[chapter 1 "the dam breaks"] "Akane I need to talk to you" Ranma said as is he slowed down "can this wait I don't want to be late for school on our first day back" Akane said to which Ranma actually started to look thoughtful about "yeah go to school then and when you get out I'll be waiting for you underneath the bridge ok" Ranma said before leaving in the direction of his favorite hiding spot ' should I ' Akane thinks as she looks back and forth between the direction she was going in and the direction Ranma had left in before reluctantly going up to school looking back every so often for a trace of Ranma ************* Later that day after school Akane finds Ranma underneath his favorite bridge "so how was your day" Ranma asked as he distractedly toys with the water running through the reservoir "hum the usual Kunou spouting of poetry and Nabiki selling pictures" Akane says before she sits down "so what did you want to talk to me about" "what happened at Phoenix Mountain" Ranma said as he leaned back "That battle and what happened afterwards changed me I don't know how exactly but I feel different. at first I thought it was the curse but it wasn't ..and after the wedding, something inside of me snapped. for just a moment I felt like beating the crap out of them all for ruining it but I didn't. instead I did something that I haven't really done in 10 years. I cried myself to sleep. I tried to control myself but I couldn't and I'm afraid the next person that gets me mad is going to cause my control to snap and It's been so long since I really gotten angry or any other emotion. So I don't know what's going to happen. so until I snap or I find a way to regain my control I don't want you to get angry at me or you might be the one I snap at Akane" Ranma said seriously but yet solemnly "ok Ranma" Akane says while looking and Ranma cautiously before both of them headed back to dojo only to hear a window shattering scream *************** "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS NODOKA!!!!!!" Genma screamed loud enough to be heard from the few kilometers away "yes I am serious Genma. Ranma's disrespect toward women has to be addressed. especially in this day and age and I can't think of any better way then for him to lean how to be girl" Nodoka said before having a sip of her tea "now as far as I'm concerned you have fulfilled you're promise to me concerning Ranma. He is a fine warrior that any mother would be proud of but unfortunately you never did understand yin and yang. so his is severely lacking in even the most basic feminine graces that even most men show and because of his condition Ranma obviously needs more than basic feminine graces. Now I don't plan on turning him into some kind silly boy crazy school girl but I will teach him everything about what it means to be female and let him decide how to behave. After all he is a man amongst men and that affords him the latitude to act as feminine as he wants when female." Was Nodoka's explanation of her plan "but no-chan Ranma is a man" Genma practically whined to which Nodoka just shook her head "yes I'm not arguing that point but because of his condition Ranma is also a woman" Nodoka tried to explain but to no avail has Genma just repeated his previous statement. "Genma will you interfere with my training" Nodoka said seriously "of course..." Genma managed to get out before he saw Nodoka unsheathing her katana "not dear I wouldn't dream of it" "good Gen-kun now why don't you go play shoji or have some bamboo" Nodoka said with a wry smile before Genma ran off 'by kami-sama he is dense I just hope Ranma isn't as dense' Nodoka thought before she decided something else 'hum this maybe necessary to keep Genma at bay but I have already held this over my son's head to many times' Nodoka thinks as she looks at her katana before putting it away and waiting for her son *************** "so what do you think your mom has store for you" Akane asks "I don't know.... and I don't think want to know" Ranma-chan said as she rung out her pig-tail before looking sideways in the general direction of the dojo "but if I had to guess I would probably guess that it has to do with my curse and 'Ranko'" Ranma-chan says "are you mad" Akane asked nervously "I don't know Akane I really don't know how I feel about the curse any more" the red head said while looking down at herself before she and Akane continued back to the dojo why they found Nodoka waiting "son a word with you" Nodoka said before she walked off towards the training hall to which Ranma-chan just sighs before looking at Akane and walking off the training hall leaving Akane to stand there until Kasumi walked in with some tea which Akane gladly took while waiting for Ranma- chan "It seems just a little to quiet out there doesn't sis" Akane said as she continued to watch the training hall "Hum you do have point ... anything involving Ranma usually makes a lot more noise then this" Kasumi said while sipping her tea "hum how long have they been in their" Akane asked as she accepted another glass of tea from Kasumi "I'd say about four hours or so" Kasumi said as she poured herself another cup of tea "hay wear's Nabiki?" Akane said "hum I don't know" Kasumi said before returning her gaze to the training hall were Ranma-chan has just exited looking no worse for wear "you ok Ranma" Akane asks as Ranma-chan sits down in the courtyard between the training hall and the house and accepts a cup of tea from Kasumi " yeah I guess I am okay" Ranma-chan said as she looked at her reflection in her tea before drinking it only to find a large quantity of hot water had been poured over her head. "what did you do that for" Ranma screams as he turns around to face his father and Soun "me and Tendo have decided that you and Akane should start sleeping together" Genma said proudly before he found himself laying on the floor while Soun found him self laying on the floor with a large headache from his daughter's mallet " you basterd how dare you make that kind of decision" Ranma growls as he starts to glow bright red which starts to destabilize into every color imaginable but for Ranma his world becomes black and white as times slows down 'no I'm losing it. In just a few more seconds the final dam is going break and all of my emotions will be released' Ranma thought before moving his entire body at Tenshin Amaguriken speed managing to get as far as the perimeter wall before his control ceases causing a huge column of multicolored emotionally charged ki to arc towards the heavens with a sound that would deaden thunder for exactly 10 seconds. After which everyone sees Ranma's eyes glaze over before he collapses into the smoking crater created by the huge release of emotional energy "RANMA!!!!" Akane screens as she runs towards Ranma and as she sees his face and eyes which are now totally blank she fears the worst and starts crying never noticing Nodoka walk up and check her son's pulse "he's alive" Nodoka says as she finishes checking Ranma's pulse before she instructs Akane to pick Ranma up and take him to her room ************* *groans* "he's awake" Akane says happily "did anyone get the ID of what ever hit me" Ranma says groggily as he adjusts his position on Akane's bed "you shouldn't move son" Ranma's mother says "don't worry about it other than a headache I'm fine" Ranma says before he starts to look dizzy. "On second thought I need something to eat quickly" Ranma says while shaking his head to keep himself awake "and a couple of aspirin would be nice to" Ranma continued while looking a little sleepy "ok son" Nodoka said before running off "so are you really okay" "I'll back to you on that one Akane" Ranma said while trying to keep himself awake. "so how long was I out" Ranma said cross-eyed "hum about 5 min." "only 5?" Ranma asks before falling over only to have Akane catch him "gee thanks Akane" Ranma says before yawning "would you wake me up whenever dinner's ready" Ranma managed to get out before falling asleep 'he thanked me?' Akane thought questioningly before coming to a logical conclusion 'he's worse off then I'd thought' And with that thought Akane waits for Nodoka to return and when she did return in the record time of 15 minutes she returned with enough food to feed in army for a year -- or Ranma for one meal. "mhh that was good" the pigtailed martial artist said as he polished off the last of his dinner "glad you enjoyed it" Nodoka said before leaving with a smile "so are you ok" Akane asked as she tightened her grip on Ranma's hand "humm physically I'm fine but hum ..........men...tally I'm not." Ranma managed to get out to which Akane giggled at his attempt to use a multi- syllable word "so what's wrong MENTALLY" Akane said with a smile "hum I don't really know but I feel so light headed and clam at the same time" Ranma said thoughtfully "so what was that multicolored blast thing about" "hum ... I lost control my emotions" "how much were you holding back" Akane says while sounding concerned "about 10 years worth I suppose" Ranma says to which Akane replies with a jaw drop " 10 years!!! "Nodoka says from the doorway "son it's not healthy to hold back your emotions for any amount of time" " but pop said that any sign of emotion is a sign of weaknesses" Ranma said as he looked up as mom "In battle yes but any other time you shouldn't let your emotions flow freely" Akane said while sounding a tiny bit angry "and this from some one that gets mad in a second" Ranma said while looking sideways at Akane "ok ok I've got a temper problem but at least I admit it" "she's right son in battle controlling your emotions is important to keep control of the situation but not showing any emotion an everyday life is dangerous" "why?" Ranma asked with genuine confusion "because if people don't know what you feel they'll jump to conclusions" Nodoka said while sitting down "but if I do that they'll have an advantage over me" Ranma said defensively "not everyone is your enemy Ranma and we're not saying to show all of your emotions to everyone" Akane said "so I pick and choose how much emotion I show to everyone" Ranma said while scratching his head in genuine confusion. "but still if I show emotion doesn't that make me week" "some would say the opposite sense it takes courage to show some emotions" Nodoka said with a smile "like what" Ranma asked curiously "like kissing somebody in public and not caring what others think about it" Akane said flatly "hum so if I kissed you in front of the entire school that would show that I'm not scared to show my emotions" "yeah and it would also show that you love me most of all" Akane said with a smile "show a show of emotion doesn't always mean somebody is week" Ranma said while scratching his chin "yep" was Akane's simple reply "I'll have to think about this" Ranma says before getting up and walking off About 5 min. later in the training hall Akane enters to find Ranma sitting in the center of the training hall looking thoughtful "so what are you doing" Akane asked as she sat down "thinking about the 10 years me and pop spent training" "why?" Akane asked curiously "because every moment of those years flashed in front of my eyes when I released my emotions. I never really questioned much of what pop taught me because I always thought the art was my whole life but after the talk about yin and yang my mom gave me. I've realize that the art is a big part of my life but not all of it and most of what pop said about people is either totally wrong or only applies in battle" "so do you need some more time by yourself" "naa I figure I got most of it figured out " Ranma says in his usual macho manner before he and Akane walked back to the dining room ***************** ' now how much money have I made off of this' Nabiki thinks as she walks back to the dojo with a wide smile 'ahh yes 20,000 yen now all I have to do is wait for the players to arrive ' Nabiki continued with a devilish smile before hearing the duel scream of Ranma and Akane. "hum I wonder what two local bakas have done this time" Nabiki says before entering the dojo to find Ranma and Akane both glowing with a bright with a bright red battle aura while they mallet their respective fathers into the ground. 'hum I didn't know Ranma could do the mallet trick' Nabiki thought to herself as she watched the black haired martial artist pound a panda into a pasty consistency before both he and Akane stormed off but not before they said "baka" in perfect unison which even broke Kasumi's titanium alloy clad reserve as was apparent when she started to laugh hysterically followed closely by Nodoka. "I know that was funny but why in the world did those two execute a synchronized baka bash" Nabiki queried while sounding annoyed "sit down and we'll explain sis" Kasumi manages to get out after choking down her laughter **************** However in Akane's room Ranma sit back-to-back and fume "those two meddlers" Akane growls "agreed" Ranma says. "why do those two always meddle" "I don't know. Maybe it's because they don't have anything else to do" Akane said absentmindedly "hay maybe if we give them something to do ...naa that would never work" "agreed *sighs* I guess you'll be sleeping in here from now on" "Yeah ... I guess I better go get my futon" Ranma says before getting up and leaving only to be heard yelling at his father a moments later "let me guess they said we have to sleep in the same bed" Akane deadpanned as Ranma reentered and closed the door "yeah" Ranma said slumped down onto the floor "I'm sorry Akane I know you hate the idea of sleeping with a perverted freak like me" Ranma said as tears started to stream down his face "what ever gave you that idea" "well you call me a pervert almost every day at a freak about every week" Ranma says while scratching the back of his head "well that's mostly my temper talking and you do some purtty stupid things" "like what" Ranma asked curiously "would you like the long list or the short list" Akane deadpanned as she looked sideways at Ranma "the long 1 I guess" Ranma says as he adjusts his position on the floor "ok" was all Akane said before she starts to lay out the long list ************** "so they're being forced to sleep together" Nabiki said coolly "yes" was Kasumi's only reply as Nodoka pounded on a panda in the background "dad were you part of this" Nabiki said dangerously "of course" Soun said proudly before getting up and dragging off what is left of Genma-panda "so what are you going to do" Kasumi asked "I don't know, cutting off their allowances won't do much of anything and Ranma despite all of stupid ideas he's picked up from his friends he would never take advantage of her not to mention Akane would never let him" Nabiki said before sitting down "don't worry sis" "I'm not it's just those two can be such idiots about love" "which two" Kasumi says with a wry smile "depends" Nabiki said with a smile before Nodoka entered with everyone's dinner ***************** "...." Was all Ranma had to say as Akane finished her hour long lecture "And that's about it" Akane said "*sighs* I'm sorry Akane I really am. I should've known better then trust Hiroshi and Daisuke" Ranma said as he seemed to sink deeper into the floor "you mean those two perverts at school" Akane asked while sounding more than a bit surprised "yeah" Ranma said off handedly "why in the world did you listen to those two bakas!!" Akane bellowed "well pop never did teach me anything about how to act around other people and those two were the first friends I ever had besides Ukyou" "so idiocy the of your father plus those two perverted ways has been the only social guidebook you've had" Akane said while claming down "yeah" Ranma said while looking more than a little bit ashamed "I think you better tell me what they've told you" Akane said before Ranma began to recount some of the conversations he had with Hiroshi and Daisuke "Ranma no Baka" Akane said calmly as shook her head "so how much of a baka have I been" "you don't want to know" Akane said while still shaking her head "listen I'm going to have my dinner why don't you wait here and I'll have your mom come up and you can talk to her about basic social behavior" "kay" was Ranma's only response before getting up and moving **************** "so he really has no idea how to act" Nodoka said as she pinched the ridge of her nose her nose "yeah" "and I thought just talking about yin and yang as well as social grace was all he really needed at the moment" Nodoka said while looking slightly miffed "what exactly did you talk about" Akane asked curiously "I went over the basic principles of yin and yang as well as a few basic social no no's such as casually insulting your fiancée and/or others" Nodoka said "why yin and yang" "a few reasons by the main one at the moment is mental and social balance and that is something Ranma is severely lacking in" "no argument their so what's the other reason" "his condition" Nodoka said dryly while looking off into space "so what are you going to do" "Ranma is going have to learn at least how to be a halfway proper tomboy" Nodoka said distractedly "and how do you feel about that" " well I don't really know on one hand the principles of yin and yang say that Ranma is still a man but on the other they also say that in spite of the curse Ranma is female" "no aunt Nodoka how do you feel about it personally" " ...*smiles* I can't lie to you can I Akane" Nodoka says to which Akane replies to with a nod. "I don't know .... But I do know that 'Ranko' wasn't all an act........ on one side I'd gain a daughter but would I lose a son or on the other side would Ranma be both at the same time or my son when he was male and my daughter when female." Nodoka said while sounding unsure of herself "All I can say is Ranma is Ranma no matter what sex he/she happens to be a moment" "So how would you feel if Ranma started acting more feminine?" "depends and not to mention there are some things such as the laws of gravity being repealed that are more likely to happen then Ranma swooning over some boy *smiles* after all he would have to do that would be to find the nearest kettle of hot water and a convenient mirror" Akane says with a wide smile "*laughs* true very true" Nodoka says with a smile before walking off 'I just what him to accept his duel nature and take happiness from being a girl sometimes' Akane thought with a deep sigh before she started to eat her dinner after which Nodoka reenters and sits down. "Well?" "he's pounding his head against the wall" "well I guess and better go and stop him before he puts a hole in it" Akane said dryly before walking off **************** "BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA" Ranma kept saying as he pounded his head against the wall when he felt Akane grab his pigtail "I would appreciate if you stop that" Akane said as she tugged at Ranma's pigtail "Kay" Ranma said before he unceremonially deposited himself on the floor "You ok" Akane said while examining Ranma's forehead "Other than a headache yeah" Ranma admitted from his place on the floor "So" Akane said as she set down next to Ranma "Well I guess I know why my picture is next to the word baka in the school dictionary" Ranma said as he tried to smile "you're not very good sarcasm baka" Akane said with a half smile "who's says I was being sarcastic" Ranma said while looking sad and angry at the same time "hum what are you talking about" Akane asked while starting to look slightly concerned "a joke Hiroshi and Daisuke played on me shortly after I got to the school" Ranma said before continuing "at the time I didn't really get it but I do now" "what exactly was the joke" Akane asked "you don't want to know" Ranma said with a sigh "ok" Akane said before yawning "it's 10:00" Ranma said as he looked at Akane's wall clock "guess we better get to bed" Akane said with another yawn "I'll go outside so you can change" Ranma said before leaving 'jerk I was going to let him watch' Akane thought with a small perverted smile of her own before catching her own thoughts ' oh kami he's done it to me again' Akane thought angrily before she changed into her pajamas 'and now I know I've been the pervert one all along ....how in the universe am I going to control how I feel' Akane thinks before inviting Ranma back in "I'll just sleep on the floor ok" Ranma said as he laid out his futon "How did you get the futon" Akane asked to which Ranma responded to with a raised eyebrow "Right I am talking to Ranma Saotome" "Night" Ranma said as crawled into his futon and fell asleep "Night" Akane said before crawling into her own bed and falling asleep ****************** [chapter 2 "growth"] Early the next morning Akane awakens to find Ranma quietly crying in a corner of her room while looking strangely thoughtful "are you ok" Akane said as she crawled out of bed to which Ranma responded with blood shot eyes and a confused look "just need time alone" Ranma said through a extremely cracked voice "ok ...so do you want some breakfast" "no not hungry right now" Ranma managed to get out as tears screamed down his face 'Ranma not hungry this is SERIOUS' Akane thought before leaving to find Kasumi "so is he ok" Kasumi said as Akane entered the kitchen "I don't know sis he was just curled up in a corner of my room crying" Akane said while choking back a sob of her own "I'd let him be for the moment after all he may be a fine martial artist but he has never, up until now that is, expressed any emotion in full "what do you mean" "basically he has the physical age of 16 years old and the mastery of someone Cologne's age but his mental and emotional age is around 6" Kasumi said in her rare doctor voice "so what's happening to him" "he's growing up mentally and emotionally and he's obviously going to be scared for a while ... Nabiki's told me that Ranma's friends have been feeding him a line of bull shit a light year long" Kasumi said kindly at first but ending with a warmth that would freeze a super Nova shocking Akane immensely "yes there are some things that will even get me angry" Kasumi said simply "so what should I do" "be patient extremely patient" Kasumi said with an amount of steel in her voice that Akane would expect from Nodoka's katana but in a way that Akane knew she was being kind "ok sis" Akane said before heading back to her room where she found Ranma still curled up in the corner looking worse than before 'ok Ranma I'll wait' Akane thought before laying on her bed and waiting for Ranma to even move a millimeter "Akane I'm I stupid" Ranma finally said scaring Akane a bit "what do you mean by that" Akane asked after managing to swallow her heart "I can figure things out purtty easy but I don't really know anything other than the art so does that mean I'm stupid" "well that just means you don't know anything not that your stupid" "so stupid and not knowing anything are different" Ranma asks as he adjusts his position on the floor "yeah" was Akane simple reply "so what should I do" "read" "I don't read so well" "is that why you don't do well in school" "yeah that and all the crazies" "well how bout we make a deal" "what kind of deal" Ranma asks warily "you train me in the art and I'll teach you how to read" "... I won't be an easy teacher" Ranma said after thinking for a moment " and who said I would be easy" Akane said menacingly to which Ranma's only response was a large gulping sound "ok so when do we start" Ranma said with a strange mixture of determination and fear "after you get a bath" "ok" Ranma said before walking off and returning later looking a lot better "well then let's get started" Akane said before cracking her knuckles ********************** "how long have they been at in now" Nabiki asked as she finished her dinner "sense they woke up this morning" Kasumi replied calmly ' I wonder if Saotome has enough brain power to actually learn' Nabiki thinks before looking at Genma and Nodoka ' if he does I'll allow myself a small shopping spree' *********************** "ok got it .... I think" Ranma said his as he finishes "...." Was all Akane that the say as she examined the answer Ranma had written before sighing "almost but not right" "..." was all Ranma had to say as he examined the math problem before slapping himself on the head and correcting the problem "yes that's it" Akane said with a smile "now do the rest of them while I go grab dinner" Akane said before leaving "yesh and I thought pop was a slave driver" Ranma said before continuing ************************ "so sis what kind of torture have you been putting Ranma through all day" Nabiki said with a conspiratorial smile "oh the usual, the dictionary, math book, science book Etc. Etc." Akane said before she sat down and started eating without another word and after she finished she returned to her room without comment ************************** " ok I'm all done" Ranma finally said after triple checking his answers "ok let me look" Akane said as she motioned Ranma aside "........................ you got them all right Ranma" "I did!?" Ranma said while looking surprised "yep ...well I guess you deserve a break for this so go get some dinner" Akane said before Ranma vanished 'well I'll say one thing for him he's a quick learner' Akane thought before deciding to put away the books for the night "hay where's the science book" Ranma has as he reentered a few moments later to find Akane laying on her head in her pajamas "I put it away" "hum why" Ranma said as he scratched the back of his head "because we've done enough for one-day" Akane said with a large yawn "ok" Ranma said before sitting down on the floor "so Akane what do you want to do" "nothing really" Akane said as she plopped down on her bed "hum Ranma" "what" "what do you think of your curse" "I don't know any more Akane" Ranma said as he sat down at Akane's desk "I mean if I didn't change every time something or someone dropped some water on me it would be kind of fun but" "but what" "I just wonder if it's really real or not I mean what kind of Magic created the curse in the first place and why ... was it some kind of weird accident or did somebody really curse those pools purposely and what kind of transformation Magic is it" ".... You really thought about that haven't you" "yeah" Ranma says off handedly "I mean why wouldn't I" "why don't you keep talking about it then" Akane said in a curious manner "well I figure there are different types of transformation Magic the first just gives the appearance of a transformation and the second actually causes the body to change like in those fairy tales but I don't think Jusenkyo Magic is like either of those two" "why not" "well the first is purely superficial so it can be that" "no argument there" "and the second from what I heard from Cologne causes the poor sap that goes through it a lot of pain and it takes anywhere from a few minutes to a month to complete the transformation" "hum.. go on" "so I figure it's got to be some other kind of transformation Magic .... What kind it is I haven't a clew" "well I say we call it a night" Akane said before slipping underneath her covers and peaking out to see Ranma "come on baka you can sleep with me tonight" Akane finally says to which Ranma's only response is to fall over "Na ...Nani??" Ranma managed to get out after recovering from a particularly large facefault "You heard me" Akane said while popping her head out from underneath the covers and smiling cutely "Well hum "Ranma manages to get out before Akane drags him underneath the covers An hour later Ranma speaks quietly "Akane you awake" "Yeah" Akane response quietly while smuggling closer to Ranma "what's the matter" "hum ..." "listen just get comfortable" Akane says before wrapping her arms around Ranma and hugging him tightly to which Ranma responds a few moments later with a hug of his own 'oh kami this is getting me so horney' Akane thinks as she holds on to Ranma 'not that this is a bad thing' Akane thinks before turning around and putting Ranma's arms to her breasts "night ... pervert-chan" Akane says sweetly before letting sleep over take her "night my uncute tomboy" Ranma says before falling sleep himself only to awaken next morning with a face full of cleavage 'oh shit' Ranma thinks before trying to get up only to be grabbed by Akane "and where do you think you're going baka" Akane says as she holds on to Ranma's pigtail "hum to the bathroom" Ranma says as he looks up from his fiancée's cleavage causing her to give him a strange look "at 5 in the morning" Akane says while continuing to give Ranma the odd look "hum yeah" Ranma mutters before Akane let's go 'yesh that idiot did it again' Akane thought before sighing deeply 'ahh damm I really what him ...but I'll wait at until I know he's better ...but he's all ready a lot better then he was even a couple of days ago. I can sense strange calmness from him now but ...he has to nail himself back down first until then I'll only cuddle' Akane thinks before Ranma reenters and sits down at Akane's desk "Akane" Ranma finally says "yeah" Akane replies as she stretches "what do you think of my curse" ".... I hum well I've never really thought about it" Akane admits weekly "well please do and when your done thinking about it meet me in the training hall" Ranma said before getting up and leaping out the window "humm" Akane thought before lying back and starting to think ************* later in the training hall we find Ranma meditating when Akane enters "So" Ranma said on his place on the floor "Well I really don't know I mean I hate the fact you take advantage of your curse form but I've really never known you without it and I'm not really sure if I want to" Akane said nervously "I see" Ranma said absentmindedly "well if you think of anything more you know where to find me ...but in the meantime let's get started ... first do you know where you're a mallet comes from" "well of course I do" Akane says tiredly before reaching behind her back to retrieve said object only to find it missing "hun where is it" Akane said while sounding confused before Ranma casually installed her which of course brought out said object which Ranma knocked out of Akane's hand with no effort "but how" Akane stammered as she watched her fallen mallet disintegrate into nothing before turning to face Ranma who now had a mallet of his own which Akane curiously examined before Ranma dropped it purposely causing it too to disintegrate "so can you guess what your mallet really is now" Ranma said as Akane looked up at him "no" "it's a ki attack" Ranma said before we hear the sound of the dojo floor cracking under sudden pressure of Akane's jaw " *waves his hand in front of Akane face a few times* yep was afraid of this" Ranma said "total shut down" Ranma continued absentmindedly "are you sure" Akane finally managed to get out about an hour later "yep" Ranma said "but how" "don't know but I do know you started doing it shortly after I learned my first ki attack" Ranma said as he stood up "and to answer your next question I can't teach you how to use it directly quite yet" "and why not" "cus and I'm going to be teacher I'm going to teach you how to fight without using fancy tricks first got it" "kay" "now first will start with one of our usual sparing bouts so I can figure out were you are" Ranma said while sounding suspiciously like a sensei ********************* Later that day around 3 o'clock the peaceful sounds of Soun and Genma playing shoji, Nodoka and Kasumi tending to the usual household chores and Nabiki extorting money are shattered when Akane is heard screaming as she flies through the side of the training hall and over the house "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! shit" Akane says as she lands in the koi pond with a resounding splash before starting to cradling her left eye "DAMM DAMM DAMM" Akane says as she nurses her left eye before Ranma can be seen walking up to Akane" "are you ok Akane" Ranma asks as he starts to turn several shades of green "other than his black eye I suppose I am" Akane says as she uncovers her left eye to reveal it is indeed starting to blacken to which Ranma responds by throwing up before running off "hun?? What was that about" Akane asked before turning around to face her family who give predictable reactions before Akane bellows loud enough to silence them "now would you get me in ice pack Kasumi" Akane says as she sits down ***************** Meanwhile Ranma who has run some distance from the dojo finds himself at his best friends okonomiyaki restaurant "Ran-chan" Ukyou calls from behind Ranma before seeing his face "kami-sama Ranma you look like hell ...come on I'll feed you a couple of my new specials" Ukyou says before dragging Ranma off ---------------- "so actually hit Akane" Ukyou says while sounding more than a little bit surprised "yeah" Ranma admitted as he stared blankly at his food 'this is great knowing Akane's temper the engagement between them is already off' However back at the Tendo dojo Nodoka enters the bathroom to find Akane soaking in the furo while an ice pack rests comfortably on her left eye while Akane hums a strange melody "oh kami-sama Akane your covered in bruises" Nodoka says while sounding mortified to which Akane replies to by continuing to hum until Nodoka shakes her by the shoulders "what ...oh hi Aunt Nodoka" Akane says as she adjusts her ice pack "so has Ranma gotten back yet" Akane says with an impish smile "cus if he has he's still got to finish with that kata he was teaching me" Akane said with no trace of anger in her voice "Akane I think you better tell me how you got that black eye" Nodoka says while absentmindedly fidgeting with her katana "oh I blocked with my right when I should've blocked with my left that's all" Akane says off handedly before adjusting her ice pack which was getting warm "and the rest of these bruises" "basically the same story" Akane said "but why do you ask" "Akane is Ranma abusing you in anyway" "no we were just sparing and when you spar you get knocked around a bit" Akane said while noticing Nodoka's grip on her katana "this is a bit!!??" "yeah with Ranma ... well let me put it this way aunt Nodoka Ranma used his full power there wouldn't be enough left of me to cremate" "does he really have that much power" Nodoka asks while looking scared "ask him to show you a Moko Takabisha sometime okay" Akane said wryly "hum ok now as for his behavior" "he's done nothing improper and I knew beforehand if I really was to spar with him that I would likely end up more than a few bruises. Now as he come back yet" "no" "then I guess I'll go look for him" Akane said with a tired huff "Akane-chan are you sure my son has done nothing dishonorable" Nodoka said "yeah in fact I'd say he's finely honored a request I made almost a year ago" "and what would that be" Nodoka asked curiously "to hit me while sparing" Akane said before discarding her ice pack "I see" Nodoka said before leaving *************** Meanwhile back at Ucchan's "Ok let me get this straight ran-chan. Akane asked you to train her "Yep" "And after teaching her for a while you two really spared right" "Yeah" "And after about an hour of this you knock her through the side of the dojo and into the koi pond giving her a black eye in the process" "Yes" "man she's probably going to send you into lunar orbit when she finds you" Ukyou says dryly before noticing Akane happily whistling to herself despite a positively huge black eye 'or not' Ukyou thinks to herself as Akane walks in and sits down next to Ranma "I'll have a special Ukyou" Akane says before noticing Ranma has shut down "he's shut down hasn't he" Ukyou says as she hands Akane an okonomiyaki "yep" Akane says dryly before eating "so do you think a bucket of water will do the job" Ukyou asks "I've got a better idea" Akane said before having Ukyou cover her ears "RANMA NO BAKA" Akane bellows causing Ranma to go into his usual routine before noticing both Akane and Ukyou who are laughing "come on baka time to get home" Akane says before dragging Ranma off 'oh kami that Akane is an odd one Ranma gives her a black eye and it practically puts her on cloud 9' Ukyou thought before realizing something disturbing ************** "Ranma you ok" Akane asks "make a guess" Ranma says as he traces his finger around Akane's black eye "listen Ranma I'm not angry at you okay" Akane said to which Ranma replied with a thoughtful look "it still doesn't make me feel any better" Ranma said sadly "come on baka it's not like I'll won't heal in a few days" "that's not the point Akane I.. I ... I love you and I don't what to hurt you" Ranma said as he turned away never noticing Akane's astonished expression "Ranma I love you to and having you spar with me, even if it means more than a few bumps and bruises, means a lot. No it means more than a lot to me" "...ok Akane ...*sighs deeply* lets go home" Ranma said before he and Akane continue to walk back to the dojo never noticing Ukyou who starts to cry after they are out site and ear shot ******************* Later Ranma and Akane arrive back at the dojo to the sight of an angry panda and demon headed father who are beating Happosai around rather happily "well at least we won't have to worry about them for awhile" Ranma deadpanned as he and Akane entered to find Kasumi Nabiki and Nodoka eating dinner and as Ranma sat down to eat he could feel the eyes of Akane's two sisters as well as those of his mother on him "well if any of you got anything to say or are you just going to sit there and stare at me" Ranma finely says "I think it would best for us to talk to you individually" Kasumi said matter of flatly "fine then I'll talk to you first Kasumi" Ranma said before walking off to the training hall closely followed by Kasumi "so what do you think of me now Kasumi" "I'd say it's about time you started taking her seriously" Kasumi said with an impish smile shocking Ranma "you don't mind" "oh I mind all right Ranma but you not taking her skill in the art seriously has hurt her far more than any black eye will ever hurt her and besides Akane has had more than her share of black eye's already" Kasumi said before leaving "son" Nodoka said that she entered "why did you do it" "it's not like it on purpose mom I mean have you ever spared with pop" "no" Nodoka admitted "have you even really paid attention to me and pop sparing" Ranma asked "no not really son" Nodoka admitted weekly "son Akane said you have done nothing improper and for the moment I'm going to trust her word" Nodoka said before getting up and leaving "Saotome" Nabiki practically growled before she started to attack Ranma who merely blocked her every attack "NABIKI" Akane yelled as she entered the dojo glowing "damm you sis how dare you" "..." was Nabiki's only response as she stormed pasted Akane 'she's going to spreads purtty nasty rumors around ' Ranma thought " lets just get some sleep okay" Ranma said tiredly before walking off *************** "Ranma you okay" Akane asked as she entered her room to find Ranma sitting at her desk "no" Ranma said in a choked sob "it's just no one ever wants to listen to my side true I may put my foot in my mouth every time I try to talk but still people should give me more than just the few seconds to explain myself" "and what about all the insults you throw around" "you've got to understand Akane that's the only way I knew how to act that's all me and pop ever did to each other" "so what do you mean when you call me uncute" Akane asked "well I never did like the word cute it was always something related with things that make me sick like hum" "I get what your saying" Akane said while remembering some of her owe run- in's with things that where overly cute "so when you call me un-cute you're not referring to my looks" "Yeah but some of time I am referring to your temper "Ranma admitted "And what about tomboy" "well you are a tomboy" Ranma said matter of flatly "and actually that's part of the reason I like you I mean you never think twice about telling me how you feel and you don't act all sweet and innocent. I mean you're always yourself and you make no bones about it" Ranma continued shocking Akane quite a bit "Hun ..." was all Akane managed to get out before Ranma continued to explain himself ******************* Early the next morning Ranma and Akane are awoken by the sounds of Akane's alarm clock which promptly finds itself in a world of hurt considering Akane decided to *hit* the snooze bar before plotting off to the bathroom muttering something about hating Mondays 'hum she needs a tougher alarm clock' Ranma thought to himself before getting up and walking down stairs to find Soun and Genma drinking "so what are they celebrating" Ranma asked Kasumi "oh they managed to seal you know who backup" Kasumi replied as Ranma sat down only to get a face full of water from Nabiki who quickly ran off angrily "mind explaining that to me" said Ranma-chan as she looked at Nabiki's departing form "I wish I could" Kasumi said while sounding confused before Akane entered and Ranma-chan left to get her bath ******************* Later after breakfast Ranma and Akane walk along their usual path to school "you're doing fine Akane" Ranma said as he and Akane walked along the fence tops "yeah yeah" Akane mumbled as she tried to keep her balance only to lose it and be caught by Ranma when what Akane could only describe as a mob was seen running from the gates of Furinkan High School and directly for her and Ranma "let go of her you cur and face heaven's punishment for your foul deed of defiling the beauties Akane Tendo's face " Kunou said with his usual venom as he and the mob arrived "...have I defiled your face Akane" Ranma asks as the looks down "he's talking about black eye you gave me when we were sparing yesterday baka" Akane said while sounding slightly peeved "oh!!" Ranma said as he nodded his head a few times "vile cur I said let her go" Kunou screamed while waving his bokutou around "and why should I" Ranma said as he looked at Akane "I don't know Ranma why should you let go of me" Akane asked "because I Tatewaki Kuno command it" Kunou said as he pointed his bokutou at Ranma "yo Kunou point your wooden thing in another direction before I have to remove it forcefully from your person" Ranma said before everyone started to laugh "yeah Kunou there are ladies present that don't want to see your woody so do us all a favor and shove it back in your pants and get it and you out of my site" Akane said while pointing her nose in the air to which Kunou replied by doing just that after which Ranma and Akane walk past the mob who are struggling not to laugh themselves to death ************** "I can't believe you Ranma" Akane said as she tried to stop herself from laughing hysterically "you humiliated Kunou in front of the entire school and he didn't even know it" "like mom said sometimes words can be more worse then fists" "true true" Akane said before she and Ranma walked off to class ************* meanwhile in Nabiki and Kunou's homeroom Kunou is inquiring as to why pointing his bokutou at someone would be considered offensive by telling Nabiki what Ranma and Akane had said when Nabiki starts laughing hysterically "so do you know why Nabiki Tendo" "sorry Kunou you don't have enough money for me to tell you" Nabiki says as she looks away from Kunou before looking back and falling off her chair in hysterics "in fact all the gold in Fort Knox couldn't make me tell you" ************** And so all that day Kunou wondered why everyone broke down in hysterics when they looked at him including teachers and even his father and so decided to confront Ranma as he left school that day "Saotome I demand to know what foul rumors you have been spreading about me" Kunou said as he pulled his bokutou out causing every student within site to start laughing "sorry woody rumors aren't my department" Ranma said with a completely straight face "now why don't you put your thing away after all there are ladies present" Ranma said as Akane pretended to be disgusted which dumbfounded Kunou long enough for Ranma and Akane to walk by unnoticed **************** Later back at the dojo in Akane's room Ranma sits at Akane's desk studying while Akane sits on her bed doing the same "Ranma how do you think everyone found out so quick" Akane said as she finished her homework "Nabiki" Ranma said as he continued to read "you don't really think she would" "no Akane I don't think I know she's done it to me before and she'll continue to it" Ranma said sadly as he turned around and looked at Akane "I'm going to talk to her" Akane said before storming off and after a few minutes Akane's angered scream of "WHAT" echoed through out the Tendo dojo 'If one thing can be said about that mercenary it is that she never lies' Ranma thought before the sounds of scuffle could be heard before the sounds of electronics being smashed. followed by the unmistakable sound of a door being ripped off its hinges. "damm my own sister" Akane said as she reentered and began to cry ****************** Meanwhile back in Nabiki's room Nabiki sits and looks at her destroyed surveillance equipment which occasionally sparks when Kasumi enters with a fire extinguisher and quickly puts out the fire that is starting "Nabiki you might want think about what you have done to both of them" Kasumi says coldly before leaving ******************* "why" Akane asked as she stopped crying "I don't know why Akane" Ranma answered "she wasn't always this cruel Ranma she used to be so nice - well maybe not that nice" "what happened" "would you believe Kunou dumped her" Akane said before Ranma face-faulted "you're joking" Ranma said "nope" "if Kunou had Nabiki why in the world did he start chasing after you" "I don't know he just started chasing me one day " "tell me what happened the day before" Ranma asked "hum" Akane said before finding an old diary "Nabiki was so sick that day and had to cancel their date for that night ... in fact Nabiki had been so sick she had had to cancel their past three dates "sounds like a good old-fashioned case of a misunderstanding" Ranma said "yeah Kunou thought Nabiki dumped him and vice versa" Akane said she put her old diary away "yeah but what can we do about it" Ranma asked "nothing to night that's for sure" Akane said with a yawn Meanwhile just outside Akane's room Nabiki has just heard everything 'could that have really been it' Nabiki thought before walking back off to her room [Chapter 3 the ancient Magic of the cursed springs] Late that night Ranma awakens from a dream "You ok baka" Akane says as she stirs "Hum I just had the weirdest dream" "About what" "First I was at springs and there was a book and a picture sitting right in front me. The book was written in some language I doubt even Cologne could understand but somehow I knew it had to do with the Springs and the picture was of somebody that looked very familiar but I didn't know" Ranma said while sounding spooked "then I was at your mom's grave and a crystal amulet was just floating their above the grave when I reached out for it everything went white and I woke up" Ranma explained "I'll be right back" Akane said after a long moment of nervous silence That said Akane left and returned about 3 minutes later with a small box and a photo album with she was flipping through "here look at this picture" Akane said as she handed Ranma the photo album Ranma's reaction was enough that Akane knew that he had made a positive identification The picture Akane had shown Ranma was one of her mother "is this your mom" Ranma asked to which Akane only nodded before handing Ranma the box she had brought with her when Ranma opened it his jaw almost fell off "kami this is the amulet from my dream" "that amulet is made of something that is harder than a diamond Ranma and it belonged to my mom" Akane expanded before the amulet briefly glowed as Ranma picked it up "ok I'm guessing its never done that before" Ranma said with a raised eyebrow "no most definitely not ...but why it do that" Akane said "it absorbed some of my energy not much just surface chi" Ranma explained before looking thoughtful "come on I've got an idea" Ranma said before getting dressed **************** Later around midnight we find Ranma and Akane at the graveyard "Tell me again why we're here in the middle of the night" Akane asked as they arrived at misses Tendo's grave "I just have a feeling ok" Ranma said as he placed the amulet on the head stone of Akane's long dead mother what happened next made Akane cry the spirit of her mother appeared "Hello Akane, Ranma" the spirit said with a voice of quiet power and a smile "I have been watching you both since my body died I have seen you two suffer while I could do nothing but watch from the shadows but I have finely gathered enough energy" "to do what" Akane asked tearfully "Watch and see" the spirit said before the amulet rose into the air and started admitting a blinding white light when the light faded a eerie silence fell over the graveyard before the ground started to rumble and then the grave that held the Tendo matriarch for a little over 10 years exploded and after a short silence the decomposed corpse within floated into the air. The still partially fleshed head of Akane's long dead mother had an eerie blue light emanating from where her eyes should have been Worthlessly the half decomposed corpse used her skeletal hand to grab the amulet from the air What happened after that was something that even the most die hard skeptic would call Magic. Just after the skeletal misses Tendo clutched amulet a bright ring of energy appeared and as it snaked along the skeletal arm of misses Tendo it left a perfectly formed flesh in its place Approximately 10 seconds later the ring of energy faded as it finished reforming the middle finger on misses Tendo's left hand "damm it feels good to be alive again" misses Tendo said as she stretched causing most of her joints to pop "hmm mom you don't have anything on" Akane's had with a large blush "I know" Akane's mother said before snapping her fingers resulting in her instantly being clothed in a pair of bright orange slacks and a bright red tube top and lastly a bright purple cape that done Akane's mother sits down on her own grave marker "I suppose you want a few explanations now" Ranma and Akane just raised their eyebrows "I am Hishizuka Tendo master magi born in the Avalon calendar year 102,005. I am 5035 years old and creator of the most powerful transformation magic ever known ... approximately 4000 years ago I had to do battle with an Ashura. I finally defeated her by transforming her into a statue with my magic the statue drowned by shattering into a thousand pieces in a small spring and because of the Ashura's powers the entire area was cursed with my magic ... the magic water of those Springs mixed with her powers and my magic has led to some most unfortunate and grotesque transformations .... The human to monster transformations never really take hold because the ki of alternate state is unstable ... the human to animal take over two years to become permanent ... however the human to human take hold immediately " Akane's mother said while looking off into space "why" Ranma asked "the reason why the alternate body becomes permanent is because the person's ki takes it over. with a human to human transformation the person's ki immediately knows how to take over the alternate body because the alternate body is based upon your own genes. In other words your alternate body is a direct and true reflection of what you would look like if you were born as a girl" Hishizuka explained "so I can't lose myself to my female half because it's was created from me and has the same ki" Ranma said thoughtfully "yeah" Hishizuka replied as Ranma and Akane sat down next to her "can you do anything about the water bit" Akane asked "of course" Hishizuka said "so you can't get rid of the whole thing" Ranma asked to make sure "no once the ki takes hold there is no way to get rid of it" Hishizuka said as she looked to sky "so basically you can give Ranma some medicine that will stop him flipping forms but I'm stuck with the water thing for a year" Akane asked rhetorically "yeah" Hishizuka said "I guess there is no point in hiding the fact I'm a magi anymore is there" Hishizuka added while looking off in the direction of the entrance to the graveyard "no I don't suppose there is" Akane said "well I guess we better be getting back to the dojo" Ranma added *************** A little while back at the dojo we find Nabiki looking at a photograph of her and Kunou by the koi pond. The very koi pond she was sitting by at that moment 'it was on night like this the moon full bright enough to light anyone's path that this picture was taken' Nabiki thought to herself as she looked at the photograph which showed a beautiful full moon behind her and Kunou both of whom were smiling happily and sincerely "you two look like you actually for enjoying yourselves in that picture" Ranma said unexpectedly "we were Saotome we were" Nabiki replied "come on you'll never believe who me and Akane dug up" Ranma said before making Nabiki close her eyes as she was led to the training hall once there Ranma spoke "now Nabiki I bet you 10,000 yen that this will surprise you" "Yeah right Saotome.... tell you what if this does surprise me I'll half your debt to me" "Nabiki half of my debt is only around 5000" Ranma said with a raised eyebrow which Nabiki missed since she still had her eyes closed "we'll see Ranma" Nabiki said before being led into the training hall "so sis who did you and Ranma quote dig up at midnight" Nabiki said well making sure to her eyes closed *smack!!!* "Why did you just bash him on the head for" Nabiki queried "For the absolutely atrocious joke he made" came a most unexpected reply and when Nabiki's eyes shot open as a reply she beheld the site of her mother who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the training hall elbows on her knees and hands on her chin while a very mischievous smile was plastered across her face The next sound was of Nabiki's jaw hitting the training hall floor "Mom kami is it ... but it can't" "Oh come on don't you believe the magic" Nabiki's mother said with a smile "Yeah but you can't you just can't" "Come here" Hishizuka said before Nabiki did so after which Hishizuka whispered something into her middle daughter's ear which shocked Nabiki once again before mother and daughter shared a large hug Ranma took that as a cue to leave however as he walked in to the main house he found Kasumi and Soun "boy who's out in the training hall" Soun demanded "your wife Hishizuka" Ranma deadpanned before walking up the stairs This left Kasumi and Soun to look at each other before heading to the training hall ************ About 2 hours later we find Ranma who cannot sleep even though it is 3 in the morning sitting on the roof above the kitchen looking at the training hall where the Tendo family had been happily celebrating sense around 1 am 'is that what family is supposed to be' Ranma thought before seeing Hishizuka exit the training hall with her family who all look very tired seeing this Ranma sighs before staring off into the sky but several moments later Ranma's study of the heavens is interrupted by somebody jumping up to the roof "So how is everyone" Ranma asked "Fine" Hishizuka replied as she sat down "but how are you" "I don't know" Ranma replied before sighing and looking in the direction of the room his parents shared "you know most of the time I would say to someone that thought they had bad parents that they really weren't that bad but your case I'm afraid they are" "Tell me something that I don't know" Ranma replied sarcastically "Akane wanted you to stay in the training hall with all of us" Hishizuka replied before hopping off the roof "now come on I've got a lot of work to do on you" Hishizuka said as she walked towards the training hall. Ranma only sighed before following *************** Meanwhile up in Akane's room Akane nervously watches the training hall for the next hour as bright multicolored light show occurs within and after it ended she saw Ranma-chan exit however even in the ever dim moonlight she could see that Ranma-chan has become as tall as her self and just as muscular. Akane's only response to this was to smile after all she knew better than most that Ranma hated the fact he was so much shorter and weaker as a girl. The next person than exited the training hall was her mother that made Akane smile even more before she had an odd thought 'mom's tall ... wait even I'm tall' Akane thought before realizing that most of the usual group of crazies where tall by Japanese standards in fact she realized that most of them were around 6 feet tall in fact even Kasumi was 6 foot while her friends Sayuki and Yuka were only about 5' 5'' "Akane!!" Ranma-chan called "what! Oh you look great" Akane said with a smile "so what were you thinking about" "the fact that most of the usual gang of crazies is so much taller I mean the average height of the usual crazies is 6 foot" "Probably the reason why we all attract so much attention" Ranma-chan said as she lay down only to find Akane draped over her a moment later "so did mom fix it so you can change back and forth without water" Akane said "yeah" Ranma-chan said with a yawn before falling asleep while absently putting her arms around Akane who blushes before relaxing ************ The next morning Ranma-chan awakens with her arms still around Akane and quickly notices that her breasts are pressed against Akane's and quickly blushes before Akane awakens with a yawn "morning Ranma" Akane said with a yawn before realizing the current situation "listen I'm" Ranma-chan managed to get out before being interrupted "no don't worry about it Ranma" Akane said before getting up and starting to change much to Ranma-chan's embarrassment "I think I'll just go downstairs now" Ranma-chan said before making a hasty exit leaving Akane to sigh ****************** About half an hour later Genma and Nodoka enter the tea room to find Soun, Kasumi, Nabiki, Akane, and Ranma sitting at the table Absently Nodoka noticed that by the smells coming from the direction of the kitchen that somebody was cooking there in and of course she queried the gathered family "if everyone's in here who's cooking in the kitchen" "My dear wife" Soun said as he turned on the water works "Soun old friend have you finely flipped" "No" Hishizuka replied as she entered with part of breakfast "Ranma be a good boy and fetch the rest of breakfast for me" Hishizuka added "Sure Mrs. T" Ranma said before doing just that leaving the Saotome matriarch and patriarch to stare in disbelief "By the gods how is it possible ....? No it isn't whoever you are" "oh shut up Genma" Hishizuka interrupted while sounding extremely exasperated which instantly ended Genma's tirade "now I am who I appear to be" Hishizuka said in a 'you will not argue with me' tone of voice before Ranma reentered with the rest of breakfast which of course ended further conversation until the meal was finished "Ranma Akane why don't you go practice" "Ok" Akane said excitedly before dragging Ranma off "Now I'm sure all of you are wondering why I'm here instead of 6 feet under" Hishizuka said after a moment of silence "The thought had crossed our minds mom" Nabiki said "First I must apologize for hiding who I really was .... I am the master Magi my true age is 5035 years by birthplace is Avalon and approximately 4 millennia ago I had to battle a Ashura at a certain location in China .... ***************** Later in the training hall with find Ranma making a Akane work on speed drills when the two elder Tendo sisters entered looking positively spooked and very apologetic "so I'm guessing your mom told you" Ranma said while making sure that Akane kept working in response the two Tendo sisters just nodded "listen there's no reason to apologize after all your mom has already done as much as she can" "that doesn't change the fact that she is responsible for that place even though it isn't even entirely her fault ....and" Nabiki said before trailing off "But it still doesn't change the fact that we feel guilty after all none of us have really done anything to really help you cope with it" Kasumi finished before she and Nabiki nervously left 'that was weird' Ranma thought to himself before shrugging his shoulders and returning his attention to Akane *********** Meanwhile just outside of the training hall Nabiki and Kasumi look at each other guiltily before deciding to go have some tea by the koi pond however they found the koi pond was already being used by Nodoka and their mother so Kasumi and Nabiki are left no choice but to find another place to have a quiet discussion "so have you done all you can for Ranma" Nodoka asked to which Hishizuka just nodded "then I suppose I will have to continue with my plan" Nodoka added with a heavy sigh "Why does it disturb you so much" Hishizuka asked "Because ... well because" Nodoka said unsteadily "of the simple fact your son can become a girl at will" Hishizuka provided sagely to which Nodoka only nodded to as a reply "perhaps you answer the question of why this disturbs you before you decide on anything" Hishizuka said as a command rather than a suggestion before getting up and leaving *************** Later at the Cat café we find Cologne supervising in the concoction of another potion However outside of the café Hishizuka stands quietly and stoically before snapping her finger's which instantly clothed her in a in a set of heavy and extremely ornate wizards robes The robes had beautiful complex patterns of red, orange, purple and cyan but the most distinguishing feature of the robes was a crest situated at chest level a crest that looked very important 'Time to show Cologne who the real old one is around here' Hishizuka thought before entering the cat café Upon seeing Hishizuka Cologne visibly paled before noticing the crest on Hishizuka's robes which made her pale even more "shampoo mousse get out of here now" Cologne commanded before mousse and shampoo made a hasty exit "hello honored Magi to what do I owe the honor of your presence" Cologne said nervously "Your treatment of my daughter" Hishizuka replied coldly as she crossed her arms "And who is your daughter" "take a close look a very close look" "oh gods no your" Cologne said as she backed away in fear "yes I am misses Tendo and as a member of one of the eldest family's in Avalon I promise you if harm one hair on my daughter's head I will personally see that your civilization ceases to exist, am I making myself clear" "crystal clear ma'am" Cologne said as she backed away in fear "good ..Oh and for your information Cologne I am also the progenitor of the springs" Hishizuka said before leaving which left Cologne gasping for breath < great elder gods protect us> Cologne said as a prayer < great grandmother could she really kill us all> shampoo asked that she reentered with mousse "yes child she could ... in a heartbeat ... she could wipe us all of the map with a single spell ... she projected old she was to me ... even I in my 300 years of life am nothing more than a child in her eyes" Cologne said sadly "I suggest you formally renounce your claim on Ranma and apologize to Akane or you might find your self permanently in your feline sate" Shampoo only nodded before making a hasty exit ************* And so several minutes later shampoo arrives at the dojo to find Akane laying by the koi pond with a ice pack over her left eye "why Akane have ice pack over left eye when right eye black" shampoo asked as she hovered over Akane Akane's only reply was to take the ice pack off left eye to reveal it was black as well "Oh shampoo see now" shampoo said with a smile before frowning "great grandmother say you win and shampoo sorry ... only do what Law said" shampoo explained "you mean after all this time you're just giving up" Akane said "have to law say so" shampoo said while shrugging her shoulders "but don't you love Ranma" Akane said as she sat up "only do what Law said" shampoo replied as she sat down "You mean for the past year you've just been acting like you love Ranma" Akane asked while sounding astonished "law say once outsider beat you have to bring him back and love him" shampoo replied "So you just blindly fell in love with him!!" Akane screamed before Cologne appeared and told shampoo to leave "it is not that simple child" Cologne said sadly "the Amazons are a solitary people and because of this there are not many of us so any outsider that is strong enough has to be brought in... it isn't a matter of love but of survival" "oh kami is your tribe that small" "I'm afraid so ... Ranma would have been a great blessing to us.... He would have been the first outsider in 5 generations" Cologne said as she balanced on her staff "to give you an example of how limited are tribe is. Is not uncommon for second cousins to marry" Cologne said before leaving "I'm not sure if I should be happy, mad, or feel sorry" Ranma said from the roof "I know what you mean" Akane replied ************** Meanwhile we find Hishizuka who is now in her usual garb outside Ucchan's okonomiyaki restaurant "hello welcome to Ucchan's okonomiyaki restaurant" Ukyou said cheerfully before blinking a few times as Hishizuka sat down "what's the matter" Hishizuka said calmly "it's just that you look like Akane Tendo" Ukyou replied "well as not surprising considering I'm her mother" Hishizuka replied before Ukyou turned white "now Ukyou why don't explain what right you have to Ranma's hand in marriage" "Genma gave his word of honor" "he gave it to my family first ...but I want you to ask yourself one question have you ever considered Ranma's feelings have you ever considered what he wants how he feels towards you and do yourself a favor only consider what has been said and not what you feel is true only what has been said" "he's said that I'm his best friend" Ukyou said sadly after a long moment of thought before starting to cry "I gave up 6 years of my life and my femininity for him" Ukyou said before collapsing into a quivering crying mass only to find the mysterious Tendo matriarch comforting her "why" "life is life that child" he Hishizuka said comfortingly before helping Ukyou up "now as to the time you quote wasted" "but I did" "no child you didn't ... how much of those year's did you actually spend worrying about Ranma and the truthful about it" Ukyou didn't reply for a very long time but when she finally did she admitted that Ranma was only what she was looking for and not really the first thing on her mind "now do you honestly believe that you have no femininity" he Hishizuka asked to witch Ukyou nodded to us a reply "no child you just have to realize where yours is now I will be seeing you later" Hishizuka said before leaving which left Ukyou feeling alone and very confused and scared *********** Later back at the dojo we find Ranma sitting on the roof while Akane lies by the koi pond when Hishizuka walks into the scene "I see that Ranma got you again" Akane's mother said as she look down at her daughter said daughter only nodded "can you use some magic spell to just heal her bruises" Ranma said from the roof "hmm ..yes 1 bruise healing spell coming right up" Hishizuka said before raising her hand which immediately healed Akane's bruises and black eyes but as soon as a Akane moved she noticed that her muscles were all still sore "sorry dear you heard what your sansei said just bruises" Hishizuka said with a smile before walking off leaving Akane to grumble silently until Nodoka was heard calling her son who promptly hoped off the roof and entered the house ********** As Ranma entered his parent's room he found his mother looking out the window and at Saotome honor blade "Mom you ok" Ranma asked while sounding concerned "No I'm not. in the past few months I've have my entire view of life shattered everything from the existence of magic and spirits to the very definitions of things I consider male and female ... and as for traditions they have also been badly damaged .... As a child I looked forward to being a traditional Japanese woman like my mother while my sisters and brother embraced the new liberated way of life. it broke my parents' hearts in the end I was the only one that carried on tradition ... my sisters all became liberated working women and my brother became something that most still find quite odd a house-husband and I married the boy next door but now almost everything I hold dear has no meaning. here within these walls even more so then in the rest of Japan. I have tried to cope with it by rationalizing it through philosophy but in the end I'm only hiding from my feelings" Nodoka said sadly "son I'm sure you've figured out my plan for girl training ... I still think it is a good idea but by now I will leave the decision up to you and because of my traditions I think it best that Akane's mother give you the training" Nodoka explained before asking Ranma to leave ********** a few moments later we find the poster boy of insanity walking towards the tendo dojo with the usual thoughts on his mind However if we look deep within the poster boy of insanity's mind -- yes I know it is disgusting but it has to be done-- we find the memories and the feelings Kunou feels towards Nabiki buried under years of mental denial And so when Kunou leaps over the gate to the dojo he behaves as he always has but unusually as Akane was about to give him a knuckle sandwich a command came from the most unlikely of sources "sis stop" Nabiki commanded before Akane stopped her attack on Kunou and blinked "Kunou a word with you" Kunou being Kunou just blinked a few times before following Nabiki to her room where she hands Kunou a photograph in a few seconds later a tear falls on to the framed photo "I'm surprised you still have this Nabiki" "do you still have yours" Nabiki asked as she took the photo. To witch Kunou only nodded as a reply "you want to give us another chance" "... no mercenary of ice act" "only if you stop spouting poetry" Nabiki replied "ok nabs will do" Kunou said with a smile before Nabiki smiled and Kunou immediately got extremely hot under the collar "now now nabs don't you think we should wait a little while" **************** Meanwhile in the hallway Ranma has just exited his mother's room when he hears a contorted scream. Ranma hearing that the scream came from Nabiki room decided it would be wise not to investigate and so continued downstairs ignoring the contorted and obviously male screams of agony "You have any idea who's in Nabiki's room getting pummeled" Ranma asked Akane as he sat down by the koi pond "Kunou and he's not getting pummeled ... Nabiki's making love to him" Hearing this Ranma gulped audiblely "Sis always has been a tad rowdy" "a tad the last time she made love to Kunou the floor gave out" Soun said from the tea room before a large crashing sound was heard leaving Soun to sigh in classic anima style before Kunou who was desperately trying to cover himself ran by only to be grabbed by the neck by Nabiki who was totally naked and not trying to hide the fact from anyone "help me someone she's worse than ever" Kunou pleaded as he tried to grab on to anything he could but in the end Nabiki drug him off and soon after Kunou screams could be heard once again but the thing that hung in everyone's mind was the look on Nabiki's face The look was scary even for Nabiki she was smiling in a very kawaii manner "Burr now that was scarier than a horde of hentai demons trained by Happosai" Ranma said as he shivered "Boy for once I agree whole heartedly" Genma said before Nabiki was heard screaming in pleasure and shortly thereafter she walks by still naked looking extremely satisfied with herself Seeing this everyone just blinked before waiting for Kunou to appear and when he does even Ranma felt sorry for him "I think I will be leaving for the moment" Kunou said as he adjusted his ripped clothing "good day to you all" Kunou said before leaving "you know what I feel sorry for him this time" Ranma said as he watched Kunou go only to be replaced by Ukyou who blanches at the kendoist before he leaves "do I even want to know what happened to him" Ukyou asked as she thumbed in the general direction Kunou have left in All gathered responded by slowly shaking their heads "didn't think so" Ukyou replied "so why are you hear Ukyou" Akane asked nervously "I'd like a few words with you alone" Ukyou said "ok" Akane said with a raised eyebrow before leaving with Ukyou *************** Later at the abandoned field usually reserved for challenges we find Ukyou and Akane sitting "so you're giving up on him" "yeah I know it's not in my nature to give up but Ranma would be a constant reminder of all those years I spent disguising myself as a boy and I don't think I could stand someone that constantly reminds me than I don't have any femininity so I'm going to leave Nerima until I find what I lost by disguising myself ... maybe after that I can find someone so sayonara for now" Ukyou said before leaving 'everything is collapsing' Akane thought to herself before heading back to her home while thinking Ranma has started to mature Her father and Genma had managed to get Happosai drunk enough to seal him up once more And then Ranma had started to train her Her mother had returned from beyond the grave She was Ranma's only legitimate fiancée And the ice has started to melt around her middle sister's heart But none of this made Akane feel very good after all it seemed the madness of Nerima was fading and this more than anything made Akane sad after all within the last year she had grown to expect her life to be a crazy roller coaster and so as she entered her home the Tendo dojo she had one thought 'I hope the madness doesn't end'