had taken of Nabiki and Kunou kissing.]

Ranma-chan: [Her eyes about to pop out of their sockets] ... Is this what I think it is?

[Before Akane can answer, Nabiki runs by with a devilish smile on her face that can only be described as a cross between her usual I'm going to be rich smirk and a genuine head in the clouds in love grin.]

Ranma-chan: I'm not sure if she's in love with his money or him.

Akane: Agreed.

[As if on cue, Kunou goes running by spouting poetry about Nabiki and holding a large bouquet of roses.]

Ranma-chan: .... [Stupefied] ... Well at least we know he's in love with her.

Akane: [Shaking her head] Hopeless absolutely hopeless ....

Ranma-chan: ...[Realizing something] ... and as easy to manipulate as a block of clay.

[At this time Nabiki and Kunou, go walking by arm in arm with Kunou still spouting poetry.]

Akane: Isn't that the same poetry he uses on you and me.

Ranma-chan: Yep.

Kasumi: [Laughing from behind Ranma and Akane] ... Well at least he isn't bothering you anymore Ranma.

Akane: ...but still with Kunou.

Kasumi: The way I see it those two balance each other out.

Ranma-chan: ... True Kunou is a totally hopeless romantic and Nabiki has a heart of ice.

Kasumi: ... Well I have to go over the Dr. Tofu's clinic so see you two later.

Akane: Sis.

Kasumi: What??

[Akane whispers something into Kasumi's ear afterward she turns red.]

Kasumi: Oh my! A date with me!! [Kasumi turns even redder] ... but he's always been such a ditz.

Ranma-chan: Only when you're around.

Kasumi: ...[Thinking] Well he is kind of cute so what the heck [Kasumi smiles her usual smile] ok.

[Kasumi walks off.]

Ranma-chan: Well that went well.

[Suddenly out of the nowhere, Ryouga-p-chan runs by being chased by a very pissed off Ukyou whose shirt is open at the top to reveal her sports bra.]

Ukyou: [Swinging her battle spatula around furiously which already has several large dents in it which look suspiciously like either Ryouga's face or p-Chan] ... Come back and act like a man you pig.

[The two quickly run out of sight Ukyou still yelling at Ryouga-p-chan to act like a man.]

Akane: Hmm, I'm not particularly sure how to read that one are you?

Ranma-chan: [Sweat dropping] If I know U-chan, she was trying to give Ryouga some special training.

Akane: [Surprised] You don't mean.

Ranma-chan: Yep.

Akane: ... I think that cupid's aim is a little off today.

Ranma-chan: ... No I think that little cherub's aim is dead on ... and calibrated just for life around here.

Akane: [Face-faulting and sweat dropping] Yeah calibrated on extremely weird.

Ranma-chan: Isn't that life around here?

Akane: True ... when you have everything in the supernatural encyclopedia popping out of the woodwork somebody bashing a pig on the head with a 'battle spatula' isn't that weird.

-[Akane's techniques]-

[Early morning at the cat café where shampoo is talking to Cologne.]

Cologne: Are you sure Akane Tendo used the rising dragon??

Shampoo: That what Shampoo say.

Cologne: ... Looks like son-in-law has been training her .... Challenge her again.

[That night at the challenge field Cologne watches quietly as Akane generally beats the stuffings out of Shampoo using all of Ranma's techniques while Ranma, Ukyou and Ryouga just sit and watch.]

Cologne: [Deciding to make her move] Shampoo stop.

[The battle ceases.]

Cologne: ... Son-in-law has trained you well ... but show me you're ki techniques girl.

Akane: ... Ranma.

Ranma: Cologne leave her alone [His battle aura starts flaring so brightly that it easily lights up the entire challenge field.

Cologne: ... For now son-in-law.

Akane: ...[Looking visibly relieved] Thank you Ranma.

[Akane runs off in the direction of the dojo.]

Ranma: That was close.

Ryouga: What do you mean Ranma the only ki techniques she's used are yours.

Ranma: No she has her own ... you know how she's always pulling mallets out of nowhere and bashing me on the head or over the horizon.

Ryouga: [Confused] Hmm, yeah.

Ranma: That's her simplest ki attack.

Ukyou: you mean her mallets are made of ki!!!.

Ranma: Yeah ... here let me demonstrate [Ranma promptly pulls a wooden mallet out of nowhere much to the surprise of Ryouga and Ukyou] .... Touch the mallet.

[Ukyou and Ryouga touch the mallet.]

Ryouga: It feels completely real.

Ranma: Unlike most ki attacks this one can act completely like a real object but lose your concentration and [The mallet vanishes in front of Ryouga and Ukyou eyes.]

Ukyou: Amazing.

Ranma: The type of material that the mallet is apparently made of reflects how dense the ki is. It's a hard technique to learn and an even harder one to master but it's use is well very easy.

Ukyou: Yeah and I don't think you need to give us any examples.

Ryouga: ...but why did Akane look so worried about using it.

Ukyou: ... You said pulling a single mallet was her most basic technique what's her most powerful.

Ranma: [Shuttering at the thought] I can't tell you her most powerful attack ... she made me promise never to reveal it unless she had to use it.

Ryouga: How powerful.

Ranma: I can't tell you anything about except for its scared us both when she first used it ... even though we both knew she lost control of the attack.

Ukyou: Can you use that technique.

Ranma: Yeah ... all of her mallet techniques I helped her develop so they're as much my techniques as they are hers.

Ryouga: Ranma just how powerful is she now.

Ranma: Just as powerful as I am.

[Ranma storms off looking disturbed.]

Ukyou: An attack that even he's afraid off...

Ryouga: ...developed by both of them after Akane received her curse.

[Back at the dojo Akane sits in cries on the roof when Ranma runs up behind her.]

Akane: ...[Sniffs] How did that old ghoul find out I had my own technique.

Ranma: She didn't she only saw that your ki was as strong as mine so she tried to bait you into using it.

Akane: The last time I used that attack I....

Ranma: Don't think about it [Ranma gives Akane a passionate kiss to prevent further argument.]

[Meanwhile back at the cat café Cologne his plotting how to make Akane use her secret techniques.]

Cologne: what makes Akane mad Shampoo... besides son-in-law being a jerk.

Shampoo: ... When husband get hurt.

Cologne: How badly.

Shampoo: When blood drawn pervert girl get real angry.

Cologne: ....[Thinking] ... With that girl's temper a bloody nose should do it.

[The next day as Ranma and Akane are leaving school.]

Akane: you're my "Ranma no baka" [Gives Ranma a small kiss.]

Ranma: ...and you’re my ...

[Ranma is suddenly cut off by something hitting him in the back, which causes him to be thrown face first through a concrete wall and a few seconds later Ranma gets up and turns around to face Akane with a bloody nose before losing his footing and falling on the ground again, unconscious seeing this Akane's battle aura instantly flares.]

Akane: [Turning around with a steel mallet in her hands] Cologne you want to see my special techniques will here they come!!!!!!!!!!

[Akane tightens her hold on the mallet and then roars before a thousand wooden mallets appear in mid air around her.]

Akane: You hurt my "Ranma no baka" .

[Akane roars again before all thousand wooden mallets start to attack Cologne.]

Cologne: [Avoiding most of the mallets] Impressive girl.

Akane: [Growls] You want impressive.

[Akane raises the steel mallet she is holding in her hands and let's lose a roar before the mallet becomes silver also causing the thousand wooden mallets attacking Cologne to become 500 steel mallets with twice the speed and strength of their wooden predecessors causing Cologne moderate difficultly.]

Akane: It's not enough.

[Akane again raises the mallet she has in her hands and roars causing her mallet to become golden and the 500 steel mallets attacking Cologne to become 250 silver mallets with four times the strength and speed of their steel predecessors causing Cologne incredible difficulty.]

Cologne: Show me you're full power girl.

Akane: Gladly.

[Akane's battle aura flares even brighter as she holds up the golden mallet in her hands the mallet starts changing colors and the 250 silver mallets all start to merge with the one in Akane's hand.]

Akane: Come and get me you old ghoul.

[Akane strikes the ground with the shimmering mallet causing it to split open in a great fissure, which stops at Cologne's feet.]

Ranma: [Screaming at the top of his lungs] Stop it Akane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Akane: ... Are you ok Ranma?.

Ranma: Of course, my head is harder than any wall even if my nose isn't.

Akane: [Letting the shimmering mallet vanish] ... Remember one thing Cologne both me and Ranma can use this technique.

Cologne: ...[Fear tangible on her face] ...

[The ancient martial artist makes a hasty exit and after she has vanished, Akane runs over to Ranma and starts hugging him.]

Ranma: [Quietly talking to Akane] COME on Akane let's go home.

[Ranma and Akane leave the devastated seen of the schoolyard, which has been completely demolished by Akane alone although she never took a step.]

Nabiki: [Looking down the fissure caused by one strike from Akane's super mallet] That thing is bottomless and she did that with 'ONE' bash ...[looks up at the school] ... and the school is completely unharmed not even a crack.

[Meanwhile Ranma and Akane are walking back to the dojo.]

Ranma: [Holding his nose] ... Akane let's go by the clinic so that the doc check my nose.

Akane: Is it still bleeding.

Ranma: Just a little but I still think the doc should check it out just in case it's broken.

[Later at Dr. Tofu's clinic Ranma and Akane, enter to find Dr. Tofu having a normal conversation with Kasumi.]

Kasumi: [Turning around to see Ranma and Akane] What happened to your nose Ranma.

Ranma: Oh nothing much Cologne just booted me through a concrete wall.

Kasumi: Oh my!

Tofu: What did you do to her.

Ranma: Absolutely nothing ... [Smiles proudly] ...but my un-cute tomboy however almost used the megaton mallet technique on her.

Tofu: ...megaton mallet ?

Ranma: ... Akane.

Akane: [Smiles meekly] Come by the dojo tonight me and Ranma will explain then.

[About 2 hours after Dr. Tofu has examined Ranma's nose and found nothing broken Ranma and Akane return to the dojo to find Ukyou, Ryouga, Dr. Tofu, and the rest of the Tendo family waiting for them while Nabiki shows the photographs of the devastation at the school.]

Ranma: ....

[Akane walks off to the room.]

Ranma: Well start asking questions.

Nabiki: How?

Ranma: Believe it or not, the mallets Akane produces out of nowhere are made entirely of ki.

[Ryouga, Ukyou, and Nodoka nod while everyone else in the room looks totally confused.]

Ranma: Ok I'll demonstrate [Ranma promptly materializes a steel mallet out of nowhere] .... A single wooden or steel mallet takes very little ki to produce but unlike a normal ki attack the mallet does act as a solid object.

Nabiki: ...but Akane had at least a thousand wooden mallets around her.

Ranma: That's technique is called the thousand-fold headache and even though the method of attack is a bit comical, the effects are devastating even on an experienced martial artist .

Nabiki: Not to mention the environment.

Ranma: The next level of the technique is called the mason's nightmare, which can level entire buildings in no time flat.

Nabiki: That's an understatement Ranma.

Ranma: The next level of the attack is called the baka terminator. Every mallet as the force of a small bomb and travels at over 800 miles per hour and if you're wondering yes she's used in on me.

Nabiki: ...and what about the final face.

Ranma: [His face turning white] The Megaton Mallet ... [Shuttering] One misplaced hit can level an entire mountain ... and before you ask no I'm not joking ... because I saw Akane do just that .

Nabiki: How big of a mountain.

Ranma: Did you hear about the so-called magnitude 9.9 earthquake in China?

Ukyou: Who hasn't.

Ranma: It was no earthquake it was Akane's first attempt to use the megaton mallet technique.

Nabiki: ...but that earthquake leveled a 2000-foot mountain!!!.

Ranma: No your sister leveled a 2000-foot mountain without moving an mm and I'm not joking in the least.

Tofu: Can you use the same technique Ranma.

Ranma: Yes ... and the technique can be controlled so precisely that only the target is affected.

Tofu: Incredible simply incredible a technique powerful enough to destroy an entire mountain but that can be controlled so precisely that buildings that don't get in the way don't even shutter.

Ranma: [Smiles proudly] All because of my un-cute tomboy's temper.

[Ranma leaves discretely to take care of Akane.]

Tofu: ... I've never heard of ki attack that acts like a solid object before.

Cologne: ....[Just entering with Shampoo and Mousse] neither have I Tofu ... I've decided to make the tribal marriage to Shampoo null and void along with the kiss of death given to both Ranma and Akane ... you'll never seen me again ...[the ancient martial artist leaves.]

Shampoo: Where Ranma?

Ranma: [Just entering with Akane] Right here Shampoo.

Shampoo: ...[Fiddling with her thumbs] Can Shampoo still be friend Ranma.

Ranma: Of course.

Mousse: ... friends?

Ranma: OF course.

Mousse: Thank you, Ranma ... me and Shampoo have to return to the village of the Amazons to be wed according to tribal law but we will return ... Akane you have my greatest respect for your new technique.

Akane: I wouldn't have been able to do it without Ranma.

Mousse: [Mousse bows] Both of you are now sansei amongst our people.

[Mousse and Shampoo both bow deeply.]

Mousse and Shampoo: goodbye Saotome-sansei [bows to Ranma] goodbye Tendo-sansei [bows to Akane.]

[Mousse and Shampoo leave heads bowed low to show respect.]

Ranma: [Blinks] ... Saotome ....Sansei!!!!!!!.

Akane: [Blinks] Tendo .... Sansei!!!!!!!.

Tofu: [Starting to clap] Bravo.

[1 by one everyone else in the room starts to clap by after a few moments Dr. Tofu realizes something is wrong.]

Tofu: [Waving his hand in front of Ranma and Akane's faces] ... Anyone home? [Snaps his fingers.]

Nabiki: ... Try a couple buckets of cold-water doc.

Tofu: Ok.

[Dr. Tofu walks off and gets a bucket of water.]

Tofu: Last chance to wake up you two ...[Dr. tofu splashes Ranma and Akane with the bucket of water.]

Ranma-chan: [Blinks rapidly] What? Oh thanks doc.

Akane-Kun: Sansei they called us Sansei Ranma.

Ranma-chan: I know .

[Ranma-chan and Akane-kun walks off still half-dazed.]

A-chan: Well that was unexpected.

Tofu: Even around here that was unexpected.

Ukyou: ... Akane called a Sansei.

Ryouga: Along with Ranma.

Kasumi: [Being even more innocent the usual] ...and at their age.

Tofu: Will the madness of this place never cease.

[Dr. Tofu leaves.]

Nabiki: Not anytime this century doc.

[Nabiki leaves.]

Kasumi: [Feeling the eyes of everyone in the room on her] What I was serious.

[Everyone falls over in shock.]

-[The new wizards of Jusenkyo]-

[As Ranma and Akane enter the schoolyard the next day, they see the fissure caused by Akane's megaton mallet.]

Hinako: [In adult form] Ms. Tendo ... or maybe I should call you Tendo-sansei now.

Akane: Hello Ninimiya-sansei.

Hinako: Please Akane you are earned the respect of the entire tribe of the Amazons you can call me Hinako plain and simple and that goes for you to Ranma. Now about your mallet work [motions to the fissure] they say that thing is over 2000 feet deep and I would appreciate it if you would seal it before I take roll call.

Akane: [Blushing] Yes Ni....

Hinako: Just call me Hinako now.

Akane: Ok Hinako.

[Ranma and Akane followed closely by Hinako walk over to the fissure, which is guarded by several policemen.]

Police Captain: Please Sansei you and the children should step away this thing is dangerous.

Hinako: How rude these aren't children they are the Sansei of the technique that created that fissure and they have come here to seal it.

Police Captain: [Bowing that Ranma and Akane] Forgive my ignorance Sansei.

Ranma: No problem man now would you mind clearing your men away so they don't get hurt.

Police Captain: You heard the man get clear.

[After everyone has gotten clear, Ranma and Akane stand on opposite sides of the fissure and each produce a megaton mallet.]

Ranma: On three.

Akane 3... 2... 1... 0.

[Ranma and Akane strike the ground with their mallets slamming the fissure closed in an instant leading almost no sign that it was ever there.]

Police captain: Amazing, simply incredible, so powerful but yet so focused...... ok men pay your respects to the Sansei and then report back to the station.

[The contingent of about ten men bow before leaving.]

Police captain: I must say kid that's a dammed impressive technique [reaches out his hand towards Ranma.]

Ranma: [Smiles] You should be shaking Akane's hand not mind after all she's the one that created it.

Police captain: [Reaches out his hand to Akane.]

Akane: [Shaking the police captain's hand] I wish you luck captain.

Police captain: [Smiling] I thank you ...[The police captain bows and then leaves.]

Hinako: ...[Placing one of her hands on Ranma shoulder and the other on Akane shoulder] Don't worry the respect they gave you was not out of fear believe me I know.

[Hinako walks off.]

Nabiki: [Coming up behind the two] Well you two certainly know how to put on a show.

Akane: [Her battle aura flaring] Nabiki!!! You, you.

Nabiki: They would have found out sooner or later better coming from me then Shampoo are Mousse right.

[Suddenly about 20 wooden mallets appear around Akane.]

Nabiki: Come on Sis.

Akane: ... I suppose your right but....

[All 20 mallets fly by Nabiki impacting on the wall behind her leaving an outline of her in the concrete wall.

Akane: Don't ever do that again.

[Akane storms off a semi transparent mallet appearing around her occasionally.]

Ranma: Nabiki I think you embarrassed her even worse than I have.

Nabiki: [Looking at the wall behind her] Yeah she's never thrown 20 mallets at you like that.

Ranma: [Rubbing his head] No she's thrown a lot more at me ... but then I was throwing just as many at her at the time.

[Ranma walks off.]

Nabiki: [Thinking while still looking at the outline of herself in the wall] ... Maybe I should have asked first after all she is my sister.

[Later that day at U-Chan's Akane enters alone.]

Ukyou: [Looking at Akane's expression] Anything wrong Akane?

Akane: [Twirling a mallet idly] Nabiki that's what [Akane lets the mallet vanish.]

Ukyou: Did you really fling 20 mallets at her.

Akane: Yeah. I just got so angry. Not even Ranma has ever embarrassed me like that well maybe that one time he caught me naked in the bathroom but at least that was just the two of us.

Ukyou: She was in here with Kunou earlier, believe it or not she had been crying.

Akane: Do you know where they went?

Ukyou: No.

[At this time, Ranma enters.]

Akane: Did you find her.

Ranma: Last anyone saw of her she was heading toward Kunou's place.

Akane: ....and.

Ranma: I already went by Kunou said she cried herself to exhaustion saying how she gone had so far that her own sister was angry at her.

Akane: ... I'm going home.

[Akane leaves.]

Ranma: She's taking this hard.

Ukyou: Were you serious about Nabiki.

Ranma: Yeah.

Ukyou: ... You should go take care of her.

Ranma: ... Yeah I suppose I should.

[Later back at the dojo where Ranma hugs Akane tightly when Nabiki enters seeing each other Nabiki and Akane start to apologize each other at the same time.]

Ranma: [Whistles] Calm down you two [Materializes a steel mallet] Before I decide to do my Akane imitation.

[Both Nabiki and Akane calm down.]

Ranma: [Letting the mallet disappear] ... Now Nabiki you go first.

[After about 10 minutes of stuttering Nabiki finely manages to apologize.]

Akane: ...and I'm sorry I threw 20 mallets at you Sis.

Nabiki:... Don't be that's what got me thinking about what I had done. Now if you'll excuse me I have a date with Kunou-chan.

[Nabiki gets up and leaves.]

Akane: Kunou-chan!!??

Ranma: [Shrugs his shoulders] Don't ask me.

Kasumi: ... [Giving Akane the evil eye] Did you really throw 20 mallets at her.

[Akane just nods sheepishly.]

Kasumi: [Smiles] I would have expected you to throw at least 40 at her.

Akane: [face-faulting] Thanks for that vote of confidence Kasumi.

Kasumi: Your welcome ... oh by the way Dr. Tofu wanted to talk with you two.

Ranma: Did he say about what.

Kasumi: No.

Akane: Well I suppose we should do and visit him.

[Later at Dr. Tofu's clinic where Dr. Tofu is sitting alone reading an ancient tome when Ranma and Akane enter.]

Tofu: [Seeing Ranma and Akane enter] Ah there you two are.

Ranma: So what's up doc.

Tofu: This is the book of Jusenkyo magic. Contained within these pages are the most powerful transformation magics ever created ... the spirit of RelOrt Jusenkyo has told me to give you the book.

Ranma: ... why?

Tofu: I am the only living dissent of the Jusenkyo clan ... we have waited for 5,000 years for someone to pass the magic on to but because RelOrt was killed using his own magic is spirit hasn't been able to pass on. He has waited for someone that accepted the curse and in you two he has found two people. As soon as you open this tome all the ancient powers of Jusenkyo magic will be yours and the spirit of its creator or finely be able to rest.

Akane: ....

Tofu: ... You're not the only one dark secret's around here ok but please don't tell Kasumi about this.

[Ranma and Akane to laugh hilariously.]

Ranma: Doc tell her your self and no arguments.

Tofu: ... Do you think she'll understand?

Akane: Completely.

Tofu: Well ok ...[Hands Ranma the tone] ... Don't open this indoors the spirit of RelOrt said there is a tremendous amount power in this book and I'm inclined to believe him.

Ranma: Ok doc.

Tofu: Just call me Ono ok ... After all and about an hour or so, you're going to be wizards as well as Master martial artists.

Akane: Tofu when was the last time the knowledge in this book was used.

Tofu: When my ancestor created the cursed springs. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for a date Kasumi and to get up enough nerve to tell her.

[Dr. Tofu leaves.]

Ranma: [Looking at the book] The magic that created the cursed Springs right here in my hand.

Akane: This is weird even for us Ranma.

Ranma: I'm not sure what to feel Doc Tofu the ancestor of the wizard that created the cursed springs and now we've been given all of that wizard's power. I hope we can use it responsibly.

Akane: I'm sure we can Ranma.

[Later back at the dojo Ranma and Akane sit by the pond while Dr. Tofu and the rest of Tendo family minus Nabiki sit inside the dining room.]

Akane: [Looking at the book] Lets do it.

[Ranma nods and then opens the book causing a huge torrent of energy to arc into the air before it comes down to strike Ranma and Akane causing them to screen in agony as they rapidly changed back and forth between their cursed and uncursed forms. A moment later, the energy subsides letting them down as genteelly as a feather while the book remains floating in the air.]

Ranma: [Getting up along with Akane] Did anyone get the license plate of that train.

Akane: I think it was Jusenkyo 001.

[At this time, everyone runs out of the dining room.]

Ranma: You weren't kidding when you said that thing packed a wallop doc.

Tofu: Are you two okay?

Akane: A little dazed but still okay.

A-chan and Nodoka: Are you sure?

Ranma: [Grabbing the floating spell book] Yeah, now if you'll excuse me and Akane we have some research to do.

[Ranma and Akane leave reading the spell book's ancient words with no trouble.]

Kasumi: Well that went well. Now tofu-chan you promised me a date.

[Dr. Tofu and Kasumi leave.]

-[The return two angry fathers]-

Nodoka: ...[Talking with somebody on the phone] ... So you'll be back today ... Ok I'll tell Ranma ...[Hangs up the phone] ... Guess who that was.

Kasumi: Genma.

Nodoka: Yep ... He and Soun are going to quote "make a man out of Ranma" when they get hear.

A-chan: I suppose me Kasumi should go get some extra medical supplies.

Nodoka: It would probably be a good idea.

Kasumi: Speaking of Ranma and Akane I haven't seen them since last night.

A-chan: They've been working on the spell book since last night.

Nodoka: I wonder how far they've gotten.

Ranma-chan: [Just entering with Akane-Kun] ...[Yawns] ... All the way.

Nodoka: So what can you do.

Ranma-chan: Remove a transformation state, add a transformation state, and change the for any transformation state.

A-chan: Can you demonstrate.

Akane-kun: Yep.

[Ranma and Akane change forms.]

Ranma: ... Demonstration enough.

Nodoka: So does this mean you won't be affected by hot and cold water anymore.

Akane: Yep.

[Suddenly three buckets of cold water come out of nowhere.]

Ranma: [Spits some water out of his mouth] You were just waiting for us to say that weren't you.

[The three smile using Kasumi's patented innocent smile.]

Akane: [3 mallets appearing in mid air] ...[Smiling] I don't think I've ever booted you three over the horizon.

[The three run and only get as far as the porch before the mallets send them flying.]

Ranma: Have you seen Ryouga since the thing with Shampoo and Mousse.

Akane: No I think Ukyou is keeping him on a short leash.

Ranma: Well let's get over to U-Chan's.

[Later at U-Chan's where a certain black piglet sits on top of Ukyou's head.]

Ukyou: [Just finishing some okonomiyaki] So P-chan how do you like it [Gives Ryouga-P-chan a piece of the okonomiyaki.]

[Ryouga-P-chan squeals in delight.]

Ukyou: [Smiling] You're so nice p-chan [Whispers something into Ryouga-P-chan's ear after which he turns red.]

[At this time, Ranma and Akane enter.]

Akane: We need to talk to you two in private.

[Later in the apartment above U-Chan's.]

Ryouga: [Just entering from the bathroom] So what's up.

Ranma: ... Me and Akane are now wizards of Jusenkyo magic.

Ryouga: ... Does that mean you can remove a curse.

Ranma: Or change what triggers it.

Ryouga: ....[Thinking] A cure right here in front of me. I can be rid of it here and how and if I know Ranma he'll just say the words and never ask anything from me and the same goes for Akane but... [Remembers the past few days how he sat comfortably on top of Ukyou's head while she fed him little bits of food and after hours how she had felt resting comfortably in his arms] ... I'm in the same boat as Ranma was when he found the spring of the drowned man. [Aloud] What can you change the trigger to?

Akane: Anything you can imagine but the most practical is the trigger of will.

Ukyou: So you can make it so P-chan can change back and forth whenever he wants to.

Ranma: Yep.

Ukyou: [Giving Ryouga her most pathetic puppy dog face] Oh pretty please pretty please P-chan.

Ryouga: [Turning bright red] ...Ok Ukyou.

Ukyou: Oh goody, goody.

Ryouga: ... Ranma since you were the cause of my curse in the first place why don't you do the honors.

Ranma: Gladly ....[Ranma starts to glow with a bright red aura and then starts chanting ancient words before sending a ball of energy at Ryouga which hits him square in the chest.]

Ryouga: ... That's it??

Ranma: Yep to change all you have to do is will it to happen and it will.

Ryouga: Ok.

Akane: Well we'll leave now.

[Ranma and Akane leave.]

[Meanwhile back at the dojo where Nodoka, A-chan, and Kasumi have just returned.]

Nodoka: [Rubbing her butt] Remind me never to get Akane mad.

A-chan: [Doing the same] Well at least the view was nice from up there.

Kasumi: [Doing the same] Would you believe she used to do that Ranma on a daily basis.

A-chan: How did those two ever manage to fall in love.

Kasumi: It just happened.

Nodoka: Even though Ranma got the crap beaten out of him daily?

Kasumi: Ranma always said at least to me that when he was flying over the city at 20,000 feet he took time to think about what he had done and besides Akane did the least damage. She may have sent him the farthest but she never intended to hurt him too much.

[Suddenly Ranma is seen on a direct course for the pond.]

Ranma: ....[Spitting water out of his mouth while he idly taps a nearby stone] ... How does she always manage to smack me directly into some body of water?

Nodoka: [Running up to Ranma] What did you do Ranma.

Ranma: ... Nothing much I was just teasing her and she teased back.

A-chan: Some tease!!

Ranma: Well at least she didn't smack me for being a jerk.

Nodoka: How did you two ever manage to fall in love.

Ranma: I don't know it just happened but I do know why we didn't admit we were in love.

Nodoka: why?

Ranma: Because both of us have such thick heads and neither of us where that good at showing our emotions to the other and various other things. Not to mention pop and Soun would always manage to interrupt whenever we manage to drop our guard long enough to get to know each other better. Usually resulting in us having an argument and me being booted over the horizon.

A-chan: [Face-faulting] just how much trouble, have those two caused.

Ranma: ... most ... I guess those two just have a knack for it.

[Everyone just face faults.]

Nodoka: Oh speaking of those two blockheads they're getting back this afternoon.

Ranma: Do I even have to guess what they're going to do when they get hear?

Kasumi, Nodoka, and A-chan: nope.

Ranma: Ah well ... Well I'm going to go find Akane.

[Ranma leaves.]

Kasumi: ... Does anyone want cookies.

[Both Nodoka and A-chan face-fault and then agree.]

[Later after Ranma has found Akane, the two take a walk in the park.]

Akane: So what do we do about our fathers?

Ranma: You mean besides boating them into lunar orbit.

Akane: ... As appealing as it is to boot them into orbit. It will only delay the inevitable.

Ranma: I wish those two lame brains could just understand. I'm not just....

Akane: I know Ranma.

Ranma: ... Are you ready?

Akane: ... not quite yet.

Ranma: Like we promised will do it when we know it's right.

Akane: Why don't we just tell that to them?

Ranma: Seems like the thing to do and if they don't get it then will boot them into orbit.

Akane: In any case, we'll have to boot them into orbit.

Ranma: True ...so do you think they're back by now.

Akane: Probably, well we better get going.

-[A practical joke to remember]-

[Meanwhile back at the dojo Soun and Genma have arrived to find Nodoka, A-chan, and Kasumi eating some cookies.]

Genma: Where is Ranma, Nodoka.

Nodoka: Out somewhere with Akane dear.

Soun: [Grumbling] A game while we wait.

Genma: No old friend we must prepare ourselves.

[Soun and Genma leave in the direction of the training hall.]

Nodoka: Looks like Genma's in righteous father mode.

A-chan: ...and he's dragging Soun along for the ride.

Kasumi: Got any ideas on what to do about it?

Nodoka: A practical joke of some sort.

A-chan: What kind of practical joke?

Kasumi: [Smiling devilishly] Get Ranma and Akane to turn them into women for a day.

A-chan: Kasumi I'm surprised at you how could you even think of such a thing ... before I did.

[Kasumi and Nodoka laugh.]

Nodoka: First, we need to keep those two blockheads in the training hall long enough for us to talk to Ranma and Akane.

Kasumi: [Biting her lip while she grins widely] I've gotten even better practical joke. After we have Ranma and Akane work their magic, we lock them in a room with Happosai.

Nodoka: [With false anger] Kasumi that's cruel and unusual punishment ... why didn't I think of that.

A-chan: Well I'm going to make sure those two stay in the training hall for a while.

[About 10 minutes later Ranma and Akane-kun enter the dining room.]

Akane-Kun: Was that daddy and Genma in the training hall.

A-chan: Yep we decided to keep them bottled up in there so we can talk to you.

Ranma: You've come up with some devious practical joke haven't you.

A-chan: Why Ranma you insult me ... Kasumi thought this practical joke up.

Ranma: ... The real face of Kasumi?

Kasumi: Yes and the one the wants to get revenge on Happosai for stealing all of my underwear last week.

Akane-Kun: A practical joke that involves our fathers and Happosai this even I've got to hear.

Kasumi: Well it goes like this ... You put a curse on Soun and Genma that turns them into women for a day then we knock them out dress them to the nines and lock them in a reinforced room with Happosai for the day.

Akane-Kun: [Cracking up] Of all the low down, dirty, cruel, things to do someone. ... So when do we get started.

Nodoka: ...[Grinning evilly] I'm sure they'll feel manly after this experience.

Ranma: [Grinning even more evilly than Nodoka] Mom come here [Nodoka leans close to Ranma and Ranma whispers something into her ear.]

Nodoka: [Her eyes as big as cantaloupes] Son you're, you're .... An oni of a man for even thinking that.

A-chan: [Her curiosity peaked] What, what [Nodoka whispers something into a-chan's ear] ... Oh Ranma you're not an oni you're much, much worse.

Nodoka: [Grabbing Ranma by the shoulders while ruffling his hair] You're definitely a man amongst men for thinking of that one son I doubt Happosai could even top that one.

[By this time Kasumi and Akane-kun are about to bust a gut in curiosity.]

Akane-Kun: Ranma spill it.

Kasumi: Yeah spill it.

Ranma: I was thinking after Happosai was done with them we would hand them over to Nodoka and A-chan [grins demonically.]

Akane-Kun: You don't mean.

Kasumi: not even Happosai is that much of a HENTAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Akane-Kun: Yeah Ranma that idea is sick and absolutely and totally... perfect.

Ranma: We'll make a power you can mix into their tea right away.

[Ranma and Akane-Kun run off with absolutely perverted smiles on their faces.]

Nodoka: [Smiling malevolently] Now only a real man could come with an idea like that.

[Kasumi and A-chan give Nodoka a you've got to be kidding look.]

Kasumi: [Looking up at the clock] ...[Starts to look motherly] ...Hmm.

A-chan: ...[Looks over at the clock and instantly starts looking motherly] ... Hmm Nodoka do you know where Nabiki is?

Nodoka: No.

Kasumi: I'm going to call the Kunou mansion.

[Just as Kasumi is getting up the phone rings.]

Kasumi: [Picking up the phone] ... Hi Nabiki ... Ok but you'll have to talk with mother [Hands A-chan the phone.]

A-chan: ...[Listens to Nabiki for a while] Yes Nabiki I understand your going to help Kunou with something and you need to spend the night so you can get everything through his thick head. Yes I give you permission to spend the night my little business woman but make sure your night isn't all business Nabiki-chan. [Hangs up] Well looks like we don't have to worry about Nabiki taking snapshots of tonight's little practical joke.

Kasumi: [Thinking] Now how am I going to keep a straight face tonight?

[Ranma and Akane come back with 6 vials of water.]

Kasumi: So which bottles do what.

Akane: The two bottles of Clear water are for Soun and Genma and will change them into women for three hours they'll also prevent Genma changing himself into a panda.

Ranma: The two bottles of green colored water will change you to into men for three hours or until you drink the red colored water from the last two bottles.

Nodoka: Now we have to do is find Happosai.

Ranma-chan: I'll handle the old pervert ... I just hate being the bait.

Nodoka: Out of curiosity, what you mean by the bait.

Ranma-chan: The old hentai likes to forcefully make me wear the bras and panties that he has stole.

Nodoka: [Face faulting and sweat dropping while remembering the time she made Ranma bra] ... Now I see why you hate bras so much Ranko. [Smiles]

Ranma-chan: [Sweat dropping] ....mom!!.

Nodoka: [Laughs] ... Go find Happosai.

[Ranma-chan leaves and about half an hour later returns with the unconscious Happosai ... and wearing a bra.]

Ranma-chan: Excuse me for a moment.

[Ranma-chan leaves and comes back a moment or two later.]

Nodoka: [Teasing in the extreme] That bra is really you Ranko.

Ranma-chan: Funny real funny [Rips off the bra and throws it at Nodoka.]

Nodoka: [Face-faulting] can you at least have some modesty in your female form.

Ranma-chan: [Quickly buttons her Chinese shirt] Better ... Now if don't mind I'm going to go get some hot water [Ranma-chan leaves]

Nodoka: [Thinking] If this "boy" is going to keep his curse I need to teach him some measure of female modesty.

Akane: [Whispering to Nodoka] Good luck.

Nodoka: [sweat drops] Was look on my face that obvious?

Akane: No but I've had the same look on my face many a time.

Nodoka: [Smiles] Maybe between the two of us we can do it.

[Akane just shrugs her shoulders.]

A-chan: Why did Ranma go off to get some hot water.

Akane: If you had, perverted hentai like Happosai glom onto your chest rip your shirt open and forcibly dress you with a bra in less than a second you would want to pour hot water on yourself in any case.

A-chan: ... you mean that's what happened to Ranma ...[Shivers and then yells] Bring some of the hot water in here Ranma.

[A few minutes later Ranma-chan returns with a kettle of hot water, which she hands to A-chan.]

A-chan: [Pouring the water over head] Ahh much better.

[Ranma-chan smiles.]

Ranma-chan: Okay 1 Happosai caught and locked up in the basement.

Akane: Can you handle the rest Kasumi.

Kasumi: [Taking the two bottles of clear liquid]...[Sounding like a ninja] Of course.

Ranma-chan: Mom why don't you and A-chan pick out something for them to wear.

[Nodoka and a-chan scurry off smiling.]

Akane: Me and Ranma will be waiting on the roof for the signal.

Kasumi: Signal? ... Ahh them screaming at the top of their lungs right.

Ranma-chan: Of course.

[A few moments later at training hall.]

Genma: [From inside the training all] Somebody let us out of here!!!!.

Kasumi: [Now using her always innocent tone] Mr. Saotome, Daddy are you still in there.

Soun: Kasumi is that you. Please Kasumi let us out.

[Kasumi opens the door.]

Genma: Have you seen Ranma.

Kasumi: No he and Akane left on a date a few minutes ago. Do you want some tea while you wait. [Using her usual smile]

Genma: ... Ok Kasumi.

[Moments later Genma and Soun have drunk the curse laid tea.]

Genma: ...No this feeling.

[Soun and Genma look at each other in horror as they begin to transform and after the transformation is, complete the two who are now female for the rest of the night faint.]

Kasumi: [Exaggerating her usual tone] OH MY!!!!.

[Ranma-chan and Akane enter.]

Akane: [Looking at Soun and Genma] Happosai is going to have a field day.

Ranma-chan: Come on let's get them up stairs.

[After dropping off Soun and Genma Ranma-chan and Akane return to the table to have some tea that hasn't been laced with cursed water.]

Kasumi: So far so good.

Akane: [Smiles] This is revenge for all the times they've gotten in our way Ranma.

Ranma-chan: Ahh and how sweet it is.

[At this time Nodoka and A-chan come downstairs with the still unconscious female Soun and Genma who have been dressed in a way that makes Happosai go even nuttier than usual.]

Ranma-chan: ...[Cracking up along with Akane and Kasumi] Get them into the basement before we laugh ourselves to death.

[Nodoka and A-chan obliged by first using smelling salts on the two before throwing them in the basement with Happosai and locking and reinforcing the door.]

[A few seconds later the screens of the female Soun and Genma can be heard as they try to convince their old Master of their identities.]

Nodoka: [Now sitting down at the table with a-chan] Kasumi would you happen to have any cookies left.

Kasumi: Of course.

[The 5 procedure have a tea party while the screens of Soun and Genma can be heard in the background.]

[About 2 hours later after the noise has died down and Kasumi has run out of baked goods.]

Nodoka: [Grabbing a bottle of both the red and green liquids] Excuse me.

[Nodoka proceeds to walk over to the basement door and pull the female Genma out ... Ranma-chan and Akane can see out of corner of their eyes that over half of the dress that the female Genma is missing.]

Nodoka: Ahh did somebody play a practical joke on my big Panda bear.

[Before the female Genma can even react to what's going on Nodoka has already dragged her off.]

A-chan: [Grabbing the last two bottles] Excuse me.

[After A-chan has done the same thing, Ranma and Akane decide to take a walk that will conveniently end the next morning.]

Kasumi: .... I do hope the honorable creator of Jusenkyo magic has a sense of humor.

[Suddenly a laugh is heard from no direction in particular.]

Kasumi: ... What's the harm in a practical joke right.

[The laugh is heard again.]

-[The aftermath of the joke]-

[Early morning at the dojo where Soun and Genma now back to normal are sitting on the porch.]

Soun: ... Some practical joke eh.

Genma: .... [Growls] First changing us into women.

Soun: ...and then throwing us in the basement dressed in a way that makes Happosai go crazy.

Genma: ...and that last part they could've at least had the decency to get us Stone cold drunk beforehand.

Soun: ...and it was all Ranma's idea.

Genma: [Tears coming to his eyes] I never knew he had it in him .... Such a practical joke ... even the Master was impressed ... He has truly become a man amongst men.

Soun: Yes he has Soun.

[Meanwhile Nodoka A-chan and Happosai are listening to Soun and Genma's conversation.]

Nodoka: They just didn't get it.

A-chan: Well at least it got them off Ranma and Akane's back about Ranma being a man.

Nodoka: True.

Happosai: Those two were never my brightest students ... Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to leave before Ranma gets back and pulls any more practical jokes.

[Happosai makes a hasty exit and soon after Soun and Genma enter and start playing a game of shoji.]

[About an hour or so later Ranma and Akane are walking back to the dojo when they encounter Nodoka.]

Nodoka: ... follow me you two.

[Later at an abandoned building.]

Ranma: You're joking.

Nodoka: Nope [Shakes her head] I'm not.

Akane: At least, I would've expected that they would be fuming mad and my dad doing his demon imitation.

Ranma: So what have they been doing all morning.

Nodoka: Playing shoji what else and the way they were going at it when I left it would take a megaton mallet to their skull to wake them up.

Akane: Maybe what really happened to them hasn't soaked all the way in yet.

Nodoka: It's a possibility with those two. After all they never were quick on the uptake.

[Later as the three have just reached the front gates of the dojo, too loud screens can be heard.]

Nodoka: Hmm, looks like they finely got it.

[Soun and Genma Soon appear out of nowhere and start to attack Ranma who quickly boots them over the horizon.]

Nodoka: [Looking in the direction of where Soun and Genma were booted to] ... Looks like they'll be taking a trip to China.

Ranma: I didn't boot them that far mom.

Nodoka: Well let's get back to the dojo it looks like is going to rain.

Ranma: Rain ...[Ranma looks at the darking sky] ... It's been so very long ... almost two years.

Akane: What are you talking about Ranma.

Ranma: The rain, that's what the curse made me miss the most little things, like a rainy day. I haven't been able to truly enjoy anything that has to do with cold water for almost two years. Things like a rainy day, a day at the beach, a shower so cold it chills you to the bone. [Smiles but then frowns] Its the little things like that that made me really hate the curse; not the constant attention from Kunou or Happosai, not the occurrences of my 'everyday life' but not being able to enjoy a cold rain as a man. [A single tear runs down Ranma's cheek.]

[Hearing this neither Nodoka or Akane know what to say but the heavens above have the answer a huge thunderbolt and after the tremendous sound of the thunderbolt fades away it starts to rain a cold and fierce rain.]

Ranma: [His face pointed towards the heavens] ... [Ranma starts to smile broadly] It's not a dream [Despite the fierce rain Nodoka and Akane can plainly see Ranma is crying and crying very hard] ... IT'S... NOT... A... DREAM!!!!!! ...[Starts to laugh while continuing to cry even harder]

[Nodoka and Akane make a silent exit.]

Nodoka: ...[Just entering the yard of the dojo with Akane] ...Damn.

Akane: ... I never knew. I never imagined ... [Thinking] Have I missed the rain? No, I've only had my curse for 2 months nowhere near long enough to know everything he's gone through.

Ryouga: [Sitting beside the pond his umbrella shielding Ukyou who sits next to him] ... Where's Ranma??

Akane: Just outside the gate.

Ryouga: ....[Smiles] Even I can make it that far without getting lost.

[Ryouga surprisingly does make it outside the gate without getting lost and moments later, the whispers of conversation can be heard starting.]

Ukyou: ...[Shouldering Ryouga's umbrella] ... We heard your conversation with Ranma ... Me and Ryouga were having a similar one.

Nodoka: ...The little things?

Ukyou: Yeah.

Akane: ... I'm going to join them ... even though ...[Akane walks off.]

[Later in the living room where Nodoka and Ukyou sit alone just waiting when Soun and Genma-panda enter.]

Nodoka: ... [Not even turning around] Genma how many times have I told you if you're wet go to the bathroom first ... and the same goes for you Soun.

[Soun and Genma leave for the bathroom.]

Ukyou: So where's A-chan and Kasumi.

Nodoka: Getting medical supplies.

Ukyou: Ahh and Nabiki.

Nodoka: She called and said she'd be home around lunch ...[Looks up at the clock] Seeing how it's near lunch right now she should be getting back any minute.

[At this time, a very confused looking Nabiki enters.]

Nabiki: Why am I getting the strange feeling that I've missed the single biggest money making opportunity in my life as well as an absolutely gargantuan practical joke by spending the past couple days with Kunou.

Ukyou: Sit down and Nodoka will tell all.

[About an hour or two later after the rain has stopped.]

Nabiki: ... and Ranma thought that one up. Well I now know who to go to for practical joke ideas.

Nodoka: Even Happosai was impressed.

Ukyou: Wow.

Nabiki: Please tell me you took photos.

Nodoka: Not a 1.

Nabiki: [Walking off] The biggest practical joke in this houses history and no one bothered to bring a camera.

[Later outside the gate of the dojo a very soaked Ranma, Ryouga, and Akane lean against the wall when Ukyou walks out.]

Ukyou: [Handing Ryouga his umbrella] ... Come on Ryouga.

[Ukyou and Ryouga leave.]

Akane: [Thinking] ... He was right you do miss the little things.

Ranma: ....[Ranma starts walking off] ... Come on Akane.

[A few minutes later Ranma and Akane are waiting outside the bathroom.]

Akane: Get out of there you two before we turn the tub into a miniature spring of the drowned girl.

[Suddenly the frantic scrambling of to men can be heard and a few minutes later Soun and Genma exit the bathroom and rundown the hall.]

Ranma-chan: [Smiling] Do you want a hot bath Akane.

Akane-Kun: Definitely.

[From around a nearby corner Soun and Genma watch Ranma-chan and Akane-Kun enter the bathroom together.]

Soun: You don't think.

Genma: Perhaps but I doubt it.

[Meanwhile inside the bathroom we see Ranma-chan and Akane-kun soaking in the tub.]

Akane-Kun: ... Remember the night before we started training.

Ranma-chan: Yeah.

-[The training of Akane]-

[A secluded mountain range in China approximately a month ago.]

Ranma: By setting up a permanent campsite.

Akane: Ok let's get started.

[After spending the rest of the day, building a campsite near a hot spring that has been verified to have no curse.]

Ranma: ...[Visibly exhausted] Good job.

Akane: [Also exhausted] Yeah ... [Akane develops a look of worry as she looks at the hot spring.]

Ranma: What.

Akane: [Pointing to the hot spring] It just doesn't seem that private.

Ranma: .... It isn't Akane ...[Turning so red that his face seems to be glowing like a light bulb] After all were the only ones out here.

Akane: ....[Looking at Ranma while thinking] ... His face is to red for him to be thinking of 'that' [Aloud] yeah I guess you're right and after all we saw each other in the buff the first day you came into my life.

Ranma: [Impossibly Ranma's face becomes even redder] ...[Choking over his words] I'm ... really ... Sorry ... about ... that ... okay.

Akane: ... Ancient history ok. [Thinking] Well if Ranma gets any redder he's going to keel over so I need to do something to lighten his embarrassment; even if it means some of my own. [Aloud] Well considering we both sweated up a storm today I'm going to go take a bath. [Thinking] Okay Akane just remember nothing that he hasn't seen before. [Akane undresses right before Ranma's eyes and slips into the hot spring causing Ranma's face to go from red to white in an instant] Come on Ranma the water's fine. [Thinking] That wasn't so bad ... although his face is paler then snow now [Aloud] Come on Ranma it's not like you've never been in a tub with a girl before.

[Hearing this Ranma's face goes from white to a suspicious shade of purple while his expression takes on a very angry look.]

Ranma: [Steam coming out of his ears] Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was and how much I wanted to smack Shampoo into orbit myself.

Akane: [Playfully] Why don't you get in the tub and tell me about it before you blow a head gasket.

[After Ranma's face has cooled back to just slightly red, he undresses and gets into the hot spring with Akane.]

Ranma: First I walk into the bathroom for a quiet but yet hot shower but find a cat. The part of my mind that was still working on a rational level told me to jump into the tub because cats hate water. So I did only to have said cat jump in with me to become a naked Shampoo that just love's to shove her chest right in my face while straddling my legs and if that wasn't enough. [His voice drops all sense of anger] You had to walk by and see it all. I got so angry that I was ready to punt her into orbit without a mallet to help me.

Akane: [Angrily] Then why didn't you?

Ranma: For the same reason why I'm going to hate every minute of our training here because I don't hit girls.

Akane: [Going nuclear] dammit Ranma they deserve a good pummeling regardless of their sex. It's is stupid policy. You should say I don't hit those that can't defend themselves ... and Shampoo, Ukyou, and Kodachi can most certainly defend themselves.

Ranma: [Clenching his fists] ... Damm it Akane I made a promise to my mother when me and my dad first left on our training mission.

Akane: [Thinking] Nodoka is a martial artist she wouldn't limit him like that ...[Aloud] Ranma please tell me the exact words of your promise to your mother.

Ranma: [Confused] Okay ................. "I promise never to hit a lady"

Akane: A lady?!!

Ranma: Yeah a lady.

Akane: Well then you're clear to punt Shampoo into orbit anytime you want to.

Ranma: ...[Completely confused] Hun???????????

Akane: A lady is a woman that has no way to defend herself from assailants no training in the arts and someone that acts lady like ... translation definitely not Shampoo, Ukyou, or Kodachi ... or even me for that matter.

Ranma: You mean.

Akane: Let's put it this way even your mother wonders why you don't boot Shampoo into orbit ok.

Ranma: You mean anyone that can defend themselves I can fight.

Akane: Yeah.

[Ranma looks as if a great weight has been lifted from his mind.]

Ranma: So who would you consider a lady.

Akane: My friends at school they don't know any martial arts.

Ranma: Never fight anyone that can't defend themselves. She also made me promise that. She only added the thing about never fighting 'a lady' after pop started bellowing.

Akane: Looks like she was just satisfying Genma's ego.

Ranma: [Smiling proudly] From now on if Shampoo or Kodachi get anywhere near me they're taking a trip to the moon via the Ranma express.

Akane: ...and what about Ukyou.

Ranma: Despite all she's done she still my friend ok. Can you please understand that.

Akane: Yeah ... since after the wedding I think she's become my friend as well.

Ranma: Thank you.

Akane: ...and what about me.

Ranma: I still don't like the idea of hitting you ....[Not sounding very sure of himself] But better me giving you a few bumps and bruises then somebody thrashing you into bits because of a misunderstanding about the curse.

Akane: [Cheerfully] Agreed and besides I might teach you a few things.

Ranma: [Relaxes visibly] Yeah I guess you're right ... On both.

Akane: Well then, tomorrow we begin.

Ranma: Okay.

[The next day after breakfast.]

Akane: So where do we start.

Ranma: A sparing match ... A real sparing match.

Akane: ...[Thinking] This is going to be hard.

[After Ranma and Akane walk over to a makeshift training area.]

Ranma: Akane I want you to throw everything at me you can ... and when you can land a punch that hurts me then will move on.

Akane: ...but.

Ranma: Please Akane I know you don't want to hurt me but a few bumps and bruises aren't going to hurt this baka okay ... and besides I'll be on defense not offense.

Akane: ...[Still uncertain.]

Ranma: ...[Thinking] The only way I'm going to get her to attack me is if I call her an un-cute tomboy ...[Ranma speaks using his most obnoxious tone] Come on you un-cute tomboy.

[Hearing this Akane's rage peaks and she starts attacking Ranma who dodges and flips her over.]

Akane: [Rage still in her eyes] ...You.

Ranma: [Screaming] Come on you un-cute tomboy I'm right here attack me with everything you've got!!!!!!!!!!!.

[Akane starts attacking Ranma ferociously.]

Ranma: [Thinking while he avoids a kick and several punches] Good.

[For two hours after that Ranma and Akane, spar fiercely Ranma keeping Akane fighting angry by occasionally slinging insults at her. Ranma also deals some serious blows to Akane ones even he thought she couldn't handle but she does.]

Ranma: Again!

[Akane although visibly exhausted starts to attack Ranma but doesn't have enough energy to do so.]

Ranma: [Holding Akane who has collapsed into his arms] ... You ok?

Akane: [Gasping for breath] Never better you baka.

Ranma: ... You did very well today you un-cute tomboy ...[Pulls Akane's head up to his and gives her a small kiss on the cheek.

Akane: [Still gasping for breath] Don't lie to me.

Ranma: I'm not you took some hits that would break most people's bones.

Akane: [Regaining her breath] ... I'm going to be a walking bruise for the next week you know that.

Ranma: [Running his hands through her hair] ... Then we'll just have to do other things ... Like balance training okay.

Akane: Can you get me over to the Hot Spring I really need a good soak.

[After Ranma has helped Akane over to the spring, she lies against him while she undresses Ranma occasionally having to catch her by the shoulders.]

Akane: [Slowly getting into the hot spring because every muscle in her body is bruised] Ahh .... [Notices Ranma is walking off] ... Come on Ranma you need a dip to.

[Ranma reluctantly agrees.]

Akane: [Only her head above the surface of the water] I don't think I've ever felt this thrashed in my life but at the same time I don't think I've ever felt more relaxed.

Ranma: [Hunched over his needs] Why's that.

Akane: ... I don't think I've ever blown off that much steam before.

Ranma: [Still hunched over his knees and he also has his face turned away from Akane] I'm sorry I hurt you so much.

[Akane despite the pain involved in moving snuggles up against Ranma.]

Akane: [Putting her arm around Ranma] ...[A loving tone in her voice] Don't worry you baka.

[Ranma suddenly feeling Akane's arm around him turns completely red.]

Ranma: Are you angry with me?

Akane: Bruised yes, angry no. [Turns her back to him] Now would you mind rubbing my back because it feels like a pretzel right now.

[Ranma shyly accepts the offer to rub Akane's back for a few minutes.]

Ranma: [His voice a whisper] I'm sorry Akane.

[Hearing this Akane reflexively spins around and ends up with Ranma's hands right on her breasts.]

Ranma: [A small trickle of blood comes out Ranma's nose before he re-tracks his hands and hides underwater.]

[Not sure, whether to be embarrassed or angry Akane with Ranma she just searches for Ranma's ponytail underneath the water.]

Akane: [pulling Ranma up by is ponytail] ... Ranma!!

Ranma: ...[With his eyes closed] I'm sorry Akane please I really am.

Akane: Stop acting like a baby Ranma it was an accident okay.

Ranma: [His eyes still closed] ... I'm.

Akane: Sometimes you act is if you never touched a breast like that before.

Ranma: [Scratching the back of his head while he keeps his eyes closed] Hmm truthfully I haven't.

Akane: [An extremely confused look on her face] What!!!

Ranma: [Still keeping his eyes shut] ....[Thinking] ... How in the hell am I going to explain this ...[Aloud] ...Hmm I I've never allowed myself to ...well go in that... direction.

Akane: Why not ...[Mentally hitting herself with a mallet] Geez Akane that was a smooth move.

Ranma: [His eyes still closed] ... Well I've never really ... treated my ... female body as being mine ...[Thinking] geez where did that come from?

Akane: [Confused] Not yours... but who else's body could it be ... and open your eyes would you.

Ranma: [Opening his eyes to see Akane still very close to him] ... Who ever fell into the spring.

Akane: No Ranma I don't think that's right I think ... No I know the body that we got from the curse spring is just how it would be if we had been born with it.

Ranma: ... [Thinking about how much he looks like his mother when in female form] ... You mean how I look like my mom when in female form.

Akane: Exactly.

Ranma: [Thinking] It really is my body and because of that, I definitely have the responsibility to treat it as such ... [Speaking aloud even though he thinks he's thinking it] 1 mind two bodies.

Akane: ... That's a good way to put it.

Ranma: [Turning blue] I didn't just say that out loud did I?

Akane: Yeah you did ... I never knew you could be such a philosopher.

Ranma: [Turning red] Hmm, thanks.

Akane: [Leaning against Ranma] Now why don't you get back to rubbing my back. [Before Ranma can reply Akane puts Ranma's arms on her back while still facing Ranma] ...[A mental realization coming to her as she rests her chest against Ranma's] Where did that just come from? Ahh well I'm to soar to move any more ...[Looking up at Ranma's face and speaking] ... Well what are you waiting for?

Ranma: Well um.

Akane: [Thinking] ... For some reason a sponge bath from him sounds good ...[Aloud] Ranma, I'm to soar to move any more. So your going to have to give me a sponge bath.

Ranma: [Turning a luminescent red once more] WHAT!! ....[Thinking] Did she just say that? No I must be hearing things.

Akane: You heard me and you better not miss a spot ...[Thinking] A SPOT!!!!! What the hell am I thinking? Am I that comfortable with him? Yes I am I don't know why but I am. [Aloud] Well what are you waiting for.

Ranma: [Stuttering] I just don't want this to go in 'that' direction.

Akane: ...Let's make a promise then.

Ranma: ...No sex till after where married.

Akane: [Thinking] I didn't think he was that old fashioned but that idea makes me even more comfortable. [Aloud] It's a promise no sex till after were married but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun got it.

Ranma: [Absent mindedly pulling at his ponytail] Ok.

Akane: [Thinking] What in hell am I doing thinking like this? Is this part of the curse or am I really doing what I want? Yes [Snuggles close to Ranma and whispers into his ear for him to begin.]

[After Ranma manages to give Akane her sponge bath.]

Ranma: [His face still red] Now what?

Akane: [Still snuggling with Ranma] I don't know stay like this for a while longer [Her stomach growls] ... Or maybe not.

Ranma: You up to moving?

Akane: ... Yeah I guess.

[A few minutes later a still very soar Akane waits for Ranma to finish lunch.]

Ranma: ...[Just finishing] ... There done ...[Ranma gives Akane a big serving of food which she quickly starts eating] ....

Akane: ....[Noticing Ranma who is still fairly red] ...[Thinking] Is he still embarrassed? [Aloud] What's wrong Ranma?

Ranma: Hmm ...[Ranma's face turns even redder] ...well ...Hmm.

Akane: I liked it as well ok.

[Ranma looks visibly relieved and his color goes back to normal.]

Akane: [Thinking] At least he's got his color back .

[Later after lunch.]

Akane: So what now.

Ranma: Meditation to learn how to control your emotions.

Akane: [Getting angry] Are you suggesting I can't keep control of my emotions!!.

Ranma: No but controlling one's emotions is a big part of a lot of things I do.

Akane: [Suddenly coming to a realization why Ranma always has such a tough time expressing himself] ... That's why isn't it? Your father just taught you how to control your emotions never how to express them.

Ranma: pop always says ...[doing in imitation of Genma] ..."any expression of emotion is a weakness".

Akane: I hope you don't believe that.

Ranma: Yes and no ... No because well because I'm a human being and yes because under my "everyday circumstances" showing any emotion could be fatal or result in.

Akane: Us being married in under a second not that I would mind but.....

Ranma: [Interrupting]...I want that event to be on our terms. Let's promise not to get married until we know it's right to do it.

Akane: ...but how we know when it's right?

Ranma: [Confidently] We just will ok.

Akane: Agreed we won't get married until we know it's time.

Ranma: [grabbing his ponytail absent-mindedly] ... Well let's get started.

Akane: Only if you let me ...

Ranma: Say no more you un-cute tomboy.

Akane: Then let's get started you baka....

[Back to the present.]

Ranma-chan: [Leading over the side of the tub] Those first few days were tough on the both of us.

Akane-Kun: They were tougher on me.

Ranma-chan: Physically yes but mentally.

Akane-Kun: Mentally you did a lot of growing up on that entire trip.

Ranma-chan: As well as catching up on about 10 years of school.

Akane-Kun: Maybe even more.

Ranma-chan: What can I say I've always been a quick learner. Lousy at expressing myself but still a quick learner.

Akane-Kun: Well you're a thousand times better at expressing yourself then you were when we started off for the cursed springs.

Ranma-chan: A bigger vocabulary helps with that.

Akane-Kun: So how did you get a bigger vocabulary.

Ranma-chan: I brought the biggest dictionary I could find along with us.

Akane-Kun: Well that's one way to get a bigger vocabulary.

Ranma-chan: ...and a stronger back to dictionaries aren't exactly light.

Akane-Kun: [Laughs] True.

[At this time a knock is heard at the bathroom door.]

Nabiki: [From outside] Will you two hurry up!!.

Akane-Kun: Just a sec sis.

[A few minutes later in the dining room Ranma-chan and Akane-kun sit drying their hair when someone is heard outside.]

Voice: Ran-chan!!! Are you hear?

Ranma: Meatball head!!!???

Voice: Ran-chan!!

[Ranma gets up and is promptly run over by something with blond hair.]

Ranma: [Trying to peel the blond headed girl off of him] Get off of me all ready.

Girl: [Wailing] Aunt Nodoka told me it's so horrible.

Ranma: [Still trying to detach the blond headed girl] Calm down will you and tell me what is so horrible.

Girl: [Wailing] Your fear of cats how could Uncle Genma do that to you!! [The blond hair girl releases her grip.]

Ranma: Genma's done a hell of a lot worse to me cousin. So why are you hear?

Girl: Aunt Nodoka told me to bring all of the old family albums.

[The meatball headed girl produces several large photo albums from her bag.]

Ranma: Amazing I thought these were gone forever.

Voice from outside: Meatball head!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Girl: [Gives Ranma a quick kiss] By Ranma ..... Coming!!!!!!!!!

[The blond hair girl vanishes as quickly as she came.]

Akane: ... Who was that Ranma.

Ranma: My weird cousin from Juuban.

Akane: You'll have to tell me about her some time. So what's in the photo albums.

Ranma: [Blinks] I can't quite remember ...[Shivers] ... something to do with a cat ... my pet cat.

Akane: Maybe you shouldn't look at these photo albums Ranma.

Ranma: No, I'll look at them.

[Ranma opens the photo album to reveal photos of a very young child plane with a black cat with a white tipped tail.]

Ranma: ... blackey?

[Ranma starts to have a break down.]

Akane: RANMA!!

Ranma: Memories ... long forgotten memories ... such intense memories.

[Ranma starts to convulse afterwards he faints.]

Nodoka: Stop Akane!!

Akane: Why!!

Nodoka: The memories that he buried about his childhood pet a very large black cat are coming to the surface. The memories maybe strong enough to break the phobia but only if he's left alone to face the memories by himself.

Akane: You knew this was going to happen.

Nodoka: I suspected it might all you can do for him now is make sure he sleeps peacefully.

[After depositing Ranma in his bed, Akane wakes patiently at his side along with Nodoka.]

Nodoka: So Akane what do you talk about until he wakes up.

Akane: I don't know.

Nodoka: Why don't you talk about how you developed your mallet technique.

Akane: Ok ... well I guess it started the day after I finally managed to land a punch on Ranma.

-[The advent of the megaton mallet]-

[Early morning at the campsite where Akane is cooking when Ranma walks up with an ice pack on his jaw.]

Akane: Are you sure your ok?

Ranma: For the millionth time yes ....[Rubs his jaw] ... That punch was strong enough to knock Ryouga through a brick wall and still have enough punch to go through another one.

Akane: I'm really sorry.

Ranma: For what giving me a soar jaw? You should be proud of yourself very few people can give me a soar jaw and besides by this afternoon it'll be fine.

Akane: are you sure.

Ranma: Yeah, and after breakfast we begin on ki techniques understood.

Akane: [Surprised] What!!!!!!!!????

Ranma: You're ready for them Akane by the end of the month you'll be using the rising dragon if I have anything to do with it.

Akane: If you say so.

Ranma: I say so Akane eat hardy you'll me all the energy you can muster. Now I need to setup some training dummies ... Akane I need to borrow your mallet.

Akane: my mallet??? What mallet?

Ranma: That huge hunk of steel you're always clogging me over the head with.

Akane: ... I know but ... I didn't bring a mallet with me???

Ranma: Then what was thing you clogged me over the head with yesterday.

Akane: My mallet but I know but I didn't bring a mallet with me??

Ranma: Weird ... wait a minute maybe you can pull things out of a hyperspace pocket like Mousse does.

Akane: a hyperspace pocket???

Ranma: Ever wonder where he gets all those hidden weapons. Well he stores them in a hyperspace pocket. it's a very hard technique to learn but very useful.

Akane: Can you do it.

Ranma: yeah but I had no occasion to use it. What I can't understand is that technique has to be learned ...ahh well probably just some weird coincidence.

Akane: Can anyone else use this technique.

Ranma: I think Shampoo does ... and I know Kodachi does.

Akane: Why don't you use it.

Ranma: I do but for little things like [Pulls a bouquet of roses out of nowhere] ... Making you happy.

Akane: Thank you Ranma .... Well let's eat before we start.

[After Ranma and Akane eat, they start to train.]

Ranma: [Sweat dropping] Remember Akane focus on an emotion not on the cause of the emotion. An example would be if you were using anger as a base don't think of me think of the anger and only the anger.

Akane: [Slightly feed up] okay.

[Akane makes her 30th attempt to create a ki ball and almost does it.]

Ranma: ...[Thinking] I need to get her really angry [Aloud] I give up you un-cute tomboy.

[Hearing this Akane charges Ranma with mallet in hand.]

Ranma: [Thinking] What the? Where did that mallet come from ... got to grab it.

[Ranma grabs the mallet much to Akane's surprise but the moment Akane looks at the mallet it vanishes.]

Ranma: What in kami-sama's name!!!

Akane: What just happened ... did I just pull that out of a hyperspace pocket or something.

Ranma: No anything placed in a hyperspace pocket is real so it wouldn't just vanish like that even if you put back into the pocket. Not to mention there was no hyperspace disturbance. The only thing I can think of is a ............[ Ranma's face brightens] ... A ki attack that's the only thing it could be is a ki attack.

Akane: A ki attack!!!!!!!!!.

Ranma: That's the only thing I can think of ... funny you started using that attack shortly after I learned my first ki attack.

Akane: You mean all this time I've been using a ki attack to bash you over the horizon or through the concrete.

Ranma: No wonder why I have such high defenses against ki attack's ... I mean there's not a day goes by that you don't beat me into the concrete or bash me over the horizon ...[Smiles] Thanks!! ....

[Akane face faults.]

Ranma: Come on Akane thanks to you bashing me over there had everyday I was able to survive all those Ki attack's everyone was throwing at me [Laughs]

Akane: but ...[Akane starts to laugh is well]

[After about five minutes of laughing.]

Ranma: Well let's see if we can't refine that technique of yours.

Akane: Refine?? I only use it when I mad at you.

Ranma: That's the point Akane it's of no real use to you if you can only clog me over the head with it.

Akane: ...but I don't even know how I do it.

Ranma: Hmm, I've gotten clogged over the head enough times with that thing so I should be to reproduce it. [Ranma starts to focus his ki and concentrate and a at least an hour later a mallet forms in his hand] Whoa, that's harder than I thought it would be. [Knocks on the mallet] It acts just like the real thing. [The mallet vanishes] ... I'll tell you what Akane this is no ordinary attack. [Blinks] That's even weirder.

Akane: what's weird?

Ranma: Now that I've done it for the first time I know I can reproduce it very easily ... Akane picture the mallet in your minds eye and focus your ki into it.

Akane: Ok...[Akane starts to focus her ki and a mallet appears in her hands instantly] I did it ...I did it!!!!!!

Ranma: ... Let me try again ...[A mallet appears in Ranma's hand] This technique may be hard to learn but it's incredibly easy-to-use Akane.

Akane: What does this mean?

Ranma: I don't know. Concentrate on creating another mallet that is floating in mid air.

Akane: Okay ...[Akane creates another mallet that floats in mid air near her] ... I did it.

[Both mallets vanish.]

Akane: What happened?

Ranma: Relax you just lost your concentration.

Akane: It's so easy to do.

Ranma: I know and for you it's probably even easier [Snaps his fingers] ... I've got it when you're creating a ki ball with your emotions picture it using your minds eye just like you do with the mallet.

Akane: Okay [Akane concentrates and a ki ball forms in her hand]... So that's what I've been doing wrong [the ki ball dissipates.]

Ranma: You mean you've never used your minds eye to picture the Chi ball before?

Akane: No, you never told me to do that Ranma.

Ranma: ....[Rolls his eyes]... I knew I was forgetting something ....

[Akane laughs.]

Ranma: Well let's keep going.

[Later that night Ranma cooks while Akane rests.]

Ranma: I'm impressed Akane.

Akane: [Visibly exhausted] Just get me some food you baka.

Ranma: Tired.

Akane: I feel like that can sleep for a millennium or two.

Ranma: I'm not surprised you used enough ki to flatten Shampoo today.

Akane: Really?

Ranma: Yep.

Akane: [Grinning evilly] Finally I can pound that Amazon hussy into next Thursday.

Ranma: [Laughs] Pound her into next week for me while you're at it.

Akane: Ok, so more of the same tomorrow.

Ranma: Yep.

[Back to the present.]

Nodoka: ...and then?

Akane: For about a week we developed the mallet techniques until we came up with the megaton mallet ... after the little fiasco of blowing up a mountain Ranma decided that we better move on to his techniques.

Nodoka: Did you really blow up a mountain?

Akane: Yeah.

[At this time, Ranma is heard groaning.]

Ranma: Anyone get the license plate of that nuclear bomb that landed on my head.

Nodoka: Your all right?

Ranma: Yeah.

Akane: What about your fear of cats?

Ranma: ...[His face turns angry] ... I remember everything now pop dropping me in that pit of cats and least 20 times. My phobia may be gone now but those memories will still me haut me. Mom would you consider me less of a man If I never removed pops curse.

Nodoka: ... No, I'd consider it fair revenge.

Ranma: Good and before anyone asks no I do not want to talk about my nightmare.

Nodoka: Well I think I'll be going now.

[Nodoka leaves.]

Ranma: ... I can't believe it Akane my fear of cats on like that [Snaps his fingers] ... I wouldn't have expected to get rid of it just by looking at an old family album especially considering how hard it is to do anything around this place.

Akane: ... You know what Ranma everything has been resolved. I'm your fiancée your curse is well not gone but rather under control and you're not afraid of cats anymore.

Ranma: Closure on this part of our life ... closure ... All the loose ends all the chaos it's stopping ....... Do you think it's time?

Akane: .... Do you?

Ranma: Yeah I do everything here is settled it's time to move on whether it's into a peaceful life or something even crazier I don't care as long as we move on together.

Akane: Agreed it's time to move on.

Ranma: [Ranma takes a deep breath] Akane Tendo will you marry me.

Akane: Of course.

[After Ranma and Akane share a long and passionate kiss, they decide to break the news so they return to the dining room to find Kunou and Nabiki kissing passionately while Dr. Tofu and Kasumi are giggling at the two] .

Ranma: ...[Raising an eyebrow] ... Am I missing something here.

Nodoka: ...[Just entering with Genma] ... Nothing much son Kunou has just proposed to Nabiki and Dr. Tofu has just proposed to Kasumi.

Akane: ...[Elbowing Ranma] I wonder when Ranma is going to propose to me.

Ranma: I'll get around to it.

[Soun enters twirling A-chan around in circles while screaming and crying that he'll have the wedding preparations ready by tomorrow.]

Nabiki: .... [Gives Ranma a devilish look] Daddy is this going to be a western style wedding.

Soun: Anything you want my dear daughter.

Nabiki: [Smiles even wider] Ranma I want you to be one my bride's maids.

Ranma: [Sweating] Hun?

Nodoka: I think it's a wonderful idea don't you.

Ranma: ...[Takes a deep breath] Considering I just proposed to Akane five minutes ago .

[Ranma transforms.]

Ranma-chan: ... It's the least I can do for family.

[Hearing this Soun goes into a fresh bout of crying as he hugs Genma.]

Soun and Genma: Finely!!!!!!!.

Ranma and Akane-Kun: Let us make one thing perfectly clear you two are not to interfere with our wedding understood.

[Approximately 500 silver mallets appear in mid air around Ranma and Akane-Kun.]

Soun and Genma: but...

[The mallets promptly go to work.]

A-chan: I think they get the point ... however blunt it may be.

[After taking what is left of Soun and Genma away to recover everyone prepares for their respective weddings.]

[Late that night around 11:00, we find Ranma and Akane sitting on the roof.]

Akane: So where do you want to go on our honeymoon?

Ranma: ...[Smiles] ... Away from the dojo ... I don't really care if we get ourselves neck deep in shit I just want to get away from the dojo for at least a year.

Akane: Agreed and besides with our luck we will end up in some kind of adventure no matter where we go.

Ranma: [Smiles] A normal life will definitely never come to us.

Akane: Who wants normal? Having everything in the supernatural encyclopedia coming out of the woodwork is the only way to live.

Ranma: [Laughs] I'd never thought I would here you say that.

Akane: I just did.

Ranma: Lets get some sleep we have 3 weddings to attend to in three day's ...or maybe 4 when Ryouga and Ukyou hear about this tomorrow.

Akane: True, tomorrow we become man and wife.

Ranma: Finally closure on this part of our life.
