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Instead of the enormous list of passwords that I used to have, I have cut it down to the necessary passwords for each version including my hacked versions as well.  If you still want to view the old page, click HERE.

005 737 5423 Don Flamenco 1 (3-0 3ko)
777 807 3454 Piston Honda 2 (7-0 7ko)
259 812 7538 Super Macho Man (12-0 12ko)
961 263 7938 Super Macho Man (97-0 97ko)
007 373 5963 Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream
135 792 4680 Another World Circuit (hold SELECT and press B+A together at the last digit)
106 113 0120 Credits Code (hold SELECT and press B+A together at the last digit)
800 422 2602 Busy Signal 1
075 541 6113 Busy Signal 2
206 882 2040 Busy Signal 3

537 507 8671 Don Flamenco 1 (3-0 3ko)
364 521 7696 Piston Honda 2 (7-0 7ko)
800 422 2602 Busy Signal 1
075 541 6113 Busy Signal 2
206 882 2040 Busy Signal 3

593 493 1895 Disco Kid (3-0 3ko)
265 563 9826 Jeko Knight 2 (7-0 7ko)
747 578 3900 SW7 Destroyer 2 (12-0 12ko)
459 929 3300 SW7 Destroyer 2 (97-0 97ko)
190 801 1816 F.A.S.
555 555 5555 Credits Code (hold SELECT and press B+A together at the last digit)
007 373 5963 Busy Signal 1
135 792 4680 Busy Signal 2
106 113 0120 Busy Signal 3

  Note that the passwords for hacked roms such as Phred’s Cool Punch-Out!! and Bald Bull’s Punch-Out!! will send you to the hacked character instead of the original character listed on this page.
  The Japanese Gold Cartridge version of Punch-Out!! ends with Super Macho Man instead of Mike Tyson or Mr. Dream.  Even though the Tyson/Another World Circuit/Credits codes are programmed in the game, they do not work for the gold version of Punch-Out!!.
  Also, if you are having trouble with the Another World Circuit and Credits codes, make sure that you enter the first nine digits of the code first and then HIGHLIGHT the last digit of the code.  Then hold SELECT and press the A and B buttons together on the last digit to enter the code.  If you are using an emulator on your computer, these codes may not work if you are using a keyboard as a controller.  For some reasons, emulators will not read multiple buttons pressed on a keyboard making it impossible to enter the Credit/Another World Circuit codes.  Instead, use a Gamepad of your choice (sold separately).

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