
“Lisa’s Beauty”

Everytime that I see Lisa’s full face,
I see so much beauty and love and grace.

There is still lots of beauty I can’t see. 
Her beauty gives hope and courage to me.

I want to know more about Lisa’s background.
I feel so happy when I hear her sound.

I can’t explain the beauty Lisa owns.
Barely any of her beauty is shown.

I feel happiness and love for a while
everytime I see her beautiful smile.

Lisa doesn’t know how much I’m in love.
She’s like an angel coming from above.

Her beautiful voice makes me feel secure,
Nobody is as beautiful as her.

I’ll treat her with honesty and respect.
But if she likes me, I cannot detect.

I will do anything to have her heart.
But, I do not know where or when to start.

My pride and hope are secrety hidden.
All I need is her love to believe in.

Even if her love is never hopeful,
she will always be very beautiful.


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