Quiz #2 - About Master Phred and his Domain

Objective: answer SEVEN (7) of ten trivia questions correctly.  Answer all of them right for a hint on a later quiz!  JavaScript is required!

1. What is Phred's Cool Punch-out?

A game
A website
An idea for a game
A video game system

2. How old was Master Phred when he started his website?


3. What is the name of Master Phred's second music demo?

World of Lonliness
Shadow of Society
Sadist World
Life Without Love

4. What makes people think that Master Phred hated his Ford Taurus when he owned one?

Just because it was a Ford Taurus
He never checked the oil
He was seen kicking the side of his car
He keyed his own car on numerous occasions

5. Why do women talk to Master Phred?

They dig that handsome son-of-a-bitch
Who wouldn't
They need help with their lives
They want something, preferably money

6. What female did Master Phred make an online game about a while back?

Shantelle Dockter
Jennifer Littlefield
Nicole Boudreaux
Veronica Sharp

7. What character on my "Phred's Cool Punch-out!!" hack is NOT based on a real person?

Chad Stump
Rob Dezonia
Jack Hick
Strauss Corfam

8. What is the name of BigPapa's webpage hosted by masterphred.com?

What Grinds My Gears
What Steams My Cabbage
What Grills My Steak
What Smokes My Joint

9. How long was Master Phred depressed non-stop for at one time?

A week
A month
A half a year
A year

10. Name a page that is currently in Master Phred's Domain.

Phred's Local News
The Bitching Page
Phred's ICP Page
Phred's Wolfenstein 3D page