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There is a case to be made for Michael Powell being the greatest director of English language films.  His collaboration with Emeric Pressburger in the 1940s and early 1950s is without parallel, highlighted by a string of masterpieces:  The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp [1943], A Canterbury Tale [1944], "I Know Where I’m Going!", [1945], A Matter of Life and Death [1946], Black Narcissus [1947], and The Red Shoes [1948].  The Powell filmography without Pressburger, though not as impressive, has its gems, notably The Edge of the World [1937], The Thief of Bagdad [1940] (co-director), and Peeping Tom [1960].

This page attempts to bring together sites, reviews and film criticism from around the world, including a Powell filmography and reading material.

Senses of Cinema:  Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
The Powell & Pressburger Pages
Spies in Black and White:  Action/Suspense Movies of Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
ScreenOnline (an excellent site on Powell from the British Film Institute)
ScreenOnline (another site from the bfi, this devoted to the Powell-Pressburger collaboration)
BritMovie (about The Archers, the company that produced the Powell-Pressburger films)
Senses of Cinema:  Jack Cardiff: Source of Light (Cardiff shot some of The Archers' great films)

Time Out
The International Movie Database

BOOKS ON AND BY POWELL (with ratings)
"A Life in Movies:  An Autobiography by Michael Powell" (invaluable)
"Michael Powell Interviews" edited by David Lazar
"I Know Where I'm Going!" by Pam Cook  (BFI Film Classics)
"The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp" by A. L. Kennedy (BFI Film Classics)
"A Matter of Life and Death" by Ian Christie (BFI Film Classics)

DVDs of Powell's films available in the U.S. (rating refers to quality of disc and extras)
"I Know Where I'm Going!" (Criterion Collection)
Black Narcissus (Criterion Collection)
The Red Shoes (Criterion Collection)
A Canterbury Tale (Criterion Collection)
Peeping Tom (Criterion Collection)
The Edge of the World (Milestone)
Contraband (Kino)
The Tales of Hoffman (Criterion Collection) not yet viewed
The Small Back Room (Criterion Collection)

DVDs are available at DVD Planet and Amazon.com