"...seeing the 'peal of thunder' from an event that lies thousands of years back in time..."
I am continually facinated by the scope of the human mind. I started my own personal studies in personality types and developmental models spring of my freshman year, and have since presented at State and National Honors Conferences on both the Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram. For my psychology requirements, I will now have to take actual courses on this stuff... as if I need the credit =รพ. My Myers-Briggs Type is ENTP.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Gifts Differing by Isabel Briggs Myers
Please Understand Me by David W. Keirsey
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Personality Types by Don Richard Riso
The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator
Perry Model of Cognitive Development
Kolberg's Model of Moral Development
Fowler Model of Faith Development
Gardener's Multiple Intelligences
Frames of Mind by Howard E. Gardner
Multiple Intelligences Survey
How Are You Smart
"Man is condemned to be free.... Condemned because he has not created himself--and is nevertheless free. Because having once been hurled into the world, he is responcible for everything he does."
This past semester has seen me back into philosophy, starting with Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder. I have started amassing books since then with a bent towards existentialism, but to round things off, I could not leave out Plato, Kant, Hegel, etc. I think that over time, I would truly like to start philosophizing myself, maybe turn it into a webpage :).
Philosophy in Cyberspace
Philosophy by Topic
"In the whole wide range of that eminemtly challenging science, the history of ideas, there is no subject more enduringly provocative than mysticism."
-E. O'Brien
 I have also taken a foray into mysticism and world religions. It is amazing to see the different mythos of cultures come to life and just how, despite the various differences, the underlying structures remain the same.
Mysticism in World Religions
Who's Who in the History of Mysticism
Here is a list of some suggested reading.
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