"Knowledge is power" In immortal quote whose creator will never be known [A smart Ranma??] Ranma sat in his history class thinking about the events of the previous day namely his failed wedding to Akane Tendo when he saw an eraser heading towards his head. Casually Ranma dodged said implement, which went flying out the window and into the school's swimming pool "Well continuing on" the history teacher said while not being satisfied with Ranma. "Now there have been a number of quotes made by famous leaders and philosophers over time but there has always been one that has stuck out in my mind. Is a quote that no one really knows who said it first ... that quote is 'knowledge is power'" the teacher said before continuing on saying that this quote had been used by philosophers and military leaders and many others sense its validity never changed 'Hmm can't really argue with that the more you know about your enemy the easier it is pound them into the pavement but the teach said that everyone uses it. Hmm hell even pop said something like that once' Ranma thought before drifting off 'Hay!! If I never had the knowledge of a ki attack, I would never be able to do one. Hum another example of knowledge is power and Akane's always saying that to do math you need to know how too. So I guess knowledge of math gives you power over it. Makes sense, I wonder what gives you power over a big fat mouth. Kasumi probably knows that sense she can keep her mouth shut. Hmm I smell a challenge. Don't know what kind yet but I can definitely smell it... or is that just ramen ...no it's both" Ranma thought to himself before the wall collapsed revealing shampoo ******************* Later that night we find Ranma in the training hall remembering an average day however the three-word quote in his history class still rang true 'Hmm I know a lot but I know I'm not that powerful ... Hmm bad info on a person decreases your chances of beating someone. so the kind of knowledge you get affects what kind of power you get from it ... hmm a little basic math, that even I can do, says good knowledge equals in increase in power while bad knowledge equals a decrease in power. Hmm pop gave some of the worse advice so all that bad knowledge that he gave to me is decreasing my power ...hmm well if there's one thing pop did say that's true is that you never want anything decreasing your power. So I better get to work finding out what knowledge is bad knowledge' Ranma thought satisfactorily [A trip to the library] Ranma walked along the streets of Nerima late at night thoroughly satisfied with the week's events. Even though he hadn't left the training hall except to go to the bathroom and the dinner table but nonetheless he was satisfied, however even late night Nerima would not allow Ranma to remain happy for long. That's when the thunderclouds started to roll in "Rats it'll start any moment" Ranma cursed before noticing been Nerima library "well any shelter in a storm" Ranma said before making a mad dash for the library. Just as he entered, a torrential downpour started. 'well at least I didn't get wet' Ranma thought to himself before doing what one usually did at a library. Look around. As Ranma did this the reason why he was out in the middle of the night floated through his head he just finished what he had dubbed his soul of knowledge training... actually he had just gone over everything his father had ever told him. Needless to say -- actually twice as needless to say - - 99.9 percent of that had been chucked out the window and into oblivion. As Ranma looked around, he began to wonder if the mischievous kami that was assigned to him and the whole of Nerima was hitting him with another oversized blunt object. He finally decided that said deity was. When a blunt object fell on his head 'Hmm the local kami strikes again' Ranma thought to himself before noticing the symbol on the cover of the book 'and harder than usual' Ranma added as he nursed his head Therefore, several hours later we find Ranma sitting with his feet on one of the library's many tables. Deep in thought Surprisingly this was in ability that the pigtail martial artist had become steadily better at over the past week. This surprised said martial artist quite a bit. The first few days Ranma found himself raiding the medicine cabinet for extra strength aspirin considering his head felt like Akane had been using it for batting practice. Hazards he figured of nonstop use of something that got very little use. His exact thoughts were 'well no pain known gain right' 'Hmm' Ranma thought as he closed the book "a lot to think about" Ranma said aloud before mentally noting a headache was starting to form. 'Well at least I know my brain got a work out' Ranma thought before heading back to the dojo. Where of course he quickly fell asleep Unfortunately, for Ranma he had on his worst reoccurring nightmares that night. However, by the time the Saotome boy awoke the next morning he had conquered that nightmare. He fell somewhat disturbed that the answer for one of his biggest nightmares had come from a book. So for the rest of the day -- minus meals and going to the bathroom of course -- Ranma thought about it. And by the time the dojo had fallen asleep he only had one answer. 'Knowledge is power' and so Ranma willingly returned to the biggest repository of knowledge he knew of. However once he got to the library. He had to face the fact he didn't really know how to read that well. Actually, he stuck as much as that French cartoon snuck. So by midnight the pigtail martial artist's pigtail was drooping "Sir" a librarian said bringing his attention to a beautiful young aqua haired librarian in her mid 20s "It closing time already" "No closing time was over two hour's ago." a librarian said as she sat down "I couldn't help but notice you were having difficulty reading even a simple book" "It's that obvious is it?" Ranma said exasperatedly "To somebody that's trained to see it ... Sir I know it must be a sore point but it's not something you can't fix with a little work" "Listen I'm not some..." Ranma said before the librarian interrupted "I can see that you're a proud man sir that's why I waited until after hours to talk to you. I don't mean to make it sound like you're an idiot because of this but teaching people how to read is my job around here." "Your job??" Ranma asked curiously "yes I'm the head of the literacy program here at the library ... one of the librarians noticed you last night and when you returned tonight I watched you until I was certain" "So you like teach kids and stuff." Ranma asked "No we teach a lot of older people that never learned how to read and women that have lost their husbands and have no means of supporting themselves and anyone else that needs help learning how to read" "Bet you don't get many like me around here" Ranma said with a touch of anger in his voice "Two or three a semester" the librarian replied "I understand if you don't want to attend a class a lot of people feel too embarrassed to do so we do teach people on a one-to-one basis" "..." was all Ranma replied with as he thought. "And we keep everything private" "well with the way my life is right now this is the only time I can get here" Ranma finely replied after he decided the librarian's offer was too good to pass up before a certain reality hit him "hmm I don't have any money" "Money isn't a problem this is a public service so it's free. And as to the time that isn't a problem either" the librarian said with a smile before retrieving a reading book [Training begins] Akane Tendo sat in her room looking out at the training hall while remembering the events of the past month. First of which was failed wedding to Ranma. The day after that, things had taken a turn for the worse for in the form of Ranma not speaking to anyone. The next morning was even worse Ranma set up camp in the training hall and wouldn't come out for anyone and wouldn't let anyone in except for herself 'it's been a month since you started this brooding Ranma ... you may let me into the training hall but even then you don't tell me what's happening' Akane thought to herself before she decided to get to sleep never seeing Ranma exit the training hall and the dojo Akane woke up the next morning and started her morning ritual of getting up -- while thanking the kami that it was the weekend -- which consisted of taking a bath, eating breakfast and then going to the training hall to try and figure out what Ranma was doing however before she could get their a gas bomb landed at her feet. Quickly jumping away Akane managed to the avoid most of the effects of the gas. A fraction of the second later a ribbon cut her blouse and her bra leaving her revealed and very angry with her attacker Kodachi Kunou. Whom she quickly attacked but the maniacal gymnast was too much for Akane as was apparent when she was quickly beaten and bruised but just before Kodachi delivered the deathblow a beam of energy sent the insane gymnast flying over the horizon. A few moments later Ranma could hear Akane being taken to her room in the background Ranma stood there like a statue until Nabiki walked up to him several minutes later "I was asleep Nabiki if I didn't wake up when I did ... if I was a second later ... damm!!!!!" Ranma shouted before raising his hands to the heavens and launching off an enormous red ki blast followed by another one that even Nabiki recognized. The second blast was a near perfect Shishi Hokodan "Saotome you know the answer to this problem so just do it" "I can't Nabiki she hates me enough as it is. If I hurt her..." "damm you Ranma she's a martial artist it hurts her honor in her sense of self worth every time you refuse to spar with her and the only damm reason you ever give her is as a week as your father's moral standards" Nabiki spat Ranma just stood there before tears started to run down his face "I know" Ranma choked out before looking off into the sky "So are you going to do it?" "Do I have any other choice Nabiki? I just hope she won't end up hating me even more over this." Ranma said before walking off to Akane's room 'If only you knew' Nabiki said to herself ************** As Ranma entered Akane's room, he was happy to see she was not that injured. Soun however started doing his demon head technique. Ranma was not amused as was apparent when he picked up the Tendo patriarch and threw him out the window and over the horizon "...." Was all Akane said as she waited for Ranma to insult her however as he closed the window and sat down by her bed his expression was very serious and haunted "Akane we both know that you're not that good as it stands even Kunou could beat you if he tried" Ranma said in a flat neutral tone Caught off guard by how Ranma said what he said Akane only nodded "So what's your point?" Akane said angrily "The Point is Akane that you got beaten by Kodachi and less than a minute" Ranma shot back with just as much anger Again surprised by Ranma, Akane just hung her head "So what are you going to do about it follow me around 24/7." Akane said defeatedly "No it's not possible for me to do that and you know it" Ranma said "the only way your going to be safe is if you can defend yourself. The only way that's going to happen is if you get some training." Ranma said seriously Akane's only response was to go wide-eyed "You're going to train me" Akane finally managed to get out "Yes. It won't be a walk in the park I won't give you any slack. By the time the day has ended, you'll want to pound me on general principle but I won't let you. I won't let you get mad me either. As a martial artist, you should have near perfect control of your anger. You've hardly even demonstrated any control over the past year. You also abuse your skills. You should never and I mean never hit someone because they insult you. It's not a proper means of retaliation ... if your enemy fights with words by back with words not a fist or a mallet. Also wait more than half a second before judging someone." Ranma said before noticing Akane "listen Akane if you want to be a great martial artist you have to learn to control yourself and anger is first on the hit list. You have to stop your anger before it blinds you. Even I had to learn how to control my anger." "What about Kodachi" Akane squeaked out "If I hadn't been in control of my anger do you even think there would have been a body left" Ranma replied as he looked away from Akane Akane didn't reply for a full minute "Ok Ranma I agree to have you train me but I expect you to take this seriously" "I will and you have to promise to do whenever I say and never question it until after the fact." Ranma said with stoic seriousness "Ok" Akane said before getting up "Kodachi didn't hurt me that much so let's get to work now" "You might want to change your shirt Akane." Ranma said while pointing at her chest "Ranma You pervert!!!" Akane screened as she swung only to have Ranma grab her hand "Akane you're the one that got out of bed with a torn blouse" Ranma said flatly before releasing Akane "... sorry" Akane said "would you leave now" Akane asked before Ranma did so *************** As Akane entered the training hall, she found Ranma sitting in the middle of the floor. As he got up a look of quiet power seemed to radiate from him. Worthlessly Ranma motioned Akane to one side of the training hall. "Ok Akane this match is for me to test your attacks so I won't be hitting you this bout." Ranma said seriously before looking Akane in the eye "if you let your temper get out of control you'll be in the koi pond" "But that's all away on the other side of the dojo" Akane said as she unconsciously took a step back "Yeah it is ... now attack!!" Ranma commanded before Akane did so As Akane attacked, Ranma dogged. This continued for several minutes and as it did so, Akane's anger slowly began to consume her and then she finally snapped and as promised, she found herself flying through the air *splash!!!* "You ok sis" Nabiki asked as Akane draped herself over the side of the koi pond "Yeah..." Akane said as she dragged herself out of the koi pond "kami one punch and I'm going to..." Akane said as she started to turn green before throwing up. "...throw up" Akane finished as she looked up to find Ranma standing by the koi pond "Take a few minutes to dry off the then get back to the training hall." Ranma said flatly before leaving After signing Akane walked off to change into another training gi while Nabiki went off to speak with Ranma ******************** As Nabiki entered the training hall, she found Ranma looking up at the Akane shaped hole in the roof "Her temper right" "Right now that's her biggest enemy ...tell me didn't your father ever teach her how to control her emotions" "No he hasn't really been himself since mom died." "How did your mom die anyhow?" Ranma asked before Nabiki turned almost white "Do you really want to know" Nabiki asked seriously "...Yeah" Ranma replied "Come by later then" Nabiki stated before leaving ********************* As Akane approached the training hall ten or so minutes later she was passed by her father who had obviously been informed about Ranma hitting her. "HOW DARE YOU HIT MY DAUGHTER" Soun bellowed from inside the training hall as Akane watched "I'm training her Soun." Ranma said flatly, as he looked Soun right in the eye "THAT IS NO EX... did you say training" Soun bellowed before interrupting himself "Yes" "I see will this training include discipline." Soun said as he sat down "Of course I'll be teaching her how to control her anger." Ranma said in a 'that's a dumb question' tone of voice "I see" Soun said before getting up and leaving "That was weird." Akane said as she entered "It was wasn't it?" Ranma said before motioning Akane to one side of the training hall "defend your self" Ranma stated before attacking As Ranma attacked, Akane took every attack head-on not even attempting to dodge even the simplest of attacks. After about an hour of this Ranma just stopped and shook his head "So how bad am I?" Akane asked "Your technique and form are great but you're slower than Kodachi because you're too concerned with full power blows. You also let your anger control you're fighting style. Most importantly, you fight completely in hard style. You should start fighting in soft style or a combo between hard and soft, and you should focus on speed with power." Ranma said clinically "So what do I do about the hard style bit?" Akane said thinking that would be the easiest problem to fix "You can start by dodging" Ranma said while looking at Akane out of the corner of his eye "Ok" Akane said before Ranma attack her and of course, Akane blocked "It's going to be a long day Akane" Ranma said before pausing "and if you don't dodge you're going back to the koi pond. ****************** Around lunch, we find Genma and Soun playing GO, Kasumi and Nodoka trade recipes, and of course Nabiki was working on some legers. *splash!!* "Baka baka baka baka" a very wet Akane mumbled as she walked back towards the training hall "hmm she must be getting better Saotome that's only the third time this hour that she's ended up in the pond" Soun said as he moved a piece "True" Genma replied, "I wonder what the boy is teaching her" "You mean besides how to take a fall." Nabiki said smugly from behind a ledger The two patriarchs didn't even dignified that with an answer *splash* "Make that 4 Tendo" Genma said before moving "She's still doing better then she was an hour ago Saotome" Soun said before moving "True" Genma replied before the two continued their game. Akane was occasionally heard landing in the koi pond but an hour later Soun and Genma became suspicious since Akane had not landed in the koi pond for at least 10 minutes "Hmm I think we should investigate Saotome." Soun said before he and Genma left for the training hall *************** "Good Akane keep dodging" Ranma said as Akane dodged him like a grasshopper Soun and Genma watched this continue for several minutes and left with a smile on each of their faces "Ok Akane stop" Ranma said as he stopped "What's the matter tired already?" Akane said as she caught her breath "No but I can see you are" Ranma said with a smile "now go take a break for lunch" Ranma commanded before Akane left. 'She's got a lot of potential' Ranma thought to himself with a smile "So Saotome what do you think of my little sister now" Nabiki said as she entered "She has potential ... And a lot of rough edges. One of which I just rounded off" "yeah sis always has been one for the head-on approach" Nabiki said as she sat down by Ranma who look surprised "just because I don't practice the art like you and Akane doesn't mean I don't know it" Nabiki replied with a smile "..." was up Ranma said as he looked at the roof which was practically nonexistent "Tell me something Saotome why do you play with them" Nabiki said as a piece of roof fell to the floor "If I fought any one of them with even half of my real strength do you think any of them even Taro would survive" "You do have a point." Nabiki said before leaving ************ Nabiki sat her room in an hour or so later thinking about what Ranma had said 'He hasn't even been taking Taro seriously' Nabiki thought "if he's telling the truth he could have ended everything by force long ago ... Akane must know this ... so there's something about him I'm missing.... I have to know what' Nabiki thought before starting to review the previous year ************ Much later back in the training hall with find Ranma has just finished a lengthy lecture about indirect attack "...ok I think I get it" Akane said uncertainly "Ok now if you're going to beet Kodachi for example what do you do first?" "Disarm her quickly." Akane said after a moment of thought "Ok now we'll work on speed drills ... first of which is punching speed second kicking and lastly overall speed ... we will work on advanced speed techniques later." Ranma said. "Now you have to sacrifice power for speed." Ranma said before noticing Akane's unconvinced look "remember the episode of DBZ the one where Trunks pumps himself up so much he could hit a snail" "Yeah and Cell said that power means nothing if you can't hit the target...." Akane replied as the concept of speed vs. power hit her as hard as her own mallet impacting on Ranma's skull "so how do I start" "One never over extend yourself, two don't be concerned if you miss a few times, Three you have to be fast in your mind" Ranma said before continuing. "will work on the third one first" Ranma said ************ About an hour later at the Kunou manner Kodachi prepares for another attack 'I shall have to bring more gas bombs this time' Kodachi thought to herself before picking up three of the aforementioned devices That done Kodachi also picks up a few spike clubs a ribbon and a razor hoop before taking to the rooftops while laughing her patented laugh ********** "Ok Akane you keep practicing like that while I go get something to eat" Ranma said before leaving Akane in the training hall "Oh hello Ranma" Kasumi said pleasantly as Ranma walked by the kitchen "Any food left" Ranma said while not entering the kitchen "Yes I saved some for you ... just wait in the tea room and I'll bring it to you" Kasumi said with a smile before Ranma nodded and headed to the tea room where he found Soun and Genma playing shoji while Nodoka sipped tea "...so how is she doing son" Genma asked "Well as it stands right now Kodachi is going to get it nasty surprise when she comes back." Ranma said plainly "What do you mean when she comes back?" Soun said as he looked at Ranma "If I know Kodachi she's probably on her way back with at least three gas bonds, two spike clubs, one ribbon, and a razor hoop." Ranma said calmly "And you plan on letting Akane handle Kodachi by herself" "Yes. Sure, I'll still be watching but it will be Akane's fight" Ranma said as Soun wrinkled his brow is thought before nodding "ok but at the first sign of trouble I want you to jump in" "Was planning on it." Ranma said before Kasumi entered with his lunch which of course was consumed at near the velocity of light *************** Back in the training hall Akane is practicing when she heard a clanking sound thinking quickly she jumps through the training hall's wall. As she rights herself, she's sees the training hall filling with gas and a razor hoop heading straight for her. With her training on dodging still fresh in her mind, she dodges the hoop with plenty of room to spare. 'Damm where is that bich' Akane thought to herself as she scanned the area A quiet tension filled the air until a gas bomb landed at Akane's feet. Thinking quickly she kicked the device into low earth orbit before it exploded 'Damm that girl I only have one gas bomb left' Kodachi thought from her hiding place before throwing her last gas bomb directly at Akane who barely dodged it 'damm when did she start dodging' Kodachi thought angrily before dropping into view with spike clubs in hand "So back for more" Akane said as she studied Kodachi. "..." Was the only reply the demented gymnast gave before attacking with her spike clubs only to find Akane was missing along with one of her clubs thinking quickly Kodachi turnaround to find Akane who was holding her club. "Looking for this Kodachi" Akane said as she waived Kodachi's spike club around "HOW!!" Kodachi screamed angrily before attacking. Thinking quickly Akane through the first spike club straight at Kodachi who dodged only to receive several blows to the stomach this gave Akane the opportunity to get rid of Kodachi's other spike club *cough**cough* "This can't be happening she is only a peasant!!!" Kodachi screamed as she mentally dispelled her nausea 'she's getting angry ...kami I can already see how is affecting her judgment' Akane thought before Kodachi pulled out her ribbon ' great that's her best weapon' Akane thought before remembering what Ranma had said about using a enemy's weapon against them as a method of indirect attack "Now you die." Kodachi screamed before whipping out her ribbon. As with her previous attack, Akane dodges it but as Kodachi snaps her ribbon back to ensnare Akane. Akane ducks and caches the ribbon before Kodachi can do so and of course Akane's famous gorilla like strength prevents Kodachi from retrieving her ribbon. 'Now it's time for some hard style power.' Akane thought before pulling on the ribbon with her full power this of course sends Kodachi flying straight at her and just before Kodachi hits Akane. She side steps and jump-front- snap-kicks Kodachi right in the stomach. the result sends the insane gymnast straight up into the air and gravity brings her straight back down. Akane not knowing if that kick ended the match backs away "Damm you!!!" Kodachi screamed as she got up and charged Akane. At the last moment, Akane sidestepped and chopped Kodachi on the back of the neck. The blow knocked the insane gymnast out cold "I did it?" Akane said, as she looked at her fallen foe before several people were heard clapping. As Akane turned around, she found Nabiki and Kasumi clapping, Soun crying, Nodoka looked as though she was made of ice. Ranma however leaned against the house and smiled widely before walking off "Wow sis if you can pummel Kodachi this badly after one session with Ranma it'll be no time flat before you're a match for shampoo." Nabiki said as she congratulated her sister "Hmm yeah" Akane said before wanting going to go find Ranma "Come on let's all go out and celebrate with some ice cream" Nabiki said before dragging Akane and Kasumi off ****************** "I see Akane beat my sister ...yes I will be over shortly to retrieve her Mr. Tendo" Kunou said. "How did she beat my sister ... it doesn't make any sense my sister may be crazy but she's a good fighter. Akane's form has always been better then Kodachi but her style is atrocious ... wait if she ...oh kami if she has not even sis would be able to stand up to her" Kunou said before leaving to retrieve his sister ******************* "Akane what's the matter" Kasumi asked as Akane picked at her ice cream "It was to easy ...I mean after a day of training with Ranma which mostly consisted of him talking or me jumping around like grasshopper” "Why don't you talk to Ranma about it?" Nabiki suggested as she munched on her parfait "I will ... after I get done with my ice cream." Akane said before digging in ****************** Back at the dojo, we find Ranma sitting by the koi pond ideally feeding the fish However, someone was watching him from upstairs. "..." was all Nodoka said as she gave her son a disapproving look. "No-chan is their anything bothering you." Genma asked from the other side of the room "Yes Ranma should not be encouraging his fiancée to become even more violent and more unfeminine." Nodoka said "if I know Ranma no-chan the first thing he is going to do is knockout that violent temper of Akane's ... it's a basic principle of martial arts that you never let your emotions control you and Akane is sorely lacking in emotional control" Genma said as he looked at his wife. "And considering some of Ranma's enemies it would be dumb for the boy not to train her ... after all he can't be by her side 24/7" "Hmm I can't argue with that but I still think she will become more unfeminine because of it." Nodoka argued "No-chan I have been thinking about matters such as that lately" Genma said before looking out the window at his son "I know I hardly ever use my mind no-chan but I still think you should hear this" "Go on" "There is a martial arts principle called yin and yang ... it is the principle of opposites ... hard and soft black and white etc. etc. ... the principle states that wherever there is yang there is yin.. Because for one to exist the other has to, where there is darkness there is light, where there is good there is evil, and..." Genma explained before Nodoka cut in "Where there is male there is female" Nodoka finished while looking at her son "Yes ...and ever sense Ranma fell into the spring his balance has been off." "Balance?" Nodoka asked "Yes because the forces of yin and yang are opposite and in conflict with each other but cannot destroy each other a balance is formed between them" "And because he can change into a woman he now has more yin." "I think it's more than that no-chan ever sense the boy fell into the spring I've been finding that most of the things we consider manly have nothing to do with being male or female. Some things do but only under tradition. But they become neutral under modern society and under another society they can even become feminine" "...." Was all Nodoka said as she sighed. "how much of our tradition becomes neutral" "Close to all of it ... the boy said something at the springs. I've been thinking about it and I decided that the curse isn't a curse at all. He has been given the chance to become both yin and yang. For the past year I've seen him go far beyond me, he has always been more honorable then me. Now I can say with certainty that my job is done. However, because of the curse he is out of balance ... I'd never think I would say this no-chan but I think it's necessary for the boy to keep his sanity............. I think you should teach him at least the basics of being a girl." Genma said as he sat down Needless to say, Nodoka checks Genma for fever. Finding none, she looks down at her son "Are you sure this was will not affect his sense of manliness" "I don't know No-chan but I'm sure you'll come up with something you were always were the smarter one." Genma said before Nodoka left 'well at least the boy won't get shish-kababed when the curse takes over his mind .... I really wish all that nonsense yin-yang stuff was real but big words never reflect what is' Genma thought before picking up a nearby bucket of water and using it to change himself into a panda who quickly falls asleep **************** Strangely back down by the koi pond Ranma is thinking about the same thing. However, his thoughts are interrupted by his new pupil "Ranma?" "Wondering why your battle with Kodachi was so easy" Ranma said without looking away from the koi pond "Yeah I just don't get it all I did was dodge a bit" "I told you before your technique and form are great but your style sucks" Ranma replied "Style??" Akane asked questioningly as she sat down by Ranma "Yeah style. You can know a million techniques and do each one perfectly but if you don't have a good style it's all useless knowledge and skill ... Knowing how to use with you know is just as important –-maybe even more— as the knowledge itself" "So a small change in style can go along way if you already know the techniques." Akane said after a long moment thought "Yep" Ranma replied before Akane left deep in thought [The manor of misses Tendo's death ... and resurrection] Nabiki set alone in her room working on some legers around 7 o'clock when a knock was heard at her door "Come in" Nabiki said before Ranma entered. Seeing whom her guest was Nabiki set her legers aside and motions Ranma to sit down "first of all my mom didn't die because of some disease" Nabiki said absently before pulling out a photo "this was taken the day before Akane's sixth birthday ...mom didn't get to celebrate it ...I'll remember that scene for the rest of my life. I'll tell you what happened as near his I can tell " "Ok" "Dad had left the family honor blade near the door to their bedroom. it was left unsheathed because mom had distracted him... if you get my drift" "I'm baka Nabiki not stupid" Ranma replied "Akane awoke early that morning and she barged into mom and dad's bedroom but the door hit the katana" Nabiki said before crying "mom was just lying there naked the blade had impaled her right in the heart ... there was blood everywhere ... Dad totally shut down he just sat there naked crying. Akane knew what happened she had seen the blade strike even better then father had. she blames it all on herself ... Kasumi figures that she relates any remotely intimate situation with mom's death." Nabiki explained while showing a remarkable amount of control before noticing Ranma's expression "Ranma you ok" "No" Ranma said as he looked at the photograph, "she's the one in my dreams... Ever sense I fell in that spring I've had dreams about losing myself and she's always come to help me. I've always thought she was some crazy figment of my imagination but this is her, the hair, the clothes, and even the way she stands is the same." Ranma said while sounding extremely rattled "You have got to be kidding Saotome." Nabiki said while not believing Ranma for one second "I don't know if I am or not but I intend to find out" Ranma said before leaving with a determined look on his face 'Something is up but whenever it is it's definitely not in business woman's best interests to be there in person even if it does concern my mother' Nabiki thought before deciding to continue her work *************** A few moments later Ranma leaves the dojo. Unknown to him however, Akane has seen him and predictably she follows him to his destination The graveyard 'Ok misses Tendo let's see if I can contact you' Ranma thought to himself as he arrived at misses Tendo grave That thought Ranma sits down by the grave and starts meditating. Akane is of course confused by this but before she can even leave her hiding place, a mysterious fog surrounds Ranma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ranma sits alone by a dream world copy of the cursed springs when a suspiciously familiar voice is heard. "I see you finally found me out Ranma" a woman dressed in a red tube top, orange slacks and a purple cape said as she sat down by Ranma "Yeah I did ... So are you really misses Tendo." Ranma asked the blue haired woman "Yeah I am" the woman said "but you may call me Hishizuka" "Ok Hishizuka what do you have to do with the springs" "Around 4000 years ago I had to battle an Ashura there. I won by using a powerful transformation magic that I created. Unfortunately, the magic waters of the springs combined with the magic of the Ashura and my own transformation magic. The results were... well I don't need to tell you" "So you're some kind of Wizard." Ranma asked "A 5035-year-old master magi" Hishizuka responded "but it's still kind of hard to dodge a katana when you're pinned underneath your husband" Hishizuka added with a shrug "So can't you like hmm" "No unfortunately I can't. As it is, I'm using most of my energy to survive as a spirit" "Damm that sucks" Ranma replied "You could help me if you want to." Hishizuka said "What's the catch?" Ranma asked "The catch is you're stuck with it" "Why" Ranma asked "Well to start off with there are three types of transformation magic. Type 1 is the oldest. Type 1 magic only gives the appearance of changing into another creature... In fact, if someone touches you while under the influence of type 1 magic the magic is dispelled. Type two is very common it's the old which turns the Prince into a frog Magic." Hishizuka explained before Ranma interrupted "But isn't that what happens" Ranma asked while sounding confused "yes and no. with a type two transformation a person's body is literally reshaped at the genetic and biological level into what ever that being transformed into ... this also results in the person's ki being wrapped somewhat ...the affect is permanent until they are returned to their natural form. ... type 3 transformation on the other hand never actually affects the person's natural body instead it uses standard type two magic plus my own special magic to create a alternate body which becomes permanent after a special ki binder spell is used causing the magical alternate body to become physical this along with a good old-fashioned faze shifting spell allows the person to have two bodies ...now the Springs botched the job of creating the magical alternate body in that every time you or anyone with a curse it splashed the alternate body is completely recreated ..... But that still won't stop the trigger from changing them back and forth or causing the alternate body to be reshaped every time ... even after it becomes permanent" "So I guess that means the springs have type 2 1/2 transformation magic." Ranma said absently to which Hishizuka replied by looking thoughtful "I suppose that's as good a way as any to describe them" Hishizuka replied before continuing "now continuing on human to monster transformation that come from the springs like Taro never actually become permanent because the ki of the alternate body never even stabilizes. Human to animal become permanent after two years first because it takes that long for the person's ki to complete the binding process. However human to human transformations become permanent immediately." Hishizuka explained "...*sighs* oh well I suppose what will be will be..." Ranma said as if he was expecting something like that to be the truth. "So how do I help?" Ranma asked "All I need is more energy and since you've got plenty to spare" "Ok so where do I channel my energy" "At me" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Kami what is that stuff' Akane thought as she watched the mist surrounding Ranma. As if on cue, Ranma begins glowing, and intern the mist began glowing brighter and brighter 'he's channeling his energy into that mist' Akane thought before the now glowing mist moved away from Ranma who opened his eyes and watched it seep into the ground of misses Tendo's grave A few moments of silence passed before the ground started rumbling. Then the grave that held Akane's mother exploded sending dust and debris everywhere. When the smoke cleared, Ranma and Akane saw the grave was indeed open. A few seconds there after a hand reached out from within the grave closely followed by another then with a show of strength similar to that of Akane's misses Tendo stood on the ground instead of under it. "By the way how are you going to explain the fact your back from the dead?" Ranma asked as he got up and dusted himself off "Good question" Hishizuka said before she and Ranma noticed Akane who looked like she had seen someone rise from beyond the grave. Needless to say, the youngest Tendo sister was in a state of complete shock "Oh boy she's really out of it." Ranma said as he examined Akane "Oh well pick her up and lets get back to the dojo" Hishizuka said with a sigh ******************* Back at the dojo Kasumi sits out dinner before noticing Ranma and Akane were absent "Oh my do you know where Ranma and Akane are" "No sure don't Sis" Nabiki said "I saw Ranma leave the dojo and Akane followed him." Nodoka said "Hmm I wonder what the boy is up to" Genma said before Ranma entered and sat down at his usual place "boy where is Akane" "Upstairs ... she took what happened at the graveyard purtty hard" Ranma deadpanned Needless to say, this statement raises more than just eyebrows "And what pray tell happened at the graveyard Saotome" Nabiki asked contemptuously "I did" was the response that a voice that hadn't been heard within the walls of the Tendo dojo for 10 years gave Needless to say this brings everyone's attention to the owner of said voice who was leaning against the door frame of the tea room who while behind her a koi jumped out of the pond The silence that filled the room was deafening Said silence was broken a minute later by entry of the youngest Tendo sister "I just had the weirdest... "Akane said before noticing her mother "dream??" Akane finished "Well we better eat dinner before it gets cold." Hishizuka said before sitting By Soun Kasumi being Kasumi of course served dinner without further ado. The dinner proceeded as any dinner proceeded at the Tendo dojo. Except for the minor detail of the presence of misses Tendo "Quite good Kasumi but you used the wrong kind of garlic." misses Tendo said as she finished her dinner. For some reason this comment makes Kasumi turn almost white 'Only mama would know something like that' Kasumi thought before smiling "I'm sorry mother we were out of the right kind" Kasumi said before gathering the dishes and leaving "I don't know who you are but ..." "Nabiki dear would you like the whole of Nerima to know your first crush was" Nabiki's mother interrupted with a stair that the mercenary usually used herself Hearing that statement Nabiki loses almost all of her composure Scowling Nabiki responses "ok who was my first crush" Misses Tendo's only response was to pickup a nearby piece of paper and pen after which she writes something on paper and hands it to Nabiki who looks at it and promptly turns white. Recovering quickly Nabiki shoves the piece of paper in her mouth and swallows it with the aid of a large quantity a hot tea "proof enough" misses Tendo said coyly to which Nabiki only nodded to has a reply before running off " I suppose you want some proof to dear" Hishizuka said as she turned to Soun the only response the Tendo patriarch gave was a cold stair. Hishizuka only whispered something into the Soun's ear. The response Soun gave was to turn beat red and walk off "What did you say to him?" Ranma asked curiously "I just reminded him where Kasumi was conceived" Hishizuka responded with a wry smile before turning to face and Akane "I know it's a little late but if you want we can go get that outfit that promised you for your birthday" Hishizuka said "...ok mom" Akane finely said "but only if you tell me what in the hell happened" "Do you want the long version or the short." "Short" Akane stated "I'm a 5035-year-old master magi." Hishizuka respond "Ok that explains why you're back from the dead but what does that have to do with Ranma's curse." Nabiki said as she and Kasumi reentered "That is the long version and will have to wait till tomorrow... come on Akane let's go" Hishizuka said before rising and leaving with Akane "I'm guessing she didn't mean late as in the time of day." Ranma said with a raised eyebrow "Yeah you would be right." Nabiki said before leaving "Boy do ... forget it something tells me I don't want to know "Genma said before he and Nodoka left 'Oh well I guess I'll go join Akane' Ranma thought before running off after Akane and her mother ************* Later at one Nerima's larger clothing stores we find Sayuki and Yuka shopping when they see Hishizuka enter followed by Akane and then Ranma who sees them and waves before disappearing Quietly Akane's two best friends follow *********** "...." Was all Ranma said as he absently sat down and waited for Hishizuka to pick out a few articles of clothing. First of which was a Navy blue vest similar in style to one of his own red Chinese shirts, second was a white tube top that was cut in the same style as Hishizuka's own -- very revealingly -- and lastly an ultra-short black miniskirt of the kind Akane usually wore along with a pair of skin black tight leggings. In response, the pigtail martial artist only raises his eyebrow at the selection. "..." was all Akane said as she took the articles of clothing from her mother after which she walks off looking a little bit sad Signing misses Tendo turns to Ranma who nods in understanding "Umm misses Tendo??" Yuka said nervously as she and Sayuki stepped out of the shadows Blinking Ranma and Hishizuka turned to face Akane's two best friends were both looking at Hishizuka "Is anything wrong you two?" Ranma asked "Hmm" was all Yuka said as she pointed to misses Tendo who blinked a few times before realizing the problem "It's me right." Hishizuka said as a statement rather than a question The two only nodded nervously "Don't worry you two I'm really back." Hishizuka said with a wink and a smile before the two nodded and left rather hastily Shrugging Ranma and Hishizuka just waited for Akane to return. When she did return, she looked extremely hot "Wow you look great Akane." Ranma said with a smile Akane responded with a smile "thanks Ranma" "Come on let's go" Hishizuka said with a smile before the trio left ************ Later on the way back to the dojo "Ranma do you really like it." Akane asked nervously "Yep it suits a lot better than the stuff you usually wear. Ranma said with a an approving nod as Hishizuka walked in front of them only to stop short as she looked in a store window. "hay cool an adventure's belt" Ranma said with a smile as he looked in the store window where a letter belt with two large hip satchels complemented by four smaller pouches could be seen hanging on a mannequin while a nylon version hung on a nearby female mannequin "I could enchant one of those and use it to keep all of my potions in" Hishizuka said with a smile "And one of those things is a lot bigger than a purse and since it's fastened around your hip it's almost impossible to lose." Akane added before the two girls looked for Ranma only to find he was already inside picking out one "guess we know what Ranma's opinion is." Akane said with a smile before she and her mother entered the store. Several minutes later the three left with three adventure's belts that were all made of black nylon ~~Authors note from this chapter on the outfit Akane received will be her generic one. Also, Ranma Akane and Hishizuka will all wear adventure's belts outside the Tendo dojo unless otherwise noted~~ ************ [A falling out between mother and son] Back at the dojo, however we find Nodoka sitting by the koi pond when Kasumi sits down by her "Is their anything wrong?" Kasumi asked "Yes" Nodoka replied "but I do not wish to talk about it" Nodoka added quickly before leaving 'I sense something is going to go wrong very wrong' Kasumi thought to herself before the Gates to the dojo were opening shortly there after Ukyou came into view "hello Ukyou" "Has Ranma come out of the training hall yet" Ukyou asked "Yes. In fact he's been training Akane." Kasumi said with one of her usual smiles Grinding her teeth as little as possible Ukyou replied "really" "Yes in fact she's already beaten Kodachi after only one day of training isn't that incredible." Kasumi added in her usual misty manner "One day" Ukyou managed to stutter out "Yes ... although Akane did the end up in the koi pond more times in a day then Ranma does in a week." Kasumi said absently Hearing this Ukyou couldn't help the laugh "So you think that's funny do you." Akane said from behind Ukyou "Yeah" Ukyou said mockingly as she turned around to face Ranma Akane and Hishizuka -- who was in the shadows. That said Akane stepped forward and dropped into a battle stance Ukyou just smiled and did the same "don't think I'm like that crazy bitch Akane even without my combat spatula I can wipe the floor with you ... besides Kodachi's style relies completely on surprise you probably just got lucky and spotted her" Ukyou taunted as she and Akane strafed in a circular motion in the courtyard between the gates and the koi pond "You're wrong I avoided three gas bombs before I fought her head on." Akane said calmly as she detached and through her adventure's belt to Ranma "And how many spike clubs the she had with her none" Ukyou said as a taunt "2 a razor hoop and a ribbon" Akane replied 'Damm that's a full arsenal for Kodachi even I would have some trouble with that battle about three seconds worth but still.' Ukyou thought to herself before attacking with a flying kick. A move she quickly regretted when Akane dodged and before she had even landed punched her five times in the back mostly unfazed by this Ukyou replied with a round house that Akane had no time to dodge but did have time to block. This gave Ukyou enough of an opening to punch Akane in the stomach. However, Akane managed to sidestep the blow just in the nick of time and before Ukyou could recover, a full power blow was delivered to her stomach, which made the okonomiyaki chef take a step back. 'Damm Ranma must have gone over dodging probably the reason why she went into the koi pond so much' Ukyou thought "I have to admit you've improved but I wasn't even taking you serious." Ukyou taunted "Don't bother trying to get me mad Ukyou half the time I ended up in the koi pond today was because I got mad" "Good job ran-chan" Ukyou said with a smile "but not good enough Akane" Ukyou said before rushing Akane at speeds she had no way of coping with as was apparent Ukyou landed several punches before Akane could even block *cough**cough* "I'm not going to go down that easy" Akane said after recovering after which she attacks while trying to match Ukyou's speed but no avail as was apparent when she was quickly punched into the ground however Akane manages to back off enough to escape Ukyou's onslaught. 'Damm she's too quick with her punches ... wait that's all she's doing .... Of course she's an upper body fighter because of that spatula and even though she doesn't have it still doesn't use her feet that much.' Akane thought before attacking with a fury of kicks most of which make contact. However, Ukyou quickly gets in side of Akane's defenses where an uppercut to Akane's gut that ends the match "Like I said before Akane you're still nothing to me." Ukyou said as she left. Only stopping long enough to hand Ranma an okonomiyaki "my treat ran- chan" Ukyou said before leaving "You ok Akane" Ranma said as he picked Akane up off the ground "Yeah so is what she said true?" Akane asked with a hung head "Fraid so she wasn't even taking you seriously" Ranma replied "but you still did really well." Ranma added before hauling Akane off *************** 'damm Ranma's right about one thing she definitely punches like a gorilla' Ukyou thought as she rubbed her stomach ' one more punch like that and I would have gone down' Ukyou thought before deciding to go back to her restaurant to recover ************** Meanwhile in the tea room we find Akane rubbing her stomach as she sat down while Ranma sat next to her "RANMA" Nodoka yelled as she entered "What?" Ranma asked "What do you mean 'what' Akane could have been killed out there and you just stood their and watched!" Nodoka yelled "Misses Saotome Ukyou would have never gone that far." Akane said as she accepted some tea from Kasumi "Wha..." "yeah she was just playing with Akane like Ranma does with Ryouga I mean every one of us knows Ranma can wipe the floor with bacon butt but he just plays around or maybe that should be horses around" Nabiki said "still sis you did a lot better than I expected you would" Nabiki added "Thanks sis" Akane said before Nodoka turned to Soun and Genma who were playing one of their usual games "What? Well don't expect me to take your side. Akane challenged Ukyou and she accepted. After that it's a matter of honor that they fight." Soun said before going back to his game "He's right no-chan amongst marshal artists a challenge is a challenge." Genma said before returning to his game leaving Nodoka to turn to Hishizuka "Don't look at me I agree with everyone else Nodoka after all challenges are taken the same way amongst wizards and Magi" Hishizuka said from the doorway leading to the koi pond By this time Nodoka as a very large sweat drop on the back of her head and turns to the last person in the room "Well" Nodoka asked Kasumi "... She should've used a sweep kick." Kasumi said thoughtfully That statement causes everyone in the room except for Nodoka to come unglued in hysterics Nodoka just stands there and frowns before storming off "Ranma it's time" Hishizuka said from the doorway to the koi pond "Ok" Ranma said before walking out to the koi pond with Hishizuka Curiously the rest of the Tendo family and Genma gathered on the porch "Ok Ranma the first thing I'll do is dispel the reshaping Magic" Hishizuka said to which Ranma nodded That done Hishizuka starts glowing with a magical aura as she concentrates and with a shout, she sends a beam of multicolored energy directly at Ranma causing him to glow for a moment "Now for step 2 the ki binder" "Wait I thought you already said it was bound to my ki" Ranma objected "It is but it is an imperfect binding and I'm sure you noticed that sometimes you have no feeling or you feel disconnected" "...hmm ok" Ranma said well sounding confused Hishizuka's only reply was to start concentrating once again and after two minutes Hishizuka releases a huge beam of energy with strikes Ranma who blinks a few times but says nothing "Now the water based trigger." Hishizuka said before firing off a small beam of energy This of course raised Ranma's eyebrow "Now the last part" Hishizuka said "Which is" Ranma said curiously "First let me make sure of something you fell into the spring of the drowned GIRL not the spring of the drowned WOMAN correct." Hishizuka asked "Yeah but what's that got to do with anything" Ranma asked curiously "Change into a girl and I'll give you the details." Hishizuka said before Ranma did so after which the ancient Magi began to examine the small redhead both physically and magically "just as I thought this body as the physical age of a 13 year old." Hishizuka said The response that statement gets is unanimous everyone watching the Tendo matriarch develops a severe case of jaw drop "You're joking no way could a 13 year old have that kind of bust line." Nabiki bellowed before Genma interjected "Actually now that I think about it Nodoka was about the size when she was 13." Genma said as he nervously scratched behind his head "And now" Nabiki asked "Hmm about your mom's size" Genma said "Ok ok but what does that have to do with the next step" Ranma-chan asked impatiently "The next step is to age your female body to your real age." Hishizuka said nonchalantly After taking a large gulp Ranma-chan responded, "This is the part that's going to hurt like hell isn't it" the diminutive redhead said nervously "No afraid not ... it's going to hurt worse then hell" Hishizuka replied Sweat dropping Ranma-chan finely replied. "Let's get on with it then" That said Hishizuka began the final step and by the time it is finished Ranma-chan was as tall as Akane and looked just as strong however due to the strenuous nature of the last step Ranma-chan fainted the minute Hishizuka finished "Nabiki, Kasumi take Ranma to her room Akane come with me I like to have a word with you about some things" Hishizuka said before walking off towards the training hall *********** As Akane entered the training hall she sensed something she had not sensed 10 years her mother's white hot anger Her mother's anger was not something to be trifled with or even thought about "Ne-chan I have been watching you for the past 10 years but this past year you have acted worse than a two year old you should have seen Ranma for what he is and what he isn't instead you acted even more immature then he did. instead of trying to help him." Akane's mother said with deadly calm and a very powerful white aura Akane to overwhelmed by the sheer power she was feeling from her mother just collapsed on the floor where she remained through a lengthy lecture about her behavior that was delivered without a raised voice *********** About an hour and a half, later Ranma-chan awakens to find Kasumi watching over her "Are you ok Ranma?" "Yeah Your mom wasn't kidding that did hurt worse then hell" Ranma-chan said before getting up "I'm going to take a hot bath" Ranma-chan added before leaving never noticing his mother who was fuming in the corner of the room *********** As Ranma-chan walked downstairs, she found that a strange quiet seemed to be radiating from Soun and Nabiki a quiet that scared the pigtailed marshal artist however this did not stop Ranma-chan from continuing on to the bathroom however after washing Ranma-chan entered the bath room to find a naked Akane crying in the corner so badly she was shaking "Akane" Ranma-chan said worriedly as she dropped her towel and sat down by Akane who just replied by grabbing onto Ranma-chan and crying even harder Several minutes later after Akane had stopped crying she spoke in a quiet defeated voice "I'm sorry for everything I've done please forgive me please" Akane croaked out before starting to cry again "Ok your forgiven" Ranma-chan said as Akane cried on her That said Akane calms down and just lies there on top of Ranma-chan for a long time until that is Nodoka enters and of course assumes the wrong thing "You you" Nodoka said as she ground her teeth while looking at Akane "Mom this isn't what it looks like" Ranma-chan said but as things usually proceed in Nerima Nodoka did not listen but just ran out. of course Ranma- chan tries to go after her mother but Akane stops her "no please don't leave" Akane pleaded before Nodoka was yeah heard yelling about Akane changing her son into a lesbian hearing this a single tear escapes her eye as Soun was heard yelling "Akane are you." Ranma-chan asked "I'm not sure but I am attracted to you even like this." Akane said while hiding her face "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you into some kind of pervert" "No it's not because you're a girl Ranma it's because "Akane said before trailing off "it's because I love you ...male female it doesn't matter you're still you" Akane said as she turned around and embraced Ranma-chan who shifted uncomfortably "does ... do you really hate being a girl" "I don't know anymore Akane for the past month I've thought about a lot of things and thrown out most of what my dad told me about women but there's still this nagging feeling ...it's not so much that I'm going to lose myself to it but that I really shouldn't be a girl at all" Ranma-chan said "But what about all the times" "Come on Akane even bacon butt could tell that I was enjoying myself but with all pops dumb sexist ideas I could never enjoy myself as the guy." Ranma-chan said before continuing in a strangely haunted voice. "Its strange people always say that sexism goes from men to women but in the past month I realized there is a lot towards men ...like a guys have to be emotionless in public and all guys are pervert's just because their guys, and I won't even go into to the stuff my dad spouted all the time" ".... I never really thought about that but its true men are expected to act up to certain stereotypes and when you really think about it there just as sexist as the old house wife bit." Akane said as she subconsciously winced in pain before the yelling in the dining room increased in volume and venom "Come on let's get our bath and then sneak upstairs" Ranma-chan said ***************** Later we find Ranma and Akane sitting alone in Akane's room while the argument from downstairs continues "Strange that it's only my mom and your dad that's yelling" Ranma said from his position on the floor "Not really dad as always hated sexists racists etc. etc. ... it's one of the few things he actually gets him honestly mad" Akane said with a curious tone in her voice before Kasumi entered with Nabiki "Personally I like your fights better sis" Nabiki said as she sat down with Kasumi who looked uncharacteristically angry "Hun" Akane asked "your fights with Ranma aren't really all that important not to mention you two forget about what you were fighting about five minutes after you get done with the fight" Nabiki said before turning to face the door "but the fight going on down their right now is anything but" "They're taking this purtty seriously aren't they?" Ranma said before a particularly loud shout was heard "As of this moment I disown Ranma." Nodoka screamed venomously Ranma's only response to the shout was to go wide-eyed and look like somebody had just shot him with a huge energy wave. "Ranma are you okay." the three Tendo sisters asked before Genma entered "...I'm sorry son" Genma said with a tear before leaving "Ranma" Akane said as she placed the hand on Ranma shoulder. Who had gotten up and started looking out the window to see his mother angrily leaving the dojo "I'm ok I guess ... ... ... Considering some of the stuff that happens around here why should I even be surprised." Ranma said as he looked out the window however when Ranma turned around everyone could plainly see his face was drenched in tears "but it still doesn't make it any less painful" Ranma said as his tears found the way to the floor followed shortly thereafter by Ranma himself The two elder Tendo sisters just left knowing that their presence was not needed or wanted After a long moment of silence Ranma just sighed and got up "I'm going to the library" Ranma said before leaving Needless to say, Akane decides to follow but her mother stops her selling her that Ranma needs some time by himself [The day after] Around 2 o'clock in the morning, we find Ranma returning from the Nerima library with a certificate proving that he finished the literacy program at said institution. But not even the fact he had finished the three-month program in only a month or the fact that he was gaining knowledge at a firestorm's pace nor even the fact the rain that was falling on his head was not changing him into a girl made the pigtail martial artist that happy After a long walk Ranma looked, up to find himself back at the dojo and as he entered he found Soun waiting for him "I'm sorry Ranma it's mostly my fault." Soun said as he offered Ranma an umbrella "No Soun it's not" Ranma said before continuing on into the house and up to his room when he entered he found only his few belongings and his bedroll in the room silently Ranma took off his adventures belt and started to change his clothing however just as he took off his shirt he sensed Akane behind him "So what did you do at the library?" Akane asked as off handedly as she could "Check the left hip satchel" Ranma said as he took off his pants and through them into the dirty clothes corner of the room along with his shirt Quietly and somewhat confusedly Akane did so and when she found nearly made her cry "certificate of literacy ... this certificate proves the one Ranma Saotome completed the Nerima literacy program ... as of" was Akane's reading of the certificate "Today" Ranma finished "I have no idea ...I'm sorry I called you stupid" "Forget about it Akane looking back I have been purtty damm stupid" Ranma said "So how long have you been doing this?" "About a month now" Ranma replied "and you'll be happy to know that I'm so baka that I finished the whole three-month program in that time." Ranma added with a week smile as he sat down Hearing this Akane couldn't help but laugh after all Ranma poked fun at himself however as she looked at him she found that he was not smiling As a quiet tear rolled down Ranma's face Ranma said, "Usually your laugh can make me happy in an instant." Akane's only reply was to sit down on the floor and wrap her arms around Ranma Nothing was said for what seemed like an eternity When the silence was broken by Akane, it was done in a most unlikely manner "Let's have sex." Akane said quietly "What" Ranma said while sounding extremely surprised "Ranma for the past year I've been hiding behind anger denying that I love you and after what's happened in the past day I can't hide behind anger anymore and I don't want to any more." Akane said as she pulled Ranma closer to her and as she did so Akane kissed Ranma while not a particularly long or passionate kiss its effects were felt by both "Wow" Ranma said after the lip lock ended Akane's only response was to pull off her pajama top, which allowed her breasts to come bouncing into view nervously Ranma took hold of one of the mountains of feminine flesh and found it to be soft yet firm as he toyed with it he saw Akane was deeply enjoying it "so it gets hard with a girl gets excited too" Ranma said absently as he toyed with Akane's nipples "You've never played with yourself have you?" Akane said as she took Ranma's hand "you hardly even getting me excited. Now you have to really work it "Akane said as she used herself to demonstrate Ranma nodded and began to work Akane's breasts with more fervor gaining an immediate response in the form of a pleasured moan Akane's next action was to passionately kiss Ranma after which she feeds Ranma her breasts getting the general idea Ranma began to use his tongue to tease Akane's nipple while he uses his hand to do the same to her other breast Taking the lead Ranma slipped his other hand into Akane's pajama bottoms where he found a moist wetness between her legs as he began to explode Ranma quickly found one spot that drove Akane absolutely crazy which was apparent when she squirmed out of her pajama bottoms after witch she spreads her legs to reveal her already wet pussy. Smiling Ranma continues to work his fiancée's pussy, which yielded the almost immediate result of a pussy flood "Woh" Ranma said as he dodged Giggling Akane responded with a blush and an explanation "sorry I always have been a squirter" "Well let's just see if I can plug up that leak." Ranma said with a hentai grin as he removed his boxers "You naughty boy" Akane said with a hentai grin before Ranma started to tease Akane's pussy once more "Just do it." Akane said in between moans The only reply Ranma gave was to do so. The response Akane gave to give a pleasured scream as Ranma broke through her virgin barrier. Of course the scream made Ranma open his mouth concern however before he had a chance utter even a simple sound Akane embraced him in a passionate kiss taking this as a good sign Ranma began to buck his hips and after a few moments of this the two shared a orgasm About a minute later Akane finely speaks "mmm you know what I'm not even close to being tired" Akane said as she ran her fingers along Ranma's chest "Yeah I'm more worn out because of what's happened today than anything else." Ranma said as he rubbed the back of Akane's neck "Same here" Akane said before continuing "Ranma I" "Quit apologizing for the past Akane was done is done and we have to move on." Ranma said as he put his finger on Akane's lips "You are the kindest and most forgiving person I know Ranma even though you are sometimes the biggest jerk in the world" "Hay I figure you can't have one without the other." Ranma said with a half smile before Akane yawed "I think I'll just go to sleep now." Akane said before dosing off as she wrapped her arms around Ranma "Same here Akane" Ranma said before drifting off into dream land *************** Early the next morning Kasumi looks into Ranma's room to find Ranma and Akane still wrapped around each other and leaves without making a sound and with the simple thought of 'it's about fucking time' As Kasumi entered, the kitchen a couple of moments later she found her mother looking through the kitchen Cabinets while looking like while like a zombie "Good morning mother" Kasumi said to which her mother only responded with a low growl "Morning" Hishizuka finely responded as she unceremonially deposited herself at the kitchen table "You know what you look like a zombie right now" "I feel like one." Hishizuka said before shaking her head to clear it Smiling Kasumi put a kettle of water on the stove before sitting down next to her mother "Mom what was the long version" Kasumi asked "Wait till after I wake up ok" Kasumi's mother said with a week smile before Kasumi started preparing breakfast "Morning" Nabiki said as she entered a few minutes later with a small ledger "That the household budget" Hishizuka asked her middle daughter "Yeah mad its worst this month than last ... Were almost out of money not even all of the investments I've made I can't keep the dojo afloat for much longer." Nabiki said sadly "Well how bout this" Hishizuka said before producing a small leather pouch from nowhere Curiously, Nabiki took the pouch and opened it to find it filled with around a kg of gold pieces Seeing this amount of money in one place was enough to make even Kasumi drool Nabiki on the other hand was painting like a dog and oinking like a pig "Calm your self Nabiki" Hishizuka said "now do you think that will be enough" Hishizuka added to Nabiki responded by continuing to salivate over the gold pieces Sighing Hishizuka pointed her finger at Nabiki. After which the middle Tendo sister found herself at the wrong end of a lightning spell, which snapped her out of money-induced trance "now do you think that will be enough" Hishizuka repeated to which Nabiki nodded before gathering the gold pieces and putting them back in the pouch after which she quickly vanishes "... Do you think it was wise to give her THAT much money?" Kasumi said while biting her lip "Don't worry" Hishizuka said with a early morning yawn ************* Meanwhile on the other side of Nerima Genma Saotome awoke and absently walked to the tea room of he and his wife's home. Genma found Nodoka eating her breakfast and another plate of food sat out for him. Genma remembered a time that would have made him happy to sit with his wife however even Genma was angry at his wife's actions and Nodoka herself, well her face was emotionless a sign that Genma knew all too well. It was a sign that Nodoka was having a great deal of inner conflict. Genma also knew that it was best to leave her alone until she chose to speak and so finished his meal in silence ************** "..." was all Akane said as she awoke in the arms of her fiancé. Happily, Akane began to tease his butt by running her fingertips across it. The response she got was typical Ranma he annoyedly tried to brush away the offending finger thinking it was some sort of insect. Akane's response to that was a light giggle and to kiss Ranma "Mmmh I'd love to play you very uncute tomboy but we really should get up" Ranma said lovingly "Mmmh spoil sport" Akane said with a fake little pout before getting up and retrieving her pajamas, which she doesn't bother to put on as she leaves "Why am I getting the feeling that she going to be all over me all the time?" Ranma said to the wall The wall gave no reply so Ranma decided to get dressed and head downstairs ************** As Ranma entered the tea room after taking a bath, he found Soun whaling happily about his wife's return from the great beyond. Ignoring the whaling Ranma sat down at his usual spot and waited for breakfast to begin "Morning Ranma I trust you slept well" Hishizuka said as she entered and sat down by Soun "Yeah" Ranma said before Nabiki entered and sat down with a small leather pouch "So Ranma how was my sister." Nabiki asked nonchalantly Giving Nabiki an evil glare Ranma responded, "That's none of your business" Nabiki's response to that was to blink before smiling "ok Ranma" About a minute after that Akane entered and sat down by Ranma "breakfasts ready" Kasumi said pleasantly as she entered with said meal and of course as things usually proceed at the Tendo dojo breakfast was inhaled in record time after which Ranma leaves for the training hall leaving the Tendo family alone "Ok mom start telling us the long version" Nabiki demanded With a sigh Hishizuka related to her connection to the curse springs ************** A little bit later, we find Ranma staring out into the courtyard by the training hall "Hmm" Ranma said as he heard the footsteps of the two elder Tendo sisters and just as they stepped into view Ranma spoke "I guess you're mom told you" "Yeah" Nabiki said as she sat down with Kasumi "So how did Akane take it?" Ranma asked absently "She's still in shock." Kasumi said "not that we're much better" Kasumi added as she rubbed her head "Yeah we're all grateful that you helped mom but "Nabiki said before trailing off "If your going to apologize don't what's done is done" Ranma said with a sigh "Is their anything bugging you?" "Yeah" Ranma said as he got up and started pacing "ever since I went back to the springs I've been thinking about it and most of the time I figure I was just using it to things didn't have enough guts to do because of all the stupid things my dad me about being a MAN. ... and then there were the times I went after any thing that looked like a cure ... and there was always fear of losing myself but I've changed a lot since I got back from the springs and now" Ranma said before trailing off "And now what" Nabiki asked "What right do I have to be a girl hun?" Ranma said as he stared off into the sky Hearing this, the two Tendo sisters developed a severe case shock "How bout the fact everyone is both male and female." Hishizuka said as she walked into the scene "... no I can't swallow that sure everyone has a little bit of their opposite within but not like this" Ranma said before summoning something that surprised Nabiki and Kasumi Ranma summoned his female ki and its force was equal to his male ki "No Ranma your wrong you wouldn't be able to generate that amount of female ki if your spirit couldn't handle it all your female body has allowed you to do is to completely tap your female ki." Hishizuka said calmly The only reply Ranma gave was to look thoughtful before walking off leaving Kasumi and Nabiki still shell shocked "Surprised that he as that much feminine ki" Hishizuka said from behind her daughters The two elder Tendo sisters just nodded ************ Meanwhile in the tea room we find Akane in a state of general shock "I can't believe it my mom is responsible for the springs" Akane said to no one however reply she received was from Ryouga who as usual was lost "Come on Akane you can't be serious and what are you doing in Outer Mongolia" Ryouga said while sounding confused Looking sideways at Ryouga Akane replied, "This is my house Ryouga" "Oh so I'm in Nerima" Ryouga said as he scratched the back in his head "Yeah" "So why do you say that you're mom was responsible for the springs I mean that's just plain crazy" Ryouga said as the sat down "I said 'is' Ryouga not 'was'" Akane replied annoyedly "Hun but isn't your mom humm dead" Ryouga said while sounding more confused then Ranma "She was until last night" Akane replied "Ok your telling me that your mom is back from beyond the grave" Ryouga said while not sounding in the least bit convinced "Yep" Akane said nonchalantly before Hishizuka entered and sat down "Hello P-chan" Hishizuka said before nonchalantly throwing a glass of water at Ryouga the result was predictable and Hishizuka had to restrain Akane with a magical spell "Did you have to do that?" Ranma asked as he entered. Hishizuka only responded by starting to glow with a white hot aura which surprised Ranma more than anything "ok I get the picture" Ranma said before carrying Akane off "Now Ryouga give me one good reason why I should bother to cure you after what you've done to my daughter and to Ranma All the piglet did was attack only to be stopped by a blast of white-hot ki "Do not trifle with me Ryouga I am over 5000 years old and a master Magi. And far far more powerful then you can imagine" Hishizuka said as she stood 'Whoever this is she can't be Akane's mother' < But I am Ryouga > Akane's mother replied telepathically 'No please anything but that' the porcine Ryouga thought desperately Defeatedly Ryouga-P-chan nodded "Good when my daughter is satisfied that you have redeemed your self I shall cure you but be warned you only have one year to do so" Hishizuka said before leaving "You know what Ryouga you could have avoided all of this you've told her from the beginning." Nabiki said as she and Kasumi entered ************** Meanwhile in Akane's room Akane lies on her bed and cries while Ranma sits nearby waiting for the energy rings surrounding his fiancée to fade when Akane's mother enters with a look that simply said leave and so Ranma did so Hishizuka then sat down and waved her hand dispelling the energy rings binding her daughter "Did Ranma tell you about the promise Ryouga made him give" Crying Akane only responded with a nod "When you calm down come downstairs." Hishizuka said before leaving which left Akane alone to cry **************** About an hour, later Akane enters the tea room to find Ryouga and Hishizuka while Ranma sits by the koi pond "Ok Akane you have to give Ryouga as many tasks as you see fit and if and only if he completes them all to your complete satisfaction will I cure him." Hishizuka explained Doing a remarkably good job of controlling herself Akane spoke "you can start by ending your bread feud with Ranma and to make up for all of the rotten things you've done and said to him you can find a cure for the Neko- ken" Akane said before running into Ranma's arms where she begins to apologize "I suggest you get going Ryouga." Hishizuka said before snapping her fingers, which caused Ryouga to vanish in a flash of light ******************** Later that day around noon we find Akane sprawled out by the koi pond looking exhausted when Yuka and Sayuki came into view "Akane are you ok?" Yuka asked while sounding concerned "Yeah just completely and totally exhausted" Akane replied "What happened" Sayuki asked "I've started training with Ranma ... today its speed drills." Akane said "Damm what kind of hellish speed drills is he putting you through?" Yuka demanded "Hellish" Akane deadpanned before Hishizuka exited the tea room "Your sansei says you only have 2 more minutes to rest." Hishizuka said causing Akane to cry in classic anima style "Can't you give me some kind of magical potion mom?" "I could but I doubt your sansei would appreciate it, after all he is building up your endurance with those speed drills." Hishizuka said with a coy smile "You're enjoying just watching me suffer aren't you?" Akane said while looking sideways at her mother "Who me" Hishizuka said with a Nabiki like grin before Ranma appeared and through Akane over his shoulder "You’re a cruel man Ranma Saotome." Akane said in mock protest, as she was drug off "I assume your here about me" Hishizuka said as she watched Ranma drag Akane off to the training hall "Yeah" Sayuki said all starting to look nervous to "To make a long story short I'm a 5000-year-old Magi." Akane's mother said calmly as she turned around Looking surprised at first Akane's friends blinking before smiling after all in Nerima if somebody isn't abnormal they're not normal "Thank goodness we got you were some kind of zombie" "Only in the morning before I have a cup of tea" Hishizuka said with a smile The reply Akane's friends gave was to laugh. After all, they knew from past experience that the Tendo matriarch was not a morning person "Well I guess sense Akane's all tied up that will be leaving now." Yuka said before she and Sayuki left the only thing the Tendo matriarch did after that was to sit down and start meditating and at the same time in the training hall Ranma senses a small but distinct wave of ki pass over him "Keep practicing Akane I'll be right back." Ranma said before heading straight for the koi pond by jumping over the roof Raising an eyebrow upon Ranma's arrival Hishizuka replied to Ranma's unasked question "you're more sensitive than I gave you credit for not very many people have ever been able to sense me using this technique" "What are you doing right now I can sense your ki everywhere?" Ranma asked "I'm using an old technique I learned from a ki Master it enhances 1 senses" "But I don't understand I don't feel your ki prodding anything" "No Ranma I'm not ki using 'ki sense' I'm using my ki to enhance my senses. ... the ki your feeling right now if allows me to touch, smell and even taste everything around me without actually touching it, smelling it, or tasting it and I can do so, so powerfully than it's better really doing it as for site and hearing. I can count the individual hairs on a Caterpillar's legs from 10 miles away and because of the nature of the technique; I can see heat, radio waves, and even x-rays just as clearly as your red shirt. As for hearing well I can hear that Caterpillar munching on a leaf" Hishizuka explained "So how do you learn how to do this?" Ranma asked curiously while already realizing the potential uses for such a technique "To enhance your senses you must first understand them. To do so use your ki to feel your surroundings then compare what your ki tells you to what your senses tell you. When you succeed, you will know your senses for what they are and improve them from there." Hishizuka explained "Hmm sounds like that will take a lot of time to master" "Considering your sensitivity to ki I'd say it would take you 12 hours of solid meditating before you can use the technique at all and as for mastering it. ... the nature of the technique prevents that from ever happening ... after all there is always something new to experience" was Hishizuka's answer before Ranma nodded and returned to the training hall leaving Hishizuka to sense the whole of Nerima 'hmm Cologne, she has grown week ... it was hard to sense her true strength when I was dead and now I can tell she is growing weaker ...she is already weaker than Ranma is that is if he used his true power which he never does. ...hmm there is that ancient pervert Happosai ... he's as strong as ever but still no match for even Cologne ... but both of those old fool's have far far more skill then Ranma of course Happosai bag of tricks consists mainly off pressure point techniques and some magically reinforced body armor will considerably weaken his position. Cologne however she knows more than pressure point techniques and when in real battle prefers not to use those techniques unless absolutely needed. I could eliminate both with a wave of my hand but Ranma needs the experience of defeating both. ...I know everything in that ancient pervert's bag after all he stole close to all of those techniques from one of my spell books. ... the pervert will be easier for Ranma to defeat all he will need to do is get some good body armor, learn the technique I just talked to him about, and I have to get him to use all of his power something he didn't even do against saffron something he couldn't do against saffron.' Hishizuka thought to herself before deciding to work on the body armor Ranma would need Later that day around 5:00, after Akane's training session we find Ranma meditating alone in the training hall when Hishizuka enters with a black bracelet "Ranma I have something for you that you will find useful." Hishizuka said as she gave Ranma the bracelet "What does it do?" "All you have to do is hit the bracelet and your body will be completely wrapped in pressure point proof body armor .... The ideal protection against a certain musty Amazon elder and an aged pervert ... also the body armor is invisible so no one will know you're wearing it except for you." Hishizuka explained Pointing his finger at Hishizuka Ranma smiled "do you know how valuable this will be to me" "yes that's why I made it" Hishizuka replied before sitting down "Ranma I know your far more powerful than you let on and if you ever hope to beat Happosai or Cologne you will have to use your full power" After a long moment of reflection, Ranma responded. "my true power has gone up so much that" "You're frightened of it" "No I'm frightened of what I might do to others after all I cause enough collateral damaged already." Ranma explained "You do have a point" Hishizuka said before smiling "but a problem I can solve by Teleporting you and the combatant you are fighting to a remote location where you will be free to fight with everything you have" Ranma nodded with a wide smile before Hishizuka left leaving Ranma to meditate ************* As Hishizuka entered the tea room, she found her youngest daughter absently picking at her food, which Kasumi had prepared for her "So are you thinking about Ranma's girl side?" Hishizuka said with complete nonchalantness as she sat down and "Yeah" Akane admitted "I'm way beyond curious but I do not want to force him ...he's always been so sensitive about it ...and now he doesn't have to be a girl at all" "That's not entirely true you know ... Ranma is more of a girl now then he was before I cleaned up the mess that those ruddy springs create" "Hun" "Well for starters even before Ranma was cursed he had a great deal of feminine ki. ...or more precisely he had the potential to have now when he was cursed his female body realized that potential but due to the incomplete nature of the ki binding and the fact he fell into spring of the drowned girl his spirit couldn't equalize his male and female ki. In fact, the only thing that kept him from suffering permanent damage for this long is his incredible ability to focus his ki" Hishizuka explained "What kind of damage?" "Some of the worst kind Akane ... I won't even tell you even the name of this kind of damage" Akane's mother said in a quiet haunted voice "You've seen it haven't you" "I'm over five millennia old Akane it's kind of hard not to see some really terrible things that amount of time" Hishizuka said with a tear "Mom do I have an unusual amount of male ki" Akane asked nervously "Socially yes spiritually you're as balanced as Ranma was before he was cursed ... Although Ranma never could express his female ki because of his father's pressure" "so what you're saying is the reason I'm attracted to his female form so much is because my male ki wants to" Akane said before trailing off "well that's one way of looking at it ... but hardly appropriate considering you've never actually been a guy" Akane's mother said before noticing her daughter's troubled look however before she could speak a scream of yahoo!! Was heard from the training hall after which Hishizuka rolls her eyes "I swear in five millennia I've never met anyone quite like Ranma I mean I only told him about ki enhanced senses 6 hours ago and he's already figured out how to do it" "Well Ranma is Ranma." Akane replied to which her mother only nodded to as a reply before Ranma entered "It's a lot more than you expected isn't it." Hishizuka said Ranma could only nod as he looked around the room "I swear I can see things just like I was there ...." Ranma said distractedly before looking in the direction of the cat café. "right now shampoo is speaking around in the kitchen trying to find some passion spice. ...Cologne's in the next room and she's just smiling since she has the bottle in her pocket. ... Mousse is well being mousse ...and I can smell the Raman and even taste it just by extending my ki ..." Ranma said before turning towards Ucchan's and continuing "and I can hear the okonomiyaki sizzling on the grill at Ucchan's ... and" Ranma said before trailing off in a growl "And what" Akane asked before Ranma replied with one word Happosai "you have all the skills necessary to defeat him Ranma" Hishizuka said before looking at her daughter "I'm sorry you will have to miss this battle" Hishizuka said before she and Ranma vanished In another part of Nerima Happosai who is, running from a mob women vanishes without a trace ************ The battlefield a huge open plane somewhere The combatants an ancient martial artist who happens to be one of the biggest perverts in the world, and a another who would argue already had the power of a demigod The referee a master magi five millennia old whose true power was unknown by both combatants Tapping the bracelet on his wrist Ranma spoke "it's time to end it Happosai." That said Ranma powers up to his true power its force is enough to cause the ground underneath him to buckle the diminutive perverts response was to smile "You may have power boy but I have a .... Water gun" that said Happosai proceeds to pull out a super soaker and soak Ranma "You know what Happosai you're as stupid as ever." Hishizuka said from nearby "So I see you finely gathered enough energy to revive your self." Happosai said while starting to sweat "this explains why the boy didn't change but I shall still defeat him." Happosai said before attacking Ranma with a technique that would disable him only to find Ranma had blasted him with a ki blast and was not about to stop blasting 'damm if I can't disable his chi flow I'm a dead pervert' Happosai thought to himself before Ranma stopped blasting. 'He's already tired.' Happosai thought before attacking only to receive a combo between the Tenshin Amaguriken and Moko Takabisha. needless to say this puts Happosai in a world of hurt however he's still manages to use multiple pressure point techniques before being knocked away Expecting his opponent to be reeling in pain Happosai got up and looked at Ranma only to find him dusting off his shirt "Damm pressure point protection armor I should have known you would give him something like that." Happosai cursed before pulling out a 5-yen coin however before he has a chance to drain anyone's energy Ranma uses a small ki blast to destroy the coin and before Happosai can react, Ranma had started attacking Thus, the battle was on for real about an hour and a half later Ranma punches Happosai hard enough to knock him several meters By this time the battlefield was heavily cratered by both combatants' attacks 'It looks like the worst battlefield I ever saw' Hishizuka thought to herself "Give up yet" Ranma finely said a loud "Never!! Female Lust Blast" Happosai screamed before launching off an unusual ki blast which hit Ranma squarely "That the best you've go" Ranma screamed before releasing a oversized version of his signature attack When the dust and debris settled, Happosai looked like something Akane had coked "My blast wasn't meant to hurt you it was only meant to put your female body's sex drive into overdrive." Happosai said before collapsing "stasis crystal" Hishizuka shouted which caused the defeated hentai to be in cased in a stasis crystal "teleport" that shout caused the defeated and now crystallized pervert to be teleported away "Where'd you send him?" Ranma asked "The coldest desert in the world and that stasis crystal will keep him trapped for the next 100 years." Hishizuka replied with a grin before walking over to Ranma "hmm the old Leach wasn't kidding your female body is going to be hornyer then it has ever been by the by the time the sun rises tomorrow and I'm afraid the only way to stop it." Hishizuka explained before Ranma interrupted "Have sex with a guy in my female form right" "Yeah" Hishizuka said "Well at least pervert was predictable to the end." Ranma said absently before Hishizuka teleported them back to the dojo ****************** "I wonder how it's going" Akane said nervously before a flash of light deposited her mother and Ranma "so" "The Leach is at South Pole incased in a crystal tomb." Ranma said with a smile before sitting down and developing a sad look ” what did he do to you before you defeated him?" Akane asked while already sounding concerned Ranma only replied by leaving with a sad look on his face "He used a ki technique that puts his female bodies sex drive in overdrive" Akane's mother provided "Oh..." Akane said before trailing off while already knowing what she would have to do ******************** A few moments later in Ranma's room, we find Ranma-chan sitting alone and naked while looking at her rather limited female wardrobe, which consisted almost entirely of disguises when Akane enters and sits down by her "Why is it always forced on me Akane?" the no longer diminutive redhead said "No one forced you to where those disguises" Akane replied "you did, I just couldn't let Ryouga take you away from me even if I didn't know why at the time" Ranma-chan replied "And even now when I've started to except it something happens" Ranma-chan continued with more than a touch of anger in her voice before a few tears found their way to the floor "You're crying" Akane said while not believing it "yeah and I have no idea why" Ranma-chan's said tearfully "maybe it's because I'm so angry or so confused but I can't even figure out what to be angry or confused at" Akane's only response was to lean against Ranma-chan who was starting to shake 'Fear ... at some level yes but this it's something more than that .... Confused of course, who wouldn't be? Anger most definitely but is it anger at myself for not seeing the truth sooner or all of the times I hid from myself because of all of pops stupid ideas... probably both but there's something else ' Ranma-chan thought absently before Akane said something "I once heard that clothes make the man ... I never believed it but what if it's really the other way around what if clothes reflect the person" "You mean like my usual outfit." Ranma-chan said with a thoughtful look "Yeah its fine for your guy body but it's really doesn't suit your girl body?" Akane said while doing a very good imitation of Ranma's classic nervous as all hell tone of voice The only replied the buxom redhead gave was to look thoughtful for a very long time as she examined the female garments in front of her. "It makes sense in a really weird kind of way and I mean really weird but it does make sense. I mean all of these clothes were either; chosen by someone else or where disguises that hid who I was. ...never once have I worn anything as a girl that I wanted to let alone have I picked out something by myself for myself without being pressured to do so" Ranma-chan said before getting up only to be tackled by Akane who was taking off her vest "We can go shopping later" Akane said as she removed her tube top and strapless bra in one step That done Akane quickly removes the rest of her clothing before kissing Ranma-chan passionately The only thing Ranma-chan could do after the kiss was broken was to blink a few times before finally recovering and smiling as she started to work Akane's breasts Moaning Akane responded "two can play at that game" the said Akane starts kneading Ranma-chan's breasts causing the neo-girl to moan in pleasure not one to give in that easily Ranma-chan begins to play with Akane's pussy as she also toys with Akane's left nipple using her tongue the sudden increase in pleasure pushes Akane over the edge "such a naughty girl" Ranma-chan said with a smile before Akane started to play with her redheaded lover's pussy which immediately sends said lover over the edge with a massive flood of love juice "woh that was fun" Ranma- chan said after recovering "So witch why is better" Akane said as she and Ranma-chan snuggled closer together "Mhh I don't know it's so different as a guy and as a guy takes longer to too get excited sense well" Ranma-chan said as she grabbed one of her own breasts "yeah good point" Akane said with a small laugh before she stretched out "you know what being a superpowered martial artist has great side benefits I didn't even break a sweat" Akane said with a smile "I'm not either but why did you do that." Ranma-chan said curiously "for a second their you where ... I don't know just you not Ranma-kun or chan just you and I guess libido took care of the rest" Akane said while sounding confused about her own actions "come on let's go get cleaned up then go shopping" Akane said with a smile ************** As Ranma-chan and Akane entered the tea room about 15 minutes later, they found Soun whaling while Nabiki and Kasumi were watching something on Nabiki's laptop "wow I'm impressed you two get each other to cum like a fire hose and you don't even slow down afterwards" Nabiki said as she looked up from her laptop "and from what mom says Ranma you'll be getting cock by the time the sunrises" Nabiki added which of course made Soun whale even harder However, Kasumi just looked up at the two young lovers with a disapproving nod as she closed the laptop Nervously Ranma-chan spoke "what's wrong Kasumi" Brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face before crossing her arms Kasumi replied. "I'm disappointed in you two I mean don't you either of you know anything about foreplay" The two young lovers just replied by shaking their head to which Kasumi replied with something reminiscent of a death glare "I will get you some educational material as soon as possible and I'll make sure it's especially suited for you two." Kasumi said as she shook her head while leaving "Okay would somebody mind explaining that" the well built girl with the red Chinese shirt on said "Hmm Kasumi well she's not as innocent about sex as you would think" Akane said nervously "Innocent Kasumi's about as innocent as a gang of rapists looking for some poor virgin school girl." Nabiki said with a raised an eyebrow "in fact I pity the gang of rapists looking for some poor virgin school girl that decides to go after Kasumi ... she would suck the fools dry and walk off without missing a beat." Nabiki added before leaving only to be replaced by Akane's mother who sits down "I'll be ready by the time you two get back." Hishizuka said as she ground her fist into her husband's skull who was still crying "Ok see you later then" Ranma-chan said before she and Akane left never hearing Soun whaling "But I don't want my daughter to be changed into a boy" ********** About an hour later we find Nerima's two local self appointed master girl watchers watching one Nerima's larger clothing stores when Akane and a absolute knockout of a redhead exited in a red sleeveless vest a white tube top that was identical to Akane's in style an ultra-short black miniskirt and lastly a pair of skin black tight leggings "Oh man what a babe." Hiroshi said as he drooled profusely only to be pounded in the skull by his friend "Man stop looking at the cleavage at look at the face." Daisuke said while ignoring his hormones "It's ...but it can't be ... I don't believe it it's Ranma??" Hiroshi said after recovering from a severe case of jaw drop "I know man but it is Ranma" Daisuke replied before the two decided that they would drop by the dojo the next day ********** As Ranma-chan and Akane enter the dojo a little bit later that evening, they found Soun unconscious with a mallet embedded in his skull "...I'll just go wait upstairs" was all Ranma-chan said before walking off towards his room Silently Akane walked into the tea room where she found a small potion sitting on the table "That it mom?" Akane asked her mother who was sipping some tea "yes and it will last 24 hours" Hishizuka responded before Akane nodded and took the potion before walking upstairs and into Ranma's room where she found Ranma-chan sitting and looking out the room of her window with a odd look silently Akane placed the potion on the window sill as she sat down "You know how I always complained about how unnatural it felt" Ranma-chan said quietly "well now it feels right ... and the way people react is basically the same way .... Except for the fact most boys have a harder time hiding the fact they're looking at the opposite sex" Ranma-chan added while looking out at Nerima before signing "it still feels weird but I suppose the only way to get over it is to go through with it" Ranma-chan said before continuing to watch Nerima The only reply Akane gave was to take off her clothes that done Ranma-chan hands her the potion "well bottoms up" Akane said before downing the potion Waiting only 15 seconds Ranma-chan turned around to face Akane whose shoulders had broadened while Akane's face was largely unchanged it did have a more angular look to it. Akane's hair had changed from its usual dark navy blue to a light brown and as Ranma-chan allowed herself to look further down she found that Akane's male form was as well endowed as his own "So" Akane-kun finely said in a slight deeper voice than normal "Well if it's any consolation most of the guys at school would be as jealous of that body as they are of mine." Ranma-chan said with a grin before taking of her clothing which was enough to arouse the new neo-boy and as Ranma-chan finished taking off her panties she thought 'damm this is making me feel so damm feminine I can't believe it ... but for once I'm not complaining ... after all that's the point.' Ranma-chan thought before taking the lead by kissing Akane-kun who almost passed out from the sudden feeling. Akane-kun not one to go down without a fight started to play with Ranma-chan's breasts while Ranma-chan herself moved a little bit lower which the neo-boy reacted to immediately by moaning in pleasure Akane-kun's retaliation to that is to go for her redheaded lovers pussy witch was already quite wet "You're already ready." Akane-kun said as he led Ranma-chan to the floor where the neo-girl spread her legs "Ranma you do know that a girl's first time hurts" Akane-kun said as he toyed with Ranma-chan "Yeah just get on with it." Ranma-chan said as the feelings from her body threatened to consume her. The only reply the neo-boy gave was to do just that "ahhkk!!!!" Ranma-chan screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure as Akane-kun entered her female body pain because of the breaking of her virgin barrier pleasure because of her first truly female orgasm Later after a long silence "So" Ranma-chan asked "I don't really know it's so different one can really be compared to the other" "Yeah I figure mood more than anything would decide which I would like better" Ranma-chan replied before rolling on top of Akane-kun "and right now I'm still in a very feminine mood" [A decision] Ranma-chan awoke early the next morning well rested and still feeling the after glow of having sex as a girl Smiling Ranma-chan just put on her generic female outfit before laying out some clothes for Akane-kun who was still sleeping that done Ranma-chan left A while later Akane-kun awakens and quietly puts on the clothes Ranma had left for her before walking downstairs for a morning bath ************** Later that day after breakfast, we find Akane-kun sitting by the koi pond when Yuka and Sayuki walked into view Knowing that her friends recognized him Akane-kun spoke "before Ranma finely beat Happosai yesterday the old pervert hit him with a ki blast that put his female body's sex drive into overdrive and I think you two can guess what had to be done" "So humm how was it?" Yuka asked "Indescribable from a female point of view" Akane-kun replied without hesitation "So which way do you like better" Sayuki asked nervously The only reply Akane-kun gave to that was to look up into the sky for a moment "mood more than anything determines that" "Mood?" The two long time friends of the youngest Tendo sister replied at once "Yeah I know it sounds bizarre but yes mood" Akane-kun replied "Is that what's bugging you" Yuka asked nervously Shaking his head the neo-boy replied, "No what's bugging me is how it feels overall" "Is it that unnatural?" Sayuki said "no it's so natural than it feels unnatural ...mom says because I had so much male ki in the first place is the reason why I'm not going crazy or even feel uncomfortable" Akane-kun explained "believe it or not Ranma's the same way but only recently has he been able to freely express himself as a girl" "So is ...hmm is it permanent" "No just till tonight" Akane-kun responded before adding, "Unless I say otherwise" This statement of course makes Akane's two friends very nervous "But why would you say otherwise Akane" Sayuki asked nervelessly "I don't know but for the first time in a long time I just feel I don't know" Akane-kun said before training off "Normal" Yuka said nervelessly, to which Akane-kun only laughed to as a reply "no I'm feeling far from normal" Akane-kun said before continuing "you know how everyone always calls me a tomboy well" Akane-kun said before trailing off while developing a headache. A while later Akane-kun sticks out his tongue and smiles before frowning "I suppose I am if I like being a guy" Akane-kun said before walking off Stepping out of the shadows Ranma-chan spoke "she's been moping around like that ever since she got up this morning" Without turning around to face Ranma-chan Sayuki responded, "Is she really thinking about it?" "yeah even though she doesn't know why herself" Ranma-chan said as she walked by Akane's two long time friends before sitting down by the koi pond while motioning Sayuki and Yuka to do the same thing "But why" "Balance more than anything I suppose" Ranma-chan replied. "How long have you two know Akane" "Since we were all in kindergarten" "In that time when did Akane start acting quote boyish?" "Since the day we met her" Yuka replied "And what if Akane was a boy to start with how different do you think she would behave" "I don't really know" Sayuki admitted after a long moment of silence "Neither does Akane and she's worried about that" "Ranma hmm when you're a girl are you" "No I'm not attracted other girls when I flip forms not that I'm attracted to girls in the first place" "Hun?" "My body may react yes but up here between the ears I don't really give a care" Ranma-chan replied "So what you're saying is even though you're physically attracted to say shampoo you're not going to drool over her like Hiroshi" "No way why would I want to make a fool out of myself by doing something like that." Ranma-chan replied before adding. "After all I got plenty of other ways to do that" Hearing this Akane's two friends smiled before realizing something "it's because of the male libido right" "Probably" Ranma-chan replied before an uncomfortable silence fell over the three "So hum nice outfit." Sayuki commented sometime later "Yeah it's really you." Yuka added The only reply the redhead that could level mountains gave was to raise her eyebrow. "You two are still really uncomfortable with me aren't you?" Akane's two long time friends just nodded **************** Meanwhile back up in Akane's room Akane-kun sits alone when Nabiki enters "So you ok." Nabiki asked as she sat down by her neo-brother who had obviously been crying The only reply Akane-kun gave was to shake his head before responding. "it's just so weird sis" "Good or bad weird" Nabiki asked "I'm still trying to decide" Akane-kun said with a sad sigh "Hay it can't be all bad" Nabiki said in reply "It isn't, its just so haunting" Akane-kun replied before looking out the window to see Ranma-chan sitting by the koi pond while Sayuki and Yuka sat nearby "haunting?" Nabiki asked "it fields right but it also feels wrong" Akane-kun replied "hun" "I wish I could explain it "Akane-kun replied "you are going to have mom make it permanent aren't you" Nabiki asked as a statement of fact Akane-kun only nodded as he pointed to a small potion sitting on his desk "is it because of Ranma" "at some level but the real reasons are a lot more selfish than that" Akane-kun replied "you really don't know why you want to do this do you" Akane-kun again only replied with a nod and a tear "I'm just afraid that I'll lose what little femininity I have" The only reply Nabiki gave was to laugh "oh sis the only reason why you get called a tomboy is because you suppress your femininity because you spend all of your time trying to be miss invulnerable martial artist. ... I mean even your human and have feelings just like anyone else feelings and denying those feelings is only going to get you into trouble" Nabiki said before leaving "...have I really been denying who I am" Akane-kun said before looking at the potion that sat on his desk "yes" was the reply of Akane's eldest sister "you've been so concerned with being a great martial artist that you stop being concerned with you were as an individual in a way you can almost by as blind as Ranma as caring only for the art and not for the person practicing at art" "oh kami your right" Akane-kun said as a few tears ran down his face The only reply Kasumi gave was to leave silently ********************* Meanwhile back out by the koi pond the silence that permeates the scene is so deafening that not even the crickets could be heard chirping That's when Kunou was heard making his speech about freeing his pigtailed goddess and Akane Of course, no one was impressed by this "Kunou you have 15 seconds to leave" Ranma-chan said before Kunou made a speech about how Ranma-chan was being forced to dress and such a vile manner. That comment earned Kunou a trip to the low earth orbit via air Ranma-chan's airlines orbital pile driver special "It's not enough for him to chase me around in this form but now he has to insult what I wear in it" Ranma-chan said with a growl. "I mean that is just low." Ranma-chan added as she sat down Yuka and Sayuki couldn't help but laugh at that comment however there mirth was interrupted by the appearance of Akane "Well I think me and Yuka will be leaving now." Sayuki said before she and Yuka left "So I guessing you took the binding potion." Ranma-chan's said "Yeah" was the only thing Akane said as she sat down "Ranma I have an idea why don't we go on a training mission just the two of us" "... Ok but you'll have to know that I won't go easy on you" Ranma-chan replied "That's why I want it" Akane replied "Ok get your stuff ready we'll leave tonight." Ranma-chan said before walking off leaving Akane to smile ************** As Ranma-chan entered the tea room she sat down by Hishizuka "can you set it up so a year of training can be compressed into a day" Ranma-chan asked as she sat down "...yeah I can do that. any reason why you want to" Hishizuka replied "if me and Akane go away for that amount of time for real shampoo, Ukyou and the others are more than likely to come after us" "very true tell me what kind of training environment you want and I'll have it ready by morning" Hishizuka replied The only replied Ranma-chan gave was to do just that ************** [Hard training begins] The location an isolated mountain retreat surrounded by thick forest The sansei; a 17-year-old martial arts master who most would argue had the power of a demigod The student; his fiancée "ok the first thing you get to do is clear an area of forest 4m by 6m" the sansei said before handing the student a axe and Hammer after which the sansei walked off leaving the student to pull out a pair of gloves and begin to work Late that night the student Akane Tendo returns to the main campsite to find her sansei and fiancé Ranma Saotome waiting for her Ranma didn't bother to say anything he only handed Akane a plate of food, which she gladly ate before going to sleep leaving Ranma to go and check Akane's progress left him with only one thing to say, "This may take a while" And so it did. Approximately two weeks later Akane finely finished clearing the designated area of forest *************** "so how much did you get done with today" Ranma asked has Akane returned to camp one nights "I finished" Akane said with a tired by yet triumphant voice as she collapsed "ok rest up" Ranma said as he handed Akane a plate of food "yes sansei" Akane said as she began to eat her food ************* The next morning a very sore as still tired Akane awakens to find Ranma absently practicing "Well about time you woke up" Ranma said as he stopped practicing "Mhh what time is it." Akane said as she slowly got up "About noon" Ranma replied "So what's next do I have to dig a lake build a hot spring or some other crazy thing?" Akane said with as much sarcasm as she could muster "no while your body recovers I'm going to teach you how to cook and sew in various other survival skills " Ranma replied The only reply Akane could think of giving was a quiet nod Thus 3 weeks of basic training begin one week for cooking and sewing and another two for swimming and everything else ************ Early morning in open clearing with find Ranma and Akane sparing Akane was trying her hardest but Ranma wasn't even trying as well as painfully pointing how every hole in Akane's defense needless to say Akane was quite bruised "Can't we work on something else for awhile?" Akane said as she backed away from Ranma "No your defense is really poor" Ranma replied as he renewed his attack *********** That evening with find Ranma returning to the campsite with Akane draped over his shoulder "you are a truly cruel sometimes" Akane mumbled "I told you it wasn't going to be easy" Ranma replied as he would Akane down by the camp fire which he quickly lit by using a small ki blast "so how long" "three months for basic training another 3 for ki manipulation stuff and one more months to teach you ki attacks and another month to round everything off" "8 months" "yeah that will get you up to half of my level with everything but ki attacks" "...why?" "Mainly because I've only learned 2 attacks that rely completely on ki three if you count the Amaguriken" Ranma replied *********** And so it began the first month Akane work exclusively on defense and endurance the second month speed the third month attack the fourth month basic active ki manipulation training the fifth month ki enhanced endurance and defense training the 6th month ki enhanced speed and attack training the 7th month Akane learns all of Ranma's ki based attacks [The 8th month and the end] Early morning we find Akane flat on the ground coughing in pain "damm I hit you with at least five Moko Takabisha and you're still totally unphased" Akane said that she picked herself up off of the ground The only reply Ranma gave was to smile "well you actually made me break a sweat today so you can have the rest of the day off" Ranma said before walking off "Damm even after seven months I'm still nowhere near his level" Akane said as she sat down by a nearby tree ************* back at camp Ranma sits alone looking at a hawk who is flying on a thermal 'hmm I wonder if I could use my aura to create a wing of sorts hmm low energy pressure on the outside of the aura and high energy pressure on the inside but I'd need to create an area with reduced energy flow so I'd be carried along with it.' Ranma thought before concentrating his ki on a nearby twig which floats into the air 'hmm that was easy enough' Ranma thought before continuing to practice and by the time Akane returns Ranma has several large boulders floating around him while he himself floats a few meters above the ground "ok baka I assume you learned how to fly" Akane said while sounding slightly annoyed that Ranma came up with a new technique in less than 6 hours "well I've got levitation down fairly well but it's still hard to get my farther off the ground than I am already" Ranma replied from two meters in the air "so how easy is it to move those boulders" Akane asked before 1 headed straight for her. Akane's only response to that was to punch said Boulder which shattered "hmm" Ranma said as he looked up "I think I've got it if I direct my ki in a tight stream I can propel myself upward.... the only problem is I can't do that yet" "but what about when you fought saffron" Akane asked "The only reason why my blast was so concentrated was because of all of hot chi" Ranma replied "But couldn't you artificially concentrate your energy into a beam" "I suppose it's possible but how would I do it. Wait if I shape the end of the blast so it would have a tight area of low energy pressure the ki of the rest of the blast would be drawn to it. And if I create a hollow cylinder of reduced energy flow it would focus the energy in a even tighter fashion." was Ranma's line of reasoning before he cupped his hands and started to concentrate What appeared in his hands was a sphere of blue energy that Ranma released with the shot of K?sen blast. The resulting tightly focused beam of ki sliced cleanly through 40 tree trunks before dissipating "I think I'll just use the hollow cylinder for flying." Ranma said with a raised eyebrow before doing just that the result was most definite Ranma soared into the sky with the greatest of the ease "Show off" Akane mumbled to herself with a smile before Ranma seemed too blur out of existence "what the?" Akane queried "super speed its really easy to do with this technique" Ranma said from behind Akane "so are you going to teach me how to fly" "no I told you have the day off today" Ranma said with a smile before vanishing "baka" Akane mumbled before deciding to make herself some lunch **************** Later that week around dinner, we find Ranma absently sparing off into space while Akane sits nearby "Anything wrong baka" Akane asked "No I just think it's time to get back" Ranma replied with a smile "tomorrow morning" Akane asked to which Ranma only nodded as a reply ************** Early morning at the Tendo dojo a flash of light deposits Ranma and Akane by the koi pond "so where back and only one day as passed" Akane said "Yep" Ranma replied "I'm going to make breakfast then" Akane said with a smile before running off The only thing Ranma did in response was shake his head before following Akane ************* "mhh" Was all Hishizuka said as she awoke to a wonderful aroma Quietly Hishizuka put on her that robe before wondering into the kitchen to find Akane cooking while Ranma sat nearby "so how did it go" Hishizuka asked as she sat down by Ranma "Great I'm going to wipe the floor with shampoo and Ukyou." Akane said as she zoomed around the kitchen Hishizuka only responded with an early morning yawn that seemed to attract the rest of the Tendo family. All of which were shoed out of the kitchen by Akane ************** About an hour are so later a very nervous Soun, Nabiki and Kasumi wait for breakfast a breakfast that could quite possibly be their last Hishizuka on the other hand just yawned considering she still hadn't had her morning cup of tea "Breakfasts ready" Akane said cheerfully as she entered with breakfast balanced on her head "Hmm where is Ranma." Nabiki asked cautiously before Ranma entered followed shortly by the rest of breakfast, which was floating in mid air needless to say this raises a few eyebrows "Ahh I have some tea Ranma" Hishizuka said before her tea cup floated over to the floating tea pot that had entered the room after Ranma and the rest of breakfast "No problem" Ranma replied before tea pot filled up Hishizuka's tea cup which floated back to her "Show offs" Akane said as she sat down and started serving breakfast in the same manner After Ranma was served he dug in without further ado. The rest of the Tendo family took this as a good sign and began to eat and needless to say, they were surprised they found the food they ate delicious enough to be mistaken for Kasumi's "Ranma did you teach Akane how to cook" Kasumi asked to which Ranma only replied with a nod as he finished breakfast "And I still haven't finished teaching her." Ranma added before vanishing and reappearing by the koi pond "ok Akane time for morning sparing." Ranma said before Akane attacked with a barrage of ki spheres all of which passed right through Ranma in response Akane only vanished in response Ranma only stood there as he watched something before ducking and chopping the resulting blow connects squarely with Akane's stomach sending her flying through the dojo's perimeter wall Mercilessly Ranma attacked with 20 Moko Takabisha all of which hit there mark or lease the seemed to considering Akane appeared behind Ranma and fired 30 Moko Takabisha that Ranma dodged even though Akane was at point blank range. in retaliation Ranma combined the Tenshin Amaguriken with the Moko Takabisha the resulting point blank attack came vary close to KOing Akane "good job Akane you actually nicked me" Ranma said with a smile as he examined his left arm which was slightly red "well I'm going to go take my bath now" Ranma added before leaving That left Akane to climb out of the crater she had been pounded into. The only thing Akane did after getting up was to dust herself off before Nabiki and Kasumi ran up to her "sis are you ok" Nabiki practically screamed "yeah a bit sore but otherwise fine" Akane replied as she adjusted her tube top "well considering how dusty I am I better go get a bath too" Akane added before walking off *************** Later that day Nabiki walks into Ucchan's and hands Ukyou a challenge letter "my sister expects you at the challenge field before lunch" Nabiki said before leaving never seeing Ukyou's smile While at the Cafe a similar scene please itself out as Kasumi delivers a challenge letter to Shampoo ***************** And so at 11:00 shampoo and Ukyou arrive at the designated challenge field to find Akane dressed in her high school uniform while kneeling with one knee and her eyes close. Nearby Ranma lounged on the fence eating popcorn "who is first" Akane said as stood up and opened her eyes Akane's two rivals looked at each other before shampoo bowed and motioned Ukyou to go first in response Ukyou replied "how courteous of you" before walking into the middle of the challenge field before dropping into a battle stands however Akane's only reply was to brush a stray strands of hair out of her face "ready ....set ... go" Ranma bellowed before Ukyou attacked with a barrage of her dart like throwing spatulas Akane's only response was to just stand there until the last fraction of second when she side steps all of the spatulas with no effort. This of course actually starts to worry Ukyou "I see Ranma's been working on speed drills." Ukyou taunted before pulling out her two meter combat spatula and charging only to find Akane dodging casually "damm you!." Ukyou screamed before trusting her combat spatula directly at Akane's neck only to find she was aiming at after image and exactly a tenth of the second later Ukyou's combat spatula was sailing over the horizon Turning around Ukyou sees Akane who has her back turned to her Smiling sweetly as she looked over her shoulder Akane spoke "I wasn't even trying" This of course has Ukyou summoning her ki which Akane replied by looking over at Ranma and smiling. This of course infuriates Ukyou to the point of attacking. However just as she is about to kick Akane in the back Akane gracefully ducks sweep kicks and then punches Ukyou in the stomach after which Akane merely moves aside and lets Ukyou fall to the ground before looking over her shoulder at shampoo who is just smiling to which Akane replies with one of her own That done shampoo drops into a battle stance and starts glowing before attacking at speeds Akane had never seen shampoo move at before the only reply Akane gave to this was to sidestep shampoo's bonbori and chop clean through one of the bonbori's handles as well as plant a knee right in shampoo's gut which makes her drop the other. that done Akane steps away from shampoo who is no worse for ware "pervert girl improve but no matter shampoo still kill" shampoo said before pulling out another Chinese weapon before attacking which Akane only reply by disarming her again. Shampoo being as stubborn as she is repeats this process of pulling out weapons, which Akane effortlessly destroys Back turned to shampoo who is now holding a Chinese broad sword Akane spoke "if you want a real flight shampoo drop the weapon fight me with your bare hands The next sound that was heard on the battlefield was the sound of a broad sword being thrown away and the next thing Akane sensed was a ki blast fueled by the emotion of base racial arrogance Akane's only reply was to let the blast hit her Akane didn't even flinch Turning around to face shampoo who now looked fearful Akane just looked at shampoo before blurring out of existence the next thing shampoo did was to fold over in pain as she lost consciousness from Akane's single punch to her stomach Akane stood calmly at the center of the challenge field her to rivals laid at her feet defeated "I must say that was anticlimactic," Cologne said from her fence top perch before walking over to Ukyou and shampoo "quite expertly done I must say but how did you get so good in two days" "I gave them some assistance Cologne." Hishizuka said as she walked into the scene Cologne's only response to the appearance of the ancient Magi was to blink, as she looked in-between Akane and Hishizuka before smiling "so you are Akane's mother I must say this is an interesting turn of events" "so what are you going to do" Hishizuka replied Cologne's only replied with a shrug before speaking "what I planned on doing when Akane beat shampoo make her and Ranma Amazons" Cologne replied before hopping off "well I guess everything is over" Ranma said while scratching the back of his head "so son when do you want your wedding to Akane to happen" Soun said as he appeared out of nowhere "I'm sure we can get ready by tonight" The only response Ranma Akane and Hishizuka gave to that was a coordinated baka bash ************** Later that night the wedding date was set for the end of the school year [end]