Here are some character tricks and other tricks you can do in the game.
--REGAIN ENERGY-- I know that everybody knows this trick (it is even in the instruction manual), but I will post it anyway. After the first or second round, press select and you will get some of your energy back. Sometimes, you will get most of it back, sometimes you will only get a little back. If you press Select before the first round, you will lose half of your energy. You can only press Select once per fight. --THE 1 COUNT-- This trick is also in the instruction manual. Everytime any opponent gets up on the 1 count, use one star-uppercut on them to send them back down on the mat again. --MIKE TYSON/SUPER MACHO MAN STAR TRICK-- To get a few extra stars on Mike Tyson and Super Macho Man without trying to counter one of their punches is to dodge one of their punches and punch back at the last moment. If you time it too early, you will just stun him. If you time it too late, they will block your punch. You can also do this while they are stunned too. It takes a lot of practice to do this. Please note that Super Macho man doesn't always give you stars by doing this (about 75% of the times, he will) and you can only do this to Mike Tyson on the second and third rounds. --MIDGET SANDMAN -- This is a glitch in the game. After 40 seconds in the first round with Mr. Sandman, hit him in the stomach (he will block it and try to hit back) and hit him in the stomach. What will happen is that you will hit each other at the same time. Keep doing this until you get knocked down. From doing this, Mr. Sandman will shrink by half and stay that way until you get up. --PASSWORD TRICK-- Look at a password (besides the Credit and Another World Circuit passwords). If the third digit is a 5, then you can change it into a 3 and end up with a different password, but with the same record. For example. Let's use the 005 737 5423 code. The third digit is a five. Change it to a three to get 003 737 5423. You now have two codes, but the record is not changed at all. This works the same if the third digit is a 6, then you can change it into a 4 and get the same record. |