
“Terrible Lie”

Females just want a nice guy.
Even if they’re really shy.
Or a real ugly guy.
They’ll give any man a try.
This is a terrible lie.

Females always choose the cuter man.
And leave the ugly guys in the can.
Nice or not, ugliness doesn’t count.
Nice and ugliness doesn’t amount.

I’ve suffered for many years.
And I’ve shed a trillion tears.
And I’ve gained a lot of fears.
Everyday, I always cry
from this one terrible lie.

Why do I have to suffer the pain,
and let the jerks get all the gain?
Females choose the more popular guy.
Then females get hurt and wonder why.
The more popular, the more ruder.
And the more ugly, the more nicer.
Since I’m ugly, I would love to die.
Females speak of a terrible lie.

Females want the finest and the best.
Females won’t choose any of the rest.
But the finest are not the nicest.
They can sometimes be the most cruelest.
But the ugly guys could be the best.

Females won’t give ugly guys a try.
When females say they’ll choose any guy,
remember:  It’s a terrible lie.


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