
January 17, 1999
Yes, yes, I am giving you all a double-header on the same day. I am sorry but I completely forgot about doing an editorial on Sailormars (*hides from all of the Sailormars fans*). I am making up for that now so that Sailormars will be finishing the Inner Senshi of Sailormoon. As always, you should be getting a special editorial on the Senshi Attacks and Henshin (Transformations) so don't expect a lot of emphasis on Sailormars' attacks and transformations here. Let's get started. ^_^

Sailormars is the Soldier of Fire apparently due to her strong fire-related attacks. She is usually aggressive in battle and supports Sailormoon only in the big battles oddly enough. She is usually there to help out the Senshi a lot and holds more attacks than a usual senshi due to her being a Shinto Priestess in her other life.^_^ One should never forget Sailormars' courage and spirit for that's one of her trademarks.....especially towards Sailormoon. I personally think that in the English version of Sailormoon that both Sailormars and Rei (Or Raye in that version) were depicted worse than intended towards the audience. Rei is really not as cruel or harsh towards Usagi/Sailormoon as shown in the English anime.

As Rei, she is the only senshi who goes to a private school AND is a Shinto Priestess which gives her those extra powers. (Way cool, huh?) Rei's school uniform is much different and in my opinion, looks better than those outfits that Ami and Usagi have to wear. As a Shinto Priestess, she lives with her grandfather at the Temple. Rei studies the ways of fire and so all of her attacks are related, of course. The extra attacks that Rei had before she was a Sailor Senshi was the ability to repel evil with scrolls and to sense evil. These skills are surely helpful in battle, mind you. ^_^ Also, Rei knows some martial arts so she is considered pretty impressive when Usagi and Ami first meet up with her.

I am going to take this time to focus on Rei due to her having a deeper story that I understand completely. Rei is pretty popular in her school and is always trying to strive to be the best explaining why she said that she should be the leader instead of Usagi after she joined the Sailor Senshi. Also, Rei always acts stubborn and strong because people sometimes need her to be that way. Deep inside, she really is sensitive and in some episodes, you can tell. One of the best episodes that explains this is when Rei plans her school festival and her music is all torn. You then see her pain as she remembers how much work she spent into the music which causes I think her new attack (might be wrong, of course!)

In the end, I used to think of Rei as any person would if they only watched the Sailormars that was exposed to the people here in America, but luckily, I found out that Rei isn't as cruel or mean as she appears. (Hopefully this will make up for my forgetful act). If you want to find out more, search the WWW and find sites which explain more about her. Also, try to find websites where they explain her close relationship with Usagi. I am positive that I am done with the Inner Senshi and I guarantee that the next editorial will be of the Senshi Attacks and Henshin. Until next time!
