![]() If you did know Eudial is part of the witches 5. But why are they called witches? Your instant response would most likely be that it is because they are evil. However in reality witches are rarely evil or cruel. Below is some brief info on the history of witch craft, also known as "wicca" I would like to make it clear that I am not a witch and I don't even believe that it is possible for people to break physical laws by casting spells... So there >_< :p Brief History --> Wicca started of as Shamanism. Shamanism then grew into Paganism. The term Pagan came from the Latin word paganus, meaning "country-dweller". Then came the Burning times (Inquisitions). When Christian churches decided to kill Non-Christians and say they worshipped Satan. From then on thousands of people where killed for no other reason then they where not Christian. So Pagans and other Non-Christian religions had to hid their true religion and it's ways. Until the 80's Pagans where mostly a underground society. Then a group of Pagans came out with Wicca to try and change the image of witchcraft. The term Wicca came from the Old English word "wiccain" (To bend or shape). Which is also where the term "wicker". I was going through some of my old notes from my history class and found some more information on witches... In Medieval times men would often accuse woman of being a witch just because she had power (which was a no no for woman back then) Most often these woman would be mid wifes. Out of all the roles of woman back then they had the most importance. If the child or mother died during birth the mid wife would commonly be branded as a witch because people did now know who else to blame. And if the child came out with a physical deformitiy they would see it as a sign of the devil. Many times the scene would end with a burning of the woman. After all this do you see any connection between real witches and Eudial? If you do email me here and I will post your response on this page! :p Reader Response --> Well I'm guessing she's turning the tables on the other people. Back then witches were burned at the stake. NOW, Eudial is making non-witches burn with her pretty gun! And wiccans were said to worship Satan, who lives in fire, fire and Eudial seem to mix well. I think there was something about Witches taking the hearts of children or men or something, and Eudial did take heartcrystals, though I'm not sure bout that one ~ XKingRyuIX@aol.com <--Back |