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"It's Great to Be Alive" ..... and Help Others!

What We Do

What a lift for persons having heart problems to see a healthy Mended Heart. Just being there, the Mended Heart gives the added strength the patient needs to overcome many doubts and fears. Families or patients need a very special kind of help, too!

So, The Mended Hearts, Inc. has carefully trained visitors among its members. All Accredited Visitors must have special training and courses in the proper techniques of visiting. They strive to answer troubling questions and give moral support to patients. They also give encouragement to the families of such patients. They do not give medical advice.

The Mended Hearts, Inc. conducts and assists in research programs designed to benefit heart disease patients. This unique organization has been able to, and will continue to, furnish statistics and information pertaining to cardiac patients through the experiences of its members. It is the organization's desire to make contributions for the ultimate benefit of heart patients through personal knowledge of the effectiveness of strict attention to physicians' instructions.

Mended Hearts are confident of the ability of many to lead active, useful lives. They have worked for the removal of barriers to gainful employment from individuals recovering from heart disease.

Mended Hearts doesn't raise funds for patients, but it serves as a referral service for help from various groups like the American Heart Association, Visiting Nurse Service, Visiting Homemakers, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and others.

The Mended Hearts, Inc. is affiliated with and endorsed by the American Heart Association and its affiliates. The national office of The Mended Hearts, Inc. is located within the walls of the American Heart Association national center in Dallas, Texas. They are two distinct and separate organizations. However, all members are urged to cooperate fully with the annual Heart Fund Drive campaign. Many Mended Hearts also aid the American Heart Association in various voluntary capacities.

Helping others is what it's all about! Having received a very special kind of help, Mended Hearts urges all who may need their unique service to communicate with the organization.

The Mended Hearts, Inc. is an affiliate of the American Heart Association.
Copyright 2000 The Mended Hearts, Inc.